" .i r -n? t ii nti .! wniitm -i ,i uhith . n, . .- . iiwilili.i wwwiwiiy .r -, vi, .n uMnm. . nn.w.nti.ni i ,wM -MIJWW THE DAILY NEBRASKAN ir I ,Q;bc alls mebrasltan tiik rnoi'JSUTy op THE UNIVERSITY OP NEBRASKA. Lincoln. NobrnBkn. PUBLISHED EVERY DAY .EXCEPT SUNDAY AND MONDAY BY THE STUDENT PUB. BOARD. Publication Office, lie No. 14th St. EDITORIAL 8TAFF. Edltoi4 Clyde E. Elliott, '09 Manaalna Editor... Herbert W. Potter, '10 News Editor Lynn Lloyd, '11 AsioolAte Editor Victor Smith, '11 BUSINESS STAFF. Manaoer George M. Wallace, '10 Circulation J. Roy Smith, '09 Editorial and Business Office! BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION. BLDO. Postoflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance 8lngle Copies. 5 Cents Each. Telephone: Auto 1888. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo clinrjrod for nt tho nito of 10 cents por Innortlon for ovcry fifteen wordn or f raotlon thereof. Faculty notlccH and University bulletins will Kladly ho published free. Entcr'od at tho poHtofllcc at Lincoln, Ncbrnkn, an hocoikI-cIuhh mall matter under tho Act of ConnrrcHH of March 3, 1879. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1900. A GREAT INDOOR SPORT. Nebraska Iiuh tho moBt utlructivo homo basket-hall schedule this wlntor of any Hchool In the west, tho "Dig lClght" colIegCH not excopted, and for this seaHon all tho gamoH played on tho local floor dosorvo tho patronago of tho groat majority of tho people in this university. Tho list or contests yet to bo held In Lincoln Includos Drake, .Missouri, KaiiBas and Minne sota. Largo crowdH attended both or the Amos games last week and were well pleased with tho Bhowing or tho Corn buskers in theso initial contests or the local inter-collegiato season. The student tickets, or course, led many students to go otherwise, not possess ing them, would have stayed at homo. Hut. nevertheless, tho attendanco at theso conteatB showed that tho stu dents are interested In basket-ball, a game which has come to be the best sport or tho Indoor season. As the game Is now played it is ex ceedingly Interesting to the spectator who Ib seldom heard to make that old .complaint about tho baskot-baU'a being a "slow game, fit only ror girls." Tho revised ruloB have eliminated tho pos sibility of frequent fouling and thus tho factor that In rocdnt years result ed In tho constant throwing of free goals has boon done away with to an U4I,0. TWO STOKES 1415,0. See my $5'00 Shoes amalng extent. Before a liberal amount of rough play was permitted by tho rules, tho game far too often consisted mainly of tho throwing of goals from fouls. This made tho sport so tamo that It was about tho least patronized of any of tho college games. Under the now regulations tho gamo is very attractive Rough play, now being permitted to a limited extent, tho gamo is an in teresting ono to watch and tho Bpoc tator can socuro a good amount of en joyment and entertainment from watching inter-colleglato contests. It haB come In some of its aspects to re mind the spectator of football and by this means keeps up Interest through out the average game 'between well matched teaniB. Nebraska's five is now in good" fight ing form and during tho noxt fow weolts will meet some strong teams in games that undoubtedly will bo 'mark ed by fast and fufloW play. ILLINOIS TRUSTEES WANT MUCH Asks Legislature for an Appropriation of $3,500,000. CHAMPAIGN, 111., Jan. 19. An ap propriatlon of $3,500,000 will be asked from the stale legislature .by tho trus teed of 'tho TJnlVersity of I'lljnois. TJiIb University Bulletin January. Wednesday, 20 Prof, Barber address oh Engineering Society in IT. 102. Thursday, 21 "Old Holdolborg" chorus moots in music room of Temple. Registration for second semester be gins. Friday, 22 Senior prom at Lincoln Hotel Annex. Drake basketball gnmo 8 p. m. Saturday, 23 Drake basketball game. Informal danco 8 p. in. Sophomore Basket-ball 1:30 to 2:30 p. in. Monday, 25 Somestor examinations begin. Friday, 20 Sophomore Informal at Fratornity HnlL Kansas basketball game 8 p. m. Semester examinations close. Saturday, 30 Kansas basketball game 8 p. in. Informal danco. February. Monday, 1 8 p. m. Friday, G- Missouri baskotball game -Junior Prom at Lincoln Hotol. Saturday, G Y. M. C. A. supper at St. Paul's Church. Senior party at tho Temple. Friday,. 12 Inter-frat Indoor meet. Tuesday, 10 Senior play Iryouts 7 to 10 p. m. In N. 10G. Friday, 19 Minnesota basketbaP game 8 p.m. Saturday, 20 Minnesota basketball gamo. Informal danco 8 p. m. sum is for now buildings, maintenance for two years, and sums noeded in tho agricultural department, which total in themselves over $1,000,000. The now buildings sought Include ono for tho college or literature and arts to replace tho historic "main hall," which 1b tho oldest building on the campus. The mini or $350,000 is asked ror this, a like sum ror an administra tion building, and $ 100,000 ror an ar mory. The agricultural department asks $200,000 fou new buildings. It is estimated tho cost or conduct ing tho university will bo increased $123,000 a year. Notice. Professor Barber will give an illus trated lecture tonight at 8 o'clock to the Engineering society on "Materials of Construction Used In Ancient CLUETT SHIRTS $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50 for I i will sell you at JLmJJ But not always just a few days 1141 O. Italy." In hlu extensive travels through the Mediterranean countries, Professor Barber has given especial attention to this subject. All Inter ested ore Invited to attend. Practical Meterology. Tho department of astronomy and motorology will offer a course in prac tical meterology the second" semester. This course, Astronomy lb, is a new ono and will take up the ubo of the weather forecast, and or weather rec ords in everyday, lire. The technical side or meterology will not be Included but a study will bo made of tho feat ures that have appealed to tho public as sufficiently valuable to cause the building up or tho oxtensfvo govern ment 'service that now exists. Tho class will meet Thursday at 2 p. in. Governor Goast or Iowa recom mends a large appropriation ror tho state univorslty, Including in his Items $1 25,000 ror a woman's building, $100, 000 for additional land ror the campus, and an allowanco for an engine and dynamo in the power house. At pros enf tho power plant depends largely upon water power, and a- recent freeze has ho reduced it that several of tho dynamos havo had to bo cut out. Power is now being furnifjhod only in the places where It is most needed. WILL EXCISE CLASSES CHAMPIONSHIP DEBATE ON BETA KAPPA DAY. PHI TO BE AN IMPORTANT AFf AIR Question for First Discussion Has Been Changed From Encamp ment to the Parcels Post Question. According to present Indications the Inter-clasB debates which will be held early In the spring will become one of the most important annual functions at the university. Plans which havo now boon completed and approved by Chancellor Avery will make this event nonrly as groat an honor and arouse as much enthusiasm as any other uni versity ovont. The problem which confronted the committee wbb to get some time for tho final debate when all university students could attend without taking tlmo from other work that demanded It. It was felt that tho time at which the debate was held would be nearly aB important a factor In determining its importance and tho Interest taken In it as any other one consideration. Classes To Be Dismissed. The plan which haB been agreed upon and which has received the sanc tion of Chancollor Avery provides that all ten o'clock classes shall be dis missed on Aprjl 6, the last Tuesday Tjofore tho EaBter vacation. The final debate for the class championship of tho university will bo hold at this time and together with the regular chapel period will give ample time for the debate. The last convocation before Easter vacation is tho time that the Phi Beta Kappa announcements are made, and thoy will this year be made after the conclusion of tho debate and before the decision of tho judges has been announced. As the senior class always attends this convocation in a body, it is felt that Inter-class debating will at once be put upon the highest level and will become an honor second only to honors for intercollegiate debating. It is expected that by this moans a real Interest in debating, such as has in tho past given other-colleges a distinct advantage over Nebraska, vill be built up here. New Question Chosen. It was at first announced that the question for debate between tho soph- that you ordiharly pay at S2.95New Store. oniore-rreshman and junior-senior classes would be the encampment question. It was hoped that by select ing a question of this nature it would be possible for the teams which might bo solected in the different classes to devote more of their time to the ques tion ror the final championship debate. It was rolt quite generally, however, among those interested In tho matter that a deeper question should be ehoson ror the first debates. In re sponse to this feeling tho committees decided at a meeting held yesterday that tho first question which should be debated should be tho parcels post question rather than tho encampment question. The exact wording will be announced at a later time. It has been decided that the class teams must bo chosen by tho twenty second of February. Tho selection of the teams will be by competitive try outs but the arrangement of all details has been left In the. hands of tho diff erent class committees. Tho question for tho preliminary tryouts will bo tho same parcels post question which will later be dobated by tho teams. All those interested In trying out for the class teams should hand their names to some member of tho committee In charge of tho niattor in their class. C. II. Froy, florist, 1133 O St. &2QVy2O2OQ2O$6GO$OQ0 O O 0000000000 X NEBRASKAN ..OFFER. Subscribe semester the rest of FREE. : NOW TILL JUNE 1 O o $1.00 i 1 Room 7, Administration Building 1 Q0C000000rc February 5, 1909 ooooooocreo Junior I Walt's Orchestra Vreoooooio0ao WE WANT YOUR FRAT TRAHF We can give you the best prices, best goods, best service Capital Grocery slMfe 1435 M St. I A I s 4. now for next and receive this semester : : 4 $ o o -Lincoln Hotel Annex Promi Tickets $3 QQ 9 9 I o o 9 I o o 1 , , n ' ' ' i . ." 'i r$jdk