The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 18, 1908, Image 1

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ftbe 3ailv IFlebraekan
Vol. VIII. No. 62.
Price 5 Cent
Interest Is Centered in the Election of
Captain for Next Year's Team,
Which Will Be Decided at
Today's Meeting.
The Y. M. C. A. bn8lot-lmll Ave de
feated the university team last even
ing In the armory by the score of 34
to 16. The game was fiercely played
throughout and rough playing was In
dulged in by both sides. It was a
fair example of what the game under
the new rules can become. Jt Is
doubtful if such a rough game was
ever played on the armory floor be
fore; It resembled football more than
It did basket-ball and frequently play
ers would be run into and thrown
violently as they are on the gridiron.
Although there are two officials pro
vided for in this year's rulos, yet they
were not able to prevent unnecessary
roughness, oven though they called a
great many fouls. Tho varsity play
ers seemed to go in for rough play
a little more than the Y. M. C. A. men
did, probably on account of the fact
that they have not been "called" for
such tactics very strictly in practice.
Strong Team Work.
The Y. M. C. A. five excelled par
ticularly In team work. Thoy were
able to carry the ball down the lloor
with greater success and their guard
ing wus first class. At shooting bas
kets the Waugh brothers and I). Mit
chell did great work for the Y. M.
team. Each of them contributed four
Held goals und in addition Fred Waugh
threw five free trials at' goal from
'the varsity team was considerably
weakened by the absence of Captain
Walsh at right forward, who is still
suffering from an injury received In
practice last weok. Tho work of Aug.
Schmidt, who iillel this position was
vory good, but he failed to come
through with a bunch of spectacular
plays which may usually bo looked for
from tho lanky captain. It was ex
pected that Hutchison would be played
at torwaid In the absence of Walsh,
but ho did not go Into tho game at
all. It Is reported that he Is tempor
arily delinquent In school work.
Score of the Game.
Tho detailed score of me game was
as follows;
Nebracka FG
Wood, Rlchey, rf 1
Schmidt, Janes, If 2
PetraBhok, c
Bell, Long, rg 1
Perry, lg 2
Totals G
Y. M. C. A.
Mitchell, rf
S. Waugh, If 4
Hiltnor, c 1
F. Waugh, rg..- 4
Phillips, lg 4
Totals 15
Final scoro Y. AL C. A., 34; Uni
versity, 16.
Referee Hewitt.
Umpire Klewlt.
Tinker Dor Klnderen.
Election of Captain.
Tho election of a football captain
for uoxt season's team will tako placo
at tho Armory this noon. Tho method
used In electing the captain Is tq al
low all of this season's "N" men to
vote. Thoro wore fourteen letters
awarded to the following men: Cap
tain Harvey, Johnson, Chalouqka,
Frum, Harto, Ewlng, Collins, Cooke,
Bentley, BIrkner, Kroger, Temple,
Minor, and Boltzor.
These men will be eligible to vote
for' next year'B captain at this noon's
meeting. According to tho instruc
tions which thoy rocoived, thoy will
havo to roach a decision bofora thoy
leavo tho building and not lot tho
thing hang fire n it did last year for
several weeks. Eight votes will ho
nocossary for election.
Tho two men who havo so far an
nounced thomsolves as candidates for
the captaincy are Sidney Collins nnd
Sidney Frum. Thoy havo both played
on tho 'varsity for two years and are
players of unquestioned ability, and
either of them vottld without a doubt
make a good captain.
According to the present dope, the
vote will be seven to seven on the
first ballot. It is possible that, if
both sides are obstlnnte In clinging
to their candidate, It will be neces
sary to compromise on some other
available man. Others who have been
talked of for the place are llarto.
Ewlng, au.l Bellzcr. Still anothor
possibility is that the team, in the
case of a deadlock, will refer the mat
ter of fleeting a captain to the athletic
Junior Chairman Finds It Inadvisable
to Make'LowerCharge.
The Junior hop committee held n'
... I i
meeting in li. 10G at 11 o clock yes
terday morning, at which time thr
chairman, Air. Aloiison, reported thn'
all the aiiangeiiieiils had been pom
plete.l in :i satisfactory manner. A
great deal ol discussion then ensued
HA iu wiieim-r mm- i-uhi hi iichihh
should lie lowered to meet the price1
which is being charged for othei
dances ai ine i.incoin. ah oi uie
hops given at the Lincoln so far havoj
cost $1.25. Some of the members
thought that tho Juniors should lower
their prices to a dollar. In reply to
this, Air. Alonson said that he had
looked Into the matter carefully and
had decided that the dollar and a
quarter was to be preferred. lie
called the committee's attention to tho
fact that no dance at the Lincoln had
been a success at $1.25, and that to
pay expenses it would be necessary to
have about 100 couples on the lloor.
At the same price at Fraternity hall
he explained that he could furnish tho
best of everything and pay expenses
wit ii seventy couples. At $1.00.
thougn. II would be necessary to
....u,l ilw. li.tll itMi ulttwiut iilnnfi'
collides. He 'said he felt sure that .
those atlendlnir would rather nay the
extra quarter and have room enough
to dance satisfactorily. The price war.
left at $1.25. It will occur on January
b at S :'M) o'clock.
Annual Banquet of Literary Society To
Be Given at LlndelP Hotel.
The annual banquet of the Palladian
Literary society will be held at the
Lindell hotel this evening. All active
and alumni members of the Bjielety iu
tho city will be present. Several mem
bers of the society from out of the
city will also attend. Professor Stuff
will act as toastmastor. An excellent
toast has been prepared and the
"Palls" expect to hae a very enjoy
able feast.
The annual election was held re
cently and tho following officers
chosen: President, E'mer W. Hills;
vice president, Anna Lammcrs; re
cording secretary, Bertha Williams;
coi responding secretary, Ina Williams;
historian, S. A. Mahood; critic, Wil
liam Reynolds ; program secrotury,
Frank Itclulch; music secretary, Alabel
AlcVelgh; members of executive board,
rtenry F. Wunder and Georgo W.
Unusual Notices Are Received by
Doctor Bessey.
Notices of two scholarships for
women were received yesterday by
Dr. Betsey and posted on tlio Botan
ical bullotln boards. One of these no
tices is issued by the Naples Tablo
association for promoting laboratory
research by women. Tho association
was formed in 1898 to promote scien
tific resenrch among women and all
appointments are made by tho execu
tive committee. The association also
announces a prlzo of $1,000 for the
best thesis written by a Avoman on a
scientific subject, embodying new ob
servations and new conclusions based
on an Independent laboratory re
search in 'biological, chemical or phys
ical science. The other notice Id of
the Sarah Berliner Research Fellow
ship for Women, which is a fellowship
of the value of $1,200, open to women
holding tho degree of doctor of philos
ophy, or thoae similarly equipped for
further research work.
These notices nro considered of,
especial importance by Doctor llessoy
as opportunities for women to do
work in scientific research are much
more limited than for men. Thoso
desiring further information can get
it by Beelng Doctor Bessey.
New Bible Classes and Mission Study
Sections To Be Organized W. J.
Bryan to Deliver an Ad
dress in January.
Immediately after the Christmas
holidays are over and the students
have returned to Lincoln Tor the
spring term, the university Y. Al. (.'. A.
will take up anew tne work of Its var-
ous branches. Endeavors will be
made In every line to bring the work
up to the top notch for the rest of
the year. The campaigns iu all di
visions of the work which will be
started with the new year will be ex
pected to bring things into such shape
. ,, wl 1U b fa,. ,,
far the ban-
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lit I Ullt-- 111 HIV ii.tiv..j ... ...
WRh lh( winning of school iu
Jummry con8ik.rablo additional Bible
study work will be instituted. There
are now some thlrty-slx classes with
100 students enrolled doing regular
work under instruction of leaders of
the association. After vacation It is
proposed to start at least ten more
similar sections for new students.
There Is promise that all thcBo dl
Isions will be readily filled and It
may be necessary to add even a
larger number.
Another feature or the work which
will bu exploited after the holidays Is
the fraternity Bible classes. These
ve not yet been organized but steps
to that end have already been taken
and the matter will be pushed Imme
diately after vacation. Last year tho
association bad classes in nearly all
fraternities In school. It Is hoped to
meet with greater success this year.
Mission Studies.
After New Year mission classes sim
ilar In their plan or work to the reg
ular Bible classes will be Instituted.
Instead ol having Bthoral different
groups studying different countries, as
was tin eustoin last year, all groups
will take up the consideration of In
dia and the need for missions there
as well as the work that has been
accomplished bj the present mission
aries. Tho character of the eastern
people will be studied, their religion
and .habits of live will be looked into,
and methods ofbetterlng their condi
tion will be discussed. Dr. Lawrence
of the First Presby'terlan church of
Lincoln will lead the leaders' class.
Some time In January there will be
a great mission rally of all university
students at which an endeavor will bo
made to awaken interest In missions
generally and especially in tho now
classes of the association. At this
mooting W. J. Bryan will be tho prin
cipal speaker. flie data for tho gath
ering has not yet been oxactly set.
It wilLbo somo time abput tho middle
of thennonth, however, and it will 'bo
one of the big dnys of tho university
Y. AI. C. A.
Directory Out Soon.
Tho university student directory,
published jointly by tho. Y. AL nnd Y.
W. C. A.'s, will bo issued immediately
with the opening of school January 4.
Tho book Is now being printed and
nothing In reason can prevent Its be
ing put out on time.
There wil) be no further social
ovents until about the end of tho se
mester. Some time lato in January
thoro will bo somo sort of a social,
the exact dato and the time not yot
being definitely fixed.
Soon after tho holidays a final cam
paign for mombors will bo started in
which n last effort will bo made to
incrcaso tho list of members to tho
800 mark. It is believed that this ciln
j ho dono with a little work on tho
part of, tho membership committee
members and those already onrollod
in tho association.
Tho now pianola has boon in uso in
the rooms in tho Temple for several
days and has glvon the boy's much
pleasure. Thoro are thirty-flvq records
(o start with and thcHo may be ex
changed as there Is n demand for late
Chancellor Andrews Honors Winning
Nebraska Students.
In response to an Invitation by
Chancellor Andrews, the members of
the live stock Judging (earn which
loprosented the university at the In
ternational Live Stock Show, and of
the dairy Judging team at the Na
tional Dairy Show, both recently held
at Chicago, assembled at tho Lincoln
hotel at G o'clock Inst ovonlng.
Those present wore Chancellor An
drews, the members of the teams, C.
IC Shedd, C. P. Jeffords, O. ('.. Gilbert,
.1. F. Coupe, J. II. Gramllch, B. S. Cul
ver, Carl Ulman, Dean Burnett, Pro
fessors H. It. Smith and A. L. Haecker,
Instructors E. AI. Little, Ellis Rail,
and S. AlcKelvIe, and Governor-eject
Sliallenberger as tho guest of honor.
After a five-course dinner, of which
all partook, Chancellor Andrews In
the capacity of toastmati.ter. contrast
ed the work and merits of the teams
lepresentlng the university In the va
rious InterscholtiBtlc contests, saying
that Nebraska had competed In the
past successfully with some of the
strongest colleges and unlvorsltlos In
every line of student activity. Ho ox
pressed great pleasure In that the
football, baseball and debating teams
had been accoided complimentary
dinners lit tho close of their respective
seasons, and said the stock judging
teams were equally deserving of be
ing so honored.
He then Introduced Professors Smith
and Haeeker, who spoke on how the!
teams hud been prepared for this con
The chancellor wag especially Im
pressed with the work done by J. II.
(iianillch, who, as an Individuiil, won
second In the dairy and third in fat
slock judging contests.
Toasts were then responded to by
firamlicli. Ulman au.l Coupe, who
spoke in behalf of the teams.
Dean Burnett, in a short speech,
urged that a proper combination of
principle and practice be maintained
in agricultural education at Nebraska.
Governor-elect Sliallenberger, with ap
propriate remarks, closed the func
tion, sulng that since It was Nebras
ka's first elfort along this line, It may
have been bettor to have won second
than' first, because had we won first'
we might have become too proud.
All expressed tholr gratitude to the
Chancellor, wishing him much pleas
ure In his contemplated trip to Flori
da, and I lie meeting was closed with
llu' "I'lii" yell.
Junior Prom To Be Held on Original
Denjlng the charge that the Junior
prom was to be changed to another
date, coming later In tho year, Chair
man Alexander ofthe "prom commit
tee" Insisted that the danco would bo
held on thq date originally decided
upon, February G, at the Lincoln hotol.
Just how tho rumor circulated that
wc were going to postpone tho dance
started, 1 cannot understand' said
Air. Alexander, when asked regarding
tho matter. As a matter of fact no
basket-ball game is BOt for February
5, so that evening will bo open to
the prom and there will be no inter
ference from any other university
function. Tho original schedule of the
basket-ball team called for a game
with the Jayhawkers on that ovenlng,
but owing to conflicts that dato was
changed und that evening whs left
Students Show Appreciation of the
Magnificent Music.
.Memorial hall was taxed to its ca:
paclty yesterday morning to accom
modate tho students who wished to
hear 'Handel's Alosslah. This has como
to bo one of tho big musical events of
the year nnd tho crowd which filled
the hall shows that the students ap
preciate it.
Airs. Raymond deserves the highest
credit for tho way in which tho event,
was conducted yesterday morning,
With as complicated a program as this
it is worthy of more than passing no
tice that everything passed off In per
fect order and in such a way that tne
magnificence of tho music could be
appreciated to tho highest degree by
thoso who were present.
Expect to Recuperate for the Hard
Work Before Them In the Next
Two Weeks by a Com
plete Rest at Home.
Beginning last ovonlng, scores of
students loft for tholr homes In vu
rlous sections of tho statu to onjoy
the Christmas holidays at tholr homos
and to rocuporato tholr health In
preparation for the long stretch of
work which starts with tho oponlng of
school on January 4. Tho studontB
will have about olghteon dnys of va
cation, school closing this ovon
lng at G o'clock and opening Alondny,
January 4, ut eight o'clock. Com
pletlng their work before hand, largo
numbers of tho students took advan
tage of the opportunity bofore tho
majority of students leave for tholr
As a rollof from tho hard work of
the past fow weeks, tho students as a
rule weicomod tho holidays. With
only a Bhort Intermission at Thanks
giving, tho work has boon continuous
since the boglnnlng last Soptombor,
and as a number have expressed it,
thoy are "all In, down and out." Plan
ning to enjoy tholr vacation to the
utmost, the students look forward tD
the two weeks of rest.
Crowds at the Depot.
Anticipating that there would -b3
large crowds at the depot, tho agents
or several of tho roads announcod n
mile of tlcketH for the holidays yes
terday, so that students might pur
chase their tickets before going to tho
depot "Und thus preventing conges
tion. Farly last evening almost ovory
train leaving the city contained
groups of happy students anxious to
arrive at their nomes with tho least
possible delay. Of all tho happy
events of his university course which
the freshman looks forward to, is tho
two weeks which he Is permitted to
spend at home paring Christmas and
New Years. Second onty to this is
his desire to get back after having
(pen! several days iu a country town,
with nothing to do but to tako llfo
in syt
It Is with almost as great a feeling
ol relief that tho studont welcomes
his return to the unlvorslty. In spite
ol the good times, and tho homo care,
he generally conies to Jook forward
t(. the old room and the boarding
huusp geiib as a part of his lifo. Sat
isfied with two weeks of mother's
cooking, he returns again to put up
for another semester with the boarl-Ihg-house
bill of fare.
Students -Do Shopping.
With their arms full of parcels, and
their suit cases packed tho students
thow that thoy have taken advantage
of tho bargains offered by Lincoln
merchants, who announce their stocks
through the columns of the Nebras
kan. A Lincoln merchant made tho
statoment yesterday "that his student
trade this year was tho heaviest for
several years," Everyone seemed to
want to buy, and in most cases the
purchases wore substantial ones.
With a lnrger and more completd as
sortment to pick from, tho students
desire to lay in their Christmas pres
ents bofore they reach home at prices
tho same or lower than ithey could be
purchased In tho smaller towns.
By this evening the canipus will bo
largely descried and by Saturday
nght the only signs of .student lifo
will bo tho fow who remain behind to
mnko 'up back work pr ,those who liavd
their home In Lincoln. The effect of
tho students leaving Lincoln for, thq
holidays is noticeable oven away
from the campus, and. the boarding
nnd rooming houses will' welcome
their return to the city.
Conditioned Examination.
All conditioned students In Appliod
Mechanics 14 are requested to meet
for examination nt 0 o'clock," Satur
dayi January 9, 190tf, In room M. 307.
Geo. It; Chatburn, Professor of Ap
plied Mechanics,
Tho ' best oyster stew in the city
is that served at The Boston Lunch.
Try It. . '