- --. . . """al---. . OLIVER THEATRE TODAY:. Mat 2:30. Tonight 8:15 Miss Petticoats Night $1;00 to. 25c. Mat 50O to 25c - ---- -- -F -- 1- -go - 0--f- MONDAY NIGHT. JAN. 1fl HENRY MILLER, A880CIATE PLAYER I N The Servant in The House WED. MAT. & NIGHT, JAN. 20 HOYT'8 A Bunch of Keys mmm ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE WEEK OF JANUARY 11 P08T CARD ALBUM Miniature Tableaux ADELE M'NEILL In Tropical Songs LEWIS AND GREEN "Engineering a Cook" LEO CARILLO Chinese Impersonations THE THREE NEW80ME8 Sensational Equilibrists GOLD8MITH AND HOPPE Comedy Musical Artists C. PORTER NORTON VIA8COPE MAJE8TIC ORCHE8TRA Mats. Dally (Except Mon.) 15c, 25c Every Night at 8:15 15c, 25c, 50c MB "Tho House-Cozy" Seats Reserved by Phone Twelvo weeks of unprecedented success at Lincoln's perfect play house. THE FULTON 8TOCK CO. Presents tho High Class Comedy by Clyde Fitch, THE GIRL WITH THE GREEN EYE8 Beginning Tonight at 8:30 Every Nigbt 8:30 Wed. and Sat Mats., 2:30. Best Seats 25c. ELITE 1329 "0" 8treet. ELITE II 1330 "O" 8treeL LATE8T AND BE8T Moving Pictures IN THE CITY. The Management extends a cordial Invitation of every University of Nebraska student. ADMISSION 5 CENT8. Change of Program Mon. and Thur. L. J. HERZOC THE UNIVERSITY MAN'S TAILOR V Come in and get that $15.00 Suit to your order 1230 O St. Lincoln TYPEWRITERS 11 makes rentod with utand $3 Per Month. Bargains In Rebuilt Machines. LINCOLN TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE Auto 11-B11 1181. 123 No, life HAVE THE EVANS - Do Your Washing H tlMC0iH S ' THE ij)CampusjJ)j M- Gleanings W Sanderson's discount Bale nil this week. Why not take your bath at Chris' bath house, Eleventh and P streets? e Chnpln Bros., florists, 127 So. Thlr teenth. - Big lot men's $5 shoes, $3.75. San derson's discount sale. Beckmnn Bros., line shoes, 1107 O street. Dr. Chas. Youngblut, dentist, 202 Burr block. Dr. J. R. Davis, dentlsL Charges reasonable. Over Bank of Commerce. Up-to-date shoes, one-fourth off. Rogers & Perkins. Have your clotheB pressed at I 'i i i i i 'i-w I -- irrrT I li j 7rifrff'7 - - - Tf Weber's Sultorlum, Cor. 11th and O. Swellest shoes you ever Baw; big discount. Snndorson's salo. MIbs Sarah Hrbok, df tho Bohemian department, left last night for Wilbor to give a lecture under tho direction of tho "Komensky" club' of that city. Tonight she lectures at Crete before a similar organization t Tho Lindoll cafo is making an in novation in their Sunday evening sup pers in tho way of a special menu prepared by one of Chicago's famous chefs. MubIc is furnished by a four pleco orchestra. Tho management is catering especially to university stu dents. Tho senior play tryouts will bo hold in U. 106 February 8, from 7 to 10 p. ni. A book of tho play is to bo found at tho reserve decks in tho li brary, from which to copy the parts. Full particulars are enclosed In tho pianuscrlpt. All seniors aro urged to try out. Professor Shinek of the Iowa state university is giving a number of lec tures in the state and will stop in Lincoln for a few hours January 17. While hero ho' will bo tho guest of the "Komensky" club.- The professor Is a favorite with tho students and slnco tho organization of tho club here has paid It annual visits. Professor Caldwell, following out the example sot by tho' heads of sevoral other departments In tho university, has handed In a" few corrections of Dean Davis' tables on tho American history department aB published in tho report to tho Chancellor Pro fessor Caldwell's figures and those In the Dean's report aro as follows: Professor Caldwell's Figures. Stu. Hrn. Reg. Hrs. First Sem., 1907-08.. 33 343 923 First Sem., 1908-09.. 33 436 1,143 Salaries. Sal's Stu. Pr.St, Sal's Hrs. Hr. First Semr, 1907-08.. $5,200 923 $5.64 First Sem., 1908-09.. 6,700 1143 5.00 Dean Davis' Figures. Stu. Hrs, Reg. Hrs. First Sem., 1907-08.. 30 220 734 8alaries. Sal's Stu. Pr.St Sal's- Hrs. Hr. First Sem.. 1907-08', .$5,600 734 $8.00 DAILY NEBRASKAN WHAT GRADUATES DO. (Continued from Pago l) Electrical Engineering In tho Case School of Applied Scionco. , Average of Twenty-five Men. Tho dopartmont has for tho past two yoars graduatod an average of twenty-five men, which 1b about double tho output of preceding yoars. Tho present graduating claim will bo in oxcosb of thirty. A very high porcentago of thoao graduating from tho dopartmont Is to bo found In tho profession; Iobb than 2 per cent going Into other linos of work. Notwithstanding tho Blump In West inghouBe, which temporarily throw n number of tho electrical engineering graduates out of employment last year, all are at proaont provided with desirablo employment In electrical lines. In fact recont Inquiries for our graduates, six men being doslrod by one concern alone, to becomo undor ftudy salesmen, havo met with the inability of the department to namo candidates by virtue of tho fact that no ono appears to be unemployed. i i I ---W in ii i i iiii" i - - - - - - '. - - ' - - rfwff"?wMCTtfro;' yw.n University Forum THE PROP08ED 80CIETY. Linocln, Jan. 14. Editor of Daily Nebraskan: I notice in tho columns of your paper that a movement Is on foot to establish a society in tho Junior class to correspond with tho Innocents. It seems to mo that an attempt to inaugurate such an organ ization is absurd, unnecessary and im practicable. " It Is absurd, because the movement as Inaugurated by President Byerts, has no purposo. The society, as sug gested by him, was to bo "similar to tho Innocents." Similar in what way? 000000006000000000000ffi0000&0 20 PER CENT D18COUNT 8ALE continued because of unfavorable weather. Remember this Is not a sale of odds and ends, but Includes FULK, O000000000 O O The Innocents were organized for tho purpose of promoting university activ ities. Does the proposed Junior soci ety ' intend to take away from the Innocents, in any measure, the duties attributed to that socloty by precedent of years? I hope not. Perhaps the Junior society Is pro posod merely as an assistant, as It w.ore, to the Innocents? It will ho noted that one of tho purposes of tho Innocents is tho organization of uni versity activities. One society as an executive head to carry out such ac tivities is enough. "Too many cooks spoil tho broth." Tho Instant a sec ondary society persists in forcing- Its sorvlcos on the student body, perfect organization ceaBes. Surely it is not tho purpose of any over-zealous junior to interfere with tho excellent organization of tho In nocents havo had established for so many yoars? Having no purpose, there can bo no need of such a Junior society. But supposo there were a purpose, there still would bo no need. Tho senior society so far has 'demonstrated that it is efficiently able to promote, or ganize and control such Bchool affairs as lie, within the province of such an organization. Tho Innocents do not represent' any class, they represent the whole school. .Such could never be said .of a junior society from tho yery nature, of tho fact that thoy aro undorclassmon. If It 1h true, as I havo attomptod to Make clour, that tho proposed Junior society has no purpose, nnd is un nocosBary, then It goes without say. ing that It is impracticable But buppobo It 1ms a purposo, and la nocoBBury, It will Bttll bo Impractic able, for tho right kind of men will not be elected to it to mako it prac ticable. I say UiIh, bccaiiBo in many instances Btrong mon do not dovolop till woll into thoir Junior year, whllo tho wouid-bo-poiltlclan and tho graft or aro In evldonco from the very UrBt. Mon chosen for tho Innocents nre oloctcd by students who aro Just about to bid farowoll to their Alma Mater. It would be vastly different In tho enso of a Junior socloty, In which the mon choson would atlll bo in thoir Bophomoro year (think of pick ing Htrong mon from n Bophomoro class) and tho choosers would be mon likely to havo intcrosts of Bchool dimmed by over-shadowing intoroflts of class and self. As tho mon aro, bo would bo tho organization. I do not wish to appear to bo offer ing this In tho spirit of "knocking," but it aoomB that a littlo thought will .i., ,,,'- inn . t, ;: l;:u :; ,i, ;gx,,Tm vmu '- fuoranasi.ii.iir-irrrrr Wi(7r Bhow that I am correct In my fears that Buch a proposod Junior socloty would be purposeless, would be a hlndranco rather than a help, and can not accomplish any definite end. J. R. M. THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO TJi Unlrenlty year It divided Into four Quartcn, Winter. Spring, Summer, and Autumn. Adml.ilon Ii KrnteU at the opening of each, on January sd, April ad, June iwli. and October tit. GreduattWnttiiKtlan It offered In the Graduate School, ot Arts and Lltr-aturei and In the Ogden (Graduate) SOiool of Science. Profcatlonal Inttructloa It offered In the Dlrlnlly Alio. I, the Law School, Ruth Medical College (affiliated), and the School of Education. SununtrQuarter jrJunaie-Septeniher i. Flrtt Termi June 16-July oo; Secon3"Terrot JuIyipATrginiai. Kr.lsfra tlon la permitted for the entire auarter or for 'either term. Full and regular credit It siren for work done. Special courtca are offered for teachers. , For Information addrett , THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO CHICAQO - - ILLINOIS the very cream of "the better kind" M of Men's Hats and Furnishings. Q Manhattan shirts go with the rest. ONLY THREE MORE DAY8. j mat. Vjf 7?9 n 8 00000000000000 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks DE8IQN8 COPYRiaHTS Ac. Anyone Bonding a .ketch and description m.y lUlCklr Ascertain our onlnlon freo -rfaotlmr an quickly ascertain our opinion free wbotlior an Invention Is probably patentable. Communlc. tlons strictly confident"! sont free. Oldest aeencr for ecurTno' patents. uoiu.LriGU-connaBnLim. linNiiniH 11 nn I'ntxnt. JDBOO ecurii ont, ireo. uiaost agency for securing pat rntqnta taken turouan ilunn & Co. recelre tpcelal notice, without chargo, In the pteuu notice, without enamo, in the Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest e.. eolation of any sclentlno journal. Terras. 13 a lSr.!.Sr?Jtl,, V 80'4 Praflnewsdealera. WNN&Co""ewYork Branch OMoe. fe y BL, Washington. IX 0. oAnv Way You Look at it WE SAVE YOU MONEY Shirts 6s ts 10s Csllars 2 !-2t Cuffs, Pair 6s J Let Us Do Your Wotk MERCHANTS LAUNDRY The Chinese government Is ar ranging to send 2,000 students 'to this country -to hq educated. ijrjjljra A. Q. Spalding & Bros. Largest Manufacturers In the World of Official Athletic Supplies. . Foot Ball Basket Rail Ice Skates Hockey Golf Official Implements for all Track and Field 8ports. Uniforms for all Athletic Sports. QYMNA8IUM APPARATUS 8pauldlng's handsomely Illustrated catalogue of all sports contains numerous suggestions. Sent free anywhere. A. Q. 8PAULDINQ A BROS. Now York Chicago Soattlo 8UIT OR O'COAT made to order WORLD'S LARGEST TAILORS 133 8. 13th 8t. M. M. Crandall, Mgr. Lincoln, Neb. DANCE PROGRAMS-BANQUET MENUS CALLING' CARDS SIMMONS, THE PRINTER 317 SO. I3TH ITREET ---F- G. R.IAOLF &CO, CIGARS, TOBACCO AND PIPES 110 North 11th St., LMnlJlMk PH0NE 643 " Tailored Suite 120 and up made right in theshop. WORK GUARANTEED Cleaning and Pressing a specialty. MARX Thi Tailor, 122 Ho. I2lfc7 mmmmmsmsmsmmaammui PEG TOP CORDUROY PANTS ELIAS BAKER PANTS 118 SOUTH MTU STREET PITTS' DANCING SCHOOL SOCIAL EVENINOS Mondays and Friday Beginner' Claisca Wed. A Sat. Private Lesions by Appotetaieat 1124 N Street Auto 40Io Ladies' and Men's Clothes cleaned Eressed and repaired. Hats cleaned, looked and rotrimed. BLUHEHTHAL . One Block South of Ual PR, J, R, DAVIS . DENTIST CHARGES REASuttABLE w luk if Cmmmtm George Bros. Printing Eneravihe Nae Lta Ponnd , and Box BUtlonery Embossing SSfifS MP) No d e No More M10 Lest any stylo you wiBh I imr 1 m 1"W" "-- 5. ',-Uf V r4"