V ft "F Ar, V - T I ii ir T n ifTi r imnriri J il ill i i i ill ii n m im iii J TrnOTWBiLMWII'llUJW.iJiJ.J-L.-,.J., ... ,..-. ... . . . L.. ' .. ... '. .. ... -1 i . i , --- - .j - - ... .. . i"-n" i i.rtliiwii, fca. Sft'i THE DAILY NEBRASKAN e rf b. i ) 1 - g.be-Palls flebraghnn TUB PUOPEttTV OF T1IM UNIVERSITY OP . NRmiAflKAj , Lincoln, NobniBkii. ,( PHBUSHEO EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUKDAY AND MONDAY HY TUB STUDENT PtJIl. HOARD. Pabticatlon Otnce, 126 No. 14th St. EDITORIAL STAFF. Editor Clyde E. Elliott, '09 Managing Editor... Herbert W. Potter, 10 fiewa Editor -Lynn Lloyd, 11 Aisoolnto Editor Victor Sthlth, 11 DU6INE88 STAFF. Mandfler Qeorfle M. Wallace, MO Circulation J. Roy Smith, 09 Asit. Manager Earl Campbell, '10 Editorial and Duilncti Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Postofflce, 8tatlon A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, fOoVER VAB Payablo In Advance Single Copies. 5 Cents Each. T.elephpno: Auto 1888. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo clmmcd for ut tho nito of 10 contH per InHortlon for oVory llftonn worclH or fraction thoropf. Fumilty notlcoH and Unlvorulty bullotlnB will Kliully bo publlHboa froo. . Enforce at the poHlofflce at Lincoln, Nobriixkii, an Hocond-claHH mull matter umlnr tho Act of CouKrcHH of March 3, 1$79. . . FRIDAY, JANUARY 8, 1009, WIPE OUT THE LINE! Tho. movement to bring tho frntorn lty and-nonrfratornlty mon togothor In nn Indoor track moot Ja n commond nblo.anqtht, should roqolvo tho hear ty supppri. pt all students In tho uni vorfllt,y. ... Tlioro can only bo some trivial, objections to thoBo gamos and thoBp , nuiBt, cqrqo .only, frpm BtudcntB whoo, ,n,ar;rqw, mlndodnosB is bo groat that, Vit.-pilnds thorn to tho benofltB thn,.can. bo dorlvod from any. clean contest Ip. which young mon claBh, Sq far tho proposed plans for the games havo boon approved by all tho Ureok letter mon and thoro has not boon heard a dlB8ontlng voice from that Bet of students. Some of tho non fratWriity mon, howovor, who, without thinking dooply, havo objected to the meoL "Analyzed, their objections to tho illan prove to bo oxtromoly flimsy. In fact about all tholr roasons for not holding th'o meet, when boiled down, are only varied statements of tho one main objection to (ho contest on the ground that it will tend to stir up an antagonistic spirit botweon tho fra ternity'1 arid non-fratornity classes. That suchwrmld be tho caBQ 1b a pre posterous' fdda. To nmkd such an ussortlon 1b to pluco an ox'tromoly tfmall valuo on tho dl8crotioh',bf' ovory univeralty student. Thoro1 1b 'riothing in nn athletic con- University Bulletin January. Friday, 8 Junior hop at Fraternity Hall, ' . Saturday, 9 Sonhomoro hop at Lin coln Hotol. Tuesday, .12 Convqcation "Tho So cial Instability of tho .Tow," by Nathan' Bernstein. Friday, IB Non-Corn Hop at Fratern ity Hnil. Meeting of tho Gradunto Club. Amos basketball gamo 8 p. m. Saturday, 1C Ames basketball game. Informal dancd B p. m. WednoBday, 17 Y. M. C. A. mld-weok meeting. A. L. WcaVor 'leads. Frldaq, 22 Senior prom at Lincoln Hotol Annex. Drake buskotball gamo 8 p. m. Saturday, 23 Drake basketball game. Informal dnnco 8 p. m. Monday, 25 Semester fcxamJnntlonB bogin. Friday, 29 Sophomoro Informal at Fraternity Hall. Kansas basketball gamo 8 p. m. Semester oxamhmUons close. Saturday, 30 Kansas basketball gamo 8 p. m. Informal dnnco. February. Monday, 1 Missouri basketball gamo 8 p. m. Friday, 5 Junior Prom at Lincoln Hotel. Friday, . 19 Minnesota basketball gamo 8 p. m. . Saturday, 20 MinneBotn basketball game. Informal danco 8 p. m. "Tho increased vnluation of tho as scssmont of property in tho state this yoar will probably well caro for tho normal growth o'f the university, and provide means of increasing tho sal aries of some of tho profesB6rs thoro Avhoftjo services during tho past ontltle them to better compensation In tho future. "Your attention 1b respectfully called to tho urgent need of enlarging the university campus. Tho campus is so crowded that there Is now no place for an athlotlc field. Neither is there any place for the cadets to drill, and pnlcBB some adequate provision Is mndo to provide a drill ground, the Btntc will, In all probability, lose tho appropriation that 1b being mado by tho general government, under tho condition that military instruction be given nt the university. Tho time has now come to onlargo tho university campus. It Ib not likely that tho sur rounding property will be any chodp er than It is at the prosent time; It is more probable that It will advance in value. Therefore, I Btrongly recom mend1 thnt a sufficient appropriation bo mado to buy tho flvo blocks which Join the campus on the east and north east. If, after duo consideration, you find that any part of tho expense can bo providod out of tho ono mill levy, nil woll and good. If not, In my opin ion, you will be justified in making an appropriation for thnt purpose out of the general fund." 0000000000Q00000000000000 . s !M . TARY m v mm mmmm m mm m mm mm q OVERCOATS Choice of Entire Stock What is needed nre things that will bring tho two factions in touch with each other moro frequently, and thon thiB strained situation will bo relieved. Ono of tho host wnys to got tho men of tho two classes into closer relation ship .1b to have them meet On equal ground In atheltlc contests. There they can come to understand that they- aro the equal of ono another. Then tho non-fratornlty man can see that the foljow with a monnlngleBs fratornlty pin 1b only human and that ho realizes ho Ib no bottor than his brother student who has not joined a secret organization. If tho non-fratbrnlty men who have been opposing tho Indoor meet will only think over tho Bltuatlon for a short timo they will see how foolish are their fears that a contest would ALUMNI NOTES. Miss Clara Ballard, '03, has returned to the university and Ib doing grndu ato work in tho department of EngliBh literature. Samuel D. Clifton, '02, Is at Downey, Idaho. Mr. Frank B. Buckstaff, '03, has been designing marine boilers, etc.. and estimating for tho Henry Pratt Boiler and Machine company of Chi cago. Ada D. Comstock, 03, Ib teaching In the McCook high school. Calvin O. Crane, '03, Ib in electrical engineering work at Boise, Idaho. Mrs. Emma Meier Dean, '03, Ib in her now homo at 4022 Brooklyn Ave. Seattle, Wash. John C. Doubt, '03, Ib nt Spokane, Wash. J. F. Duncan, '03, Is superintendent of schools at Ong. Elizabeth Aldon Ferguson, aged four months, is at homo with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Olin J. ForguBon, at Schenectady, N. Y. Mabel Qullo. '03, is principal of bchools at Firth, Mr. L. E. Hurtz, '03, who upon graduation was placed in charge of tho now municipal lighting plant of Lincoln, loft thnt position nfter man aging the plant very successfully for n year, to undertake the general man agement of the Lincoln Telephone iiii wwJ m n.f J4J,,0. Two Stokes 1415, 0. au Need Any Tans for Drill? Got in a new shipment today--New Knob Toes in Button h c I" f $J.DU Also a new Bach of Oxfords $ 1 0.00 1 Any Suit in Store $13.95 The PALACE CLOTHING CO. 1419 0 STREET ..0000000000 O OO 00000000000000 DRESS SUITS $25 to $40 For You Boys LUDWIGS Order one for the next party '. ttU WW'S? 522 ,W.M5 UHCflW 245fi Ui5: AND OM S7iTO 96 lOHlrtG, TONE vsr Why not lot tho Nobraskan pay your Majestic ticket this week? See our offer on page 3. tf toBt between fratornlty and non-fratornlty men that should In any way give tho fair-minded student cause for becoming billigorent toward his opponent. Tho man who would be como "ruffled" at any dofeat or mis understanding that might occur in such n meeting would bo too "Bmall" to havo affiliations with either sldo, and ought to bo shunned by all of .his colleaguos, Thoro is, of course, moro or less feeling between fraternity and non-fraternity mon nnd this will prob ably always exist, but there 1b no rea Bon.why it, should get increased in a harmless athletic contest. Really, the reverse ought to bo true. and the two classes should be brought closer in touch with'. each other. The great roaBon for the strained relations between tho fraternities, as a class, and the non-fraternity men, as a class,-, Is thai neither side has tried to put itself closer to the other. And for th.U) condition the non-fraternity men. qro just as much to blame as the 3roek letter studonts. They toko too many things for granted about- tho other set and Instead of getting the- faqts regarding tho fra ternity men they assume "dog-in-the-manger" attltqdo and growl at ovory- Ihing, tho. other sot does. They stop' alKheaaway iowaru a Douor unaor gtandlm with the Greek lettor men. Increase the ill-feeling between tho two classes. Then they will get be hind the movement for tho athletic games, and by so doing will help wipe out the lino separating fraternity and non-fraternity men. 8PEAKS FOR ALMA MATER. Sheldon Recommends Liberal Appro priation for University. In his message to tl.o ' thirty-first session of tho Nebraska legislature Retiring Governor George L. Sheldon spoke for a better 8tato university In the following wordB: "You havo every reason to bo proud of our great state university. Tho state has profited much through the higher education that has been af forded through it to tho young men and women. While at times it may have seemed to some that tho cost of building up tho university was con siderable, I feel you will agree with me that that cost has been well worth tho whilo. Wo should not forget that some members of tho faculty, who aro classed among the best edu cators of this country, through loyalty and dovotion to tho university, have remained at a much ' dmaljer salary than they could havo commanded if they had accepted offers from other universities. ' co'mpnny. His present position gives him supervision of large telephonic in terests throughout the state of Ne braska, as well as other Important electrical Interests. George P. Kimball, '03, is manager of tho-Mattoon Gas Light and Coke compnny, Mattoon, 111. Walter K. Long, '03, received a med ical degree from Northwestern univer sity in 1906, and is physician of tho Auditorium Annex, Chicago, 111. William Morrow, Law '03, is county attorney of Scotts Bluff county, Ne braska. Among the electrical engineering graduates who have been fortunate enough to become understudies of Bion J. Arnold, E. E., '05, the world famed electrical engineer of Chicago and New York, may be mentioned sev eral who havo done credit to thett chief. - They are H. L. Songer. R. H Oliver and C. O. Crane, all of '03. 1. E. Brooke should bo mentioned also. Theseyoung men havo all had charge of Important work for tho Arnold company in electrical railway and power development lines. Mr. L. J, Posplsil, '03, who wafc for a time a draftsman in the drdnanco department of tho navy at Washing ton, D. C., is now, with tho Spokane (Washington) Power Transportation company. John F, Tobln '03; received tho de gree of J. D. from the University of Chicago. Ho is practicing law at G27 Judge building, Salt Lake City, Utah. Tim address of H. G, Strayer, '03, Ib 328 Corbett building, Portland, Ore. 00CQQ00CffiO0Q00Q O O 0C0Q0Q0CG0 I MAGEE & DEEMER SZ These sweeping reductions on all Kensington Suits and W inter Overcoats continues but two days more. Friday and Saturday It will pay you to look into the future and buy a nice black or blue suit for you will not have the opportunity again this year to buy them at such prices. Come Friday if you can se lections will be made from more complete lines and Sat urday will be an exceedingly busy day. u Fine Kensington Overcoats are now selling as low in price as the ordinary kinds, g not nearly so good. o Don't Miss this Chance Come k Friday or Saturday o ooooopooooQQoaoooob ooooo o I m w.y ------ ,4-- -MtW " t