ffHff DAILY NEPRASKAN ?V. y f.8Hya THEATRE I Fill., 8AT. & 8AT. MAT., JAN. 15-16 7 Miss Petticoats Nlflht $1.00 t6 25c. Mat 50c to 25c HENRY MILLER, ASSOCIATE 4PLAYER I N 75eiinghf in The House ! WED. MAT. A NIGHT, JAN. 20 HOYT'8 A Bunch of Keys mmsaiiw ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE WEEK OF JANUARY 11 POST CARD ALBUM Miniature Tableaux ADELE M'NEILL In Tropical Songs LEWIS AND GREEN "Engineering a Coolc" LEO CARILLO Chinese Impersonations THE THREE NEW80ME8 Sensational Equilibrists QOLD8MITH AND HOPPE Comedy Musical Artists C. PORTER NORTON VIA8C0PE MAJE8TIC ORCHESTRA Mats. Daily (Except Mon.) 15c, 25c Every Night at 8:15 15c, 2Sc, 50c "The House-Cozy" Seats Reserved by Phone Twelve weeks of unprecedented succoss at Lincoln's perfect play house. THE FULTON 8TOCK CO. Presents tho" High' Class Comedy by Clyde Fitch, THE GIRL WITH THE GREEN EYES Beginning Tonight at 8:30 Every Night 8:30 Wed. and Sat. Mats., 2:30. Best Seats 25c. ijj)Campusj); W Gleanings W C. H. Froy, florist, li33 O St. o Ohio Munn, ox-1908, la .located in Seattle, Wash. "- Beckmnn Bros., fine shoes. 1107 O street. 1 0 J. E. Tanner, Law '04, is located at Wamego, Kan. - , Dr. Chas." YoungblUt, dentist, 202 Burr block. Charlotte Worley, '00, Is located at Crawford, this stale. Dr. J. R. Davis, dentist. Charges roaBonable. Ovor. Bank of Commerce. Johu Patterson, Law 'Oil, is. practic ing law at Central City. Up-to-date Bhoes, Rogers & Perkins. oni-fourth off. C. Fisher, Law '99, has been a guest at the Sigma Chi house. Have your clothes Weber's Sultorlum. Cor. pressed at 11th and O. ELITE 1329 "O" 8treet. ELITE II 1330 "O" 8treet LATEST AND BE8T Moving Pictures IN THE CJTY. The Management extends a cordial Invitation of every University of Nebraska student. ADMI88ION 5 CENT8. Change of Program Mon. and Thur. The cinss In International law was dismissed yesteVday morning without a recitation. t i Swellest shoes you ovor saw; big discount. Sanderson's sale. I next semestor wilPbb required, to bo lect thoir class division and laboratory periods during registration week. Tho. contract has Just beon lot for four additional herbarium cased to be put In placo In tho university nor- barium within the next two months. Three new pledgos have beon mado by Alpha Omlcron PI. Thoy are Miss Grace Cannon, Missouri Valloy, la.; Miss Annbell Good, Wnhoo; Lois Nob- bit, Tokamah. Special convocation will ho hold Fri day night at 5 o'clock In tho Tomple. Professor Tombo, Jr., of Columbia uni versity, will dolivor his well known lecturo on "Pnrslval." O. W. Meier, '98, has boon elected commander of the United Spanish War Veterans. During tho lato war with Spain Mr. Meier served in the Philippines with tho First Nebraska. Sem. Bot. moots tonight in the bot any lecturo room. Professor Phillips will present the results of a number of years of work on "Bird Dissomlna tlon of Juniper Seeds." Tho mooting commences at 8:00 o'clock and all are welcome, Lieutenant Shnllonbergor of the Sixteenth Infantry, a former univer sity student and member of Phi Gamma Delta, returned to Fort Crook Saturday. Ho and throe other officers wore present at tho Inaugural of his father as governor last week. ? n Throughout school daya,. colled days business or professional career the Coqklln Ppn will serve you faithfully and tafcW writing a pleasure. You don't have to coax It or fuM with it to' get It to write. Because of Its won derful feed .principle, ink responds Instantly at the TheColUg flrut'stroke and malntalns,an even steady flow to aundar xn last aoi, uvnotner grea.c advantage ot owning a CONKUMS fSg PEN flfV ' 'awA JB1 H 1 1 t BH BiV LbVrVbm BBBaVHlr i. I yor Haver vrHttoat ink; No matter -where you way ' be In your room, lecture hall, (at the post officf t teiegraph office or hotel, or oa the tndn kll'yoii have to do whea your Conklin Pan begins to rua dry la to dip It'in any Ink well, press the Crescent-Filler and your pea laeUatly f Ilia Itself and Is ready to write ; The same 'simple movemeat also cleans it. No mttssy dropper no spilling of Ink no Interruption to your train of thought. Handsome catalog direct from the manufacturers, The Conklin Pea' Ce., 31' Manhattan Bldg., Toledo, .Ohio, on request SOLD IN LINCOLN BY E. FLEMING, J21J O STREET ooffloeooooffiooooooTOwooooooooffioi February 5, 1909 Lincoln Hotel Annex Junior Prom CKOS500C4&030C Waifs Orchestra TickeU $3.00i XKX50SOXW5HH Bat at John Wright's, Eleventh. 114 South L. J. HERZOG THE UNIVERSITY MAN'S TAILOR ' ..... - Come In and get that $15.00 Suit to your order U30 o St. Lincoln TYPEWRITERS All -makes ronUd with atan4 $3 Per Month. Bargains U Rebuilt Maohlnw. LINCOLN TYPEWRITER EXCHANU tttolUS-BtllllSl. ' UBKaUta THE UNI SMOKE HOUSE ,y,.M YTeloomes all BtaOente. v pipes yg&r UNI SMOKE HOUSE 1182 O Street The -Student -Debating club will meet Saturday ovenlng In the Temple at 7:30 o'clock. . I Big lot men's $5 shoes, $u.7r. San derson's discount sale. Earl Hill, Law '07, Is located at Central City, where he is engaged In the practice of law. Chapln Bros., florists, 127 Sq, Thir teenth. The free concort by the cadet band will begin at 8:15 o'clock tomorrow evening in the auditorium of tho Temple. Manager Waters of the senior has ket-ball team has resigned on account of a sprained ankle. He Injured It for the second time during basket-ball practice this week. In one of tho class games, he was roughly tackled and his ankle was so badly sprained that he was compelled to use a crutch for about two weeks. Work on the Blue Print, tho senior Engineering book, Is progressing nice ly and the annual will Boon be ready for the printer. The articles are com ing in early this year, and the book promises to be above the standard. Today In convocation Miss Helen Gregory of New York City, who has been engaged in settlement work there for some time, will dellvor an addross upon "Settlement Work In New York City." Miss Gregory Is a former graduate of the university. o The Sigma XI fraternity will hold a QffiO0000000OS08000&0 O o FRATERNITY HAIL V NON COM HOP TICKETS $1.25 $OO$OOOO8OaOO$OOOQO0O$O$OO)8OOOOOO$OO& TTjanij WALT'S ORCHESTRA 00&OffiOfflOffiO0GOffiO00&60 O O O000000000 20 PER CENT DI8COUNT 8ALE the very cream of "the better kind" Q continued because of unfavorable of Men's Hats and Furnishings. X weather. Remember this Is not a Manhattan shirts go with the rest, sale of odds and ends, but Includes ONLY THREE MORE DAY8. - L - ' FJLK, 1325 O 000000OfflO00 O O 00000000000000 HAVE THE EVANS Do Your Washing CENTMLN1TI0KM.IMK 12th and O Streats P. L. J3ALL, Frealdeat P. B. JOHNSON, Vice-PresIdMit B&MAN O. FOX, Cashier W, "W HACKNEY Jr., Aatt Oaahiar Why not take your' bath at Chris' bath house, Eleventh. an6VP streets? S. P. Mutz, Ui" '11, IB acting aB one of the clerks In the house of rep resentatives' during the present ses sion. " i Sandersrin'adlscount sale nil this week. Hai'ry MoKIUIn, Law .'OS,-' will tako up tho practice oT law at Seward. Ho was county attorney of Seward ' for two terms. The German club will meet this evening" with Miss" Marie "-Von Goetz at the Woman's building, corner of Twelfth and Q Btreets, Roy Wlnshin, Law '07,' is located with the firm of Cark & Miller In tho Free Press building-at the corner of Thirteenth and N streets, Sophomore bnsket-ball practice was started yesterday. The practice hour la from 2 to 3 on Wednesdays and from 1:510 to 2: 30 on" Saturdays. ? - ' r Captain nnd Mrs, John G, Worklzer vlll act as chaperonea at the Non Com. hop which will be given In Fra ternity hall on Friday evening. Students who register for Botany 2 meoting tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock In the Zoology lecture room in Ne braska hall. The meeting Is to com memorate the hundredth anniversary of the birth of Darwin. By a curious, coincidence this year Is also tl0 fiftieth arriversary of the publication of his book "Origin of Snecles." The program for the evening is as follows: "The Life and Works of Darwin," Dean Ward; "The Inheritance of Color In Plants and. Animals." Professor! Emerson. o Roused from his peaceful slumbers by the opening of a screen of an en closed back porch, Edward M. Rut ledge frightened a would-be-robber away before ho had time to make a tour of the homo. Rutledge lives at 2344 Dudley street. About 1 o'clock the door of the porch was opened and Rutledge was awakened by the racket. Seizing his "artillery" ho called fon the burglar to ' stop but the latter turned and fled. That he was not a new one at tho game, Is plain, since he kept well In the shadow until fairly but of sight. t While attempting to stop two uni versity girls yesterday, George Bishop became" engaged in a quarrel ylth .n by-stander, which finally resulted in a free-for-all. Bishop was taken In tow by the police and Important develop ments yesterday lead the officers to FRATERNITIES SORORITIES We Want Your Coal Orders. l Give Us a Trial Order. SATISFACTION G U A R A NtE E D WHITEBREAST GO. 1106 O Street Auto 3228 , i Bell 234 COLLEGE TAILORS COLLEGE VIEW BEST TAILORING at th BEST PRICES Auto Phon 48 WE WANT YOUR FRAT TRADE We can gif e you the best prices, best goods, best-service Capital Grocery; V$I$Bi 1435 M St. V I (& ORDER YOUB PUNCH AT FOLSOM'S Hot Lunches a Speoialty. "" . Candida and Ioea. 1307 0 St. Himmi Auto 2214, Itll 4SI. OQOO0OOOOOOO0OO$pOOSOO0OQOO&0'O Lincoln Hotel Annex January 22, 09 SENIOR Waifs Full Orchestri i ; 1 $2.50 f .K O0O$00OOO$0O$O4K)GO$O&OOO$O$O$O$O$O$O$OO& u o z s ! 1 ' . ' , - . i