Ibe 2ail Iflebtaefean vol. vni. No. 61. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1908. Price 5 Cent. BASKET-BALL TONIGHT THE 'VAR8ITY FIVE MEETS THE Y. M. C. A. TEAM. NO ADMISSION TO BE CHARGED 8econd Game on the Schedule of the Cornhusker Basket-ball Squad Occurs In Armory at Eight O'clock. Another opportunity will be given the basket-ball enthusiasts of the uni versity to boo the Cornhusker five in action tonight. The 'varsity team meets tho city Y. M. C. A. Ave In the Armory at eight o'clock. There will be no admlBBlon charged to the game and evoryonc who Is Interested Is urged to come out and get a line on the team which Is expected to win tho Missouri valley championship this winter. This will bo the second timo that the 'varBlty Ave has appeared in a public game this year. Tho ilrst con Iest was th,c one with Cotner univer sity last Saturday evening, in which the CornhuBkers won by a score of 28 to 24. Tho game with Cotner was merely a try-out contest and over llf teen men played on the Nebraska team some time during the game. The game tonight will also be a prac tice contest, but it is expected that it will be a much better exhibition. The city Y. M. ('. A. has a very fast team this season and they expect to make the 'varsity boys go some to night if they win a victory. They have played several games already this fall, defeating tho Cotner team by about ton points and defeating the junior class team from the university under the A. A. IT. rules by the deci sive score of 81 to 11. Judging from their showing in these games, a good exhibition may be expected from them. The regular center of the team, Hiltner, turned his ankle last week and as a consequence he will not be ablo to play this evening. The 'varsity team has not yet de veloped to any extent in the matter of team work and their showing will depend largely in this game, as it did against Cotner, upon the individual work of the players. Captain Walsh has not yet been able to return to the game on account of quite a severe injury in practico last week' from which he Is still suffering. Probable Line-up of Teams. The probable line-up of the two teams in tonight's contest will be as follows: Nebraska. Y. M. C. A. Hutchison i. rf -. Mitchell Wood If S. Waugh Petrashek c Andrews Bell rg Phillips Perry Ig P. Waugh Inasmuch as this Is a practice game, the line-up will remain Intact for only ?? short time and a large number of men will be given a thorough try-out. The game will bo called at eight o'clock and will be played under the Inter-colleglate rules. These rules this year allow a goal to be thrown from a dribble, which, Is bound to in crease tho roughness In the game and as a consequence the exhibition is more like a football game than tho old time basket-ball contest. Several of tho football men are try ing out for the team now that the football season Is over and they are almost unanimous in the opinion that so far as roughness is concerned, they would .. rather play football any timo than basket-ball as it is now played. Sid Collins said that he had no dif ficulty in playing tho entlro football season through without an Injury, but tho first night that he got out for baskot-ball he was laid out. Seats in the Gym. -r'At tho meeting of the athletic board on TueBday tho matter of con structing bleacher seats In tho gym nasium was brought up and was ro ferred to tho committee on grounds nnd buildings with authority to act. It Is therefore very probablo that these seats will be constructed, as the Idea was very favorably received by the board. The Idea Is to build several rows of seats the full length of the gym on each side of the field, making tho last row about as high as the top of the gun rack, so that a clear view of the floor can be had from any seat In tho house. Last year when there were three rows of chairs placed one behind the other the people In the last -row had great difficulty In seeing nnything at all. Under the proposed plan there will be a seating capacity of about 800. Manager Eager proposes to reserve one side of the Held for the use of students who have tne annual student tickets. These tickets will admit them to any seats on this side of tho Held without any additional charge. The seats on the other side of the floor will bo open to the general pub lic and to students having season tickets for a small additional charge. These seats will bo reserved. There will be practically no differ ence In the desirability of the seatB on either side of tho floor except that the seatB open to holders of season tickets will not be reserved and tho first to come will have their choice of seats. HANDEL'S MESSIAH Fine Music To Bf: Rendered at Convo cation This Morning. At convocation thiB morning a spe cial ChrlBtmas program will he given by the rendition or Handel's Messiah by a elio-'ie .. vlc-b an, orchestra. Fallowing is the program: Tenor , Comfort Ye Pastor Symphony. Soprano Tiicre Were Shepherds Chorus ' Glory to God Contralto He Shall Feed His Flock Sopiano Come Unto Him Chorus Lift Up Your Heads Soprano I Know That My Redeemer Llvoth Chorus .' Hallelujah Soloists. Miss Annette Abbott, soprano. Miss Grace Cutter, contralto. Mr. Everett 13. Carder, tenor. Orchestra. Mr. Edw. .J. Walt, first violin. Mr, Ernest Harrison, second violin. Mr. Wm, Quick, viola. Miss Lillian Elche, vlolincelV). Mr. Murray French, baas. Miss Louise Zumwlnkol, pianist. Miss Stella Kice, organist Phi Alpha Tau Initiates Last evening eleven men were initiated Into Phi Alpha Tau, the hon orary debating fraternity. Tho inlti ateeB were: J. M. Alexander, J. L. Rice, Dean Driscoll, Ross Bates, A. M. Hare, Edward Rutledge, Hugh Rob ertson, E. F. Schrann, C. H.. Taylor, II. C. Hathaway, F. H. Relnsch. After the Initiation a banquet was given at the Llndell hotel. Prank A. Peterson was toastmaster and the toasts wore as follows: "Welcome to New Members," R. A. Van Orsdel. "Response," J. Alexander. "Nebraska-Illinois," James Bedner. "Phi Alpha Tau and Delta," Fred Burr. "Debating in Modern Law," C. H. Taylor. "Debating and Other Forms of Pub lic Address," Elmer HIIIb. "Nebraska's 'System,' " Herbert W Potter. Claude Tlllotson, '09, went to Om aha yesterday where he will remain for two days before starting on a three week's trip Into the woods of Wisconsin with a party of forestry students. ONE MORE RECEPIION WOMAN'S CLUB ARRANGE8 FUNC TION FOR MR8. ANDREW8. CLOSES THE OFFICIAL EVENT Chancellor and Mrs. Andrews Plan Southern Trip to Commence as Soon as They Leave Nebraska. The last of tho official university functions connected with the rotlre mont of E. U. Andrews, as chancellor of tho university will bo held Friday afternoon from 3 to G o'clock. At this time tho members of the woman's fac ulty club will t nder a reception at the home of Mrs W. W. Wilson, to Mrs. E. B. Andrews. It Is planned to make the affair one of the big social functions of the year. A com mittee from the faculty club has been busy for some time laying plans, for tho closing event, in honor of the chancellor's wife. In point of attendance, tho recep tion will be equal to any similar event hold this year. About one hundrod and fifty invitations have boon Issued to the wives ot members of the fac ulty and to women Instructors at the university. It Is an assured fact that tho beautiful home of Prof, and Mrs. Wilson will be thronged with those who desire to pay their respects to the estimable wife of the chancellor. One for Chancellor. On December 8 the faculty club of the university tendered Dr. Andrews a banquet at which over one hundred and fifty were present nnd which was one of the most important social functions occurring at tho university in some time. Shortly after the wives of tho instructors, comprising tho members of the women's faculty club, planned also to give Mrs. Andrews a reception. Sines that time tho com mittee has been busy at work, com pleting the final arrangements for tho reception. The afternoon will bo devoted sole ly to a social hour. Music and social conversation will be engaged In. The home will be specially decoratod for the occasion, and In keeping with tho holiday season. Bringing a.s It does, all of the women members of the fac ulty together at a Boclal affair, the reception will be significant in this respect, In addition to it being in hon or of Mrs. Andrews. With this event, the series of gatherings in honor of Chancellor Andrews and his wife will come to a close. Starting shortly after his resignation was announced, with a dinner to the board of regents, followed by a banquet by the faculty club banquet, and Tuesday by a re ception in the music hall at tho Tem ple to allow the working force, and the members of the faculty to bid Dr. and Mrs. Andrews good bye, tho reception .Friday aftorpoon will be a fitting close. Leave on Florida Trip. Shortly after the first ot January, Dr. and Mrs. Andrews will leave for Florida, for the benefit of Mr. And rews' health. They will probably spend Borne time in the south. Be fore they leave, however, a number of functions will be given in honor of them by a number of the intimate friends of the couple. These func tions will extend over a poriod of three weeks. ' 8XUDENTS TO LEAVE TOMORROW Nebraskans Preparing to Leave for Home and Good Grub. An exodus of the Nebraska students from Lincoln will begin tomorrow morning when many pf the Cornhu'sk- orp who will finish their school work With the early classes will start for home. All during the afternoon and ovonlng and up to noon Saturday tho outflow of homesick boys nnd glrlB will continue. Somo of the students loft yesterday and more will go to day, but tho real rush of the anxious ones will not bogln until tomorrow. Tho great majority of the Nebras kans all week have been anticipating th Ir doparturo for home and have been getting things ready so that they could leavo tho city as BOon as their school work was finished at tho end of the week. Activity Around Campus. Scones around tho campus have spoken of tho usual annual activity and bustle bofore tho ChrlBtmas holi days. Most of the Btudents deslro to have all their work brought up to dato, and thoBo who have been behind or delayed In their studies have been getting thorn mnde up so that they could go hame with a clean slate and not have the dreaded feeling of de linquent work hanging oer their heads during the vacation. At the city ticket offices of the rail roads yestorday the soiling of advance tickets for students who are going home tomorrow or tho next day was begun. Tickets that are selling now are good for passage on Friday or Saturday. Tho Idea-of the railroads in selling these tickets in advance was to allow the students to avoid the annual rush and crowd at the depots during the last day of school before the holidays. By purchasing tickets oarly tho students are enabled to keep away from tho crowded ticket win dows at the depot or city offices at the week end. During the rest of the week many dollars will bo poured Into the pockets of boarding and rooming house keep ers by the students, These home-going university people will pay up the majority of their debts bofore they leavo the city. The landladies are the creditors who usually get their money first. They keep a closo tab on the students and see that they do not get away without settling up for their rooms and board. Most qf the students are glad, to get away from Lincoln when the vaca tion begins and aro usually pleased to come back when the university opens again. . Glad to Get Away. "I am glad,' explained a young stu dent yestorday, "that school Is about finished for this year, for I am mighty tired of plugging along here without getting home. I haven't had a chance to get away since September, and I long to get some of dear old mother's grub again. This boarding house hash which I have been living on for the past threefnonths is hard on my stomach and I do not beliove I could live much longer If I did not get some decent food again Boon. I'll tell you about me; I am going to fill up while I am home. "But I suppose I shall soon got tired of being home after I have been there for about a week. It's been that way ever since I have been coming to the university. Get home tor a few days nnd then the old town becomes sort of lonesome, and I begin longing for the old campus and Majestic once again. I'm always glad, to start home for a vacation and. am alw.ays Just as anxious glad to get back to school when the holidays are over." WILL LEAVE FOR OMAHA TODAY State Farm 8tudents to Go to the Corn Show. Over two hundred students from the State Farm will go to Omaha to at tend tho National Corn Show which is holding forth in the metropolis this week. They will take in. all tho sights and Inspect the exhibits of tho great exposition this afternoon and evening. Tomorrow they .will journey across the Missouri rlvor to Council Bluffs, whore they will view, tho exhibits of the 'National Horticultural J Show. These students had planned a trip for last Fridaycollogp day at tho Na tional Corn Show; but at the last mln uto tho trip was postponed, WILL ENLARGE SCOPE INTEREST IN STUDENTS' DEBAT ING CLUB INCREASING. SUPPORT Of STUDENTS WANTED Resolutions Passed Following 8na?py Debate Show Attitude of Club on What Organization Means to University. Realizing that Nebraska has long felt tho nood for moro actual prac tico In tho art of public speaking, tho Students' Debating' Club is planning to make an active endeavor to oncour age tho participation of moro studonts in tho work to which it Is dovotod. In lesolutlons passed at a rocont moot ing, tho club makoB plain Its doslrc that the organization bo truly repre sentative of all sections of tho unl vorslty. Members of all collogcij nro Invited to take part In its sessions. Tho desire for renowod activity 'in tho dobatlng club arises from tho neod felt for trnlnlng In this lino. It hus tomotlmes happened that dofoat hos been the part ol NobraBka In inter collogluto contests oven In cases where her men had tho wolght of tho evidence Her opponents havo often won through their excellence 1n de livery. That this Is truo 1 shown by the statement of a visiting dobater who remarked: "We Baw you had the argument, and the facts with you. I had to do something to win tho con tost, so I Just jollied thO audience." While no one advocatCB "Jollying tho audience" aB a means to winning a debate, yet It is felt that 'skillful de livery would render Nebraska's work doubly effective. ' Resolutions Adopted. The resolutions ndopted by tho club laBt Saturday evonlng aro as follows: "Whereas, The members of tho stu dents' dobatlng club believe thatr all members of the university should take a live lutorest in public speaking; and, "Whereas, This club la tho only university organization existing solely for" this purpose; therefore, "Bo It resolved, That thla club, as heretofore, extend to all students, so ciety or non-society fraternity ot non-fraternity, in all tho collegoa, a cordial Invitation to attend and tnke an active part in its meetings each Saturday evening at 7:30 in U,-106.' At tho meeting last Saturday tho subject debated was not a now one. Tho Ideas presented wore in part new, however, and quite logically treated. Mr. Foster and Mr. Brant championed woman's right to voto. Mr. Warren and Mr. Negloy contended that wo men's powerful Influence in tho home made it quite unnecessary to add the ballot to her burdens, Tho judges, handed down a decision for tho affirm ative. The debate was practically won and lost in tho rebuttal, which showed more life and Interest than tho. direct arguments. Tho club critic called at tention to a few principles of debate and pointed out some good and somo bad .principles. Plan for Future. Tho club Is entertaining a sugges tion that an oratorical contest bo held in the near future with somo small prize to stimulate interest' The sug gestion has thus far met with con hlderablo favor. Tho subject for the next debate, Which will ocdur January 9, and tho names of the speakers, will bo placed on the bulletin board In the main' hall in tho near future. Manager Earl O. Eager will prob ably spend part of the Christmas holi days out of the city. Ho may mako a trip hack oast. '' Your car fare would pay .for & nlco lunch at Tho -Boaton Lunch. Why go homo? .