The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 13, 1909, Image 1

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Vol. vra; No. 69.
Price 5 Cent
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Is similar to Measure Made by Big
Mine Which Michigan, Then a
j Member, Objected to Three
'. ' Years Ago.
Without any previous warning and
public discussion the Missouri Valloy
conference at Its mooting In Kansas
City; Saturday abolished the sacred
institution of football, the training,
table! The action of the conference
on this matter was not carrlod in the
Associated Tress dispatches Sunday
morning and appeared in none of the
Lincoln papers. Neither was it pub
lished in the Kansas City papers of
Sunday morning for the Same reason,
which nobody has yet explained. It,
however, came oufin the eastern press
The doing away with the training
tabic in football was opposed at the
KiuiBOH City meeting by Kansas. town
wus strongly in Jttvor of abolishing
tt. It is not known exactly how the
vote stood, but a report to the Chicago
Record-Herald yesterday said , that
prominent among the schools who
voted against maintaining the school
lublo were Nebraska and Iowa. Dr.
Clapp was Nebraska's representative
at the conference meeting .
No Old-Time Meetings.
The abolition of the training table
mums that the Cornhu.sU.ers will no
longer be allowed to get together at
meal tlmo. ' No common table will be
used by them horenftor. For many
ears meals have boon furnished the I
rootball players at one of the city's
hotels. For this food during the past
year the athletic board has been al
' iowfidrto pay $400. All over this sum
halpDcen Stood by the men themselves.
The rule permitting the athletic board
to pay only $400 was adopted by tho
Missouri Valloy conference a' year -ago.
The action or tho Missouri Valley
conference Saturday on tho training
yiblo custom was similar to that of tho
Big Nine" three years ago. Michigan
at that tlmo objected to the abolition
of the table and the over-ruling of Its
wishes together with other radical
acts by the western conference led to
the withdrawal of tho Wolverines
from the "Big Nino."
When it became known among the
football men at Nebraska yesterday
that the Missouri Valley conference
had taken awny their tracing table
many words of disapproval or that
action were hoard. Somo of tho play
ers were real hind about tho matter
and thought that Nebraska ought to
got out a purity body that would do
away, with good things llko tho foot
ball grill table. All of the football
players said they knew of no evils
that arose .from the .maintaining of a
table during tho football season for the
men on tho varsity squad.
Had Been Predicted.
Men who had opposed Nebraska's
entrrinco into tho Missouri Valloy con-,
foronce a year ago said, "I told yoii
so," when they hoard of the. action
at the Kansas City meeting. Those
men n year ago declared that Nebras
ka could not gain a thing by entering
the conferonqo. They believed that'i
:thc other schopls would combine so
oh to tie the hands of tho Cornhusk-
e'rsy whenever such a- thing was dp-
airnble. Now' t hoy point out that be
cause Iowa, being n member of the
. 1'Blg. Eight" also.iident Jromiay-
, lug a table, did pot want the "Big
Seven,' to 'continue tlio custom. . Sho
had1 lt,-talcbp n'wav irom the schools
of the smaller conforcttco. Those
men think it would do no harm "for
Nobraska to follow tho action of Mich
igan In regard to tho "Big Nino" and
leave tho Missouri Valloy body.
It Is probable that the annual Mis
souri Valley conference meet will be
held In Dcs Moines on Juno 5. This
matter was discussed nt tho Saturday
meeting, and the location of tho meet
wns left to a committee of which the
Drako roprosontatlvo Is chairman. Tho
Drake man naturally Is In favor of Dcs
Moines, the city In which his college
Is locnted and he probably will swing
the meet for that place. Des Moines
has excellent accommodations and
will l)o able to take enro of o large
crowd in tho big Drake stadium.
Base Ball League.
Tim question of forming a baseball
league was also left to a committee.
This proposition will bo Investigated
and the committee will roport to tho
conference at a meeting in the near
future. It is believed that the lcaguo
will be formed and a schedule ar
ranged in plenty of time for tho teams
to begin playing off the games by
H. Wv Potter, Editor, and W. A. Jonec,
'Business Manager.
Ai a meeting of the student publica
tion board last evening. II. W. Potter.
'10. was elected edltor-ln-chlof of 'the
Dally Nchraskan for tho second se
mester of the current year. W. A.
.Jones, -'10, was elected business man
ager and V. B. Smith. Ml, mnnnglny
The election was made following a
unanimous report of tho nomination
committee to which the matter of the
election of a new stuff was roferrod
several days ago. Outside of the elec
tion practically no business was' trans
acted. Herbert W. Potter, oflttor-in-chloi
for the coming semoster, has been
managing editor or the paper for the
past semester. Ho Is a resident of Om
aha and this Is his third year In school.
He wns a member of tho lnter-col-
loglato debating team against Wiscon
sin this year. Mr. Potter Is a member
of Phi Alpha Tnu and Alpha Tlieta Chi
W. A. Jones is also a Junior, ho be
ing registered in the engineering
school. He was last year connected
with the business end of tho NehruB
knn In the capacity or circulator. He
is a member df Delta UpBilon fra
ternity. V. B. Smith, managing editor, is
a sophomore, who has had work on the
Nebraska!! both last year and this.
He Is a member of Alpha Theta Chi.
Miss Sarah Hrbek Gives Interesting
Tho Komensky club gave an Inter
esting program in the music hall of
tho Temple Inst Saturduy night. Miss
Emlllo Pupcz of South Omaha, u state
fitrm student oponed tho program with
a vocal solo. More music followed by
tljo male quartet. Mr. Fred Hukol
drew much upplauso by masterful pro
ductions, on hla violin. The accom
paniment wns played by his Instructor
Prof. August Molzer of Weslcynn.
After this musical feast, MIbb Sarah
HrUok, of the Bohemian department,
gave a lecture on "The Nation of
Comonlus," It was Illustrated by views
ofmoii and events of noted Importance
In Bohemian hjstorys A series of views
showing the fashion and customs pro
vnlout nt U typical Bohemian wedding
of a century ago, seemed to cronte4ho
most Interest' and amusement. Tho
meeting was woll attonded..
The senior play comniltteo 'will ineet
In U, 100 Friday-, afternoon at 5vp!clocic.
Football Captain Has Not Yet Decided
Whether or Not He Will Accede to
Wishes of His Friends But
Will Do So 8oon.
Dosplto much scurrying about and
many quiet talks in tho cbrncr, the
senior presidency iB still nctlvoly
sought by only one man. That man
(s Elmer Hills, who announced his
candidacy sovoral days ago and who
has since that time been building up
a respoctablo following among tho
Hills Is working In the midst of a
storm of rumors, having to do with
the supposed candidacy of other men,
but the excitement Is not bothering
him in the least. He is treading along
the quiet paths, keeping out of the
flurry, and seems not at nil worried
over tho votes the other follows are
getting away from him for tho benoflt
of- various alleged candidates, most
of whom are more actively engaged
In denying their desire for the place
than in getting votes.
Although the contest, or the alleged
contest, has now been wagod for over
a week, there seems to be no more
prospect of a do finite list of candi
dates than there has been for tho
past several days. JnmcB Harvey, cap
tain of 'the 1908 football team, who
is boing looked upon by seniors in tho
engineering college as tho Moses who
is to lead them out of captivity, had
not decided late last night whether
or not ho would make the race.
Harvey Not In It.
Harvey Is personally avorso to dab
bling in clnss politics. It is a thing
which he has not undertaken hereto
fore and he does not particularly care
to enter the field now. Engineering
seniors, however, recognize the fact
that his well-known personality would
bo a valuable asset to the engineering
college In any campaign that thoy
might put up to elect a member of that
school to the senior office. There Is
a rather strong sentiment among the
engineers that the time has come for
that department to throw off tho yoke
of bondage Imposed by the acadomlc
and law colleges and to themselves
accede to the plnco of power and
glory. They are nuturnlly anxious to
put n strong man in tho race and Har
vey Is looked upon by many as tho
logical choice. It Is probable that the
football star will decide today on Ills'
course and with Us announcement sen
ior politicians will begin' to know a
little more whore thoy nro at.
If Harvey gets out 6f it, somo of
his supporters and other members of
the engineering school will try .to in
duce Robert Onntt to mako tho run.
Gnntt is another man who is disposed
to lot the presidency go a-begging so
far as ho Is concerned personally, hut
it Is possible that the promiso of gen
erous support will pe'rsuado him to try
for the office. Gantt is a member of
Phi Dolta Thota fratornity and would
be oxpoctcd to draw tho frnt vote,
while at the sumo time he is popular,
among tho barbs and would mako a
good run among them as woll.
May Be Others, ,
Humor yesterday afternoon wjis to
the offoct that Ray Harrison and I. F.
Baker wore possible usplrants for tho
presidency in case I Inrvoy .should do
cldo not to run,. There is nothing
definite announced in rogard to oitluj
er's candidacy and their action is1
therefore altogether problematical.
In any case it seems probablo that
the fight will 1)o between the acade
mics and tho InWou tho ono hand and
tho engineers on tho othor. Hills is
Ultoly to havo tho support of tho
academics to a vory largo oxtent and
some onglnccr will probably socuro
tho votos of tho Industrials to a like
extent Tho law voto will go to Hills,
ho bcing a slx-yonr law student.
Wbothor tho frat voto will go solidly
td somo ono candidate or bo split ac-
curuiug iih uiu uiuiviuuuiH uiu ucuu-
omlcs or engineers remains to bo seen.
Thero Is of courso the further possi
bility tltnt the entranco of somo third
man will upsot nil calculations. It
would seem llkoly that a third con
testant If thora bo ono, would appear
from the ncndomlcs, tho sentiment In
tho Industrial college being strong for
union on one candidate
The Cornhusker Quintet Developing In
Their Team Work.
Last evening In tho gymnasium tho
basket-ball squad assombled for the
first workout which thoy have had
since their Kansas trip. Tho team
came out bf the three games played
on that trip without any noticeable in
juries and thoy nro now ready for a
week of hard work In preparation for
tho two games with the Amos AgglcB
which come on Friday and Saturday
evenings of this week.
Dr. Clapp is drilling the toam In
signal work and ho hopes to hnve the
team so porfected In this feature of
tho game by tho ond of the woek that
the games with Ames will toll nn
entirely different story from tho Knn
sns gamoB Inst woek. At that tlmo
the team work of the Cornhuskors was
almost a negllgnble quantity owing to
Jackj'f prnctco, and thq fact, Hint the
Cornhuskors made even as good a
showing as thoy did was due rathor
to the Individual work of tho players
than to any perfected team work.
Petrnshek Is showing up vory woll
at ccntor and it Is oxpoctcd' that ho
will develop Into a very good man for
the pivotal position. In tho Kansas
gamo he was pitted against Borgen,
who played contor for the Jnyhawkors
last season, mid his work compared
very favorably with that of tho Kan
sas man. Petrnshek outjumped his
man continually and had more scores
to his credit In both games than did
his Jayhawkcr opponent. Captain
Walsh, who was oxpected to pull off
some of his old-time spectacular work,
was so closely guarded that it was
almost Imposslblo for him to accomp
lish anything In the way of shooting
All the members of the team, In
fact, played consistent ball on the
Kansas trip and after this week's drill
in signal work It Is believed that "thoy
will bo able to mako a very creditable
The Kansas basket-ball live defeated
the Amos quintet Monday by the de
cisive score of CG to 22 at Lawrence.
The Ames, team Is on a trip. Last
night they played at Manhattan, Kan
sas, and tonight thoy will moot tho
Wosleyan university live at University
Place. Friday and Saturday nights
they will play the Cornhuskors Jn
Memorial hall. The comparative
scoros of tho Aggies and Cornhuskors
ngdliist Kansas would Indicate" that
the ganios between tho two looms hqro
should bo very closely contested, with
bare odds favoring tho Cornhuskors,
who wore defeated by tho Jayhawhors
in two games by tho scores of 48 to
111 and :1G to 17. .
Student' tickets for; the Ames-Ne-
'brasHa basket-ball" games may be re
served at 'the Co-op, ..A chnrgo of 10
cents, will beniado for reserved scats
on Friday iilgljt-nnd 25 cents extra
for Saturday nlgliL Only those hold
ing rosorvod Boat, checks will be "ad
mitted to dance after the game.
By Hard Work It Is Believed That 800
Members Can Be Obtained by
Commencement of New
According to the plans of tho pioni
horshlp committee of tho Y. M. C. A.
tho last ton days of this somcBtor will .
witness u whirlwind campaign for
now members. This Js to bo the
crooning event or tho semostor's work
and It Is hollovcd that It' will result
In materially liicronslng the member
Bhlp of tho organization. Even as mat
ters' now stand tho Y. M. C. A. of the
UnlverHlty of Nebraska is olio of the
largest .college Y M. C. A.'s In the .
country. .
In tho campaign which Is about to
hogln a now plan of gottlng mon will
bo adopted. .Tho active men will bo
divided Into two teams under tho
leadership of prominent Y. M. c. A.'
worltors and each tonm will soolc to
get the largest number of now mon
Into tho organization. Aftor tho con
test Is over tho losing team will give
a banquet to tho winners.
Now Ranks High.
Statistics takon from tho year book
of 1007 and 1008 show that Nebraska
ranks slxth-nmong tho collogo Y. M. C.
A.'h In tho United States. Tho mem
bership In prominent colleges irufTfol
lows: Vnlu ;.... .005
University of Minnesota 810
Princeton University 800
.West Point Military Academy. . . 800
university or Illinois..., 780 '
Unlvorslty of Nebraska. . . . .. . . . C7G
Cornell University 542
Ames Agricultural College. BOO
Ohio Stato Unlvorslty 489
Michigan University . . . 450
Columbia Unlvorslty , 438
Texan University 345
University of Wisconsin , 310
It Is folt aomng tjioso in charge of
tho campaign which Is abputtbj bo
inaugurated that 250 now men. plight
to bo enrolled during tlio hoxt two3
wcoks. If this is done it will iriaka!
Nobraska rank third 'among the , coli
logos of tho United States in point
or Y. M. C. A. membership. If thli
should bo accomplished it would moan
that tho university would stand as 0110 .
of the vory strongest schools in this
lino of work of any school in tho
country. While thero would still bo
colleges with larger- enrollments, this
would bo more than offset by; the fact
that their student body is much lorger.
Membership of Teams.
, A. A. Mahood and A. M. Haro havo
been chosen to lead tho two teams '
which wilf strive to outdo each other.
Those who wilf compose Mr. Mahobd's
team arc HUtnar, Hills, Rutlcdgo,
Rice, Chain, Ilummol, Bryan, Wundor,
Curtis, Clark,, Drako, Balllngor,
Schmidt, Klscffor, Uoffolbamcr, Dob
bins, Shurmor, Hough, Harden, Fre'd
'cricks, McCali, Rubendall. Those who
will compose; Mr. Hare.'s team are
Baker, Bonnett, Tootlmker, LIridell,
Plasters, Wolvlngton, Gilbert, Forbes,
Lormor,, PcBtel, Blnnchard, Ball, .Am
hereon, George, Ankeny, Hill, Reed,
Flower, Riko.r, Provaznlk, Peaie, Col
lins, Hnmel.
' Last e.voning tho campaign was
formally launched by, an oyster feed
lii the banquet hall of tlio Tomplo.
Membors bf both teams wer'o present
and much enthusiasm for, tho success
idtf the undertaking was, arouged;
linked beans. bak or the nremUes
land served feot with delicious brown
J bre4ad, 10p; at 'The Boatofi Laach.'
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