The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 18, 1908, Image 4
mtmmaupmt KrzrmmirtiBfttmtiiiiixmmn rneitiiaufAraainUKittirrtirMiuiAiA tiMtt MiWIKBpfrMffTrafl7SMflWM r ,'4 ,v l M THE DAILY NEBASKAN mhmmm &" atmimMnm Mtwmmvk m mm ! 1! civ Wa$ You Look at it WE SAVE YOU MONEY Shirts 60 to lOo Collars 2 l-2o Cuffs, Pair 60 Let Us Do Your Wotk MERCHANTS LAUNDRY I UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET. YELLOW FRONT Your Patronage Solicited Christmas Goods Suit Cases, Bags, Trunks, Pocket Books, Collar Cases, Ladies' Hand Bags, Music Rolls, Toilet Cases and Card Cases, Etc. Jftirlck's Trunk Store 1028 0 St. Lincoln, Nebr. I EARNED MY WAY THRU COL LEGE CORRESPONDING FOR NEWSPAPER8. ANY INTELLIGENT MAN OR WOMAN CAN DO THE SAME BY FOLLOWING MY METH OD. KENNETH D. 8TEERE, 706 MARQUETTE BLDG., CHICAGO. 12-8-tf THE UNI SMOKE HOUSE WolcomoH ttll Btudenta. rk t r I"1 C and BtlTor LatUr B B W I ' r InlBld worx a B 1 lij 8poclolty. UNI SMOKE HOUSE 1182 O StntOt PITTS' DANCING SCHOOL SOCIAL UVEN1NQS " Mondays and Fridays Declnncr's Classes Wed. & Snt. Private Lessons by Appointment 124 N Street Auto 40 to 8UIT OR O'COAT made to order No More WORLD'S LARGEST TAILOR8 133 8. 13th 8t. M. M. Crandall, Mgr. Lincoln, Neb. . (U1C No P Less any stylo you wisn CAMP'S ALL-AMERICAN J I THE YALE 8AGE MAKES ANNUAL FOOTBALL 8ELECTION8. ONE WESTERN PLAYER HONORED Walter Steffen, Captain of Champion- Lhlp Chicago Eleven, Placed at Quarter 8chulz of Michigan Gets Only Brief Mention. Walter Camp's All-American Football Eleven m Scarlett Pennsylvania ..End Fish Hnrvard Tackle V Ooebel Yale Guard Nourse Harvard . . . .Center Tobln Dartmouth . ..Guard Hon Syracuse ....Tackle Schlldmlller. Dartmouth End Stoffon Chicago Quarter Tlbotl Princeton Half Hollonbach.. Pennsylvania ..Half $ Coy Yale Fnll ft CHICAGO. 111., Doc. 17. Walter Stoffen. captain and quarterback on the chflmnlon University of Chicago team of 1J108, is the only westerner to bo honored with a place on Walter Canip'H All-Anierlcan football eleven, which appears in the current Issue of Collier's Weekly. This honorary team Ik picked an nually by Camp, the dean of American college football. Its appearance is nwaltcd eagerly from, year to year on account of the Yale man's standing in the gridiron world. And when a western player Is given a place sup porters of the game in this section of the country are all the more joy ous becauso Camp's duties prevent him from seeing much of the sport as played out here. That the east was impressed by ro ports of Steftcn's prowess is evident from what the Yale advisory coach has to say of him. He styles the Ma roon the best general of the jear and sajs 110 got more out of the new game than anv other man In the country. He compliments Steffen on bis long inns and his use of the straight arm m warding off taeklers. Further, he calls him the best quarter in the laud for getting the work out of his team. Mescmer on Second Team. Other places on Mr. Camp s eleven aie divided among Harvaid, Yale. Pennsylvania, and Dartmouth, each of which colleges Ik given two men, and Pilnccton and Syracuse, whlcn are honored with one .player apiece. John Messmer, Wisconsin's big guard, In placed on the second eleven. Pat Page of the Maioons and Van Hook of Illinois are given berths on tho third team. To the surprise of westerners in general, "Germnn" Schulz. the Michi gan captain and center, is not hon ored with anything but mention. The backbone of lb" Wolverine team is spokon of briefly . however, and Camp explains his failure to select him by the fact that he was unable to get into the fray early in the season on account of faculty rulings and that his condition pi evented ids lasting out either the Penn or the Syrncus." game. Second and Third Elevens. The line-up" of the second team fol lows: Dennll. Drown, and Hetfsnlder, Annapolis, ends; Slegllng, Princeton, and O'Rourkv, Cornell, tackles; An dni, Vale, am1 Mesamor. Wisconsin, guards; Phlloon, West Point, centor; Cutter, Harvnrd, quarter; Ver Wiohle, Harvard, and Mayhew, IJrown, halves; Walder, Cornell, fullback. ? i 1 ni' iniru lUHtu; t "ge, iuicuko, nuuuvt JohtiBon, West Point, ends; Draper, Q Pennsylvania, and Northcroft, Annap- X oils, tacklos; Van Hook, Illinois, and 25 Hoar, Hnrvard, giiards; Hrusse, Dart- 0 mouth, center; Miller, Pennsylvania, U. quarter; Thorpe. Carlisle, and Gray, g Amhoral, halves- McCoa, Lafayette,, g? fullback. g Want-Adsl vk Advertisements for tho want ad column should bo left at tho business ofllco, basement Administration Bldg , between 10 a. m, and 12 m., or be tween 2 p. m. and b p. m. Cash must accompany all orders for want ads, at tho rate of 10 cents per Insertion for every fifteen words or fraction thereof for tho first lnsor lion; threo Insertions 25 conta; five insertions 40 cents. .Will tho person who, through mis take, took a gray cravonette from tho hooks In Unl Hall Thursday morning kindly return It there or to tho Daily Nobraskan ofllco? lt-62-20 00QG050Ce0''tO00C What to Get For Him 9 COLLAR BAGS rt are serviceable and appreciated. $1.50 to $3.50 I JEWELRY SETS , , Q Cuff buttons and tie pin or studs to match, in a plush box. $1.50 to $3.50 House Goats and Robes trimmed with silk. ft $5.00 to $12.50 Q Our Neckwear line is immense suit him-25c to $1.00 Remember, our store. no shoddy, undesirable merchandise finds a place in 1 MAGEE&DEEMER f O 0tPOOt5OO00 O O aOO0O00DOOO0OQ 000C 0CKTC20C0000 Q O CGC00CQCe0 February 5, 1909 Lincoln Hotel Annex s 8 00000-XKSI-Q00 O O unior o c:ooc-c-csrKcoccsTQ s Walt's Orchestra 6CttCOtfGC The Skirt Store o 8 Holiday suggestions which ou can't afford to overlook. We offer one-third off on all our coats- -one-third off on all our suits. 400 skirts from $2.50 to $!).!)X. Silk petticoats nothing better for a holi day Ift for only $:t.7.r). Ileatlurblooin petticoats in black and colors only 7!)c Finest line of waists over shown In Lincoln in ecru, net ;iud messallne silk the ver laist tnlng out from $2.98 up to $7.00. 8 s ? ? 9 s 121 No. ilth St. Little-Block Lincoln, Nebr. The o 0-ro00000000 O O O0000000000000 ccj-:(:och3oocca::'0oooco-:)ocx-cco: 9 ANOTHER! ..LOT.. of Fancy Broad Cloth Vests on Sale Saturday, Dec. 19th at $1.95 Worth $4 and $5 Palace Clothing Co 1419 O O060000000 O O O O 00000CGCffiCC Let Us Suggest GLOVES always make acceptable gifts, and a pair in a fancy box is sure to please him. $1.00 and up LINEN HDKFS. A half dozen In a fancy box. 35c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50 You can't fail to 6 000000t50000 SS Tickets $3.00 121 No. Kth St. Little Block Lincoln, Nebr. Skirt Store Street m Prom 000?5d00 O00300000 FREE' TICKET T0THE Majestic Theatre Let us send you the Daily Nebraskan till February 1st and give you a Matinee ticket to the MAJESTIC THEATRE for Boost Your College Paper SUBSCRIBE NOW! REMEMBER THE TICKET IS FREE Directory University Student latronlze theso No rtisers, and to men or while doing to. BANK8 Central National; First Trust and Savings. BAKERIES Folsom. BATH HOUSE Chris. Eleventh and P. BOOK STORE8 Co-Op; Porter's; Unlver- sity. CIGARS Cole & McKenna. CLEANERS niumenthal. CLOTHING Farquhar; Magee & Deom- er; Mayor Bros.; Palace vfc Clothing Co.; Speier & Simon. COAL Gregory; Whitcbreast. CONFECTIONARY Lincoln Candy Kitchen. DANCING ACADEMYS & Pitts; Lincoln. DENTISTS J. R. Davis; Youngblut. DRY GOODS tlorpolshclmer; Mlllor & Paine. DRUGGISTS Hlggs. ENGRAVERS Cornell. FLORISTS - Chapin Bros.; FURNISHINGS C. II. Frey. ff Magoe & Budd; Fulk; Deeiner; Mayer Bros.; Pal- aco Clothing Co.; Speier & Simon. GROCERIES Capital Grocery Co. HATTERS W. Budd; Fulk; Unland. ICE CREAM X CollInB Ico Cream Co.; - - Cameron's; John Wright's. JEWELERS Hallott; Tucker. LUNCHEONETTES Folsom. LAUNDRIES if Evans; Merchants. OPTICIANS - Shoan. PRINTER8 Georgo Bros.; Simmons. RESTAURANTS Boston Lunch; Cameron's. Jj SHOES flr jjeuKinan ljioh.; urauin- r walto; Budd; Cincinnati R Shoo Store; Sandersons; vfc Rogei-B & Perkins; Petty; Hereford. SKIRTS ' Tho Skirt Storo. I TAILORS Elliott Bros.; Horzog; Lud- wig; Marx; Collogo Tall- ors; Scotch Woolen Mills. THEATERS ' Lyric; Majestic; Oliver; Elite, TYPEWRITERS Lincoln Typowrlter Ex- change. PATRONIZE YOUR FRIENDS-OUR ADVERTISERS 35c n 9 e I ( I b n r ,?;5WWiWtawf" r: aia i- v tarafcagt ,1 - 'mKcsst2umwspzrx.