a" jr . m t ir "!? fr sfT ..' v. 1 tfHE DAILY NEBRASKAN . iJavs V tiH 1 j M - '-) " ..., j Jttvmvrswaij t1 l ? i I 4 i i i -, - ' 1, "v ' I 'is1' '' .sy THEATRE e iv TODAY:, Mat 2:30. Tonlght-78:16 Pawf in Full Mat $1.00 to 50c. Night $1.50 to 50c. FRI SAT. & 8AT. MAT., JAnTii6 Miss Petticoats Night $1.00 to 25c. Mat 50c to 25c MONDAY NIGHT, JAN. 18 The Servant in The House mmm ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE WEEK OF JANUARY 11 P08T CARD ALBUM Minlaturo Tableaux ADELE M'NEILL In Tropical Songs LEWIS AND GREEN "Engineering a Cook" LEO CARILLO Chinese Impersonations THE THREE NEW80ME8 Sensational Equilibrists GOLDSMITH AND HOPPE Comedy Musical Artists C. PORTER NORTON VIA8COPE MAJESTIC ORCHESTRA Mats. Dally (Except Mon.) 15c, 25c Every Night at 8:15 15c, 25c, 50c "The House-Cozy" Seats Reserved by Phono Twelve weeks of unprecedented success nt Lincoln's perfect play house. i THE FULTON STOCK CO. Presents the High Class Comedy by Clyde Fitch, THE GIRL WITH THE GREEN EYES Beginning Tonight at 8:30 Every Night 8:30 Wed. and Sat. Mats., 2:30. Best Seats 25c. ELITE 1329 "b,f Street. ELITE II 1330 "O" 8treet. LATEST AND BE8T Moving Pictures IN THE CITY. The Management extends a cordial Invitation of every University of Nebraska student. ADMISSION 5 CENT8. Change of Program. Mon. and Thur. L. J. HERZOG THE UNIVERSITY MAN'S TAILOR Come in and get that $15.00 Suit to your order 12 30 O St. Lincoln TYPEWRITERS All makes rental with ntan4 $3 Per Month. Bargain in Rebuilt Jtfaihlnaa. LINCOLN TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE "AtttollBtBUlUl. 123 No. 11 tk THE UNI SMOKE HOUSE Welcomes all Btndenta. V PIPES &? UNI SMOKE HOUSE 1132 O Btrset HAVE THE EVANS Do Your Washing George Bros. K Printing ! Engraying FJae Lint Pfliind and Box BUUonery , Praterulty BWg. 18tb&N 8& j;Embo?sing t ijjjCampusjj W Gleanings W "('t. Frey, florist, 1133 O St. Sanderson's discount sale all this eok. Big lot men's G shoes, $3.75. San :lcison'a discount Bale. .Miss Miller will ontortnin the Eng lish club at her home, 1017 J stroet, Fridoj evening. 0 Sweikst shoes you ever saw; big discount. Sanderson's sale. At convocation Thursday, Miss Helen Gregory, '95, will give an ac count of tho music settlement In Now York city. Dr. J. H. Davis, dentist. Chargos reasonable. Over Bank of Commerce. Phi Alpha Tau held a meeting laBt night in their room at the Temple. Considerable business t importance wns transacted. lp-to-dnte shoes, Rogers & Perkins one-fourth off. In convocation Thursday, Miss Helen Gregory, a graduate of the uni versity in 1895, will tell of settlement work in Now York City. I O Chapin Hros., Horlsts, 127 So. Thir teenth. n m Reserved seats for the Ames-Nc-I'inska basket-ball games are now on sale at the Co-op Hook Store. (Jet u sent on the now stands. Eat at EliMenth. John Wright's. Ill Sontli The meeting of the sjunlor class colled for tomorrow has been post poned owing to the inability of the pin committee to got ready to report. t Bookman Bros., line shoes, street. 1107 O Quo Katonc. 'OS, who ia tho rep resentative from Hiehardson county In the Nebraska legislature, has been appointed chairmnn df tho house com mittee on public schools. fr203QK&)0Q0Q$0&00800&00 g New shipment of Delamothe Real Rose Hat Pins 4justin. Not the crude imitations or silver deposit butfa g genuine metalized Roses.jf.One will surely please her, O g Better get her one before they are alt gone. Q g Established 1871 HALLETT, JEWELER 1 143 O Dr. Chtts. Burr blneU. YunRbliit, dentlBt. 202 Vlbert A ron, who took his A. M. here last year and who Is now teach Jng as a fellow In German nt Wiscon sin, university spent a part -of Ills Christmas vacation hero. Why not take your bath at Chris hrth house, Eleventh and P stroets? 4 Lincoln Djnclng Academy, 1132 N street. University students especiallj invited. Select social nights, Monday and Friday. Beginners, Wednesday. Tor private lessons cull Auto 4 177. ' Have your clothes pressed at Weber'a Sultorium, Cor, 11th and O. 0 Frank Bulltn, u last year's graduate -of the university, is covoring the sen ate proceedings at the legislature. He has boen connected with the Lin coln Dally Star since leaving school. The senior prom vlll be hold at tho Lincoln hotel annex January 22 at 8:30 p. m. Tickets may be secured of the committee. Frank Woljor Is chairman," and ,,Edward Davrs, master of ceremonies. . Phi Delta Phi will 'hold their second meeting of tho yom Thursday lilght at tho Delta Upsllon house. Two men are to he initiated. They aro Carl Ituhman and Elinor Hills. Tho initia tion will he followed by iilmnquet. Cluts. P. Craft, a nroinlnont otfbr i ncy of Auroro, Nob., and a formerly student ol tho university, was In Lin- coin yesterday on business. Mr. Craft was a prominent Intor-colleglato de - hater, and wus for two years a mom - ht-ot a. .om. TtoltolH lire out for the oiboroori; informal nt Fraternity ,hall on Friday evening, January 29. Phil Fredericks Is chairman of tho hop and Aldon Uumstead is master 'of coroinonles. This Is tho closing hop of the second year men this yoar. The Chemistry club will moot Wed nesday evening in tho locturo room of -tho Chemistry building. 3. A. Mnhood and M. R. Daughters will loud in the Journal program. The discussion wIM cover Home of tho recent work done in the chemical line. 0 Professor Horrowman Is now guiUh the special lectures In -ChomlBtry D. Owing to the fact that arrangement. had not been fully coinpletod nt tho time the list of the changes in the Chemistry department was made, this was oinlttod at that time, Albert Blackbird, grandson of Chief Blackbird of tho Omaha Indians, whs a visitor at tho state historical rooms In the Library building yesterday. Mr. Blackbird's grandfather was one of the moBt noted Indian chiefs of tho Nebraska territory. The youngci Blackbird can traco his ancestry on Nebraska soil back to the year 1700. , At a iccent meeting of tho univer sity sonoto action was taken towards the securing of a rest room for women. The matter of a roBt room nl the unherslt Is an important one Women visiting the state Institution often times become tired after a morning's inspection of the Intlldlng and the work done, and at present I here Is no pluee where thej can go to rest. 0 u A. R. Uroli, formerly- a reporter on tho Lincoln Dally Star, is the author of a clever little story appear ing in tho December number of the Munsey's magazine. The title 1b "The Wisdom of Han Tl." Mr. Oroh has heeji abioad on an extended tour since ? a last summer. He reached Naples shortly before tho earthquako disas ter. Mr. Groli graduated from the university In 1902. rf A special convocation Is to ho hold In tho Temple, Friday at 5 o'clock, at which tlmo Prof. Rudolph Tombo,. Jr., of Columbia university, will speak on "Paralval." Professor Tombo spoko at convocation two years ago. Ho Is registrar and professor of German a' Columbia and also secretary of thq alumni association of that school.' He speaks here on a trip through the west In the Interests of the Columbia alumni. d "Sutton in 1873, Hie first Tramo houso iu Sutton" and "Sutton aB it appears today," are the titles of -n-j series of pictures received by the s'ato historical society from an od losklent or 'Sutton. A copy of the New York Herald with an accbunt of the nsqaeslnatlon of President Lincoln lias been lent to tho association by Mrs. E, O. Simpson of Lincoln. Tho heading of tho article Is peculiar, being simply the ono vord, "Import ant." Tho stylo of tho account is alho. Interesting, The old stereotype form of newspaper articles prevailed, and tho writing was ovldoutly done by ono who cared little for tho "hu man Interest" element of ho story. O February 5, 1909 . Lincoln Hotel Annex, g 6 tW&iWOQ'ttW<teQHQQ S T;, mM. n v i Lj, & &r M 'o CKHfcXfcKK-OtfQKKKKtt)vM S 6 " " W J Waif. Orchestra TickeU3.00 ''000e00ao0O0O mW ' ' l-lll lftIIK III Ulll FRATTRNIFY HALL NON COM HOP TICKETS $1.25 & e&oo&08oooocao&ooK OOOOOOO0OOOOOOOOOOOSOOOOOfflOOffiOaO.SOOOOOO ?o NIGGERHEAD g Lump $9.00 $ -- 9, .QUICK HOT GREGORY, The Coal Man iH LITTLE BUILDING BOTH O ' COLLEGE TAILORS COLLEGE VIEW WE WANT YOUR FRAT TRADE We can give you the best Capital Grocery -flaTViSGk . 1435 M St. CB8 BBC i .1 8 ffiO00S000Q00S000000&O900O0SOSO000d00O 2 Lincoln Hotel Annex Januarv 22. '09 X SENIOR PROM I -. 9 1 S Waifs Full Orchestra 005yZhlOQOSZ!X CENTRAL NITIOML SINK 12th and 0 Streets P. L. HALL, President P. B, JOHNBON, Vlco-Preaidant BBMAN O. FOX, Cashier W. W. HACKNEY Jr., Aatt CaaWar A Half Million Glasses of Soda Water old and drank from our IXJtlr Century 8anltary Spda fouiitaih. Mason J006 Agency Hnylw, Qustkers and Lown ya Ckooolates and Bonbons, y , r U I W n i wr w w htiu & X? A fcs AAA at... .. JANUARY 15, 1909 WALT'S ORCHESTRA MAITLAND I Nut $8.50 9 --. & I PAUPC na icu S W PHONES mil n sItrkt i? .-.ww w...M. y BEST TAILORING at the BEST PRICES Auto Phone 48 prices, best goods, best service OBPEB YOUR PUNCH IT FOtSOM'S I l Hot Lunches a Specialty. Candies and Ices';; I3070"st; Phinist Auto 2214, Bill 456.- ' 9 . ' . , $2;50 f PEG TOP CORDUROY PANTS ELIAS IAKER PANTS CO. 118 SOUTH UTH STREET PITTS' DICING SCHOOL SOCIAL EVENINGS Mondays and Fridays Beginner's Classes Wl. Sat. Private Lcsmrs by Appglwtsiiwit 1124 N Street Auio 40 1 9 Ladla' and Men's Cloths alaajud, 'preaaad and repaired. HatotUad, iblockad anu retrimeu.v ; i 1- BLUMEMTHAL Z27 Nfllth AuW47 -r- One Block South of Uai 4.t' I , it. M .. jTiii 11 . rLrr-i " - i !t.- :