The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 06, 1909, Image 3
-r-",Ri)Wr:? v. - k""-?" v- .t , i i , I ' i i in - '- AJ:w - : - :, . !;Al ittti-''-MlfoWhw: " 'khniMt r iiiiiih r. . iiiinihi i n ii 'rai mniii fTODA'rT Mat-2:30. Tonight 8:15. i Jl . 'FLORENCE' DAVI8 -IN- '.Under the Greenwood Tree ;Mafc-ft.00pj50c.'. -Nlght-HM to 50c. - -r w -ww i t i, y ,wwrwj &AT,..MATlNEr, NIGHT, JAN. 9 'Joseph aho William jeferson t... Th'e'lRivats Mat-41.00 to 50c. Night 1.50 no 50c, ADVANCED 'VAUDEVILLE ' REDPATH8 NAPANEE8 In tho Mimical Comedy "Fun In the School Room" l.. HOMERJ-jyR SL CO, . ,.. In "The Opera 8Inger" LAVINE AND LEONARD MR. and Mrs. JACK M'QREEVY ' FRITZ HOUSTON JULIAN AND DYER THE GREAT KINKER -VIA8COPE. Mats. Dally (except Mon.) 15 & 25c . Every Night 8:1515, 25 & 50c -H.t -V Tr)' wp-VJir 1 "The House-Cozy" 13th and P F. H. Bradstreet, Mgr. Every Night 8:30, "Wed. and Sat. Mat. 2:30. Best 8eats 25c -Beginning Tonight at 8:30 THE FULTON STOCK COMPANY Best in America, Will Appear in "POLLY PRIMR08E" .A Beautiful Corriedy Drama of . ,i-. Southern Life Next Week "The Girl With Green Eyes" ELITE 1329 "O" 8treet. ELITE II 1330 "O" 8treet. LATE8T AND BE8T Moving Pictures IN THE CITY. The Management extends a cordial invitation of every University of Nebraska student. ADMISSION 5 CENT8. ( . Change, of Program Mor. and Thur. L J. HBRZOG THE UNIVERSITY MAN'S TAILOR Come in and get that $15.00 Suit to your order . ," . ,' 'i" e "J r-i 1330 O St. Lincoln TYPEWRITERS AU jnafcca rented with sUn4 $3 Per Month. . , .Bargains la Esbuilt. JUohlnes.. LINCOLN TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE iitolUs-Ballllal. 122 Nail W $& ; . r,LlkABMflrf ' OO YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks DEtlQNB Copyrights Ac Anreae sending a iketcb and deMrlptlon may rockly MoerUIn oar opinion free wbetber an kereni tuon is l ts probablr pat !ftponimunlca. Uona atrlothr conodentl sent free. Oldest aienoy for eoarnurpatenu. LiveonfldanUa." jonfldent ol. HANUBW IBUUK on f atenu l'atenta taken tbrousn Munn ft Go. receive ? piKclalnotla, wlthoat charge, laths Scientific flmerkdii. I A aaa(ttome1y lllaatrated weeVlr. TAnreet c. ealaUojt ot any elenUda journal. Tertn. 93 a Vfjarj four.HJORtb,$l. gold by ail newsdealem. ,SaiVBU Wartjlnctoa.n. 0. h'v i i k. rj "KISJ l vri siijriiiu i v & BROS. 1 Largest Manufacturers in th World, of Official Athletic Supplies. Foot Ball Basket Ball , Ice Skates- Hockey Golf Official Implements for all Track an. Field Sports. . Uniforms for all Athletic 8ports; GYMNASIUM APPARATUS Spauldlnfl'a handaobioiy illustrateij el6gd(e of ,all .spores contains numerous suggestions. Sent free anywhere. A. Q. 8PAULDINO & BROS. Now York Chicago " ' . Seattle Campus Gift Get n Majestic ticket iree. v ; ; : C. Ii. Prey, florlBt, 1133 O SL t '-f John Rice, '04, 1b studying for the ministry in Chicago. Eat at John Wright's, 114 South Eleventh. The law school class in legislation will hold a seminar this evening at TjSO.o'clock. in room U. 309. s . Beckman Broa. Fine shoes. 1107 O street. Miss Olive King, a graduate of qno of the best colleges of oratory In the "west, will take charge of the now department of. oratory at the model high school. . A free Majesti,c ticket with each cash subscription. Have your clothes pressed at Weber's Suitorium. Cor. 11th and O. The final examinations in Mathe matics' I "has been taken by most all of the students. The classed aro now KILLING TIME-Piling That's what you got in so-called ye treatment. Glasses aro . tho 1 medicine of tho EYE. . , A bath In hot salt water is sooth- ' u' what We 8ar with a earantoo. ing and beneficial to inflamed eyes. That's tho .Fair Way. HALLETT Graduate Optician Estab. 1871 1134 O - entering upon the first three weeks' work in Mathematics 2. Why not take your bath at Chris,' bath house, Eleventh and. P-streets? Mother's Dining Hall. Good home cooking. Prices . from one cent up. 308 So. Eleventh St. f ' l Frank Plpal, 06, who Ib in the Ca nadian forestry service, Is visiting with various members of tho Komen sky club. He was oner of tho organ izers of the club In this university. E. O. Barker, a member of the freshman law class, was married on December 29 to a young lady of Cedar county, Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs. 'Bar ker have taken up thoir residence in Lincoln. t ' -Lincoln Dancing Academy. Univer sity students especially invited. Se lect social nights, Mon. and Frl. Be ginners, Wed. Private loBsonB. Auto 4477. Wed. & Fri. Sigma, Chi will hold their annual party Friday evening at tho Lincoln hotel. Alumni mombers from the local chapter will return to attend tho' party, Walt's orchestra will furnlBh the music. ' t ; i t ' f , ! I'Sparks From the Forgo!' is tho subject for tho Y. M. C. A. meeting DAILY NEBRASKAN mmSSSSZ .'. . ii t ....1 i- i. t-J.j .J'. A A''.t,-.-v.. i . ,M . ' iu uu uiu ironi u;u 10 :.iu mis oven ing. Q. W. White will load the moot ing.- ltoma. of lntoroat from tLo mls-i slonary flold will bo takon up. e Tho freshman law class moots to. day at 10 o'clock in U. 300 o takd ac tion upon the report of tho hop com mitteo. The deficit of $25 muBt olthor bo nmdo up by tho commlltco or by an assessment upon the mombers of the class. ' I ! The senior class in tho toachors I college have finished tho oxporlmonta I work in tho course an,d will now got , a moro practical viow of touching by visiting classos at tho Lincoln hlghi school. Tho claBH comprlBos noarly seventy mombora. ' With tho oponlng of tho legislature, many of tho studonts may bo scon in the legislative halls taking in the assemblies of the law makers. Espe cially Is this .true of tho law coll.oge, where tho library is noarly dosertqd' on account of tho sessions of the log-! islature. 1 Tho now high school at Norfolk, Neb., of which FredHuntor, a woll known Nebraska, athloto, Ih superintendent, has been completed and now gives that city one of the best school build ings in tho state. Mr. Hunter was formerly principal of the Ashland schoolB before going to Norfolk. Called to New Mexico to look after a ripening tomato crop upon his ranch, Thomas Nelson, a junior in tho law college, was taken critically nick four days aftor his arrival in New Mexico and for some timo his life was din paired of. Ho is somewhat better at last reports, though not entlroly out of danger, poison loft for Now Mex ico shortly after tho Christmas holi days commenced. It is thought that tho sudden change of climate was too much for him and brought on an at tack of typhoid fovor. o Towards the end of tho week tho committees of tho threo upper classes will meet for tho purpose of organis ing an intor-clasB debating bourd, modeled closely after the inter-clasB athletic board. It is proponed that the chairmen of the committees and tho class president become members of tho board. Should tho dobatcs bo pulled off, they will como the latter part of April, tho question for dis cussion being tho same as (he ond which will bo used by tho university in its Intercollegiato debates next year. Up The Cost Glasses will give permanent re lief When' fitted by ub. We back Tonight the inter-clasB conimltteeH of the different classes will hold a meeting in tho office of tho Cornhusk er and draw up a constitution which will permit the freshmen to enter teams in ' tho class championship games. Tho action comes after a struggle of noarly two years between tho freshies and tho upper classmen. The proposed constitution will be so drafted as to exclude all men of Var sity caliber, who are rendered inelig ible by tho threo years' ruling, from participation in tho class gamos. This Is really all that the upper classes have been fighting for, since it places the freshmen upon tho same basis as the rest of the classes. . The sale of tickets for tho sopho more hop is progressing nicely and indications are the dance will bo at tended by a, largo, crowd. It may bo necessary for tho chairman, W. C. Weise to limit tho number of tlckots. Only enough to cover the expenses of the hop will bo sold. Tho. danco comos on Saturday night at tile Lin coln hotel. On the preceding evening the juniors hold an Informal at Fra ternity hall but it is hot thought that the two dances will conflict seriously with each other. Tho price of both aro thp same, tickets for each coming at $1.25, .Should the sophomoro hop fall financially it will probably J)o tho laBt attempt to giye a dollar and a quarter dance at tho Lincoln. .t OUR OUST EM OUT JSjSJSMisaSaSlSJSSlSBBSiiiiaiaa - 1 A. .l , ' SE $9.50 A good warm WJnter Suit and Overcoat, the bhj worth $17 fort $9.50 OUST EM OUT MAYER BROS. AT THE' PLAYHOU8E8. The Oliver. "A Girl at tho Holm," in its sixth" month at tho La Sallo Theater, Ghi" cago, show Biich signs Of continued .succeBB that Manager Mort H. Slngor has organized a road company, and has secured as his loading players. Billy" Clifford, Maud Lambert and( CountesB Olga von Hatzfoldt. The, production will bo tho most proton tiouu road offering over sent out from 'the La Salle, and in scenic display will outclass tho original presentation at, tho La Salle, where tho Chicago build-' Ing ordinances prohibit moving scon ory. It will be presented at tho Oliv er theater, Tuesday, January 12. Billy Clifford and Maud Lambort, havo for years been hoadlinors In vaudeville, and Manager Singer hnl to nuiko oxtravagant ipducomonts toj got thorn to forsako tho larger cities, for the road. Countess von Hatzfoldt J whoso titlo Is real, has won marked' succoss in her short stage carcor, which includes appearances in "Tho1 Bollo of Mayfalr,',' "Tho Gay Musi cian." "Tho BurgomtiBtor," and "Thol Little Duchess." Florence Martin ls the soubrotte of tho company. Sho1 was with Eddie Foy in "Tho Orchid'l Harry Brown, woll known las a come-; dlan of tho highest order through long association with first class pro-: ductlons, Robert G. Pitkin, Barnardi Nlomoyer, Edward Beck and Harvyl Follows are among tho other prin cipals. A big chorus of beauties and oxtravagant costumos have been pro vided. The Majestic. In tho first scone of Homer Lnd's "Tho Opera Singer" at tho Majestic this week the audience Is givon a full! view of the entire stqgo with all drop8 and wings removed. Tho act opens, with tho entrance of Lind who. as tho! "Opera SIngor," has como to practice) for a try-out in vaudeville. When he appears on tho stage "Propfli'Va stage hand, 'is making all kinds of nolso .with a hammer. The latter refuses to) quiet .himself and. the old slngor has consiaeraoio irouoie in geiiing aim-, self heard. While bo is waUing to do; his act tho slngor finds his daughter, who has been separated from him for, several years and who has como to America to earn a living. Lind in his first vocal selection is good. ( His "Dreaming" Is not rendered in 'very' swoot tones. I "Fun in a School Room' is made by nine actorSi flvo men and four women. They. sing, dance, and cut-up so well; that they aro irresistibly funny. Tho-. bill also includes "Tiro Troubles and, Broken Parts," an automobile act; Mr. and-Mrs. Jack Mcdreevy, In a comedy .musical; Fritz, "Tho Droll Cartoon ist;" and Kinkor, contortionist. The Lyric. "Polly Primrose," a beautiful com edy of southern llfo, is the, play at tho Lyric this yoek. The scene of tho play Is laid in Georgetown, District .of Columbia, in 1886. Enid My Jack- scnooi gin, and sets ip nor usual pleasing way. Next wook Jtho Fultona will, present,' Clydo Fitch's ' famous comedy, "Tho Girl 'With tho Green Byes." r- y , V ?! M-M4' FOB TWO iti' .. r K V,( ' ys Have your1 clothes made for you. We will givo you iiidi .viduality style anf exclusive patterns. Our Jong suit' is Dross Suits'. . .'" ELLIOTT BROS! TAIinDQ Garments W S. AND . 'M Yi i l :i m i iNc- . m'A nn ' ' s ,-.--.'., ;,. k f ' . ' ' - .a 142 South 12th Liacol. "Wc Make Those Tasty To" 1 iUMWlW ,' S ir o ' v . u ' vte"A,,.VaiLi,te ...,..wi i . - vU --. i jt-i iH.i niiti i""i