r fr Xs" f rt f "fl1 yjr " K t 'Vt -!, r- "V 1 ! jr. .' "'H'l VrV 'W wy,wV" ss7iwiy" "ifYf i f -rr.t:?' r--p . 1 IFlebraekan ; . 4 (J s Vol. VIII. No. 73. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 19, 1909. Price 5 Cent. Zhc Dailv k ! W ?i. WAS QUITE A CRUSH NEW SYSTEM OF REGISTRATION DIDN'T ABOLI8H RU8H. STUDENTS' HURRY THE CAUSE University Men and Girls Crowded Registrar's Office on First Day of Week Despite Fact That Plen ty of Time Remained. The new syBtem of registration tie vised by Registrar Harrison and in cluding numbered tags, specially ic served hours, and study rooms, was tried out yesterday In the ofllco of the registrar and In the adjacent hall of the administration building. At tin conclusion of the day's work It was stated at the oflice that tho new sys tem was operating successfully tti every way, this despite the fact that at times the crowded conditions were vivid reminders of past registration JaniB. From the Opening of the oflice at 0 o'clock to the closo at 5 p. m. there was practically one continuous pro cession " of students registering for numbers which will entitle them ro a reserved time during next week when they may arrange their schedules and pay their fees. At sevoral timss dur ing the afternoon the oflice was Jammed and tho hall outside was called Into service to accommodate the overflow. At these times thro were as many as one hundred stu dents in line waiting for their tuin at the desk and when such was the case It required anywhere from thirty minutes to an hour for one student to get his number. Students to Blame. At thp registrar's oflice tho .espon slbillty for the Jams was laid upon the students themselves. It was stated that there wore five days after yester day in which to obtain the numbers and that there was no excuse for so many attempting to got tho printed slips on the first day. There seemed to be an Impression among tho stu dents, however, that unless they wore on hand early they might be forced to take periods not convenient to them during the regular registration week. To some extont this idea had been encouraged in order that students might not put off their appearance at the office until late In the week and at that time bring about a Jam. There seems to be no danger of such a con dition In view of tho situation yos ' terday. Another thing which delayed mat ters very considerably and which was not the fault of the students was the lack of examination schedules during the morning and early afternoon. Only one copy of tho sheet listing the exam ination periods for tho different classes was In tho registrar's office. Without consulting this, tho students had no idea when ho could present himself next week for ilnal registra tion and consequently the scarcity was tho cause of a great amount of in convenience and delay. In mid-afternoon printed copIeB of tho schedule were received and those wero placed on Jthe ofllco countor In Buch a position that anyone wishing a copy had to break through tho lino ready to got tags, this resulting in confusion nnd in further delay for many students who had not tho "nerve" to shove themselves to the head of the line out of their proper sequence. Others had the nerve in plenty, however, and there wero numerous ones who boast ed of getting numbers ten minutes after they entered tho bfllcb In which some less enterprising students had been patently waiting threo tlmeB as long. ll- A Dyb'e 8ystem. The slowjiesq yesterday was partly duo also to tho fact that for a great part of tho time but one man was giv ing out tho tickets. Late In the after noon additional service was applied and the students went through tho process of being tngged at a faster rale. When the ilnal registration Is made next Week there will be a double line with two separate systems of reg istration so that the operation will be complete twice as fast as has boon tho case in the past. In at least one department of the university the system of the registrar will be extended to the clnss-reglstrn-tion. In tliih tie par tin en t all students have been requested to go to the ofllco as soon aH they have been registered and at once receive their assignments to class sections and laboratory periods. ASPIRES TO LEAD JUNIOR CLASS. H. O. Baumann Enters Race for Presidency. 11. O. Uauninnn, captain of tho 11)08 cross country team, which won the annual race of the conference at Chi- cago last November, is a candidate for tho presidency of the Junior class. Ho made Iiiu entrance into the race yesterday, unheralded by tho tooting of horns. He is the third candidate in the race, the other two being Miss Josephine Huse nnd Paul-10. Yates. Baumann, since ho came to Ne braska, has been prominent In track athletics. He is well known among the members of the junior class and Is expected to give the other candi dates a closo race for tho head of llco. Ills campaign was Inaugurated yes terday by several of his friends, and last night it was announced that sev eral votes had been pledged to him. Hi's camjruigu during the next few days will be waged with keen activity in an effort to bring practically all of the hardest work to a close before the final examinations. SENIOR PROM NEXT FRIDAY. Big Formal Dance Given by Fourth Year Merj. The annual senior prom, one of two formal class functions given at Ne braska, will bo hold next Friday even ing at the Lincoln. Tho grand march will start promptly at 8:45 and merri ment will then reign until a late hour. Mr. and Mrs.. B. B. Conant, Mr. and .Mrs. F. J. Phillips, Captain and Mrs. J. W. Worklzer will chaperon tho affair and many prominent alumni will also bo in attendance. Eddie Walt has promised to have some entirely now music for the occasion. Lunch will be served during the danco In the ordinary of tho Lincoln. The rotunda and the hall Itself will be beautifully decorated in the same claBs colors. Heine Weller Is chairman of tho prom and Ed. G. Davis is master of cere monies. Alpha Chi Omega gave their fcflrst annual party at tho Lincoln annex Friday evening. Fifty couples wero present and enjoyed a program of twenty dances with two-courso luncheon.'- Tho rotunda of tho Lincoln was decorated for the occasion with red banners and green foliage and the or chestra was screened with palms and red carnations, reel and green being tho sorority colors. On Saturday oven Ing the annual banquet of tho sorority was hold at tho ordinary of tho Lin coln. About forty mombers of tho organization wero present, including several out-of-town alumni. A grand concert nnd ball wil bo glvon' in tho auflitorlum February 2 by the M. P. V. ,An orchestra of fifty pieces under tho direction of Carl Steckelbqrg will furniBh music" for jsthe concert, while a twenty-five piece or chestra will play "for tho dance, Man ager ' Iturlck of tho auditorium has promised to have the dancing floor lri good condition."- Tickets will'bd $1.00. J See Newell, Unlnnd or Davis. , NEBRASKA WINS I WO AMES AGGIES DEFEATED IN THE FIRST GAME8 OF SEASON. NEBRASKA VS. DRAKE THIS WEK Dr. Clapp Anticipates a Fiercer Strug gle Against the Des Moines School Than Was Neces sary With Aggies. The Nebraska basket-ball live more than made good tho expectations held out for them In tho two contests with the Ames Aggies last Friday and Sat urday evonlngs. Thoy won both games .handily, the first by a score of 42 to 20 and tho second by 10 to 21, and as a consequence they are now well, on their way toward tho cham pionship of -the northern section of the Missouri Valloy. Nebraska has eight games to pla In the championship sories of the north ern section nnd by winning these first two she has got a good lead on tho other two teams, Ames and Drake. Drake comes to Lincoln for two games next Friday and Saturday and. after that the Comhuskers will play no more gnmes which will count for tho championship until February 8, when they meet Ames at Ames on their way back from their northern trip. They piny two games at Amos at that time, followed immediately by two with Drake in Des Moines on Febru ary 10 and 11, which games will wind up the series In the northern division. The team in this section having tho highest percentage of games won will then meet the best team of the south ern section which now appears to bo either Kansas or Washington for the Missouri Valley championship. Comhuskers Do Well. In the Ames games last week the Comhuskers cortainly played good ball, much better than they havo ex hibited at any other time this season. Throughout both contests their guard ing was very careful and sure nnd their team work was developed to a much higher degree than was that of tho Aggies. The Ames team lacked speed and team work, and they were obviously in poorer physical condition than tho Comhuskers, who wero able to stand tho hot pace of both games without a let-up. These facts, together with Inaccurate passing nnd poor dribbling, probably account for the fact that tho Ames aggregation wore not able to make a better showing. Tho Aggies, however, expect to make some rapid progress in the course of the next two weeks and they hope for revenge when tho Nebraska team comes there noxt month. In discussing tho prospects in tho Drake games, Dr. Clapp sayB that he anticipates no such easy task in de feating the Des Moines bunch. Thoy are reputed tp. have a much stronger team than Ames, although no accurate dopQ can bo obtained from tho Drake team in tho way of comparative scores. Drake college is situated in Des Moines, a basket-ball town, whore tho crack Y. M. C. A. toam gives an impetus to the spprt. It is said that two of the present Drake 'players are former Des Moines Y. M. C. A. stars. Summary of Games. Tho following is a summary" of the play Hi the two Ames games of laBt week: i . Friday Evening. . Neb raska. FG. FT. T. 2 18 0 0 o: tio 0-H , 6 0 ' 8 Walsh (Capt.), rf....... 8 Wood, K ....;... .-v?'. . .-. . 0 Petrashek, c ',;,.., 5 - Bell, rg ..I. ..:..',.. 3 Perry, Ig ,.'. ; l 4 ' Totals.., '...., ;20 FT. 0 0 0 0 T. 1 G 10 0 0 20 T. 2(1 2 8 FT. 8 0 0 0 0 Totals Hi Ames. FG. Drown (Cnpt.), rf 3 Herbert, If 2 DeVault, c 2 Lau, rg 0 Case, ig 0 40 T. FT. 7 0 0 0 0 i:i I l o o 21 Totals Final score : 21. ' Nebraska, 10; Ames, NEW INSTRUCTOR TAKES PLACE. Will Be Associate Professor of Prac tical Sociology. MIsb Eaves has recently boon addod to the faculty of the Political Sclonco department. MIbb Eaves will havo tho rank of associate professor of practical sociology and will give a series of courses specially adapted to devolopo (he practical side of sociology.' Miss Eaves has had a long training in this lltie of work that makes her un usually well qualified for the position which she Is about to take. When Doctor Howard was at Leland Stan ford university she wna a lecturer in this department and was later In charge of settlement work in San Francisco for seven years. She has recently written a book on labor legis lation In California. GREEK COURSES OFFERED. Tho department of Greek history and literature offers tho following courses open to all students during the second semester, 1008-09. Course 2b. Greek In English This course is based primarily on tho study of Eng lish words derived from tho Greek, with special reference to modern liter-. ary and scientific terms. It is intend ed primarily for those students who desire to obtain, in one semester, a fair knowledge of tho Greek elements in our own language. Tho courBO may also sorvo as a preparation for course 3. No provlous knowledge of Greek Is required. Five hours' attendance. Flvo hours' credit. Dally at 2 p. m. U. 201. Course 26. , A Trip to Greece During tho sec ond semester Professor Lees will again conduct a class through "A Trip to Greece." Tho itinerary will follow the routes pursued by him during two tours of Greece taken in formor years. The uim of the course will bo to pre sent clearly to tho student tho appear ance of Greeco as. it is today; its topography, architecture, theaters, temples, etc., oxplained by lectures and Illustrated by lantern views, One hour attendance. Ono hour credit. Tuesdays at 3 p. m. Course In Zoology. The Department of Zoology offers a beginners' course in Zoology the sec-, ond semester. This course, Zool. A., covers the sumo ground as Zool. I and II, u year's work, in ono semester. Class meets daily 10 a. m., N. 210. FIvq horn-a' credit. , . :. . Notice. February seniors are requested, to leave. orders for Commencement In vitations at tho Nebraskan oflice be tween 11 a. m. 'and -12:15 p. m. to- 12 Ames. FG. Drown (('apt.), rr I Hcrbot, ir II DeVault, c Lnii, rg i) Cnso, Ig 0 Totals 5 Saturday Evening. Nebraska. FG. Walsh (('apt.), if J Wood, IT 1 I'otrashok, c 1 Dell, rg I Perry, Ig I day, OFFER NEW COURSES DEPARTMENTS OF UNIVERSITY ADD MANY TO LIST. SEVER L CHANCES ARE MADE Miss Eaves Has Been Appointed Asso ciate Professor of Practical Bocl- ology Under Doctor Howard. For tho coming semester an miubu ally largo numbor of courses that havo nevor boforo been offorod nt tho uni versity are being given. In most cuboh theso now courses arc boing offered largely tp supplement and make com plete work which has previously been offered but In several cases onttroly new lines of work are developed. Perlmps tho most important new work which will be offered during tho coming semester Is in the Political Science department. In tho past work In tho department Iiiih boon largely concerned with thcorotlcal sociology, but next semester courses will be in troduced to train pcoplo In tho ovory day application of sociological prin ciples. New Professor Comes. This enlarging of tho scope of work in tho Political Sclonco dopartment is made possible by tho fact that a new profcBBor has been added to tho fac ulty of tho department. With tho bo ginning of next semester Miss Eaves, Associate Professor of Political Soci clology, will commenco her work as one of tho professors in tho depart ment and will give u series of courses developing the practical side of soci ology. Miss Eaves offers four courses which nre catalogued as 14, 20, 22 and 21. Course 14 Is a- study of the develop ment of English and Amorican labor legislation, while courso 20 Is an ex amination of attempts that have been made to give definite training In sPcIal and civic duties. Course 22 Includes a gonoral dlscusBlon of the causes of poverty und dependence and tho prin ciples of prevention and relief, and also a more concrete study 'of modem methods of caring fortho poor. Course 24 is planned to givo practical exper-. ienco to those who expect to proparo theniBelvcH to tako positions In char itable or correctional institutions or to tako part in tho social betterment work of churches or Christian associ ations, social settlements, probation wprk of juvonllov courts, or wolfaro departments of industrial establish ments. ' , Greek Courses Offered. In the Greek .depaVtment a new courso has been offered which seeks to give beginners in ono semester a fair knowledge of tho Greek elements in tho English languago. This courso may also servo ns a preparation for course 3. As In past years, Dr. Lees will, during the second semester, glvo a courso showing by means of lan tern views tho nppearance of Greece to the traveler today. In tho philosophy dopartment, Pro fessor Alexandor will continue during the second semester the courses com menced during the semester now draw ing to a close. As this ,is Professor Alexander's first semester at the Unl yorsity or Nebraskn, these aro all new courses. A new courso In "Human ism" is, ulso being offered by tho de partment.' This courso alms to trace' tho history of Humanism through tho ages. Philosophy 16, which deals with tle Philosophy of Religion and is -usually given in tho secdnd semester, by Professor Frmch, will not be given until noxt. year. w Your car fare would pay for a nice . lunch at The Boston Lunch. ,;Why go home? . ' 'A . 1, H A .