SrTTrrr? -; tJHVf.i-tfitH .,lXW- THE DAILY NEBRASKAN FREE- TICKET TOTHE Majestic Theatre Let us send you the Dally Nebraskan till February 1st and give you a Matinee ticket to the MAJESTIC THEATRE for 35c Boost Your College Paper SUBSCRIBE NOW! REMEMBER THE TICKET IS FREE There are still a few copies of the FOOTBALL NUMBER left, which we will sell for as long as they last. We are selling them at a discount because we need the money. You should buy one because you want a souvenir' of the Greatest Football Team Nebraska has had In years. On Sale at RAG OFFICE Room 7, Admin. Bidg. THE UNI SMOKE HOUSE Welcomes nil Students. Bra ninrr and BllYOr Ltttar B 11 LJ Specialty. UNI SMOKE HOUSE 1188 O BtrMt l Pill Tlmkt7iro' s6 2 f((v-cMiMy JiisilBBBBlBlslBsBBlllllBlls""""""""ssiisliSBll cAny Way You Look at it WE SAVE YOU MONEY Shirts 6o to lOo Collars 2 l-2o Cuffs, Pair Bo Let Us Do Your Woik I MERCHANTS LAUNDRY Hot Drinks are now In season. Do you know any place where you can get as ..Quick Service.. as you can at our new store? No need of being crowded. Lincoln Candy Kitchen 14th & O S. W. Corner UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN I C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET. YELLOW FRONT Yovr Patronage Solicited Suit Cases, Bags, Trunks, Pocket Books, Collar Cases, Ladies' Hand Bags, Music Rolls, Toilet Cases and Card Cases, Etc. Wirick's Trunk Store 1028 0 St. Lincoln, Nebr. CINCINNATI Cut Price SHOE STORE AND Eliotrit Shot Rtpalr Faotory Saves Yov TIME-AND-MONEY 1220 O Street Half Million Glasses of Soda Water old and drank from our 20th Century Sanitary Soda Fountain season 1008. Agency Huylors, Gunthors and Lown eys Chocolates and Bonbons. Ths Dnn Ptitt mm Want-Ads Advertisements for the want ad column should be left at the business office, basemont Administration Bldg , between 10 a. m. and 12 m., or be tween 2 p. m. and 6 p. m. Cash must accompany all orders for want ads, at the rate of 10 cents per Insertion for every fifteen words or fraction thereof for the first Inser tion; three- insertions 25 cents; five Insertions 40 cents. Any typewriting? Let a student do It during vacation. Address Box 1131, Station A. 3t-59-23 FOR SALE. Two good homesteads In South Da kota for Bale. Price $350 and $500. File Christmas vacation, begin resi dence at end of school year and prove up in fourteen "months. Bo out of school only qno year. Address Inquiry Station A. Box 1180, for full Informa tion. Give name and room number. 3t-59-25 Christmas Goods GAME WITH CHICAGO RUMORED MICHIGAN WOULD LIKE ONE NEXT FALL. UNDER CONFERENCE RULES YET Wolverines, Although Out of "Big Eight," Still Observe Practically the Same Laws In Its Contests. ANN AHllOIl, Mich.. Dec. 15. Thoro Is u rumor on the campus to the effect that Michigan In to plnv Chicago in football In 1910. While it could not ho discovered that any negotiations have taken place between tin- two institutions upl to the present time, oik high in nth It lp affairs here practically admitted today thai such was the case. An eff ort is also to he mode, It is said, to pl.iy one of the other western schools possibly Minnesota or Wisconsin. Few have considered Michigan's break with the western schools, permanent, and accordingly, the athletic hoard of con trol made few minor changes in the conditions, barring the three year re troactive rule, icstrictlons against a long M schedule, and training table. Michigan teams are suil competing under the conference rules, with tho above exceptions, and accordingly are under groat disadvantages In playing against the east. It is certain that no announcement would cause more joy here than tht Michigan would play Chicago again. Ever since the 2 to 0 defeat in 1905 the Wolverines have been hoping to square matters. Di rector Fitzpntrlck, when interviewed, refused to talk of the rumor. Fltzpatrick Talks. Trainer Fltzpatrick tonight set at test the stories current heie that Michigan would re-enter the western conference next year. These stories nave had foundation on the fact that Director Uaird has been flooded with letter from alumni urging such ac tion. Fltzpatrick gave out a list of Michigan's football engagements for 1909. "We will play Penn, Syracuse, Van derhllt. Ohio State, Case and Mich igan Agricultural," he said. "Kentucky probably will be dropped for Marquette college of Milwaukee. The latter game is .sure anyway, Uaird having arranged for It hist week. Case will be first, opening at Ann Arbor." It Is definitely known that Athletic Director ilnird has tendered his resig nation to the Michigan regents and that they have refused to accept It. An inkling of the means propose 1 to Induce him to stay became known this afternoon. It is to give him enough help to do all the work and let him act In an advisory capacity. He is so much interested in Michigan he is willing to serve without pay. He understands the conditions and needs of the university in an athletic way better than any other man in the country, and this is the reason the regents are so anxious to retain him. Wisconsin. MADISON, WIh., Dec. 1C Dr. C. P. ilutchins, athletic director of tho Uni versity of Wisconsin, today denied any knowledgo of the rumored visit of Director Baird of Michigan, and then said it would be Impossiblp for Michigan and Wisconsin to play foot ball so long as the Maize, and Blue schools remained out of the confer ence. Chicago. CHICAGO, Dec. 16. At the Univer sity of Chicago yesterday Director Stagg disclaimed any knowledgo of a resumption of uthletlc relations with the maroons, which would be Impos sible until Michigan again observed the conference rules. Walter Steffen, whom Stagg con siders the greatest quarter back in the country, received another offer to coach yesterday, this time from the University of Texas, which tendered the position of dnector of athletics. Steffen has received so many offers next senson that he Is in no hurry to sign up. Jimmy Sheldon's vacant shoes at the University of Indiana are said to be at his dispqsal, also a po- I cltlon as assistant to Stagg in the development of next year's eleven, I and other offers. Tho Maroon star wishes to complete ills legal studios and for that reason would prefer to remain at the Uni versity of Chicpgo, wlure he would secure added experience as an assist ant to Stagg, which he considers valji uoblo for future coaching position end tht Is likely to be Steffens' de cision unless the financial considera tions of the other offers prove too alluring. Olivet. OLIVET, Mich., Dec. 16 'George J Nachtsheim of Buffalo, N. D., has been chosen 1909 .football captain. Next year Nachtsheim will he the only fourth year man on the team. During his three years of football for Olivet he has played in three positions, on end on the '06 team, half back din ing the 1907 season, and this year he was shifted to quarter. He has boon a star in all three places. Twelve men have received "O's" for their work on the gridiron this yenr. They are Capt. Thomas, Nachtsheim. Christian, Amtsbuechler, Harwood, Hlllier, Berry, Hunt, Turner, Price, Dana and Morrison. Witn the exception of Capt. Thomas who will be graduated, the entire team will be back next year. Cornell. ITHACA, N. ., Doc. 16. The Cor nell athletic council today awarded the varsity "C" to the captain of the scrub eleven for merit. He was not entitled to It undr the strict rules. An alumnus of Mfssourl Is president of the school of the Ozarks located 'n the mountains. There are 200 stu dents In the school, many of whom have never been out of tho county. Somo of the teachers, also, have neer attended school outside the county. There are ten cases or diphtheria at Wisconsin. Tne epidemic started at the Alpha Tan Omega house, but has spread all over tho city. This di sease follows close after the trouble with typhoid fever from which one student is still in a serious condition. I EARNED MY WAY THRU COL t. EGE CORRESPONDING FOR NEW8PAPER8. ANY INTELLIGENT MAN OR WOMAN CAN DO THE SAME BY FOLLOWING MY METH OD. KENNETH D. STEERE, 706 MARQUETTE BLDG., CHICAGO. 12-8-tf t ys Have your clothes made for you. 'We will give you indi viduality style and exclusive patterns. Our long suit is Dress Suits. ELLIOTT BROS. TAILORS 142 South 12th Lincoln "We Make Those Tasty Togs" Bo BSBWSSBBM I'M I ' 1 J ITO" 4k ti VbWZTJ Ci' VSC LiWLibY 1 W&steVmitiSmr -H i III i w ft Bill wm rf Ma M sH IWitH VaUI A Popular for TWO SEASONS Two for 25c Imitated in shape, but tho " Pat ented Lock Front" which avoids collar spreading, can be had only in OUNITED SUIBT 4 COLLAR CO..cMkers.Troy.n,.Y. CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK 12th and O Streets P. L. HALL, President P. E. JOHNSON, Vlco-Prealdant BEMAN O. FOX, Cashlor W. W. HACKNEY Jr., Aatt. Oaahtar THE FIRST TRUST & SAVINGS BANK Owned by tho Stockholders of tho First National Bank Interest Paid at 4 Per Cent First National Bank Looms, Tehth k O Business Directory Every Loyal University 8tudent is urged to patronize thess Ne braskan advertisers, and to men tion the paper while doing so. - BANKS Central National; First Trust and Savings. BAKERIES FolBom. BATH HOUSE ChrlB', Eleventh and P. book stores-Co-op; Porter's; Univer sity. CIGAR8 Colo & McKenna. CLEANERS niumenthal. CLOTHING Farquhar; Mageo & Doem er; Mayer Bros.; Palace Clothing Co.; Spolor & Simon. COAL Gregory; Whltebreast. CONFECTIONARY Lincoln Candy Kitchen. DANCING ACADEMYS Pitts; Lincoln. DENTISTS J. R. Davis; Youngblut. DRY GOODS Herpolshelmer; Miller & Paine. DRUGGISTS Higgs. ENGRAVERS Cornell. FLORISTS Chapln Bros.; C. H. Frey. FURNISHINGS Budd; Fulk; Magoe & Deemer; Mayor Bros.; Pal ace Clothing Co.; Speler & Simon. GROCERIES Capital Grocery Co. HATTERS Budd; Fulk; Unland. ICE CREAM Collins Ice Cream Co.; Cameron's; John Wright's. JEWELERS Hallett; Tucker. LUNCHEONETTE8 Folsom. LAUNDRIES Evans; Merchants. OPTICIANS Shean. PRINTERS George Bros.; Simmons. RESTAURANT8 Boston Lunch; Cameron's. SHOES Beckman Bros.; Branth walte; Budd; Cincinnati Shoo Store; Sandersons; Rogers & Perkins; Petty; Hereford. SKIRTS The Skirt Store. TAILOR8 Elliott Bros.; Horzog; Lud wlg; Marx; College Tail ors; Scotch Woolen MIIIb. THEATERS Lyric; Majestic; Oliver; Elite. TYPEWRITERS ' Lincoln Typewriter Ex change. - M -- PATRONIZE YOUR FRIENDS -OUR ADVERTISERS onGlars A 11 v t Urnrtvtt wttfOW"WyWTtnt' mHmnm .ayi'muMMiWIWt nw-ytmr .