The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 05, 1909, Image 3
.T" Pf ' wwiyjl 5 On s f K '"u TMH 0S!HE.I3Aly. NEBRASKAN Jl "w- ,s5 N On' Sf- I 3 fc 1 CI O K to r- to h- r9 h .!. I? I ' 1 i - .-- - -r.. h.,,. .,-wrtW.j7z;i . .... . , ,.i tf BHHHBBHaVHaHHHMMBl tfQfEIK THEATRE X WEQ-MAT. ANIGHT, JAN. 6 ar ma n JaammmW mm. jVJ Mat $1, 75o,A 60cr- - - VS V, INIahtr-S1.50. S1.25 A 50c. SAT. MATINEE & NIGHT, JAN. 9 JOSEPH AN,p WILLIAM JEFER80N ? I Vie Rivals y Mai $1, 76carid BOc. ';) U .) Nlght-i-11.50, $1.75 and 50c. J , MONl NIGHT, JAN. 11 TheiPurgomaster ;i i ; tmsim ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE WEEK OF JANUARY 4 GEORGE HILLMAN And Hh Eight t REDPATH APANEE3 IN THE MUSICAL. CQMEDY "Fun In a 8chool-Room" ' HOMER LIND & CO. IN A MU8ICAL PLAYLET "The Opera 8lnger" HOMER, LIND & CO. -. j In AUTOMOB1LING EXTRAORDINARY MR. ANDJ MR8. J. McGREEVY Musical Entertainers FRITZ HOUSTON ' "The Droll Cartoonist" r JULIAN AND DYER In "Stunts and Bumps" THE, GREAT KINKER , 'Contortionist VIA8COPE The Latest in Motion Pictures ,t MAJE8TIC ORCHESTRA MATINEE;DAILY (except Monday 15c anl 25c EVERY NIGHT 8:15 15c, 25c, and 50c Dreamland Commencing Monday, January 4, THE PA88ION PLAY A Beautiful 8tory Illustrating The Life of Christ Beautiful hand colored and tinted Something Everybody 8hould See In Addition the Great Melodramic Picture THE FIREMAN'S DAUGHTER A 8tory of a Girl Hero. ' FLOWER OF THE I8LAND. Mystery and Comedy CHEE8E RACE A Great Comedy HALF A SATURDAY OFF MAGIC DICE PENNILE8S POET'8 LUCK Ladies' special souvenir matlneo every Tuesday and Friday. A beautiful piece of chlnawaro given to every lady. The Passion Play vill bo run for three days only. Don't miss it. All chlldron will bo admitted for PIvo Cents. Matinees 2:00 to 5:00 p. m. Evenings 7:00 to 11:00 p. m. ELITE 1329 "O" 8treet. ELITE II 1330 "O" 8treet V LATE8T AND BEST Moving Pictures IN THE CITY. The Management extends a cordial Invitation of every University of Nebraska student. ADMISSION 5 CENT8. Change of Program Mon. and Thur. L. J. HERZOG THE UNIVERSITY MAE'S TAILOR The finest work done and prices right Call at our now store 1230 O St. IlncQln TYPEWRITERS All makes rented with stand $3 Per Month. Bargain is Bcbullt Machines. (LINCOLN TYPEWRITER EXCHANK ' AatbllM-BalllMl. UttKaUtk HAVE THE EVANS 4 Do Your Washing i "'' M" W,. Gleanings W Got a MaJcBtic ticket irec. E. H. Graves spent part of his Christ was vacation In Beatrice o . C. H. Frey, florist, 1133 O BL Prof. Leo Rosignol will speak In convocation today on "Broad and But- tor." Eat at John Wright's, 114 South Eleventh.; Delta 'Gainnnt sorority hold a houso party Inst Friday dvoning at the chap ter" houso. Beckman Bros. Flno shoes. 1107 O street, i Mr. and Mrs. ,D. E. Thomas of Lo Mars, Iowa, wer'o campus visitors dur ing vacation. A, f roo AMajostla ticket,, vflth each cash subscription. Clarence Johnson, '00, is now an Instructor In electrical engineering at the University of Kansas. Chapln Bros, florists, 127 So. Thir teenth. Registrar Harrison spent several days of the Christmas vacation at his home In Weeping Water. Dr. Chas. Youngblut, dentist, 202 Burr block. i Fred Miller visited' with Clyde Washington during the Christmas holidays at Memphis, Tenn, Have your clothes pressed at Weber's Sultorium, Cor. 11th and O. ' P. Brown, a former Nebraska stu dent, visited In Lincoln at the Alpha 'beta Chi houBo last week. " Mother's Dining Hall. Good home cooking. Prices from one cent up. 308 So. Eleventh SL Max Vosb, assistant high school in spector, was married during the' holi days to MIsb Ethel Stokoa, 1908 The seventeen different societies of the state agricultural associations will hold their winter meetings at the Btat'e farm January 18-23. Stanley Krajicok, '00, Is now em ployed with the Denver Reservoir and For Gentlemen Friends Suit Cases and Bags, $LG0 to $18.00 Bath Robes, $3.50 to $J6.50--ShJr!s. $1.00 to $3.50 Sweaters. $1.50 to $6.00 Fur Caps, $5.00 to $10.00. "Also Gloves, Ties, Sutpenders and Pennants. Everything to pleace him. FULK, 1325 O Irrigation company. His residence Ib at Denver, Colorado. Claude Alden, a well known Ne braska athlete, who Is teaching" school at Kearney; visited In Lincoln duripg tho Christmas holidays. Edwin Ford Piper, professor of rhet oric at Iown university,-spent the Christmas' holidays with his uncle. He is a Nebraska graduate ' John Katenser, ex-'lO, who Is com pleting, his course at Columbia 'uni versity,1 New York City, visited with Lincoln friends during the holidays. i ' Professor Skinner has juBt returned from Baltimore, whore he attendod the meetlnjTof the American associ ation for the advancement of science. M F. P. Costelloo, 190G, now located at Ft. Morgan, Col., was in the city during tho holidays.. Ho Is now en gaged in engineering workjn t,ho west. Robert Hill, who vhas been visiting uniVersity .friends for ' seyrnlweekB, left on New Years' day for Now York' City, whore ho will take up Y. M, C. A. work. ' Professor R. H, Wolcott represented Nebraska at the annual meeting of tho 'National inter-colleglate athletic association held In New York City last week. t .. .- Noff "Cronta, of "ho " law "Arm 6Z Bracoland and Cronln; of Mlnnoapplls, a formor university graduate, Was visiting with friends during tho ChrlBt maB holidays. o Tho Chomlstry club will moot Wed' nosdny ovonlng at 8 o'clock in tho chemiBtry locturo room. Mr. Hawks will talk on tho determination of the calorific valuo of fuel's; ' - J. L. . McBrlen, recontiy-Bolected head of tho new department of Uni versity extension, hart established of fice quarters on tho tecond floor of ,the Administration building. V Floyd Smith, u member of Iho Ne braska cross country team, for two years, who 1b attondlng school In Chi cago, was In Lincoln during tho Christ mas holidays vlBltlng with Lincoln friends. Professor Fossler will return Wed nesday from Ills trip along tho west ern coast. The professor has boon gone for three weeks and has boon troated- royally whorovcr ho has stopped. Prof. Voob of tho touchorB' college, and Miss Ethel StokeB were married on Christmas day at tho home of tho bride's parents. Miss Stokes was -a 1908 graduate from tho university. They will make their home In Lincoln. o Professor F. M. Fling has placed in tho office of the roglstrnr' Information concerning graduate work at Yalo which will be of interest to any Ne braska studontB contemplating such work. Tho material 1b available by calling at the otJlcb. c Coach Nollson, of -tho Georgo Wash ington university football team, who Is a graduate of tho university of Ne braska, was awarded a swoater bear-' ing the letter "N" last fall as a tribute to him for his excellent work with the George Washington eleven. Arbor Barth, '10, returned home from PlttBburg, Pa., yesterday ovon lng, whero he had boon In attendance to tho Alpha Tau Omega congress as a delegate 'from tho local chapter. Ho waB accompanied homo by Mr. Hooper whose home Is In Warrenavllle. " Two. Nebraska graduates will 'cov er" tho coming session of tho legisla ture for tho local papers. Thome Browno, who has boon with tho Lin coln Journal since graduating In 1907 will covor tho house and George Moss hart of tho Star Will also have chargo of the saom branch. A meeting of tho good roads con vention was held yesterday afternoon In Memorial hall. A large number of students interested in tho subject -attended. Addresses were delivered by Congressman E. M. Pollard, George L. Cooley, of tho national department of agrlculturo and H. C. Holland, ex president of tho Nebraska association of mail carriers. . Goo. A. Lee, A. B '03; Law '06, recently appointed - attorney general of the state of Washington, who was called to IiIb Old homo in Humboldt, iMeu., uy me, critical illness oc nis father, stopped off In Lincoln while on his way back to Spokane. Mr. Leo was a member of the inter-collegiate deba'ting- teams for three years and graduated with Phi Beta Kappa hon ors. Tho class committees of u the inter class athlotfe board will hold "a nieet- inc Wednesday "nlcht. nt. 7 n'nlnnlr nnrt adopt a now constitution which, will -.! ,i i, .i- .. . ... iuuku iiruvituuu lor. me participation of a freshman team, in the future class championship gamos. Tho ac tion comes after a bitter fight of near ly two years, tho three upper classes being opposed to tho admittance of the freshmen. r , A rather curious postal card was-re4-ceived in thcregiBtrar's office yoBtor day, U came- from Mar?avan, Turkey, and;lr addfeBsecLtV I) r, JBrMcLeanT Prosldont of tho University ' of Ne braska. Tho writer is Koyprk jBalaklan of Anatolia Collogo, and' dociarcBhla intention of coming to tho Unlvorslty of Nobraska noxt year. Whon It is romojnljored -that Chancellor McLean loft tho unlvorslty olght yoars ago It Is soon thnt tho card 1b quito a curio. Tho freshmen law cIbbb will moot Wodnosday morning at 10 o'clock to receive tho report of tho "hop" com mittoo, comprised of tho following mombors: Marconitt, chairman; Wan gerln, master of ceromonioB; S. P. DobbB, II. O. Boll and Guy Mattoson. Thero Is a doflclt of nearly $25 and tho class will bo askod to mako It good. The' committeemen oach paid for tho customnry complimentary, bo that it would bo "through no fault of tholrB that tho dancp was not a flnan clnl success. Tho nineteen seniors who playod on the Bonlor footbnll team will rocolvo their sweaters tomorrow for tho cham pion clnHB team by calling at Managor Eagor's jpmco at o'qlopk. Tho sweaters are veBts of maroon and whlto, very similar to tho onos award od tho mombors of tho basket ball team last year. TIjobo to rodolvo them nro Wangerln, captain; Dobbs, mnnagor; Boll, Taylor, Tlngloy, Mc Cutchcon, Harrison, Wood, Camp boll, Ca'rnoy, . Guldlngor, Wlldlsh, Overman, Waters, Wostover, Whlto, Hummoll and Barrett. MA80NR.Y 18 NOW COMPLETED. New Engineering Building Makes Rapldr Progress. During tho Christmas vacation, work on tho onglnooring building has gono rapidly forward. The warm weather has made it posBlblo for tho masonB to work nearly overy day dur ing tho last three wo6kB, and tho walls Of tho second story aro now nearly complete Only about five feet of masonry remains to bo done on tho front part of the building and tho structure will thon b6 rontly for tho roof. Carpenters are now at work fitting up the truBseB for tho two one story rear wings. According to presont plans theso will bo encloBed bo thnt tho workmen will have a sheltered place In which to work. During tho vacation Professor Rich ards finished tho plans and specifica tions for tho electric wiring and tho power plant. Bids for this pnrt of tho work wl)l soon bo taken. Tho contractors expect to finish tho brick work during this month Jf a reasonablo amount of fair weather makes it possible. If tho noxt few weeks should bo very cold this would probably, be impossible, for It is not possible to build up maBonry work when tho mortar freozes rapidly. No work was done on tho building Christ mas and the day after, as a largo num ber pf tho workmen live In .Omaha and It was desired to give them an op portunity to spend tho day at home. In tho broach of promise suit of Hopo vs. Gay Decelvor, recently tried at Syracuse, Miss Hopo was ajvarded damages to tho extent of $205.69, I EARNED "MY WAY. THRU COL LEG E ' CORRESPONDING FOR NEW8PAPER8. ANY INTELLIGENT MAN OR WOMAN CAN DO THE 8AME BY FOLLOWING MY METH OD. KENNETH D. 8TEERE, 706 MARQUETTE BLDG., CHICAGO. r f ' 12-8-ti This sit OLYM ARRO CtUFtCO 5IIWJNK QUARTtB SIZE COLLAR, )5"cnl-Sfor(cmi . M auotl. PcabcOy A Co.. Trey, N. Y. m i ii i mi i i - MM PC H h I ' 'I i FREE i -. TO THE Majestic Thtatra Let us send yon the Dally Nebraska till February 1st ani give you a Matinee ticket to the MAJESTIC . THEATRE for 25c Boost Your College Paper I SUBSCRIBE NOW! REMEMBER THE TICKET IS FREE Business Directory Every Loyal University Student1' is urgea to patronize theie Ne braskan advertiser, and to men tlon the paper while doing ao. BANKS Central National; Trust and Savings.. BAKERIE8 FolBom. First M BATH H0U8E ChrlB. Elovonth and P. W BOOK 8TORE8 . Co-Op; Porter's; Unlvor. suy. CIGAR8 Cole & McKenna. CLEANER8 niumonthnl. CLOTHING Farquhar; Magoo & Deem- or; Mnyer Bros.; Palace Clothing Co.; Spoler & $ Simon. COAL Gregory; Whltebreast. CONFECTIONARY Lincoln Candy Kitchen. ' DANCING ACADEMY8 Pitts; Lincoln. ft DENTI8T8 J. R. Davis; Youngblut, "M DRY G0OD8 l'f,ffi Hcrpolshoimer; Mlllor &, it Paine. jh DRUGGI8T8 Hlggs. ENGRAVER8 Cornell. i.m FLORJ8T8 ' - ' Chapln Uros.; C". H. Frey, -ft FURNI8HING8 " Budd; Fulk; Magoo & & Deemor? Mayor Bios.; Pal- . ace Clothing Co.; Spoler & Simon. ' $ GROCERIES . Capital Clrocery Co. HATTER8 Budd; Fulk; Unland. ICE CREAM ' '' Collins Ice Cream Co.; $ Cameron's: John Wricht's.' A ir-tl.r-I r-nn ' - I ... ucyv tutno Hallott; Tucker. LUNCHEONETTE8 Folsom. LAUNDRIES Evans; Merchants. OT?TICIAN8 Shean. ' PRINTER8 George Bros.; Simmons, v RE8TAURANT8 ' Boston Lunch; Cameron's. 8HOE8 , -n., ' Beckmaji Bros.; -Branth- ! , walte; Budd; Clbclnnati p i Shoo Store; ' Sandersons;. $ i Rogers & Perkins; Petty; Hereford. 8KIRT.8 ' . The fiklrt Store. TAILOR8 ,r " Elliott Bro3.; Horzog; Lud- wig; Marx; College Tall- ors; Scotch Woolen Mills. . . THEATER8 - H Lyric; Majestic;, Oliver; Elite. ,t TYPEWRITERS Lincoln Tynewriter Ex- change. t PATRONIZE YOUR FRIENDS-OUR ADVERTISERS .-it . w s t& at. H , r A W". ffi a JSl$ .'ai 1 - M 7 t Jl 1? "S I v M ,a 'V- k &n h f Je"