w&mmimiMimmmi ll.l ll.H, . j . ., ammtamatmmiKi T" - i THE DAILY NEBRASKA r ,i.iihuh - -wiHffp Business Directory Every Loyal University Student It Urged to patronize these Ne braskan Advertisers, and t men tlon the papor while doing to. BANK8 1 Central National; First Triret and Savings. BAKERIE8 FolBom. BATH HOU8E Chris'. Elovonth and P. book stores-Co-op; Portor'B; Unlvor- slty. CIGARS Colo & McKenna. CLEANERS Blumonthnl. CLOTHING Farquhar; Magco & Doom- er; Mayor Bros.; Palace Clothing Co.; Spelor & Simon. . COAL Gregory; Whltobroast. CONFECTIONARY Lincoln Candy Kitchen. DANCING ACADEMY8 Pitts; Lincoln. DENTI8T8 J. R. Davla; Youngblut. DRY GOODB Horpolsholmcr; Mlllor & Pnlno. DRUGGISTS Hlggs. ENGRAVERS Cornell. KLORI3T8 Chnpln Bros.; C. H. Froy. FURNISHING8 Uudd; . Fulk: Magoo & Dcemor; Mayor BroB.; Pal ace Clothing Co.; Spolor & Simon. GROCERIE8 Capital Grocery Co. . HATTER8 Budd; Fulk; Unland ICE CREAM Collins Ico Croam Co.; Cameron's; John Wright's. JEWELER8 Hallott; Tuckor. LUNCHEONETTES Folsom. LAUNDRIES EvanB; Morchnnts. OPTICIANS Shean. PRINTERS Georgo Bros.; Simmons. RE8TAURANT8 Boston Lunch; Camoron's. SHOES Beckman Bros.; Brantli waito; Budd; Cincinnati Shoo Store; Sandersons; Rogers & Perkins; Petty; Hereford. SKIRTS Tho Skirt Storo. TAILOR8 Elliott Bros.; Horzog; Lud wig; Marx; College Tail ors; Scotch Woolen Mills. THEATER8 Lyric; Majestic; Oliver; Elite. TYPEWRITERS Lincoln Typowriter Ex change. . PATRONIZE YOUR FRIENDS- OUR ADVERTISERS Wemt - Ads Advertisements for tho want ad column should be left at tho business office, basement Administration Bids., between 10 a. m. and 12 m., or be tween 2 p. m. and 5 p. m. Cash must accompany all ordera for want ads, at the rate of 10 cents per Insertion for evory fifteen words or fraction thereof for the first inser tion; three Insertions 25 cents; five Insertions. 40 contB. ' FOR 8ALE. Due bill for sale on an up-to-date tailor, at 25 per cent discount. See Nebraskan manager. 03dh-tf FOUND. tFOUND Ladles' small silver watqh. Call? at NebraBkan ofllco apd pay for adl G8-th-34 LOSTrrVnluablo general notebook. Return to Edwin G. Davis. 75-tf FOUND fcadies, pockot-book In University Hall. Owner mny have same by'.Inqulrlng of janitor U. Hnll. U-73-35 TRIP (jREAT SUCCESS FORE8TRY 8TUDENT8 ENTHU8I ASTIC OVER RESULTS. WILL BE A REGULAR AFFAIR Profoscor Phillips Declares That Trip Cannot Be Compulsory, But Gives Benefits to the Students. Tho trip which was taken by tho advanced forestry students recently proved to bo one of the most success ful nffali'H which hiiB boon attempted by any department of tho university recently. Tho trip was planned by Professor Phillips and more or less uncertainty was felt as to whether it would lie a practical success, but tho outcome more than Justified the hoped of those in charge of it. Professor Phillips and a party of upper clnsH forestry students left Lin coln a few days boforc tho commence ment of tho Christmas vacation and returned but a few dnyB ago. A month was spent in tho Northern lumbering i eglons and the students were given a practical Insight Into what the lum ber Industry means. Professor Phil lips declined that tho month spent by tho HtudentH in this way was of much more value than tho three months of the Hummer vacation which are usual ly spent In the woods. Region Offers Variety. The northern Wisconsin region wldch was visited is of more value to tho student for observation thnn nny othor region in the United States. Tho students wore enabled to see nearly nil the wood Industries In practical operation and could follow the lumber from the stump to the market. Those who took advantage of tho trip this year were enthusiastic over the opportunities it gave them for practical observation. Tho largest lumbermen of tho region gave them a complete statement of their property and made it possible for them to get all the Information they desired con cerning the different Hues of the lum ber Industry. At one time while the" students wqre in the region the ther mometer registered as low as thirty degroes bolow zero, but this did no serious harm beyond treex.ing a Tew ears. Professor Phillips has decided to make tho trip a regular thing at the university, and plans to make ono every two years. It will bo Impossible to ovor mako attendance on this trip a requirement of graduation as tho expense Is too great, but It Is expected that a large number of students will, however, avail themselves or tho op portunity of going. COMMITTEES FOR INDOOR MEET. Non-Fraternity Men Preparing for Clash on February 6. The -non-fraternity men who aie later to contest with tho Greek biter students in dual meet, have started preparations for their own big indoor games February G. The ath'.etes of this side are practicing In tlu gym nasium dally and expect to make some good records. Jt has been announced that medals vlll be given to winners in this non fraternity meet. Tho head committee has appointed tho following sub-conunltteos: Contestants Knode, chairman; Har vey, Kroger, Hummoll, Chaloupku. Advertising and Ofllcinls Alexand er, chairman; Dlnsmore, Byerts, Long and Crltes. Finances Guldlnger, chairman; Nelson, .Mattlson. Wlldish and Ma hood. The members of these committees are requested to confer with their re- spoctlve chairmen as soon as possible. Tho Michigan senate will not pre mlt another fresh-soph Hag rush. Any futuro contest between the classes must bo In the day timo and must be conducted under suitnblo regulations. It. E. Barber, a Northwestern grad uato, recently saved tho Indian viceroy, from assassination. He seized nmi overpowered his assailant. i. (- r Houses JxL The Majestic. Chester D'Amon, "Th? Great Whito Mystery," is tho hondllner at tho Mb Jostle this week. At last night's per formance ho gavo several sensational oxamples of his faculty of being able Xo read the minds of othors as an open book and to toll people what tholr inner-most thoughts are. HIh faculty is recognized as a science somewhat on the order or the wlroless telegraph. With the lattor science sound waves are made to travel through the air until thoy conic In contact with instru nients keyed simllur to themselves, when they respond the snme as the piano strings respond to the tuning fork. With the mental transmission it Is claimed the same sort of a prO ees takes place, only tho sending nnd receiving stations are human brnlns. Chostor D'Amon, tho clever mind loader, who is already causing much speculation as lo the source of his mysterious powers, disclaims all that is supernatural or occult in the per formance of his wonderrul feats, -iii'l declares that they are all accomp lished by perfectly natural and scion title means. The Mngnnni Family, "The Musical Barbers," have a novelty act that is quite one of the best given here In some time. They present a musical act D'AMON. that is so different from anything that has been seen in this country that It strikes the audience in a most re sponsive mood. Tho scene is laid in a barber shop, and all the ordinary uten sils of tho trade are musically in clined. The three bnbors and the itin erant knife grinder work out a series of melodies with the tools of the craft In a most astonishing manner. Three good numbers on the bill are Warren E. Wortman, whistler and mimic; Sonna, Impersonator, and Potts Brothers nnd company, In a pleasing ono net farce comedy. The Lyric. Augustus Thomas' great play, "Tho Othor Girl," holds tho boards at tile Lyric this week. It Is well staged and acted in the usual Fultonlstlc manror. Enid May Jackson seems to bo hotter than ever. Dean Frank O. Marvin of Kansas has boon elected president of Sigma XI. Phi Alpha Delta has installed a now chapter at Missouri. Nine hundred are enrolled for the winter term at Do Pauw. Syracuse has offered prizes of $15 and $10 for the best orations on tho liquor problem, Tho contest will bo held early In March. Tho winner will represent Syracuso in tho state con test for prizes of $o0. Tho Wisconsin girls have voted to call tho new women's building "Adam's Hnll." Ono of tho ro gents, however, Insists that tho name is not appropriate, and" thinks It ought to bo "Eve's Hnll." -----K'V A TVKLH wrS fH rmpT H LLLLVw&LLr ;:h LLHP',LWr; -j iLLH 19 liiiiiiiiiiih si The College) I Kl --.Standard SOLD IN E. FLEMING, 2 O QQ&MO080QQQQ3Q8QQQC&Qi&t080QO000Q&QQ O H x Lincoln Hotel Annex v i s . I SENIOR 1PROVV 1 g Wait's Full Orchestra 0OS)00OSO0OSOOSOC0000OSO0OQOSO0OGOi ORDER YOUR PUNCH AT FOLSOM V&V j riot Lunches a Specialty. . .-- S??fiftfyft) -- 1307 0 St. A board of control In place of the board of regents lias been suggested for Iowa. President McLean does not favor the scheme, but says he will abide by the decision of the legis lature. Tho Japanese students at Missouri are acting through the Japanese consul at Chicago in getting excused from military service at home. They have to secure certificate from the university stating that thoy engaged In study. The Stanford rugby team has been declared inter-colleglate champions of California, and coast international champions. TIiIb Is tho first time one team has held both these honors. Purdue expects to turn out a win ning track team this year. Tho Kansan recommends a dormi tory system for Kansas. It says the cost of living Is higher in Lawrence than it is in other school towns and higher than It ought to be. Iowa was admitted to tlie Associa tion or American Universities by tho unanimous voto of the recent Ithaca convention. The DoPauw class In debate has opened a" Moot Court. The Iowa Junior prom will bo on February 9. A speech was recently delivered In Esperanto to tho Cosmopolitan club at Missouri. Wisconsin's football captain-elect has come out for basket-ball, and the coaches there havo begun to dream sweet dreams of tho' championship. THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO The Unhrerjlty ear Is divided Into four Ouarters. Winter Spring, Summer, and Autumn. AdmUtlon U jjunted at the opeolnB of each, on January ad, April sd, June i6th, and October i$t. Graduate Induction Is offered In the Graduate Schools ol Arts and Literatures and In the 0Bden (Graduate) School of Science Professional Instruction Is offered In the Oltlnlty School, the Law School, aush Medical CollcCe (afnlbtedj. and the School of Education. Summer Quarter 1906, June 16-Stptcmler 1. rir.t Termi June 16-July oj Second Termi July -Auguit ,1. Heclstra. tlon If permitted for the entire quarter or for "either term, 1'ull and regular credit Is clven for work .lone. SmcUI courses are offered for teachers. Tor Information address THE UNIVERSITYOF CHICAGO. CHICAQO . . - ILLINOIS Throughout school days, collejj days, business or professional career the Conkllu Pen will servo you faithfully and make writing a pleasure. You don't havo to coax It. or fuss with it to get it to write. Bccauso of Its won dorful feed principle, ink responds instantly at tht first stroko and maintains an even, steady flow to the last dot. Another great advantage of owning a CONKLIN'S So PEN yonro never without inlc. No matter whero you may bo in your room, lecturo hall, at tho post office, telegraph offico or hotel, or on tho train all you havo to do when your Conkllu Pen begins to run dry. Is to dip It in any ink well, press the Crescent-Filler and your pen Instantly fills Itself and is ready to wrlto. Tho samo simple movement also cleans it. 'No mussy dropper no spilling of ink no interruption to your train of thought. Handsome catalog direct from the manufacturers, Tho Conklln Pen Co., 310 Manhattan Bldg., Toledo, Ohio, on roqucst, LINCOLN BY 121 1 O STREET a January 22, '09 g 1 $2.50 Candies and loos Phonts: Auto 2214, Bill 456. THE UNI SMOKE HOUSE Welcomes all Student. v pipes Tigagff UNI SMOKE HOUSE 1182 O Street Patronize Our Advertisers 0M tli yff-w rn- !r,yw-