r t THE DAILY NEBRASKAN v . . BV jbi HBB vBKiiiam BBH j mam BBBBB imM brand BbW PATENTED BAND AND BOSOM DOES IT ABSOLUTELY NO BULGE Ff' a pat.nttd !. a. . -B mm" FULL DRESS SHIRT U'nlt.d Shirt & ColUr Co., (M.ktr.) Troy.N.Y. DANCE PROGRAMS- BANQUET MENUS CALLING CARDS SIMMONS, THE PRINTER Business Directory Every Loyal University Student It urged to patronize theie Ns braskan advertisers, and ts men tlon the paper while doing so. BANK8 tf Central National; $ ' Trust aud Savings. First BAKERIES jt FolBora. OATH H0U8E Chris. Eleventh and P. BOOK 8TORE8 Co-Oo; Porter's; Unlvor- slty. CIGARS Colo & McKonnn. CLEANERS Blumonthal. CLOTHING $ Farquhar; Magco & Deem- or; Mayor Bros.; Palaco K Clothing Co.; Spoter &. Simon. COAL Qrogory; Whltebrcaat. CONFECTIONARY Lincoln Candy Kitchen. DANCING ACADEMY8 Pitta; Lincoln. DENTI8T8 J. R. Davis; YoungbluL DRY GOODS HorpolBheimor; Miller & Paine. DRUGGI8T8 Rlgga. ENGRAVERS Cornell. FLORI8TS Chapln Bros.; C. H. Frey FURNISHINGS ' Budd,; Fulk; Magoo & Doomer; Mayor Bros.; Pal- aco Clothing Co.; Spelor & Simon GROCERIE8 ! Capital Grocery Co. HATTER8 Budd; Fulk; Unland. ICE CREAM Collins Ice Cream- Co.; C&moron'B; John Wright's. - JEWELERS Hallett; Tucker. LUNCHEONETTE8 Folsom. LAUNDRIES Evans; Merchants. OPTICIAN8 Shoan. it PRINTER8 George BroB.; Simmons. RE8TAURANT8 Boston Lunch; Camoron's. SHOE8 Beckman Bros.', Branth- walto; Budd; ClnclnnaU Shoo Store; Sandersons; Itogfira & Porklns; Potty; Horeford. SKIRTS f Tho Skirt Store. TAILORS Elliott Bros.; Horzog; Lud- . wig; Marx; College Tail ors; Scotch Woolen Mills. THEATERS Lyric; Majestic; Ollvor; Elite. TYPEWRITERS . Lincoln Typewriter Ex- ' i change. si PATRONIZE YOUR , FRIENDS-OUR ADVERTISERS -PJjssssssssW jHEfBA Bmt bbbHbbbIbS 317 SO. I3TH STREET j ALUMNI NOTES. ' , , (Continued frdra Page 2) Miss Winifred. A. Bartls, '04, Is stay ing nt hor homo at Glonvllle, Nob. JftinoB A. EdwnrdB, '03, who has boon In Wyoming, 1b practicing medi cine ut Tuttlo, Okln. G. E. FarnHWorth, '04, Ib at Sulphur SprlngB, Wash., with tho North Coast ltnllroad company. Thomas B. Goodrich, '04, who has lecelvcri hlB mnBtor'B degree from tho University of Wisconsin, Is teaching history In tho Lincoln high school. lluHsoll S. HarrlH, '04, Ib, wJth tho WcBtorn Contractors Supply company, GOT llrandclB building, Omaha, Neb. L. P. 'Hovvitt, '04, Ib practicing law with Gomly & Twltchell, Denver. Lillian E. Anderson, '06, Is teaching In tho Central City high school. Julius Bcdnar, '00, Ib prlnclpnl or tho McCook high school. Lillian M. Bennett. '06, Ib principal of schools at Monroo,- Nob. ., Ella M. Bothwcll. '06, Is principal of tho Plalnvlow high school. ChnrloB R. llurky. '06, Ib now living at Jerome, Idaho. Clyde L. Davis, h '06, Ib with tho WostlnghouHO Company, 811 Franklin Ave, Wllkonsburg, Pa. V. A. Day, '00, Ib practicing Inw at 67 Silver Bow Bildg., Butte, Mont. SubbIc E. Essex, '06, Ib prlnclpnl of tho high school at Ponca. Hubert F. Favlngor, law '06, has been practicing at Hastings, Neb., since graduation from the university. W. H. England, Ph. p., '06, Ib a spo clul agont of tho Buronu of Corpora tions, 224 Indiana Avo., Washington, D. C. Georgo B. Field, '07, who has been abroad sinco last spring, joined Mrs. J. E. Miller at Romo Thanksgiving, and expects to sail for homo soon. v. D. Harris, A. M., '0o, is instruc tor In phyBlcB, SyrncuBo university, Syrncuso, N. Y. Air. W. H. Sawyer, '94, one of tho oarly graduates In electrical englnpe,r ing, who wns for a numbor of years a loudlng cngliieor and commercial representative with large contracts in Now York City for the General Eloc tric company, has bocome engineer for the Ford, Bncon & Davis company, a strong contracting firm of Now York. Robert R. Hill, '06, who haB boon principal of schools at Ewing, Is study ing law at tho university. Charles M. Kearney, '07, is studying at tho university this year. Schuyler C. Lanibert, '06, Is teach ing in the high school at St. Paul, Nob. Mr. A. E. Miller, '06, bettor known as South Amdrlcnn Miller." has re signed his ln8tructorshlp In agricul tural engineering at the Iowa State College to become chlof engineer for tho G. W. Parsons Co., at Nowton, Iowa, builders of a lino of special ex cavating and ditching machinery. Margaret Portor, '06, is teaching for the third year at Central City. The address of Mr. and Mrs. E. Don Skeen, '06, is 405 South Twenty-fourth street, Omaha, Nob. , Mr. Skeen is Itorne, Wtae mom6rlaI hospital. Milllcont Stebblns, 06, who was a fellow In German at tho University of Illinois last year, recolved an A. M. degree last Juno. Sho is now visiting eastern universities. A. H. WollenBlek, '06, is contracting at Aberdeen, S, D. Clyde Wilson, '06,- 1b farming near Ansolmo, Neb. Mason. Wheeler, '06, having com pleted the -.law course nt Columbia university, is "practicing law at 1120 Amsterdam Ave., New York City. Mr. Wheeler is president of tho Nebraska club of tho City of New York. A. W. Aron, '07, A. M., '08, is an assistant in Gqrman in tho University of Wisconsin. Jessie D. Barton, '07, is teaching in the high school at York, Neb. The addresB of Alice M. Ageo, '07, is 325 Second Avo., S. W., Ardmoro, Okla. Ralph C. Christie, '07, is studying medicine in the University of Nebras ka medical college Omaha. His ad dress is 1822 Dodgo street Beatrice P. Clark, '07, is teaching in tho high school at .Madison, Neb. Hugh W.. Craig, '07, ifia graduate scnoiar in pnuoeopny at, uornon uni versity. James A. Pallas, '07. who has boon principal of tno York high school, haa Free V FREE TICKET The Majestic is unusually good this week. The Daily Nebraskan has 100 tickets which it will give away. These tickets are good for reserved seats in any part of the house at any matinee this week. These tickets are given away with each new sub scription. We are making a special price from NOW TILL JUNE 1, for $1.00. SUBSCRIBE NOW! Room 7, Adm. Bldg. gone to Billings, -Mont., where ho hns taken the same position. Nat W. Downes, 07, Is a special ap prentice, Union Pacific railway, 2515 Dodgo St., Omaha. He has boon en gaged for several months on a series of tests of locomotlvoB to determine tho value of Alfreo-Hubboll vnlvo gear. Dean Driscoll, '07, who has been in business at Boise, Idaho, la In tho law college. Inez M. Fries, '07, Is nt homo at Ar cadia, Nob. Catherine E. Gibson, '07, who taught in tho Superior high school Inst year, haB a fellowship In German at tno University of Nebraska. Edwin R. Guthrie, '07, Is teaching in tho Lincoln high school. Arthur G. Hastlo, '07, is an electrical engineer at Aberdeen, S. D. Clara Holmrod, '07, is private secre tary to her father, who is American consul at Berne, Switzerland. George H. Holnko, '07, l&w '08, Ib engaged in the practice of law at Ne braska City. Lawrence B. Hill, '07, is principal of tho Tyre county high school, Mld dlobourno, West Va. This is tho first county high school to be established In tho stnto of West Virginia. The address of Mario L. Hlller, '07, is Pomoroy, Wash. Vinda E. HudBon, '07, is teaching at Ashland. Myra L. Kerns, '07, who taught in Tilden high school last year, is a fel low in Gorman at?the University of Nebraska. Edna King, '07, is a primary teacher in the schoolB at Aberdeen, S. D. E. N. Little, '07, has been advanced to the grade of adjunct professor of dairying, University of Nebraska. H. E. McComb, '07, is assistant in structor in physics at the University of Nebraska. James A. McGeachln, '07, is en gaged in business at Orleans, Neb. Carrie C. Marshall, '07, is teaching n the Tecumseh high school. Ruth Marshall, '07, who recolved a Ph. D. degree from the university, is caching biology in tho East division high school, Milwaukee, Wis, A, H. Miller, '07, is a ranger in the U. S. forest 'service, Aspen, Colo. Emily G. Moore, .'07. is a teacher In the Wahoo high school. Anna E. 'Parkinson,' '07, iBHeachlng at Malad Cltyr Idaho. Tickets! iiJJBJiffl ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE REDPATH'8 NAPANEE8 In tho Musical Comedy "Fun in the 8chool Room" HOMER, LIND & CO. In "The Opera 8lnger" LAVINE ANQ LEONARD MR. and Mrs. JACK M'GREEVY FRITZ HOU8TON JULIAN AND DYER THE GREAT KINKER VIA8COPE Mats. Daily (except Mon.) 15 & 25c Every Night 8:1515, 25 & 50c SUIT OR O'COAT made to order No More $15 No Less any stylo you wish WORLD'8 LARGEST TAILOR8 133 S. 13th 8t. M. M. Crandall, Mgr. Lincoln, Neb. Why not let tho Nebraskan pay your Majestic ticket this week? See our offer tf THE FIRST TRUST & SAVINGS BANK Ownod by tho Stockholders of tho First National Bank Interest Paid at 4 Per Cent First National Bank hooms, Tenth & O CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK 12th and O Streets P. It. HALL, President F. K. JOHN80N, Vico-PrtiMUmt BBMAN O. FOX, Oaahler W. w. HACKNEY Jr., Aert. Ouhiftr CARLTON I An Arro close meeter that will try neither tie, thumb nor temper 5c. 2 for 25c. Cloett, I'eAboUy Jt Co., Troy, Vw York TREE TICKET THESE TICKETS ARE LIMITED January 9 to June 1, $1.00 Hot Drinks are now in season. Do you know any place where you can get as Quick Service.. as you can at our new store? No need of being crowded. Lincoln Candy Kitchen 14th &0 S.'W. Corner UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET. YELLOW FRONT Your Patronage Solicited Want-Ads AdvortlBemonta for the want ad column should be left at the bkaineaa office, basement Administration BMg., between 10 a. m. and 12 m., or be tween 2 p. m. and 6 p. m. Cash must accompany all orders for want ads, at the rate of 10 oehta per insertion for every fifteen wbhUr or fraction thereof for the first inser tion; three insertions 25 cents; Ave insertions 40 cents. BOARD AND ROOM. First class table board at 1511 8 Qt, $2.75 per week. 5t63-28 FOR SALE. Due bill for sale on an up-to-date tailor, at 25 per cent discount, 8ee Nebraskan manager. 63dh-tf J FOUND. Found A grey crayenetto., Owner may have same-by calling a( ti, JlOi, and paying for ad. 66-tf-30 Lost"K. & E." 10-inch slide rule in leather case. Return to Rag office. Reward. 3t-fta' LostBlack leather folding pocket book, containing small change and vl .liable papers, en the campus or ( Mechanic- A$r. hall. Return to He liraskan ofJJcs.Jor roward. 3t-$73J r isu 'ttutatwsta