'tf AKgA-fta h . ts- ym agj -vim1 V ;' -... rt t '''( .(' 4, - r"i.i,?.V,f, 4 Jt ' t i.. -vti , ,t" '- IM t I I ' ,' " - - .4.iL-' , ' r,wifti v r .. fciiiK jazjjsuua&jmik -9 -"whf'pv''"! IRebraekari " i ' i 4 t !SS!"5"""H"5! Vol VIIL No. 65. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 1909. Price 5 Cent ilbe ail? I! v 7 NEW MAIN BUILDING MAY START CONSTRUCTION OF A BIG EDIFICE 800N. IN PLACE OF UNIVERSITY HALL Removal of Old Building Depends on Action of Nebraska Legislature In Granting Appropriations , at This 8ession. Whether a start shall be made with in the next two years towards tho con struction of a new main university building to take the place of tho pres ent antiquated structure known as Uni versity hall will rest with the thirty first Nebraska legislature, which lias Just begun its sessions. In recommending the expenditure of $.'150,000 for the extension and Improve ment of the university In addition to tho amount needed for ordinary main tenance, the regents mention tho be ginning of a new central hall as one of tfre things under consideration. The matter Is trented very sparingly in thoroport of tho regents to tho gover nor and legislature. In a single para graph following the announcement of tho need of the sum mentioned, the rogentB enumerate six Improvements which they have under consideration. "Beginning the construction of a large central building on the city campus" is one of the six additions desired. Mill Tax Insufficient. With the growth of the university the fund derived by the one mill levy under the state tax law Is becoming less and less lefllciont in providing for the needs of the state institution. Ac cording to careful estimates the entire fund of the next two years will be needed for tho ordinary expenses of maintenance, nothing being 'lert for new buildings, extensions, and the like. In the report the regents state tho situation aB follows: "Two years ago It was pointed out that, tho wholo of tho one mill tax fund must soon bo applied only to sal aries, current expenses, and spocial fa iclltieB for Instruction, apparatus, , books, machinery, and tho like. Each year of progress but emphasizes the fact Two hundred and Hfty-flve thou sand dollars annually must now be pp plled to salaries. That means $510,000 for the blennium. One hundred and eighty-four thousand dollars Is neces sary for running expenses. Thirty-five thousand dollars will be needed to equip in part the engineering depart ments to be housed in the building now In process of construction. Those sums aggregating $729,000. Of tho estimated resources for the next bl ennium, nothing remains available for other purposes. r '' For New Extensions. "There Is at this time urgent need forjat least $350,000 for buildings and othfsr permanent improvements. Among the many necessities consid ered by the board from time to time during the' past biennlum are tho fol lowing: "1. Additional land adjoining both the , city campus and the university farm for building Bites, drill grounds, and, right of way for a railroad switch at the farm. ' Beginning, the construction of a large central building onthe city cam pus.' . "3, A plant industry building on tho university campus. 4. An additional wing- or part of tho museum building. . ...... "5. An addition to the chemical lab oratory building. "6i Construction of a railroad swiich with track scaleB and cattle chutes on thbiunlvofslty farni; an'lm- provoment of'the water supply, there- i m :ltl . ,.-! -.'- 'UUi ,' v Eradtlcally all of these things are greatly., needed by the various depart- V .., . monts of tho university, lho construc tion of a new main building would In particular meet with the dosires of university alumni and' students. Thb present building, orected in 18C0-1871, is not only inadequate for its purposes but it Is a poorly-lighted, poorly-ventilated structure, and ono which might bo turned into a veritable fire-trap In cuse a conflagration onco attained a respectable start or a panic resulted among the students." Tho narrow halls on the lower floor can easily be imag ined the scene of a struggling, madly fighting jam of panic-stricken human ity In case the four hundred students In the building at some hours of the day should ever before fearful of the loss of life by fire. From the standpoint of safety alone, then, tho construction of a now build ing would be a most excellent move, according to tho expressed opinion of graduates and students. Others have mentioned the additional fact of tho prestige which Nebraska might gain by having a building of artistic value take the place of the present eyo-sore. In any caso, settlement of the matter 1b up to tho present legislature. ART EXHIBIT IS BEING HELD. Many Very Valuable Pictures Now In the Gallery. During tho Christmas holidays tho annual art exhibit held by tho Ne braska art association was opened in tho art gallery of Library hall. This year about 115 pictures are being shown and many are valued in tho hundreds of dollars. The pictures this year are larger In alze than has been the case in past years although there are about the same number hung on the walls. During the next week, the afternoons will be largely devoted to giving tho school children of Lincoln 'an oppor tunity to see the pictures. They have been attending in largo numbers and sometimes almoBt take possession of the university. Lincoln people are also patronizing the exhibit well, and since the vacation closed a number of univorsity students have availed them selves of the opportunity of Beelng tho pictures. For most of the evenings during the reBt of tho exhibit different speak ers Will discuss the subject of art The program that has been arranged Is as follows: Jhnuary 7 Dr. Fling: Subject un nnounced. January 0 Prof. Barber: "Tho Ar tistic Attitude." January 11 MIsb S. S. Hayden: Subject unannounced. January 13 Prof. Grumman: "Lit erature and Art" January 15 Dr. Alexander: "Artl for the Sake of Beauty." ENGINEERS WRITE OF WORK. Common Laborers as Railway Expert In Florida. Professor Stout of the engineering department has recently received a letter from J. M. Rohrbaugh, '98, who Is now with the Florida East Cohst railway. Ho' has been with this road for" several yoars and In his letter tells of an engineering feat which that road is undertaking. By a series of Bteel bridges tho mainland of Florida' is being connected with Key West, a coral Island situated considerable distance from tho malpland. Mr. Rohrbaugh -has full charge of this work, and It la remarkable from the' fact that no expert work has been used In its construction. Tho laborers, have been used who. are tho regular employes of tho company, and tho re sult has been that the. work has not coBt nearly as much as it otherwise would. W. G. JenklnB, '07, who Is now 'en-' gaged In public works ln Cuba, has also recently written' Professor Sout.' He, ' declares, that there la but little-! work'bejng done arid'that tho govern ment is spending only' what "-it almo- lutely has to. TtAM LEAVES TODAY BASKET-BALL. FIVE DEPARTS ON 80UTHERN TRIP. THE SCHEDULE IS REVISED The Prospects of the Team Are Ve.ry Uncertain Owing to Their Un developed Condition In Mat ter of Team Work. The varsity baBket-ball team loft this morning at 7 o'clock on tho first trip of the 1900 schedule. Tho trip Is only n short one and the team will return to Lincoln Sunday afternoon. But three games will be played on the trip, and they are as follows: To night, the ivanBaB state agricultural college at Manhattan, Kansas; Friday and Saturday Kansas university at Lawrence. These games will make the first real tryout which tho varBlty team has had this season and' their outcome will, accordingly, bo watched with considerable Interest Before the ChriBtmas holidays the Cornhuskor five played practlco games with tho Cotner univorsity team and tho flvo from the local Y. M. C. A. Cotner was defeated but the Y. M. C. A. team outclassed the varBlty in their poor early season form and tboat them after a hard fought contest. Although the varsity toam did not show up particularly well as a team in either of these contests, owing to the Inexperience and Hack of- practlco of many of tho squad, yet it was evi dent from the fast Individual Work of Beveral of tho players that there was material among the candidates from which an oxceodlngly faBt team might be developed. Prospects on Trip. Just what may be expected of tho team during tho trip on which they leave today 1b something of a prob lem. The Kansas state agricultural college has a Btrong aggregation and they will very probably put up a good exhibition against tne CornhuBkers. In a gamo botwoon them and Cotner just previous to tie Cotner-Nobraska gamo tho Kansans were vlatorlouB by the one-sldede Bcore of 54 to 29. This would, indicate that at that time they had a stronger team than did Ne braska, and It is possible that they have progressed just as rapidly- as tho CornhuskerB have since then. In this caBe It would not bo a very great surprise If Dr. Clapp'B pupllB were defeated by the Manhattan team In to night's game. Very little Is known In the Ne braska camp of tho strength of the Kansas university team' sp that noth ing definite can be predicted regarding the outcome of the gamos to be played at Lawrence tomorrow and Saturday. Last season the CornhuskerB defeated KansaB'at LawrortceMn tho early sea son games, but lost to tho Jayhawkers later in the season, when they played return games In Lincoln. However, there seems to be a prevalent opinion' among the local basket-ball enthus lasts that this progam will just bo reversed 'this season. ! Cornhuskers Not Developed. Tho Cornhuaker team is laboring, under a great handicap in going. Into' esc games without any developed team' worlt. The drill In systematic team work did not really begin until1 this week and as a consequence there has been hardly any headway made with it. Tho Christmas recosB broke up the regular basket-ball practice' and the team Is In little, if any, better) condition than Jt was just prior ;tov the; holidays. v A rt n wnnlilj $ tltrt fflnt frttot tllfh Jno vw ng u. iuouii ui iuu iuvi, wui u.u'iuuu. nrovtr fa ar (fnt f ism Yinlnn tnftreA f I nuin in ow auk tutu uuiuq jiuiigvivu v I tho' fortunes1 of the CornhuskerB in those gamoB will depond very largoly upon the spocd nnd Individual work of tho. players. A stiff practlco wbb given the team last ovening after supper In tho gym nasium and the flvo showed up bettor at times than they have at any tlmo this season. The team from tho state farm lined up against the varsity for a fow minutes but they were unable to make much of a showing against tho speedy Cornhuskors. Only seven playors loft thlB morn ing for tho southern trip and they wore accompanied by Dr. Clapp, who Ih coaching the team. Dr. Clapp will also attend tho annual meeting of tho representatives of tho various schools composing tho Missouri valley confer ence, which mooting takes placo In Kansas City on Saturday. Tho follow ing playors will mako tho trip: Cap tain WalBh, Wood, and Schmidt, for wards; Perry, Bell and JoneB, guards, and Petrashok, center. Owing to several undosirablo dates in tho Nebraska baskot-ball schedule as formerly arranged, It has boon en tirely revised nnd tho gamos as con tracted for at present are as follows: Jan. 7, Kansas State Agricultural College, at Manhattnn. Jan. 8-5), Kansas University, nt Law ronco. Jan. 15-16, Ames, nt Lincoln. Jan. 22-23, Drake, at Lincoln. Jan. 29-30, Kansas, at Lincoln. Fob. 1, Missouri, at Lincoln. Fob. 5-C, MInnesotn, at Minneapolis. Fob. 8-9, Ames, at AmoB. Fob. 10-11, Drako, at Drako. Feb. 19-20, Minnesota, at Lincoln. 8ARAH BERLINER FELLOWSHIP. Offered Every, Two Years to Women, and Valued at $1,200. The committee In charge of the Sarah Berliner Research Fellowship for women will offer, every two years, a fellowship of the valuo of $1,200, available for study and research In physics, chemistry or biology, In cither America or Europe. This fel lowship is open to women holding tho degree of Doctor of Philosophy, or to those similarly equipped for the work of further research; it will be awarded only to those who give promise of dis tinction in the subject to which they are devoting themsolyes. Applications for this fellowship must bo In the hands of the chairman of tho committee by March 1 pf tho year of each award (March 1, 11)09, for tho first award). They should state as clearly as possible tho candl date's claim to the appointment, and they should contain, In particular: 1. Testimonials as to tho valuo of work already done. 2. Copies of published contributions, or other accounts of Investigations al ready carried out. 3. Evidence . of thoroughly good health. j. Detailed plans for the proposed use of the Fellowship. Mrs. ChrlBtine Ladd Franklin," Chair man, John Hopkins University, . Baltimore, Mil. President M Carey Thomas, Bryn Mawr College. Miss Laura D. Gill, President of the Association of Collegiate Alumnae, Washington, D, C. President Ira Remsen. John Hopkins .University. Professor Wm. H. Howell,' Doan of the Johns Hopkins University." Harry Charleton, '10, and Percyi Charleton, '11', are now (located In Raton, New Mexico. Charleton ,went to New Mexico .some time 'ago on ac count of his health and his brother ac- compapled him. They have purchased and aroMnow running a dally paijoriiv, that , city, employing JTour Hnotyplats,' besides 'an advertising, manager and a. large reporting force. ' ,. ' The beat oyster 'stow In ihe city Is that served aftfjio 'Boston Lunch. Try It. WHAT flGURES SHOW -4 REPORT OF REGENT8 TO GOV ERNOR PRE8ENT8 8TATI8TIC8. MANY STUDENTS FROM LINCOLN Over Twelfths of Total Enrollment Comet From Lancaster County. Where Other Counties and States Stand. Fully twenty por cent of tho stu dents at the univorsity last yoar wore roBidonts of Lancaster county accord ing to tho report of tho rogonts just submitted to Governor Sheldon. Tho same authority shows that only ono hundred and twenty studonta woro not cesldonts of Nebraska and ten of thOBo were residents qf foreign countrios. Altogether there were 3,237 individ uals In attendance at Nebraska's state school for tho yoar of 1907-1008. Twelve hundred and thlrtyoight of those gave their homo addross as Lan caster county, a very largo por cont .being residents of the city of Lincoln. Douglas ' county ranks socond, with 108, it receiving this placo' bocauso of tho presonco within It ot tho city of Omaha, which Is rcsponsiblo for noar ,ly nil of tho Douglas roprosontattvos. Saunders county took third, with 59 registrations, and Gago county, of Which Boatrlco Jb tho county seat, was fourth, with ono less In nUmbor. Qthor counties in order of their rank and representation In the university are as follows: Hamilton, 53; Cass, 48; Saline, 4G; York, 45; Burt 44; Dodge, 43; Clay, 43; Custer, 41; Richardson, ii, una i uuycr, iu. M 4 n .i. " Ji- ' " i Roll by 8tates. Ninety-three per cent of tho stu dents roBlde in Nebraska according to the rocord. Tho exact number is 3,017. In this respect Nebraska is in tho J same situation as othor state schools, the preponderance of local registration In all of them being over whelming. Iowa sent 72 students to her neighbor's Institution, a fact worthy of note when tho presonco of sevoral splendid colleges Is romom bored in addition to tho finely-equipped state univorsity. This stato ranked first among the commonwealths-other than Nebraska which sont students- to Lincoln. ' ; 4'' J Only- twont-elghf Vtntep 'and;t$rr!r torles, exclusive bf the Philippine 1st lands, had representatives at.,Noh,ra8; Ka. rnese wore mairjiy western states, although there were notable exceptions In the caso of Massachu setts, tho District of Columbia, New York, and Pennsylvania. Tho poll by states follows: Nebraska, 3,017; Iowa, 72; Kansas, 28; South' Dakota, 23; Missouri, 18; Wyoming, 'l0;i Illjr nols, 10; Colorado, 9; Montana,: $; Washington, 5; North Dakota, .4;, Now. York, 3; Utah, 3; Arkansas, 2; Cali fornia, 2; Indiana; ,2; Michigan,; ,2 j Oregon, 2; Pennsylvania;. 2;. Wlsponj sjn, 2; District qI Columbia, 1; Idaho, 1; , Kentucky, 1; Massachusetts, J. j Minnesota, 1; Ohio, 1; Oklahoma, ,1; Tennessee,, 1. ' r -.j' . V..-j,ii Foreign Countries.' v "' Denmark, Japan," Mexico, Rtfssia and tho Philippine Islands, are the" six foreign countries 'which contributed to those' nations sent' ono representative with the excpptlon of the Philippines, which has six men at tho school. This year Iridia is 'also on'tho list. ' -"' There wore ' 1,885 men registered mat year and 1,352 women. Tho men . wqro practically unanimous1 in the 'en- ' glneorlng college-and they dominated the 'law -and medIcacolleges., lnf,thu college of, literature,, science and .art, the weaker "sex had tho greater num bers, . V ; One thousand and lfty 'registrations were made In the iterary college, 1,197 In tho Industrial, 1,183 in the law, 127 (n medicine, 101 In the. school o fine arts, 493 in the school of music, and 259 In tho summer session,, , "" t Tfi --. I i i U ti r.