THE DAILY NEBRASKAN I I. w h r r f ! 8"? 5 dbc 3)ail mcbvasltan TUB lUlOPRHtV OF TUB UNIVERSITY OF NHnilASKA. Lincoln, NobniHka, rUILISKEB EVERY BAY EXCEPT SUNDAY AND MONDAY 11V TUB 8TUDI3NT PUB. HOAHD. rrtlltltll!IICI, 126N0. Hlh'St. EDITORIAL STAFF. Editor Clyde E. Elliott, '09 Managing Editor... Herbert W. Potter, '10 NeWs Editor ...Lynn Lloyd, Ml Awoclato Editor Victor Smith, Ml BUSINESS 8TAFF. Manager Oeorge M. Wallace, MO Circulation J. Roy Smith, '09 At. Manager t....arl Campbell, MO i i f ' Editorial and Business Officer DA8EMENT, ADMINI8TRATJON BLDQ. Postofftoe, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Single C6ples. 5 Cents Each. I - , in I I ' T Telephone: Auto 1888. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charKOd for at tho rato of 10 cents por Insortlou for ovcry flf toon wordH or fraction thereof. Faculty notlcoB and Unlverfllty bulletins will gladly bo publlBhod free. ' Entered at tlin poBtoulcn at Lincoln, Nebranka, hh Hcooml-clasn mall matter indor tho Act of Coiirxohh of March 3, 1870. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1009. FINAL EXAMINATIONS., With tho approach of tho final ox- uinlnatioiiH a tendency to bocomo busy with their HtiulloH Is notioonblo among tho studentB of tho. unlvoi'Hlty. It Is . a hopofu sign and ought to plonHo tho faculty. There arc, of course, many ovlls con nected with tho final examinations, but these arc more than offset by tho good they do, tho tests bringing a cessation In the gay Hfo of ninny Htudonts. Tho killing pace that these HtudentB keep can only bo stopped by the fenr of ralluro in school work. This period of the somoster Ih practically tho only time that many Htudonts do any ser ious work, and If there wore no tost of their knowledge in the subjects whieh they are supposed to carry, there would 1)6 nothing but ono com plete round of the real gay Hfo from tho opening of school in September to the close In Juno. For tho sake of their parents and tho Rtudonts, themselves, tho final ex aminations are a blessing in disguise, Lot them bo continued. AN ENGINEERS' NUMBER. Tho Ibsuo of tho Dally Ncbrnsknn on ? H? AN APPRECIATION .. At the meotlng of tho studoiit publication board yesterday, tho M following resolution wns passed ft unanimously and ordered pub- llshod In tho Dally Nebraskam "It is the sonne of-fho board of studont publications that tho Dally Nobrnskauhns boon con- ducted withJapeclnl ability dur- ing thoflrst somcBtor of this yonr puif tho board takes tho oc- cnBldn of tho resignation of Mr. Elliott from tho edltorshln. and -' Mr. Wallnco from tho business manngershlj, to exi)ros8 Its -ap- proval of tho rosults of tho hard work bostowod upon tho paper by Mr. Elliott and his staff." University Bulletin January. Thursday, 11- Miss Helen Gregory on the music settlement in New York. Convocation. Friday, 15 Non-Com Hop at Fratorn ity Hail. Mooting of tho Grnduato Club. Amos baskotball game 8 p. in. Prof. Rudolph Tombo, Jr., on "Pnrblval" at special convocation. Temple, 5 p. m. English club meets with MIhb Mil ler, 1017 J streot. Mooting of senior play committee, U. 10G, 5 p. m. Freo concert by cadet band, audi torium, Tomple, 8:15 p. m. Saturday, 1G Amos basketball game. Informal dance 8 p. m. Wednesday, 17 Y. M. C. A. mld-weok meeting. A. L. Woavcr loads. Frldnq,,22 Senior prom nt Lincoln Hotel Annex. Drake basketball gamo 8 p. m. Saturday, 23 Drake baskotball game. Informal danco 8 p. m. Monday, 25 Somoster examinations bogin. Friday, 29 Sophomore Informal at Fraternity Hall. Kansas bdsketball gamo S p. m. Semester examinations close.' Saturday, 30 Kansas baskotball gamo 8 p. m. Informal danco. February. Monday, 1 Missouri baskotball gamo 8 p. m. Friday, 5 Junior Prom at Lincoln Hotel. Friday, 19 Minnesota ' baskotball game 8 p. m. Saturday, 20 Minnesota baskotball game. Informal danco 8 p. m. will bo ready to render them nt tho senior prom, Special palnri will bo taken lo havo tho Lincoln annex beautifully decor ated for tho occasion. Tho manager of tho Lincoln has voluntocrod to lend his aid to tho senior commltttio In fit ting up the hnlPand Is willing to Btnnd part of the oxponse so that tho hall is Bitro to present a brilliant appear nnco on tho night of tho prom. Chnir.mnn Wellor declares that tho seniors at this prom will havo the best refreshments served nt any dance this season. Ho says tho committee has a surprlso In storo for thoso who nttohd the dance. "Tho lunches nnd Ices for tho danco," ho declares, "will bo- somothlng new." A large numbor of alumni aro ex pected to bo In attendance nt this dance. A special effort Is being made to got out many or the Lincoln alumni. A FREE CADET BAND CONCERT. First of Two To Be Given in Temple Friday Evening. The flrBt of two eoncertB by tho University or Nebraska cadet band will be glvon in" the auditorium of th Temple at 8: 15 o'clock Friday ovoning. This concert will be froo. Tickets are being given out by members of the band now. Ray Harrison, bond mu sician of tho organization, has a large number of men, and they may be so- curod from him until Friday evening. If there aro any left at that time they will be given out in tho lobby of the Temple on the second lloor. Tho cadet band Is enabled to give this concert on account of tho liberal support it has received from tho uni- verslty. In past years It has boon compelled to chnrge for Ub concerts' in order to' buy music and Instruments. This year, howeverthe university has supplied it with liberal menus nnd it has not had to take funds from the university public. Another free con cert will bo given in April. The band this season is probably ono of the best tho university has ever supported and it Is expected lo give a fine concert In tho Tomplo Fri day evening. Director Hngenow, one of the best muBlclnns in tho west, hrs had charge of tho band for the last four months and has put It in shape to render music In nn excellent man ner. All of tho pieces that will bo played at the concert Friday aro new, having been learned this winter. ' i h -m fP I I F I RUPP'S UNDERWEAR SPECIAL $1.50 Cotton Ribbed Union Suits $1.15 njtt J J Tr $1'00 Wool tleeced, Two-Piece, a garment 75c i4l,tO. TWOSTOntLS 1,4150. For a day-or two. Friday will bo edited by students in tho engineering department and will bo nn "Engineers' Numbor." All of tho oditorinl and news space will be turned over to a committee from tho engineering department, who will fill It with live matter of general Inter Tho Dnlly Cardinal prints an article on tho tendency In colleges to curb and "restrict tho woihen by requiring Mrs. Chnporono to bo present in sea son and out. One girl there is re ported to havo said that If tho system were made too strict, sho and "Bertie" would learn Esperanto just to splto "the horrid old chnperono." Quo of the chnporonos is sponsor for tho .re markable statomont that tho presence of her kind Is "not Intended as a check on the young people, but is to help entertain the young man and to carry on the copvorsntlon." "College men," she says, "are shy and embarrassed wheu. with a young lady alono nnd ' need to be encouraged to tnlk." A-1 co-ed at Minnesota Is after the scalps, of t)ie Gophor boai'd there, and has" a PInkerton man to help her, Shp Jsf objecting to tho publication of .a .snap shot recently takon of her, vHiid , threatens that ir It Is published sho tyIU bug the board for libel, GET READY FOR 8ENI0R PROM. Big Dance Will Be Held at Lincoln January 22. In recent years tho senior prom has been one of tho best dances of tho season, but this year, If tho plans of tho committee in chargo of tho hop carry, It wHl be tho best dance of tho school term In ovory respect, This yonr tho danco will bo hold at tho new Lincoln annex on Janunry 22 nt 8:30 Pi ' To show .hnt It means business tho senior prom committee hns engaged Eddie Walt's full orchestra which will play music selected especially for this hop. Tho music will bo the lntost .and best danCo pieces of tho eastern season. In fact, practically alUof it was secured In tho east during the Christmas vacation. At that time a member of the sonlor cIobs, traveling in tho east, listened -to tlio Sufreltz dance orchestra In New York City, and secured tho names of tho best pieces played by that organization. Copies of this music were secured by this senior and brought uncjc to Lincoln. Thoso were offered to the- senior dance committee 'and accoptod, Eddie Walt's orchestra is now learning thorn and Musical Program. Tho fourth students' recital of tho University School of Music will be given in the Temple theater, Thurs day ovening, January 14th, at 8:00 o'clock. Tho public Is most coi'dially Invited. Tho following program will be given: Polonaise, C sharp minor Chopin Ruth Dagnoll. Mattlnatn Tosti Helen Snyder. Somitltiai Ruvoj Minuet Animnto Maude Thomas. Seroniule .'....Strauss Inez French Gypsy Danco, No. 1 Nnchez Bornlco Chambers. Thy Beaming Eyes MacDowoll I Hid My Love. D'Hnrdolot Ethel Cathcart. Concort Etudes, Op. IG MacDowoll Novollette Improvisation Moto perpetuo ' Florence Chapman. Tho Birds at Their Matins... Do Lara Morning Hymn ...... Henschel Frnncella French. Themo and Variations.. Tschaikowsky Ouida Wlltso. 1 If your subscription to The Daily Nebraskan has not been paid will you please see to it at once. The office, room 7 Administration Bldg. is open daily from 2:00 to 5:00 P. M. PLEASE PA Y UP! - , j fl i S s4 A I 7' A i -& f nIIJii. i, if li ! i