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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1909)
V" A'w'.;:ry,iAa xxrv nlfmmvrwTTm,MAMw a4uHit-Mlwil. fw.S'.ii.'iTf-4-v-; ' 'VJlfcy.- - " lv Al ,;v jti s l. :. vV HtUi'ULL'UUJLI.U -rrv- 'VoL VIII. No. 66. UNIVERSITY" OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 8, 1909. Price 5 Cent , ( t 1 iFiebraeftan DltlV) ' c Ht INTER-CLASS BOARD NEW s$SdY''WA8 ORGANIZED ON WEDN EgkbAV EVENING. .- " i JA .-& '' fREStfMEN 'Ml! PARTICIPATE i- ,i Plrst Year MeH' Will' no Conger Be Left 'Out of" all Inter-class Athletics- as. Has Been' Case Heretofore. bo appointed by tlio Intor-frnt athlotlo board to decide upon the events which will make up the prograniH of all thrco Lmeots. n The' committee appointed by1 Dr. Clapp was as follows: Jim Harvey, chairman; J. Cv Knode, E. P. duldln gor, P. E. Dlnsmorc and John Alex ander, In viCw-of the fact-that 'this plan linn progressed so far it is believed that the Athlotic Board will dqcldo "not' to have the lnter-cWs, indoor1 meet on Charter Day but will faVor having the proposed meet. In case this ac tion 1b taken by the board the inter class indoor meet will be held later, prouaply, about tho module or .March. On account of a' conflict'' In dates with tho Kansas-Nebraska basket-bull game on January 30, the intor-frnt meet which was scheduled for that night will b0" postponed. It 1b prob able that it will be held on February 6, and that the non-frntoniity meet wll come on the following Saturday, Fobruary 13,' or vice verBa. Further aotion taken by the intor cluss committees on "Wednesday even ing was to pass resolutions of con- PAY Of PROFESSORS 8TATI8TIC8 8HOW JU8T HOW MUCH TEACHER8 GET. WIDE RANGE Of REMUNERATKN Instructors In Some Departments Av erage Much Higher Than Others Considering 'Number -of Stu dents Taught and Time. ; Wednesday evening in tho Cdrn lftiskd'r ofll'cV the lntdr-class alhlollc committees, which wore recently ap pointed by tho presidents of each of too four classes, mot and 'transacted some very important buairiess. They Organized into an inter-class' rithlotic board and made a rough dra,ft of a (institution which, upon being revised by a committee appointed for that pur pose, viil be submitted1' to thef Uni versity' A'thldtlc board for Ratification. It Is believed that this constitution Will bo ratified without any trouble fad hat from now on tho Inter-class gratulation to Captain-elect Boltzer of athletics at the university will bo I the football team, and to appoint a placed upon a better and firmed foot-1 committee, consisting of Hummell and. ing than- they hayo been heretofore. Muhood, to arrange an Intcr-clnBS busk'et-bnll schedule. T&j congratulations of tho board will bo conveyed to Captain' Bel tzer in 480 1384 20 80 51 137 351 712 092 2635 108 4G0 220 734 117 402 541 2080 201 741 250 848 175 470 188 414 007 2151 286 080 254 008 229 754 f hisi constitution has not yet been compietea iDuyasaon as n w, iw yy bo publlBhre'din'thoaDaily'' Nobraskan. Among tb'mbst Important features of t)ie now ordeKo'fHljitfgs will bo- the admlSsIon qt freslihion to'tfl'lnter class athletics, Thla hdfs berirt.R sub ject . fjor dlscbBBlofi at theuniverslty for years' and every, ypar It has hod to lie decided ono way or' the other. iipife frequently than not tho fresh men havo been barred from football and often from baBoball and basket ball. This has beon'.cbrfsrjlered un fair tJ tho freshmen, but the upper classmen have usually barred' them becauso the strongest class teams usually came' from tho freshman tanks. 'Freshmen Lost Out. Last spring, however, when tho MlBBtrnr I- Valley- -Conference waB or ganized, a. provision was made which forbade froBhman football teams from competing with' teams from other schools and as a consequence, since they, .were barred from Inter-class ath letics at home, tho Nebraska fresh men were "all in, down and out." This was manifestly unfair to the t'roshmen and as a result tho action of this Inter-class board is welcomed by all. p Provision will be made in the con stitution for five different forms of intor-claBS athletics as follows: Foot ball, 'baseball, basket-ball, , indoor traok meet, and outdoor track meet. Tho outdoor meet will be held on Ivy Day, as it was lust year, but tho date of the indpor meet is not yot definitely known. Tho inter-class board passed resolutions in which thqy- asked that tlio lnter-class indoor moot be hqld In tho place of tho Charter Day'meot; these resolutions will bo submitted to the University' Athlotic Board and th'e Vesulf will' depend upon their action. ' The Other Plan. Upon the action Mt the dthlotlc board In this matter depends the out come of tht other plan which Is being the following form: "fL.miolnNeb., Jan. C, lbok "To'Mr. O. A. Beltzer, -Captain Univer sity of Nebraska Football Team: "We, the undersigned officers of the lnter-class athletic board, in accord ance wltl1 the .action of the board on thebQvdato.xlajluJuobyoxtend-jtO" you t!te congratulations oi tho poaru, upon your olpctlon as captain of tho unlvorsity football .team, and do further assure you of Its hearty sup port and co-operation in your every effort to produce a winning team." (Signed) "S. P, Dobbs, President. "S. A,.MaloOd, Sec'y."' The formal petition for establishing tho custom of holding an nnnunl in door Inter-cInsB meet reads us follows: "Lincoln, Neb., Jan. G, 1909. "To. Dr. It. G. Clapp, Physical Direc tor, University of NobiuHka. "We, the undersigned officers of the Inter-clasB athletic board, in accord ance with action taken by the board on tho above date, do hereby respect fully submit for your consideration and approval the holding of an an nual 'indoor lnter-class athletic meet' Such meet to be held under your su pervision with the assistance of a .committee from .the board. "We further suggest that the uni versity athletic board bo ashed, to pro vide suitable prizes or trophies, and that tho said meet be held on each recurring Charter Day. (Signed) "S. P. Dobbs, President. "S. A. Mahood, Soc'y." RECEIVES MORE EQUIPMENT. Political Science Department Pur chases Series of Maps. 'i Recently the political science de partment has t received an Important uddltlon to Its equipment. A -series nusned by both, tbfl fraternity and non-pf abouty thirty maps valued at $125 fraternity men. That plan Is to have two Indoor meets, one open o'nly' to frat meti arid tjio other only td non fraternity men, during the irst two weeks of February, the winners of tho events In each meet to qualify for tho finals which wlll'taico pIhco on Charter Day, Fobruary . 15th. Tuesday morn ing in prf (Clapp'8 office there was a meeting "of prominent rion-fralovnlty men for the purpose of deciding upon whether or not they should hold suteh a meet,, and they doplded in favor of it. A committee was appointed by Dr. Clapp, who presided at tho meet ing, which Is to have1 charge of -'the non-fraternity moot and which, will confer with a similar' committee"" to have been purchased by the depart ment and will make It possible for the work to be carried, on ifauch more effectively in the future. These nlaps are Intended for use In classes, in anthropology, sociology and political science. They are therefore designed to show with clearness the political rather tlmn the physical fea tures. "While thoy- would l not ' empha size such things a trado routes,, they lay emphasis on political divisions and capitals,. They are especially de signed to show also tho political dl visions of, .countries of especial inter- esV' at 'tho "present -time, both because oi colonization possiDiiuies ami omer thltigs, ; r t ' ; -,,-' r That somo departments of tho unl vorsity pay tho members of their touching forcoB only .$4 per studont per yoar's work is the Bhowlng mudo in u compilation of figures submitted to tho rogents by Denn. Davis of the college of literature, science nnd the arts. On tho other bund there are two department in that cdlloge which pay their instructors over $35 per yoar per student. Tho average for tho en tire collogo would soom to bo nbout $10 per unit of measure. Tho tables showing the salurics of tho tenchers is a very InBtructlvo ono to unyone interested in tho work of tho university. It nlms to present not Individual salaries but rathor a careful statement of just what ouch dopnrtment nverngoB In wages for Its oxact amount of work. While the uggrcguto In one depurtment muy be mdny times that In nnother, yot ln nsmuch us thnt depurtment muy In struct a vastly larger number of stu dents, the actunl cost of instruction per student muy b'e much less thun In tho Bmuller division. The only figures thut glvo u basis for comparison of .fhoaalariesiiinid-are those-ln- which- tho compilation is reduced to meas urement by somo unit of work. ThlB Is what Professor Davis has ondeuv orod to uccompllsh. Prof. Davis' Figures. Proressor Davis, In muklng his re port to the regents, summed the mut ter up for the llrst semester of the yenr 1907-1908 In the following tables. Table No. 1 Is a compilation of tho student-hours per week. The first column gives tho number of hours taught by the several departments each week. The second column gives the number of students registered In tho same, and the third represents the product of the numborB taught In the vurlous cluBses nnd tho time spent. This, lust column 1b the nggreguto number of hours spent by tho depart ments on n single student busls. To take an example, one instructor hus clusses meeting live hours, four hours, nnd three hours a week, con sisting respectively of thirty, twenty and ten students. The number of student-hours in each cIusb would- there fore bo the product of tho students by the hours, which would give for these clusses 150, eighty nnd thirty student-hours. The. sum, which. Is 200, represents tho work of this Instructor. In tuble No. 2 the salnrios of the Instructors nrd similarly compiled. Column 1 gives tho number of tenchi erB, column 2 their nggreguto salaries, and column 3 represents the division of their aggregato wages uy tno num ber of student-hours taught by "them, as shown In the first table. Tho fig ures in this last column' show there fore Just whut It coBt In' Bulnrlerto Instruct a.' Blngle student In the sev ernl dopurtmonts for one your. The salaries given include those of fellows nnd scholars but not those of lubora tor ussistants' or renders. The Two Tables, Tho tttblos follow: Table No. 1. Department. ' Hours! Stud'ts. Stu.' r"r ' ' Hra. Astronomy and Moterology ...,., 14 Botnny :. 58 Choraistry -.-. ..-.,. . 09 . Engineering Civil..- ,-..,. 20 Electrical v..,..v 17 Mechanical ,-..,-,. 45 Applied Mochanjcs , 48 $ 5,000 $38 7,810 4 8,ti50 4 4,000 7 3,350 11 3,200 8 5,700 5 7,500 5 3,200 10 1,800 18 0,200 7 9,400 4 4,550 0 5,000 8 4,300. 9 10,000 4 0,150 8 11,300 13 7,000 14 0,000' 18 8,700 4 4,800 7 ' 3,550 G 7.550 10 English 44 Entomology . . 11 Forestry 15 Goology 31 Gorman 'h 'GreQk 33 History American 30 European 23 Mathematics 113 Philosophy . . 40 Physics .: 34 Polltlcul Economy.. 24 Political Sclonco... 28 Rhetoric 5(V UoniUti UangUhfed .1'.-8f Roman I.nhguago . . 53 Zoology 54 Table No. 2. No. Snl'rs. Av. pr. Toachors. St. Hr. Astronomy nnd Mctordlogy 3 Botuny 10 Chomistry 7 Englneerlng-r- Clvll 3 Mechanical 7 Electrical 2 Applied Mechanics. 4 English 4 Entomology 2 Forestry 1 Geology 3 Gormnn 8 dreok 3 History American 5 Etirotinnn 'A iMttthomntlcs 9 ,PhlloBopBy ' 4 Physics . .. ,, 11 Political Economy.. 4 Pollticnl Science.-. . 4' Rhotorlc 7 Romun Lunguugc.. 4 Romunce Lunguugo 4 Zoology 5 Departments Included. In making up, these tables, Dean Dnvls Included dopurtmonts which offered ull their work In tho literary cpjlege. .Drill,. physical training, line arts, apd music wore not included, since it was Imposslblo to make a proper compurlson botwepn thoso und other dopurtmonts. Tho part of the report dealing with this subject con cluded as follows: "It will bo perceived that tho largo departments uro conducted most chenply, the only moderute sized do pnrtment thut cun coippare with them in this rospect boing Romance Inn ghngos. This cheapness Is secured at least in somo instances by either very large classes, or by excessive work on ho part of tho instructors, or by tho employment4 of underpaid teach ers, even" fellows and" scholars being' given an amount of work that would be proper for full professors NO DRILL OUTDOORS COLD WEATHER MAKES IT NOW IMPOSSIBLE. PJCTURES MAY BE SEEN HERE Contended That Views Exhibited at Corn 8how Would Prove an At traction If They Were Brought to Lincoln. ItMs' to ( s be feared that in somo Instances all of these bad mothoda WeroomployedJv RESIGNATIONS ON NEBRA8KAN. Editor and Business Manager to Quit This Semester. When the Nebraska board of stu dent publications meets .this after noon it will receive the resignations of Clyde E. Elliott and George M. Wallace, editor und business manager of tho Daily Nebraskun, respectively. These will bo accepted and tho mat-' tor of qhooslng successors to tho re tiring staff members will be taken up. It is not likely, however, that the new editor and manngqr ,wlll be elected at thlB,Umo,.;andtho matter will prob ably be roferred to tho nomination committee, which will make recom mendatloPB for filling the vacancies In a report to the bourd ut an early meeting. .89 .348 53G 148 1917 2199 234', ,710 145 . 39$ 260. 804! 49G 1260 With tho cold weather of tho lust fow duys outdoor drill by tho endet bnttnllon hus boon abandoned and the tlmo Is now boing spent In dividing tho battalion Into small ciassos and teaching them tho finor point of tho drill regulations. Thorogular offlcorH of tlio battalion havo chargo of these classes und uro dovclopltlg tho theory bf'tho regulations. According to present plans clauses will bo continued until January 12, when tho Work of. this somestor will be' concluded. Next flOmostor class Instruction will consist wholly of tho guard manual und will bo continued pnly so long us cold weathor maktos It Impossible to go outBido. Captain Worklzor nus given orders that tho buttnlion Is to bo takon outside as soon ns the wenthor moderates suf ficiently to mnko this possible. May Bring Pictures. Thoro Is a movement now on foot to bring to Lincoln tho moving pic tures of tho battalion which woro shown in Omnhu ut th'o tlmo of tho corn showr- It Is contbnoalhrat',BUch u thing would bo a paying proposition ns thero woro very fow of (ho studont body who hud the opportunity; of see ing tho pictures in Omaha. The pic tures show tho battulion going through its ovolutions und aro said to give n very fine Idou of thd yrork which the bnttnllon hus boon dblng. Unfortunutely tho pictures woro tnkon on a dny so cold thut it wng im possible to do much with tho manual of nrms. Tho vlows show rathor tlio profTlciency of the cadets in marching movements. The purposo for which tho ylews wore takon waa to illustrate at tho corn show tho practical work which -Is. bo"ng done' at tho atato in BtltutioTnB ' anU for this purposo v they (were aB good as though thoK showed. iuu iimituui ut. urmu. .moying pictures from other schools wore 'exhibited at the same time with these. ' " Ma Leave University. Until It is definitely known what will bo tho notion of tho legislature It Is not known whether or not Cap tain Worklzor wjll be at tho Uniyor slty during tho rest of the yoar. When the government inspector ras Jn Lin coln last sprjng he reported., to Wash: Ington thut tho wur department would not bo justified in having an officer at tho university unless an -adequate drill ground was maintained. Ho do: clared that while a drill ground as provided ut the state farm it was ;lm: practical for tho students in Lincoln to use it, and that therefore the ro; qulremcnts under which Captain Worklzor was sent o the-university wemjiot being lived up t It was an Impossibility to properly carry on the" drill of a battalion Jn city streets and therefore he recomniehdod (hat no array officer shoujd; bo poptoba,t the' university as, sopn. as it became .evident' drll grounds, woujd ho provided. At the present time the officers of: .tbe'buttallon .are' being given fwonoj three lectures, a'weolc in UctJcB. Cap tain' ''Worklzor - undertaking this work that' the' officers may be more tho1 roughly 'grounded In- tho funda nienta!S'or military drill, and In an effortMb raise the standard of drill oven-' higher than that now ;8et ' fill (rt.i.n , r ; With aJmoBt enough tickets sold al ready to insure the financial success pf the sophomore, hpp, tho committee is seriously considering, the placing of a limit on the; punier of them It is their (intention only, to make thedance a paying proposition -and after -that hasibdohl'aBStfdtbstJphJnHher sale of ' tlclcet.Bj jWJtlj the' advance, sale of tickets tho chairihan' of the 'dance is confident that the hop will be ono of tho largest 'attended; affairs-at the uni versity.,- , - ,.,- - . ' ' .''notice', ' '. ' Tho senior' play'? committee'' w"lil moot ln tho Dramatic club rooms of tho Templo at)(l oJqlQck, Saturday ansprv Jiiot, wlthliclptjs , brown afternoon.' '.. ,f, ; Jbreadpp, ,atThe. Boston Lunoh. . UakedibeapH, baked on tho pretnS ;j