The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 07, 1909, Image 4
. TTTJfci mAumfm .&mjW5.i CSTJ'ttJi ..ii.JT..rnfc-, gViun-jnftwLy,vira w SSESSS" .' TE DAILY. NEBRASKAN -- i f i. TICKET TO THE Majestic Theatre Let us send you the Dally Nebraskan till February 1st and give you a Matinee ticket to the MAJESTIC IHEAlREfor 25c Boost Your College Paper SUBSCRIBE NOW! REMEMBER THE TICKET IS FREE Business Directory Every Loyal University Student li urged to patronize theae Ne braskan advertisers, and to men tlon the paper while doing eo BANK8 Central National; First Hf fr-nst ftn(j gavingH. $ BAKERIE8 , Folsom. $ JK BATH HOUSE ' $ ChrlB'. Elevonth and P. k BOOK STORES Co-Op; Porter's; Unlvor- K Blty. CIGAR8 Cole & McKonna. m CLtANERB Blumonthal. ' CLOTHING Farquhar; Mageo & Deem- or; Mayor Bros.; Palace Clothing Co.; Spoler & Simon. $ COAL Gregory; Whltobreast. CONFECTIONARY Lincoln Candy Kitchen. DANCING ACADEMY8 Pitts; Lincoln. DENTISTS J. R. Davis; Youngblut. DRY G00O8 Herpolshelmer; Miller & Paine. . $ DRUGGISTS . niggs. 11 ENGRAVERS- Cornell. $ FLORISTS Chapln Bros.; C. H. Frey, FURNISHINGS Budd; Fulk; Mageo & .- Deemer; Mayor Bros.; Pal- . ace Clothing Co.; Spelor 1 & Simon. GROCERIES Capital Grocery Co. HATTERS i Budd; Fulk; Unland. ,C,E CREAM f Collins Ice Cream Co.; Cameron's; John Wright's. JEWELERS Hallett; Tucker. LUNCHEONETTES Folsom. ' tt LAUNDRIES .' Evans; Merchants. OPTICIANS Shean. PRINTERS George Bros.; Simmons. RESTAURANTS . Boston Lunch; Cameron's, x SHOES Beckman Bros.; Branth- m walte; Budd; Cincinnati . STioo Storo; Sandersons ; 4? Rogers & Perkins; Potty; . Hereford. SKIRTS , . The Skirt Store. . TAILOR8 Elliott Bros.; Ilerzog; Lud- wig; Marx; College Tall- ors; Scotch Woolen Mills. THEATERS Lyric;, Majostic; Oliver; Elite. TYPEWRITERS , Lincoln Typewriter Ex- change. ' . . PATRONIZE YOilH FRIENDS-OUR ADVERTISERS p Bovs! Havo your clothoa made for you. Wo will give .you indi viduality style and exclusive patterns. Our long- suit is Dress Suits. ELLIOTT BROS. TAILORS 142 South 12th Lincoln "We Make Those Tasty Togs" Hot Drinks are now in season. Do you know any place where you can get as ..Quick Service.. as you can at our new store? No need of being crowded. Lincoln Candy Kitchen s.tSL UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN I C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET. YELLOW FRONT Yovr Patronage Solicited CINCINNATI Cut Price SHOE STORE 'AND" Elictrlo LShot Ripair Faotory Saws Vov TIHE-AND-MONEY 1220 O Street -i-tc- Want-Ads Advertisements . for the wont ad column should bo left at the business office, basement Administration Bldg., between 10 a. m. and 12 m., or v be tween 2 p. m. and 5 p. m. Cash must accompany all. orders for wank ads, at, the rate of 10 cents per InBefUon for every fifteen words or fraction thereof for the first Inser tion; three Insertions 25 cents; five Insertions 40 centsi BOARD AND ROOM. First class table board at 1511 S St. $2,75 per week. 5t-63-28 FOR 8ALE. Due bill for' sale' on an up-to-date tailor, at 25 per cent discount. See Nebraskan manager. G3dh-tf 'm Iupvvi U $3E$kA Xu'm JLIi vk 4mhD 'ma I i paESi jxW 4ili' . ,i'l A- J-KvvlNjfliy ill 11 ' 11 1 mi trvML III I ' '. jfMI I I JL ' l II h Hf ii II Mjifjf 1 VI DEBATE PLANS MADE COMMITTEE8 ARE APPOINTED BY ' CLA88 PRESIDENTS. WILL DECIDE CHAMPIONSHIP Many Difficulties Arc Encountered But Class Debatec Have Proved Very Successful In Other Schools. According to the outlook at the proBent tlmo a series of lntor-class de bntes to detcrmlno tho cnampionshlp of the university will tako place next Bprlng. Tho first and most Important stop has been taken to Insure the suc cobs of tho plan. Committees havo been appointed In all the classes to look after the- matter, and with Inter CBt thus aroused In each clasB there 1b no reason why the matter should not bo a great success. Several times In the past there has been nn attempt to get something ot this" kind at tho university, but each time tho mntter has fallen through for want of thorough support. Three years ago a committee was oven appointed In one of the clasBOB, but nothing came of tho matter. It Will Be Honor. It Ib expected that It would soon come ' to be conlBdored as great an honor to represent the class In an Inter-debatlng contest as It is now to represent "the class on the football team. It would require fully as much preparation and the honor of the class would be Just as much nt stake. There are several difficulties which must bo worked out by the different committees, however, before tho mat tor could be a success. It would ol course, be necessary to hold two de bates to chooso the two teams which should meet to decide tho champion ship. Now, if both affirmative teams, or both negntlvo teaniB should bo choBen for the final conteBt, It would make It necessary for ono team to change Bides and would thus make It necessary for a considerable time to elnpse before the final debate could be held. This Ib one of the problems which the committees are now trying to BOlve. Problems Considered. The question also as to what would be a satisfactory reward for the de baters is one that is not easy to solve. In athletics, with a small admission charge, it has been possible to give sweaters as a reward for successful work. This plan could hardly, how ever, be adopted In a class debate. The question as to the tlmo and place of holding the debnteB also presents many difficulties. A plan of lnter-calsB debates has been tried In other woBtern colleges for a number of years and has been very BiiccesBful. It has been found that It gives debaters Just the practice that Ib necessary to make a finished and fluent speaker. Besides this It Ib a form of cUisb rivalry which has be come very popular. The committees which have been appointed in the various classes to look after the matter are as follows: In tho senior class, Bates, Relnsch and Evans; In the Junior class, Potter, Alexander and McDonald; In tho soph omore class, Hahne, Hare and Drake. The freshman class committee has not been announced; A SJfic Majestic ticket and a $1.25 subscription to the Nebraskan for n.oo. ' tt Dail Cupid Is cutting up unseemly pranks In tho ranks of Nebraska teachers. Swamped with requests for university graduates or students far enough advanced to take charge of high school classes, Dban Fordyce of the Teachers' college and State Id Bpector A. A. Reed are making frantic efforts to fill places left vacant by marriages. But the demand for teach" erB exceeds, the supply and by appli cation to either of the two, any uni versity student can Becuro a place to teach. To prevent teachers from leav lng the school boards in the lurch, a state law as pasBed, forcing all instruc tors to Blgn yearly contracts. But It was no use during th,o Christmas holi days and the ranks of tho' teachers have been greatly thinned by the ruth less attack of Cupid. III. TheCollega II fV Standard SOLD IN JUNIOR Fraternity Hall $1.25 January 9th, 1909 SOPHMORE HOP LINCOLN HOTEL Tickets $1.25 :3 0000000C000000 O 6 O 0C00000000 X . JK fRATERNITY HALL NON COM HOP ir TICKETS $1.25 K)800S000a0000 Q Q QQ gO0OOQjOOOOOOOOOOOSOOOffl x Lincoln notei Annex I SENIOR IPROVi S Walt's Full Orchestra 0Q0&00000000300( offlocoeoocoooooo o o oeooooc February 5, 1909 S g ooooooooooooooooooooooo wwuwuitiwwtiWkiJOowo o & O 000000G0000 Junior Prom o o o oocoooocc)oeoooo6oobC3eeoo Walt's Orchestra ?oooooooooooooooo00000Q0ag J FRATERNITIES We Want Your C09I Orders. Give Us a Trial Order. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED WH IT E BR EAST clTr "06. O Street Auto 3228 Bell 234 Throutlhout school days, collcit days, business or professional career the Conklin Pen will servo you faithfully and make writing a pleasure. You don't have to coax it or fuss with It fo get it to wrlto. BecauPo of its won derful feed prlnclplo, ink responds instantly at tho first stroko and maintains an evon, steady flow to tho last dot. Another great advantago of owning a CONKUN'S Ko PEN you're sever without Ink. No matter whero you may bo in your room, lecturo hall, at tho post office, telegraph offico or hotel, or on tho t-aln -all you havo to do when your Conklin Pen begins to run dry is to dip it in any ink well, press tho Crescent-Filler and your pen instantly fills Itself and is ready to write. Tho same simple movement also cleans it. No mussy dropper no spilling of ink no interruption to your train of thought. Handsomo catalog direct from tho manufacturers, Tho Conklin Pon Co., 310 Manhattan Bldg., Toledo, Ohio on request LINCOLN BY 'REE' INFORMAL January 8th Walt's Orchestra Walt8 Orchestra JANUARY 15, 1909 WALT'S ORCHESTRA OQ)00X000008000&0) January 22, '09 $2.50 Lincoln. Hotel Annex Tickets $3.00 SORORITIES J rw w h a i'r itefe,- rftj