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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 9, 1909)
"vl J il ' h Ube Bails IP ?. ' 'U Vol VHI. No. 67. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 1, Ittf Price 5 Cent --. , .v .. 1..TT.rT. 4J, j, j.,ij.... a i ir ' 3Bf?sPw$fc:. 1cbtaehai 'J B i1 i!iV I I.V l- 1. n Itl NOT IP TO STANDARD NE8RA8KA INSTRUCTOR THINK8 EA8TERN 8TUDENT8 BE8T WESTERN WEN DON'T GET WORK Professor's Fear That Easterners Are Intellectually Better Than Men of k west meets wun cmpnauc Argument. An inBtructor In one of the largest departments of the university recently remarked to his clasB, after a dlBCOiir aging bit of work oh the part of one of ItB mombors, that he was compelled to doubt whethor western students were as Intellectually capable as the mon of the eastern unlvcraltleB. He declared that, although ho had been able while teaching In nn eastern school of high standing to assign his clasB a glvon .amount of work with a certainty that they would have the j task well performed on the following day, here at Nebraska he had been endeavoring with but dismal results to aBBign exactly the same amount of work to students supposedly more ad vanced. The statement was of course made as an urging to better work on the part of the students In this particular class and the data on which the in structor based his remark was lim ited to the one, department and In fact, so far as really definite compar ison went, t thl$ one course. It naturally however, Ogives rise to a "wonder in thej minds of live Nebraska Btudents whether or not they do stand in favorable comparison with their brethren in thb offete cast. He Had Knowledge. So far as thiB particular statement is concerned there seems to bo no room for denial of its truth and of the consequent aspersion upon the in tellectual powers of the instructor's pupils. The professor in question is a western man who has studied and taugh in the east. His western na tivity 'would seem to make him prono to prejudice in favor of the west rath er than against it, and consequently his statement, has additional weight. On the other hand, he has had enough experience In the east to know what he Is talking about and his comparison in this caso was sufficiently definite to satisfy the moBt skeptical. Yet on the whole it will probably ho hard for western students to admit that the college men of the east can excel them in the character of their mental accomplishments. The state ment quoted above, when expressed second hand before a group of Nebras ka students yeBterday, resulted in quite emphatic opinions to the oppo site of that entertained by the doubt ing professor. Some of the students endeavored to show why the data of the Instructor might botruo and his conclusion, or rather his fear, might . not be well-based. Do More Work. These men Insisted that as a whole wostern students attempted to carry moro work than do tho men of the east While tho requirements for en trance to tho larger eastern schools are very frequently higher than thoBe in tho west, yet their demands for graduation do not vary to nearly so large an extent from the standards here. The result is that the eastern er does not actually accomplish so much in his four year course as does a man at Nebraska. Another, argument brought forward was that eastern men are satisfied . to graduate with less hours of credit than are their ambitious relatives in .. the weBt It Ib nothing unusual for a Nebraska graduate to have 144 hours at graduation, although only 125 are required for a sheepskin. In either caso, these loyal Nobraskans inslBt that the easterner would have moro time for each branch and thoreforo would have a losson perhaps better prepared. Arguing further they said that tho particular branch used by tho instruc tor as an Illustration Is one of tho moro classical studios and they be lieve that it is given a placo of moro importance in tho oast than in tho west. In any case It will probably bo hard to convince Nebraska men that they are Intellectual degonerates or any thing near it, oven by comparison with the products of eastern homes. On such a proposition they will have to be shown, and it will take a good deal of proof. APPLICATIONS FOR PO8ITION8. Aspiring Journalists Have Chance to Get on Daily Nebraskan. Ah forecasted in tho Daily Nebras kan yesterday the board of student publications at a session held late yes terday afternoon accepted the resigna tions of the present editor and man nger of this paper to take effect with the end of this semestor and referred the matter of making recommenda tions for their successors to tho nom ination committee which will report back to the board on Tuesday after noon. Applications for positions on tho staff must be made to this com mittee by Tuesday that time may be taken for full consideration of the qualifications of tho applicants fttr holding office. A few application's for the positions of editor and man ager were made at the meeting of tho 'board yesterday. " "" '- - "Komensky" Program Tonight. Piano Solo Selected. Malo Quartet Bcdnar, Sharp, Shon ka, Tonoplr. Lecture "The Nation of Comonlus," Miss Sarah Hrbok. Violin Music Fred Hakel, Wesloy an: The program will be given in the mtiBlc hall of the Temple tonight, and will begin at 8 p. m. Miss Hrbek's lecture will bo Illustrated with views taken from Bohemian history and Bo hemian country life. CongreBsman-elect J. A. Magulre and Mr. and Mrs. Weiss of Hebron, Neb., will act as chaperones at tho Bophomore hop tonight at the Lincoln hotel. From tho advance sale of tick ets, indications are that tho hop will be a success financially since nearly the necessary number haB been sold. TIcketB at the door will cost moro than if purchased beforehand of the J members of tho committee. Arnold Bald is master of ceremonies and W. C. Wless is chairman. The dance will begin- promptly at 9 o'clock, tho grand march starting at a quarter till 9. All couples who aro npt on. the floor at that time will oxporlence troublo with filling their programs. Senior politics for tho second se mester are beginning to take color. E. E. Hills, who, until yesterday, was a candidate, has withdrawn in favor of J. B. Harvey, captain of the foot ball team. It is thought that Harvey's part In atheltlcs will make him a strong contestant for class honors. The other candidate, "Bob" Gantt, is a fraternity man, belonging to Phi Delta Theta and is a strong man in his class. Tho Cornhusk'er management is mailing post cards to every junior and senior in the three colleges advising them to have tbqlr pictures for tbe book, taken at once. All pictures must be taken before the middle of the month, since tho cuts must be sent away by "iKat time. Fraternities and sororities, and othor university or ganizatlons aro being notified to havo the group pictures taken. KANSAS IN TRIUMrtl BA8KET-BALL FIVE WINS FROM CORNHUSKERS 48 TO 13. JAYHAWKERSIN fINE CONDITION Tenth Game for Them and They Are Able to Keep up Fast Pace Set at Opening of Game. Won at Manhattan. Thursday evening, in tho first gamo on their southern trip, the Cornhuskor basket-ball five defeated tho Kansas state agricultural team by tho score of 36 to 35. Tho news" of this victory was vory welcome to tho local enthus iasts who had feared that, in view of the fact that tho local five aro far from boing at their best in respect to team work, they might bo defeated by tho Kansans. The news came to tho Daily No bra8kan by a special wiro from Dr. Clapp, who is accompanying the team on this trip. The mossengo was de layed, however, so that It arrived In Lincoln too late for a writo-up of tho game to appear In yesterday morn ing's issue. Tho telegram stated that tho Nebraska squad showed marked improvement over any work which they have done heretofore this sea Bon and that their playing throughout the game was very consistent. None of the Nebraska players played a star game but all of them worked hard and not a man failed to score at some time or othor. -Sptnln Walaluof JieUruakxvS. five goals from the field and made four goals from fouls during tho game, a total of 14 points. From such a show ing early in the senson, before the team work haw been developed, it ap pears to be a safe prediction that tho work of the lanky captain will be even more spectacular this season than it was Inst, which is Baying a great deal. Used the Substitutes. Talbot and Larson did most of the scoring for tho Kansans, tho former getting eight Hold goals and the latter getting five and one of tho score. All seven of the players who loft with Dr. Clapp took part in the contest. Schmidt replaced Wood at forward and Jones took Perry's place at guard. Tho summary of tho score fol lows: Nebraska. fg walsh, rf 5 Wood, Schmidt, If 3 Potrashok, c 1 Porry, Jones, lg , . . 5 Boll, rg 2 Total 16 K. 8. A. C. fg Talbot, rf 8 Larson, If .5 Haynes, c : .2 Edwards, rg McNall, lg 2 f ft 1 .1 2 1 3 1 1 Totals 17 8 1 Score: Nebraska, 36; K. S. A. C, 35. Umpire, Prof. King; referee, Dr. Clapp. (Special to the Dally Nebraskan.) LAWRENCE, Kas Jan. 8.The Us verslty of Kansas basket-ball flvo smothered the Cornhuskers from tho University of Nebraska in the first two games at the gymnasium toriight by the store 'of 48 to 13. The 'visitors were clearly outplayed and at no time had a look-in for at victory. A very large crowd witnessed Che game: t ' The.puperipr condition of the Jay hawkors was an important "factor in bringing victory tbtttSm over their horiorablo rivals from-tne Cornhuskor state. This was tho tenth hard gamo fnr tfm 1nrnt nlnvnra anil fhov a nn trouble in putting .up a fast exhibition of the 'great indoor 'game freta the start of the coftteet until tho referee's whlatlo blew, announcing the close of tho gamo in the second' half. Tho Cornhuskers put up a game fight, but after the first fifteen mlnutea of pjay they showed the laok of sufficient hard training ana allowed tho local colleg ians to run away .with tho gamo. Walsh Guarded Closely. Walsh, Nebraska's star goal-tossor and captain, was not able to do any or his brilliant work tonight. Ho suc ceeded in throwing but one field goal, and that was made in tho second half. Ho scored threo poIntB for hiB toam from freo throws. Tho Nebraska cap tain played a hard gamo but was so closely guarded by his opponents, who woro expecting him to do some won- dorful playing, that ho could not throw many goals. In tho second half Nobraska substi tuted Jones, loft guard, and Schmidt, left forward, for Perry and Woods re spectively. Tho substitutes did vory creditablo work. Jones throw qno field goal while ho was in tho game, during tho second half. Two Kansas 8tars. Tho starB for Kansas woro JohtiHon, loft forward , and Woodward, loft guard. Johnson made twenty-two of tho Jayhawkors' total of 48 points. Tho 'same toamB will meet In tho gymnasium tomorrow ovenlng. Ne braska Is boliovod to havo solved tho Kansas style of play and will probably put up a much bettor gamo in tho sec ond contest. Summary of the score: Nebraska. fg ft alsh, rf I 3 Wbo&Vif" Schmidt, If 0 0 Potrashok, c 1 0 Porry, lg 1 0 Jonos, lg 1 0 Bell, rg 1 0 Totals 10 Kansas. fg McQuid, Long, rf 2 Johnson, If 12 Bergin, Hyser, c 1 Martlndale, rg 3 Woodward, If 4 Totals 42 ft 0 0 0 0 G 6 .Inmes G. Mothorsead, law '08, whoso home is at Wallace, was seen on tho campus yesterday. Mpthersoad was one of tho two graduates from tho law college last spring who wero not ad mitted to the bar on account of the age requirements. Tho othor student was Roy Johnson. Neither of them at tho time of graduation last spring yero 21 years of ago. Since that time Johnson has attained to that age and has been admitted to practice before the Nebraska bar. Tho inter-class debating committee of the sophpmore class held a meeting yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clpck at the Temple. An informal discussion of tho plans for the organization of the Inter-class debating league took -place, A joint meeting of tho four committees will be held next' week. E. H. Hahne Is chairman of tho soph omore committee, the other two mem bers being A. M. Hare and Ray Drake. Tho first of the quarterly meetings of the schoolmaster club was, held jast night at tho Lincoln hotol. Following a Bhort business session at which the applications of prospective members wpro acted upon, a dinner was served. Ex-Superlptendcnt J. L. Mcrejn de llyorpd a paper on "Fifty Years of Edu cational .Progress in Nebraska" and an informal; discussion' of the paper took place. Dr. Winshlp, a noted eda- . -. H.n-i . , itv . .lo cator of Massachusetts, was present at tbe meeting. Your car fare would pay tot a aloe lunch at The Boston Laaca. War I go home? SHOWS AN INCREASE MEDICAL COLLEGE HA8 LARGEST ENROLLMENT IN HISTORY. DEAN FOR MORE REQUIREMENT With Two-Years' Academic Work Re quired for Admission Department Would Be Placed- on Equality With Other Schools. Tho fourth blonnlnl report of Deal Ward of tho medical college whlclr has just been published, shows thai, tho falling off in that department which was quito noticablo last year, has now boon moro than mado up. For 1906 tho total onrbllmont in tho medical collogo was 138, fbr 1907 it dropped to 129 but this year the total attendanco lias reachod 147, tho largest that It has ovor been. Dr. Ward declares In his report that In viow of tho goneral falling off in the numbor of medical student, all ovor tho country this docrease is moroly incidental and tho prompt ro covory at Nebraska la marked; evi dence of the attractive character of our advantages. This is probably In fluenced by tho fact that a year ago, tho requlromonts for entranco to pro fessional courses were raised to In clude one year college work abqvo tho full high school course. Increased Requirements. Tho faculty of tho medical college recommends that a further Increase to Include two years of college work in the minimum , ohtranco require ments bo madocUvea' year' from' this tlmo. During the'-last few years there has beet a general movement among "American colleges towards bucIi a standard, and up to tbe present time some fifty colleges either have adopted it or have signified' tHblr in tention of doing so at an early date. Experience has shown that in actual practice It gives tho training calculate cd to yield the best results for the average man. Dean Wnrd points out that the pur pose of such an advance in requlro monts as this is that the scientific ad vnnco of recent years have made mod- -orn medicine nn exceedingly compli cated discipline. The effort to master professional training today on the basis of limited preliminary education can only result In mediocrity if not In actual failure Among the graduates of low grade schools many men are not now in ac tive practice, having been compolled to turn their attention to other linos of activity by demonstrative inability to copo with the demands of modern professional life. Thorough prehmln- ary training means a broader profes sional course and a clearer Insight Into tho possibilities in professional' work bo well as greater' 'success Jin professional life. . Graduates preferred. . Every state examining board k toe United States lists. Ifebraska grad uates in tho preferred class, and, ,V the highest medical instltutloas ia $e east welcome them for advanced' yr,k. A short time ago a letter, was' rec'elypci from Frederic C'. Hallet of the Jloyal Colleges of Physicians and Burj&oas' of London, saying that the University of Nebraska .bad been aded tq the list of those institutions "a which Jtie curriculum of professional t& might be pursued and whoeegriw1 uates In medicine may bo admitted to the filial examination In modlcIaQ .'Dean Ward, declares J that the" pol lege of Medicine1 id suffering frodfa lack of space available for laboratory instruction and that equipment tor demonstration purposes Is yery.seiaty asslstam courses, This Is necessary both to give the sWdoats ktdivMual iastrHc tio aqd tq perming fc?"MJfcY flme to keep In jtoucl wlth.Lt xjm progress of modern science both through study aad laveatlgattea, ana snoma do exi?naea,aij aa, effjy flate,Tbee;;is also a brantac jtajd for additional assistance In laboratory rjf rtf ifi ' .. MWVwk;gfcii 4iirS1fe -uwyL