ffEgfoP&EL,Yr NEPRAS&AN H T"V ?.'.t?f-Jtt)fi-t. ""'.Vr.' . .-"T . , v -. ur'. TJHPA-iinr' 'fokjjfesfr tttfl. TONIGHT AT 8MB wtt- SrGirUttheHilm -'. - LIUtiJgJgFORD; MAUD' LAMBERT, (J;' e A.ND'.COMPANY OF 60. f "' gjW?lCEi'50-tto-, 50c. Sffi&WR ," VAN- 13 .,"5' UI,''UJl iMijpa;ttv5o.cr Niflht--$i.5o to 50c. IIJI II I I lllllllllll iVHU- -'IV JlMu M.'l', .-I'...- (i LbyANCED VAUDEVILLE JAVVyejKvpF JANUARY 11 ' OSTCARD ALBUM ,fot, ' j.yjljttolftture . Tableaux .V'.lfADELE M'NEILL fclu?Fr$llcjal Songs $.y W&W8 AND GREEN S?K"9Kn(ttnoerlnp a Cook" k- "fi. "LEO CARILLO . 1 ' Chinks? uihnorBotmtlons ;',"TfHEffHREE NEW80ME8 " "itoqultlorfnl Equilibrists A GOiD8MiTH AND" HOPPE Comedy "Mutafcal Artists C. PORTErT NORTON VIA8COPE MAJESTIC ORCHE8TRA Mats. Dally (Except, Men.) 15c, 25c Every Night al 8:15--15c, 25c, 50c kmhi "The House-Cozy" Seats Reserved by Phono Twelve week3 of unprecedented success at Lincoln's perfect play house. iflJI THE FULTON STOCK CO. Presents the High Class Comedy by Clyde Fitch, THE GIRL WITH THE GREEN EYES Beginning Tcnight at 3:30 Every Night 8:30 Wed. and Sat. Mats.. 2:30. Best Seats 25c. ELITE 1329 "O" 8treeL ELITE 1 1 1330 "O" 8treet ? LATE8T.AND BEST ' Moving Pictures IN THE CITY. rdfal rfrhe Management extends a con Ij Invitation of every University . . of Nebraska student. ADMIS8ION 5 CENTS. Change of Program Mqn. and Thur. L. J. HERZOC THE UNIVERSITY MAN'S TAILOR Corac in and get that $15.00 Suit to your order 1230 O St. Uncoln All makes rohUd with stan4 $3 Pr Month. Bargains la Rebuilt Machine. LINCOLN TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE Autoll-BllllIL 123 No. 11th THE UNI SMOKE HOUSE Welcome elll Student. i n rfclfirc eni'SllTer Letter B rilLnJ Specialty. UNI smoKe house 1102 O Btntet 1 "L i u , HAVE j; f ' i ,t Wi 'i t' bJ . ir v THE EVANS. t r Do Your Wa.hln y Gieorg'e:;EJr6s. En5n V' BT? VI III K ff " 't-.- .T4iVUI J-T.-W. Campus Gleanings , y Q6t a Majestic ticKot ireo. ,C. H. Prey, rforlBt, 1133 O St. Hesorvcd soats for tho Ames-Ne-braslca basket-ball garnet aro on sale at tho Co-op, . Chapln BroB, florists, 127 So. Thlr tee nth. Nlco new stands haVo been btlllt for tho basket-ball game8. Reserved seats for sale at the do-op. - Eat at John Wright's, 114 South Eleventh. . Invitations aro out for the annual Ohl Omega party Which takes place at tho Lincoln hotel on January 23. Beckman Bros. Fine shoes. HOT O street. 0 m m All students taking Qart Jn "Old Hoidolborg" will meet at 11.: 30 o'clock Tuesday (this) morning in Memqrial halL Dr. Chas. Ybungblut, dentist, 202 Burr block. The meeting of the sophomore class which waB set for, 11:30 In. Memorial hall haB bdon postporied until a later date. - . Dr. J. Davifl, DentlBt. Charges rea sonable Oven, Bank of Commorce. tf ' t Tho cdmmitted oa delinquent' stu dents" held a meeting last Saturday. Tho scholarship -1b about the same ub last year. 0 Why not take your bath at Chris' bath house, Eleventh and P. streets? o Get a reserved Beat on the now stands for the Ames-Nebraska basket ball games Friday and Saturday. Dance Saturday night. - Have your clotheB pressed at Weber's Suitorium. Cor, 11th and O Professor Rudolph Tombo, Jr., of Co lumbia University, will deliver a lee ture in tho Temple auditorium Friday, January 15, at 5 p. m. 4- .-. cso(5oeeoecc3ooc3oo o oooc)oeoocccK 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT SUE the last day is tomorrow. 9 All Men's furnishings and Hats at 20 PER CENT DISCOUNT. $ 1 FULK, 1325 O &3000000000 O OO 000000000800000 Tho date of the senior "mask" party is February 6. Chairman Ira S. Big ger of tho senior social committee 1b in charge of the affairs. Miss Helen Gregory, '95, will give an account of the work of the music settlement In New YorK City at con vocation Saturday Thursday morning. ' 0 0 10 George Campbell, assistant business manager of tho Nobraskan, returned Saturday night from Omaha where he had been spending the Christmas holidays. 0 9 0 James Harvey, football star and cap tain of 'the 1908 1 football eloven, was initiated into Sigma Tau fraternity Saturday' evening 'at'thePhi Delta Thetii house. , Miss Harriet Taylor, national; socrp trtry of the Y. W. C. A., will speak at convocation on tho subject: "dlimpseb of Strident Llfp i'n.. Other Lands," thfs. morning at 11 o'clock in Memorial hall. 0 0 -' i ' ', Tho Zoological clib will meet In the ttopiogiqai lecture room, jn. slv, at & olcloclc Tuesday evening, j ".Tho Rela tion of Recent Wprk on Animal'' Hy Jbrldlzatlon, to Theories 'of Heredity,' '...in 'i. ji j .u..yv ri j'a Tn, vym uu uiBVUBDuu uy c. iv, .a-. aiu ;son. ' .v.l . . i-fJ 'Pra'ctido for" tho ua'rV-frat mdot'toTbo held on charter day started yosterday In tho unlvorslty gym, a number got ting out for work In tho sprints. Tho dato of tho frat moot, first sot on Jan uary 30 will probably bo changed, since a basket-ball ganfo Is also scheduled at the gymnasium on 'tho' samo ovon- ing. A. E. Henry, '98, aocrotary of tho Unlvorslty of Nebraska club at Kansas City, wrlteB that tho formor Nebraa kans held a banquet at tho Sexton hotel In KansaB City Tuesday night "This dinner" ho volunteers, "was woll attended and the enthusiasm mani fested bodes well for thlB, tho second year, of our organization." Tho first stops toward the formation of a Junior men's socioty woro taken yesterday when the following commit too was announced. ThiB committot will draw up complete plans for the so ciety and these plans will then go be fore tho class for approval: Jobbo Clarke, chairman; Clinton Dyo, Wil liam Byerts, Glenn Lo Roy, Olllo Man son. .- I- Wlth nearly 130 coupleB present at tho sophomore .hop, at tho Lincoln hotel Saturday night, tho hoodoo which haB been pursuing university dances since the beginning of tho year was broken. In spite of tho crowd, tho dance went off in splendid stylo and tho master of coromonles, A. A. Bald, is rocelylng considerable com mendation for tho hop. A. A. Bald and MIbs Mecia Stout led the grand march. Walt's orchestra furnlBhcd the music. Mr. and MrB. Weiss of Hob ron and Congressman Magulre chap eroned tho dance. Tho Graduato club will meet In the banquet hall of tho Temple at G p. m Friday, January 15. The gathering will bo an informal affair at which a banquet will bo served. SpeochcB will bo delivered by Dean Sherman and Chancellor Avery. Informal responses will bo niado by members of the fac ulty, Btato representatives and sen ators. Graduato faculty and graduate student members who wish plates are requested to notify Miss Howell, secre tary, or Professor Condra, president, by noon Friday. The price of plateB will be 30 cents. Carl Peterson went to Shlckloy yes terday to attend the funeral of Nelson, the Benlor law student who died from an attack of typhoid fever at his ranch in New Mexico. Towards the begln- ning of the ChriBtmas holidays Nelson was called Bouth to take charge of a ripening tomato crop and while there was taken with the fever. He grow rapidly worse and died last week. Saturday the senior law class held a meeting and elected Mr. Peterson as their representative at the funeral and also voted Co send a floral offering. Besides a wife, Nelson left a small child. Jacob R1I8 recently spoke at Phil lips Exetjar academy. A collection was taken up after the address for tho benefit of settlomont work In Now York City. Tho admission to basketball gamps at Northwestern has been cut to 25 cents. It is reported that President North rot) of Minnesota has offered his res Ignatlon to take effect .next June. Ho has been president there for twenty live years. Two members of tho junior class i it. Stanford were quietly, married, last iveolc They have withdrawn t froh jnooi ana ino groom win oegin worn in the business department oi a cattle ranch. ' " f Boston Tech is to have ft varsity baseball team next, spring. It has nO't been- rqpresonted' In this sport for in jears. . . ' , t I ilV """! 111 Tt.- ru fuis with It derful feed Stenderd the last dot. IllOh PIIUK9 80LD IN E. FLEMING, rj)e5$ooocoo ERATERMIY HALL H ' NON COM HOP TICKETS $1.25 'iX0000000000OdOO003000000005)8 I NIGGERHEAD MAITLAND 1 Lump $9.00 QUICK HOT GREGORY, The Coal Man LITTLE BUILDING BOTH PHONES 1044 0 STREET 00000&OffiO00000CO0&0OffiO000OSO600ol COLLEGE TAILORS COLLEGE VIEW WE WANT YOLR FRAT TRADE We can give you the best.price, best goods, best service- Capital Grocery sVnfSfe 1435 M St.; S&T-T rs&v3iQ7?? mmBKESa, 1307 Olt. FRATERNITIES l SORORITIES We Want Your Coal Orders. Give Us a Trial Order. SATISFACTION; WHITEBREAST CO . 1106 O Street v - ' . Lincoln Hotel Annex SENIGRPROVl X I Walt'. Full Orchestra I. 0QO$OO$O& Throughout tiphoor daya, collott days. husLueaa or professional Career te Conklin Pon Will senr you faithfully and mk wrltinsr a pleasure. You don't haW-to c6a it or to get,. It Ao wrlt, Because of Its won-, . pr,indpla,,ink ,xtmf6nd Intently at tby . UU 1UUIULH1UB Mil BVBn. HMHV nnW Ifl '. Another great'advaqtage of owning CONKLIN'S A PEN yoHre aaVr vrlthoat ink. No matter where you may bo in your room, lecture hall, at the post offlcer telegraph, office or hotel, or on the train alf yok ha'vet to do wlien your Conklin Pen begins to'run dry Is to dip It In attylnk well, press the Crescent-Filler and your pen laataatly fill Itself and Is ready to write. The same simple movement also cleans it. No mussy dropper no spilling of Ink no interruption to your train of thought. Handsome catalog direct from the manufacturerl,rThe Conklin Pen Co., 310 Manhattan Bldg., Toledo, Ohio, on request. LINCOLN BY 2 I O STREET JANUARY '15, 190J); WALT'S ORCHESTRA Nut $8.50 g LEAVES NO ASH g BEST TAILORING at the BEST PRICES Auto Phona 48 ORDER YOUR PUNCH AT FOLSOH'S Hot Lunubefl a Sneoinltv. Candies and Ioes. Phontst ,4u(o 2214. Bill 456. GUARANTEED Auto 3228 Bell 234 ' ' . r January 22, !09 . .rl! "y"v.- -"tr7 r"W'.'WSinl TT ' " M -.' A ) I " 1 . ;i .. ji. - !? m htoWlinH .? .... H d i&i 7T s rffl 'J ..KK ''Hm( ,!, .' ...WU', ';-.'. Wi JU -U4.SM4J! m i. T i sj.. rA,? f(frpfUr -itfl ' if I WJt Uti, J ut Jt,iJ :UMia .VMimmMjJLh ai, ' '-",.'' ." '-