THE DAILY NEBRASKAN k 01IVER theaire Today, Matinee 2:30. Tonlght-8:15. Tempest and Sunshine Mat 25 & 1"c. Eve 50c, 35 & 25c. WED., THUR. & THUR. MAT., DEC. 16-17. The Wolf Eve $1.50 to 50c. Mat $1.00 to 50c. f-HI., ton., . i ori . iviAl., DEC. 18-19 Ma's New Husband mmm ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Week Commencing Monday, Dec. 14 7 BIG ORPHEUM ACT8 7 Belle Hathaway's 8lmlan Playmates MABEL MAITLAND In Quaint Southern Negro Stories Chas. De Haven and Jack Sidney The Dancing Walter and the Guest HARRY AND KATE JACKSON Comedy "Cupid's Voyage" LOCKWOOD AND BRYSON PEDERSON BROS. THE TENNIS TRIO "Juggling On the Lawn" MYSTERIOUS FLAMES MAJE8TIC ORCHESTRA Mats. 2:15 Tues.. Thur., & Sat. Prices 15c and 25c. Night 8:15 Prices, 15, 25 & 50c. IftYiUI THE HOUSE COZY The Week of December Fourteenth THE FULTON STOCK CO. IN "Amy of the Circus" A COMEDY DRAMA IN 4 ACTS. PRICES 15c and 25c. Mats. Wennesdays and Saturdays, In preparation for Christmas week the beautiful Society Comedy Drama "WHEN WE WERE TWENTY ONE." ELITE 1329 "O" Street. ELITE II 1330 "O" Street. LATEST AND BE8T Moving Pictures IN THE CITY. The Management extends a cordial Invitation of every University of Nebraska student. ADMISSION 5 CENT8. Change of Program Mon. and Thur. I. J. HERZOG THE UNIVERSITY MAN'S TAILOR The finest work done and prices right Call at our new store I23Q O St. Lincoln TYPEWRITERS All makes rentod with stand $3 Per Month. Bargains In Rebuilt Maohlnee. LINCOLN TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE Auto llOft-Ball liai. 123 No. 11th HAVE THE EVANS Do Your Washing I yj)Campusvjljj W Gleanings W Get a Majestic ticket frco. C. H. Frey, florlBt, 1133 O SL Dance music. Phono Boll 627. Auto 30.02. Eat at John Wright's, 114 South Eloventh. Beckman Bros. Fine shoes. 1107 O Btreot. .loo Swcnson, '08, was In the city yesterday. . A free Majestic tlckot with each cash subscription. The Inter-claHR athlotlc. board will meet todny at 7:15 p. m. in U. 102. . Have your clothes pressed at Weber's Sultorlum. Cor. 11th and O. Chapin Bros, florists, 127 So. Thir teenth. Why not take your bath at Chris' bath house, Eleventh and P streets? Dr. Chas. Youngblut, dentist, 202 Burr block. Mothor's Dining Hall. Good homo cooking. Prices from one cent up. 308 So. Eleventh St Don't forget the big cabinet meet ing. It will be held Thursday night In Y. W. rooms. Supper and Christ mas tree. Presents limited to ten cents. In the supremo court of the law school two cases have befn"flled and work Is being arranged in order to put the court in operation after the holidays. o o The forest club will meet this even ing In room 2 of Nebraska hall at 7:30 o'clock, Mr. Stephenson and Mr. Greenamoyer will give talks on "For est Methods In the Rockies." O 3 Dr. Bessey has recently secured a copy of Hill's Natural History, pub lished In 1751. Thlrty-onc phamplets and books on algae have also been received by the lepartment recently. Xmas For Gentlemen Friends Suit Cases and Bags, $1.00 to $18.00Bath Robes, $3.50 to $J60Sblrts. $1.00 to $3.50 Sweaters, $1.50 to $6.00 Fur Caps, $5.00 to $10.00. .Also Gloves, Ties, Suspenders and Pennants. Everything to please him. FULK, 1325 O Considerable merriment Is being en joyed at the expeirse of a member of the freshman law class who was tried t a moot court yostorday on several marges that pertained to business out jlde of the law school. A box of plants haB been received 'rom Rev. J. W. Bates of Red Cloud, Jeb., for the university herbarium. It contains many flowering plants and fungi, which have been added to tho large number of plants which have been collected and determined by him for tho university. o Miss Sarah Hrbek of the dQpart nent of Bohemian has been invited to ;Ivo a series of addresses during tho iol!dayB before the Bohemian educa lonal association of Chicago, 111. Sho vlll also give talks before a women's lub In that city on the afternoon and ivonlng of December 29. Tho Delta Upsllon fraternity had heir decennial party at tho Lincoln lotel Friday evening and their annual )aiuiuot on tho following evening. A jreat many of their our-of-town alumni ttonded, among" them the following: roo Blonklron, Lylo Smith, Hardld 'oars, Frank Anderson, Waldo Scott, I. W. Bliss, J. It. Cooper, Ed. Hagon Ick, F. M. Litt, A. H. Lundln, J. J. ollard, S. G. Roso, G. M. Pierson nnd John Fling. H. A. Bobbins, law '08, was a cam pun visitor Saturday. For the rest of tho semester the Dally Nebraska!!, ;tr conts. 0 Tho Dally Nobraskan and a Majes tic matinee tlckot for 35 cents. Harry Hayno, '12, is nursing a soro shoulder us the result of a wrestling bout. The Zoological club will meet this evening In tho Zoological lecture room, 210. Tho program: "Tho Her edity of Secondary Sexual Charac ters," by Cunningham revlowed by W. A. Wlllard. "Tho Transmission of Spirochnetosls and Plroplasrosls by the Ixodoldea or TlckB," by Nuttall reviewed by N. F. PotorHon. Harry White, '07, who Ib now travel- I Ing for tho student international com mittee of the student volunteer move ment, 1b here In the Interest or tho missionary work. He has on exhibition at the Y. M. C. A. rooms, for the ben efit of all students, the most recent missionary literature. He will apoak at the mid-week meeting Wednesday evening. o i Here is a coincidence the man aging editors of the Dally Nebraskan and the Minnesota Dally are both de baters. Zenas L. Potter of Minnesota took part in tfio forensic conteBt against Iowa on Friday night, and Herbert Pott or of Nebraska was an alternate on the Nebraska Cornhusk or team that fell before the strong Wisconsin debaters "Friday at Madison. $ Dr. Bessey has -Invited- mombers of the botanical staff to a scientific read ing at his home, 1507 It street, on De cember 10. Dr. Bessey will road a paper entitled "The Phyletle Idea In Taxonomy,' which 1b the subject of Dr. Bessey 's address as the retiring vice president of Section G of the American Association for tho Ad vancement of Science. Dr. Bessey will attend the meeting during the holidays. e o It has boon decided to add to the present practice court of the college of law a United States district court. This will be done In order to make It possible to practice cases which should come under federal Jurisdiction and give students a wider score In their work. George A. Fltzsimmons been made judge of this federal court. A caBe, entitled B. W. Stewart vb. Tho C B. & Q. Railway company, has been removed to thin court from tho state courts. - The Y. M. C. A. membership com mittee report promising prospects for a record breaking membership this year. At the present time" they have 530 men enrolled, against 510 at the same time last year. Mr. Baker, the chairman of tho committee, is confi dent that the roll will roach 800 by the and or tho year, which will sur pass by over 200 anything ever ac complished before. Tho committee is now quiotly working and gotting men lined up for business. After the holi days a Bhort but vigorous campaign will be carried on. Tho committee will meet this evening at 7 o clock to dis cuss the details of this campaign, o Tho Joint pin committee Tof theclass held a mooting last evening at 5 o'clock In N. 204. The freshmen failed to appear. All the members from the other classes were present. Sev oral designs were presented, one tho university seal with the cjass numeral In tho center, another a round 'pin with a block "N" and tho numerals be neath tho" letter; a third,, tho choice of the senior class, was a small oval containing tho block "N" with the numerals beneath. In order to make tho pin chosen tho standard university pin,, tho committee recommends that the graduate students and members of tho university senate wear it. Another meeting will ho hold January 4th In N 204 at which time tho commtttoo Will It Be a "CLOSENECK" or PLAIN OVERCOAT? $18 buys a first-class Overcoat of either style the "Closeneck" or the plain Overcoat. A garment that will give you the best of ser vice, perfectly made in every detail and draped to perfection. Of course the fabric is not as good in the $1 8.00 Coats, as our $25.00 and $35.00 Overcoats, but the workmanship is just as good; in fact, they are superior garments at the price. Mayer Bros. HEAD TO FOOT CLOTHIERS members will look over new designs and nlso several others made up as recommended at this meeting. ProfesBor Fossler left Friday for Spokane nnd Seattle. The profeBBor was requested to deliver an address before the Nebraska clubs of each of these pluceB. From Washington ho will go to California. His nlec$ Miss Anna FoBBler, with whom ho will probably spend Christmas, Is librarian In the state university at Berkley. Professor FosBlor will return to Nebraska Jan unry C, two days aft,er the expiration of Christmas vacation. AT THE PLAYHOU8ES. The Majestic. Belle Hathaway's "Simian Play mates" head the bill at tho Majestic this week. They kept a large audi ence convulsed with laughter for twenty minutes. Lockwood and Uryson, In a singing act, io:illy do the best work on the program, and received a thunderous reception last evening. Miss Lockwood, In tho character or a Dutch maiden, made a hit. Other numbers on the bill are MIbs Mabel Maltland, In a charming mon ologue; Pedorson Brothers, in a com edy link act; Tho Tennis Trio, In a Juggling uct; Harry und Kate Jackson & Company, In "Cupid's Voyage;" and De Haven and Jack Sidney, two clovor dancers. The pictures on tho vlascopo are better than usual. The Lyric. "Amy of the Circus," is tho produc tion at the Lyric this week. I?nid May Jackson Is seen at her best' as "Amy." The sophomore cotillion committee at Iowa, which has been considering tho barn danco as a part of tho enter tainment submitted the plan to tho sororities and it was voted down. Hereafter tho students at Chicago univorslty will not' bo informed of their flunks and conditions pntll tho end of tho quarter. Goldsmith's "The Good Naturad Man" will he presented at Minnesota December 15. Tho cast may go on the road with tho, play during tho holi days, i The California Journal of Technol ogy will bo published booh. A petition Is being signed at Min nesota asking for some now hnrid ball courts. Now York state loads In tho number of frcHhmon at Princeton with 103. Illinois has 15. Governor Warron Carat laid tho cor ner stono of tho new law building at Iowa last Thursday. Tho short, cburao in agriculture has started at Cornell. A record breaking attendance 1b expected. Tho Women's Leugu'o at Syracuse will organize a musical association U Include tho women's musical clubs. Iowa plays eight basket-ball games this year. There 1b none with Illinois, and one Is with Grlnnell, a non-conference team. At the convocation on Decombor 18 Chicago univorslty will confer on Con sul .General Weaver tho honorary de gree of LL. D. Twt) Prlncbtoh alumni, two from Co lumbia, one from Yale and one froror Harvard have been elected to tho edi torial board of tho Columbia Law Re view. Basketball nractlca is nnw. n-ninc nnc- - .. owa wi in me uowntown armory at Ames and1. uuiiBiuerumu interest is ooing shown. Throe of tho team which nlnvnrt Wnn. sas and Drako last year aro out and with the abundance of material at hand I. S. C. expects to have a fast! team. " i uwiuu Mwunn uuAJUtH -size - s C O L LAR, . 15 'cnt-3 for rs tenia, . .v,., . ...,., . ,, .,,V,A, 4, u ,j. l Thisisit jA , OLYJVIPI.CJH H i J: H. 5T?flP; c 'i ".- .