, I ! i .'IP II Vol. VIII. No. 59. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1908. Price 5 Cent. ATHLETIC TIGHT ENDS STUDENT AND FACULTY MEM BERS COME TO AGREEMENT. REGENTS ACCEPT RESOLUTIONS Director for University Athletics Cre ated Athletic Board and Man- ager Retain Functions. Single Coach. The special committee of the board of regents appointed at the meeting hold In Omaha on Friday morning to consider the recommendations of Chancellor Andrews and the athletic board which had been protested against by several hundred students settled the disagreement on the pro posed chango in the athletic govern ment of unlvorslty athletics Saturday afternoon by adopting resolutions drawn by the student members of the athletic board and signed by all excepting an absent member of that body. Two sections of the resolutions were not accepted by the regents' committee but these wore parts that had nothing to do with the disagree ment and with which the students had not been concerned with them. What Students Wanted. The recommendations as accepted by the committee were just what the students asked, and their adoption was a victory for the undergraduates., The students made a fight to keep athletics under the joint control of the faculty and the undergraduato body and in this they succeeded. By the adoption ot the recommenda tions of the -athletic board the regents placed all athletics under the depart ment of nhvslcal education. At the same time the head of this depart ment was given the title of "Professor of Physical Educution and Director of Athletics." 'Ihls professor, however, has "merely adviBory powers to tho athletic board In athletic matters." Boaro Beta ins Power. Under tho new rules the athletic, board still retains its present func tions and tho present system of man agement for university athletics is continued. It waB on those two points tliat the students made their fight. Tho original resolutions as drafted by the chancellor and recommended by the athletic board to tno regents left the students in doubt as to what tho pow ers of the athletic board and the man ager were to be, and tho undergrad uates of the athletic board made a protest against the recommendations because they believed their control was to be taken away from thorn. The new substitute resolutions mado it clear just what tho power of tho athletic director and the athletic board should have. Coach for All Year. One of tho important changes made in the present athletic system by tho revised resolutions whs the recom mendation that after tho season of 1909 a single coach for both football and baBoball be hired. Tho coach will stayat tho university during tho en tire school year and his services will be given during that time to coaching and training the Nebraska athletes. This rule will not become elective until after next fall, and will enable the board to engage "King" Cole for another yean as coach of the fbotball team. The recommendation for tho asso'sB- meht of a semesteral gymnasium fee of $1 on. every student of tho univer sity was "turned down by the com mittee, and will be roforred back to tho board of regents. Th"e committee did- not believe tho levying of a fee came under its jurisdiction and said that the board Itself would have to act on that matter. , k A' Misunderstanding. It developed at the meeting to'f tho regents' committee In the ofllco of the chancellor that the row netween the I studonts and faculty .members of the athletic board had resulted from a misunderstanding us to tho Intentions of " faculty members who wero re sponsible for the original Bet of reso lutions. These men had not meant to make any radical change in the present system of athletic control, and had not Intended to take away the functions of the athletic board or of general manager of athletics. The object of tho promoters oi .o scheme was simply to put university athletics on a more dignified "basis by giving '"" an athletic director, and In this way they were successfully supported by the students. The original resolutions, which caused the trouble betwetm tho two factions of the board, did not pass the regents. -. --a revised set drawn up by the student members of the board Friday night and approved by the faculty member Saturday morn ing that went beiore the. committee. The Original Sftf. The original resolutions were as fol lows: "It Is hereby recommended: "A. That the university athletics be Incorporated under the department of physical education. "B. That the tide of the head of the depaitment ot physical education bo changed to 'professor of physical education and director of athletics. "('. That the athletic board retain Its present functions. "D. That every student in the col lege of literature, science and the arts, the Industrial college (aside from the Bchool of agriculture) and the teach ers' college be charged a semesteral fee of $1, to be collected at the time of registration and to be available for the department of physical education for additional assistance, for athletic Instruction, and to increase the equip ment of tho department." The Revised Set. Tho revised resolutions as accepted by the regents' commltt.ee follow: "It Is hereby recommended: "A. That the university athletics bo Incorporated under the department of physical education. "B. That the title of the head of the department of physical education be changed to 'professor of physical edu cation and director of athletics,' with merely advisory powers to the athletic board in athletic matters. "C. That the athletic board shall retain its present function. "D. That after tho season of 1009 a single coach for both football and baseball be engaged and that the serv ices of said coach be at the disposal of the university for the entire school year. "E. That the present system or management of university atheltlcs be continued. THE LAST FACULTY RECEPTION.' Farewells to Chancellor and Mrs. An drews in Temple. Invitations are Issued ' for an In formal reception to be given by tho university to Chancellor and Mrs. An drews this afternoon froiq 4 to 6 o'clock In tho Temple Music hall. All members of the university force are Invited to attend and say their god speed to the chancellor. Should the invitation fall to reach any one con nected with the university force It Bhould be regarded as an oversight, as the intention 1b to reach every one. The Invitations do not Include the stu dents. . ' Reception Today. A reception will bo given today from 4 to G p, m. In the Music hall of the Temple by tho faculty to Chancellor and Mrs. Andrews, to which the teach ing and working staff of tho university has been invited. This wJU given every one an opportunity to say a friendly word to tho Chancellor and Mrs., Andrews before their departure for Florida. VACA HON IN WOODS ADVANCED 8TUDENT8 OF FORES TRY TO TAKE TRIP. WILL STAY IN LUMBER CAMPS To Be Gone Nearly a Month and Will Investigate All Places of Lumber Industry In Northern 8tates. During tho Christmas vacation a new method of giving the forestry students practical training nnd in formation in their profession will be undertaken by the forestry depart ment of the university. An extended trip will be mado by Professor Phillip and the senior forestry students Into the lumbering district of northern Minnesota and Wisconsin to Investi gate conditions as they nctuully exist in the northern forests. According to present plans the party will leave Lincoln December 17th und will return January 13th. Practically all the advanced forestry students will make tho trip and Mrs. Phillips will accompany the party. The trip north will be made by way of Minneapolis and returning the party will conic l way of Chicago. While in the north headquarters will bo made at Rhlnelandor, Wisconsin. This Is In the heart of the lumbering district of Northern Wisconsin, and will permit a first hand study bl ac tual conditions. The party plans to get their board and lodging at the lumber camps while they arc In t n - field. Subjects to Investigate, i While on the trip the party will study all bUIcb of the lumbering In dustry, and problems met with. Among other things the lumbering of hard wood and conifers will receive the at tention of the students. Time will be spent In the now burned area of the north studying the effect of tho fire on the forests. Wood distillation, curing, valuation surveys, stem anal yses and pulp mills will all receive their share of attention. The numer ous state reserves will bo examined and the students will Investigate tho relation of forests to stream flow. Arrangements have been made for the students to have the services of an expert cruiser for one week, and Mr. Moody, the assistant forester of Wisconsin, will be with the party for three weeks. Mr. Moody was at the University of Nebraska last year for two weeks and delivered a number of lectures. The party Is especially fortunate In being able to secure tho services of an expert cruiser. This method of esti mating tho amount of timber on a tract is the result of u lifetime of experience in tho woods, nnd Is a gift valued very highly In tho lumber in dustry. While It 1b not as accurate as valuation surveys it Is quick and of great practical value. More Practical Experience. From now on It is the Intention of. the forestry department to lay more stress on practical experionce than has been tho case heretofore. The , de partment will insist flint every student must have at least one summer's flold work in forestry before he takes his ddgreo. While most forestry Btudents have in the past had much practical experience before they graduated. This has never before been a require ment of the department. It is now planned to take such a trip as the advanced forestry students will Btart on In a few days every two years, in this way it will be possible for every student to have the benefits of a trip of this kind at somo period during his course. As the students pay their own exponsqs on a trjp of this kind it will never, bo possible to I make such a trip 'an absolute require-1 irctit, but Its value Is so obvious that every Btudont who finds It at all pos-1 siblo is tnklng advantage of the trip, resides the benefit to the studentH it is uxx cted that such a trip as thlH will have a tendency to Interest lum bermen In the work that the forestry depaitment In doing and will nlso aid In securing work for the students when they graduate. PRACTICE COURTS CONTINUED. Trial Work In College of Law Opened Friday. The trial work for last wouk In the practice courts of the college of law was started Friday afternoon. fn tho Justice court of t H. Taylor the caBo of Frank McCarthy, on the charge of defacing library books, was brought up for examination. No Jury was summoned but the defendant was found guilty and was fined $5 and COBtS. The first case on the docket Satur day morning was that of Green vs. MuttB in an action to recover rent. It was tried boforo Justlco Aylosworth. Several witnesses wero called and the entire forenoon was devoted to tho case. Judgment wns rendered In favor of the defendant plaintiff for $7.10 and in favor of the defendant for $50. Upon the advice of the winning nttorney the justice taxed the cost of tho trial on the losing parties. In Justice Taylor's court, tho caso of Ciilmore vs. Mntteson was tried. In 'this replevin suit a Judgment was rendered in favor of the plaintiff for $5.00. All three of tho district courts con vened Saturday morning. In Judge Bonton's court, a motion for a now trial was argued in tho case of Collins vs. Troub and Marconnett which was tried In the same court by a Jury the week before. The motion was over ruled. In the court of Judge Carlberg a de murrer was granted both petitions "In tho matter of tho Farmers Bank." This caso was postponed until Wed nesday, December 16, by tho consent of the parties to the case. Attorney John J. Ledwlth of Lincoln devotes a share of his time to these practice courts. Ho advises tho stu dents on points and questions which arise in the course of the trials. THE ATHLETIC BOARD TONIGHT. Question of Awarding Letters to Foot ball Men to Come Up. A regular meeting of the University athletic board will take place tonight, at 8: 15. The moellng was originally called for 4:30 but on account of the chancellor's reception from 4 till 6 It was postponed until 8:15. At this meeting of tho boa'd 'ho matter of the recontly discussed chango In the government of nthlotlcs at tho unlvorslty will be finally settled. Another matter of 'Importance which will doubtless come up before the board at this time is tho awarding of letters to this season's football team. The election of next year's captain will not take place, however, beforo Friday. In order to be nblo to vote for tho captain the players must have paid their training tabic board in full, and as this has not ypt been done by sev eral of the men they will Tie allowed until Friday of this, week. Tho men who are to receive the letters will, however, bo decided upon tonight and then if they fall, to comply with the rules in respect to paying their board they will then be denied their lettors. It is possible that the board will vote upon the question of giving sweaters to tile payors, Last season tho,var8ity players wero given a Jer sey with the "N," ,thq substitutes were given a heavy sweater vest without any initial, and the freshmen wore given jersoys with an "N" upon which was a small white "2." It Is reported that tho board Intends to bo more liberal in granting Jtho sweaters this year. The best oyster atew in' tho city Is that; served at The Boston Lunch, Try It ISSUE CHARITV SEAL RED CR088 80CIETY HAS A NEAT CHRI8TMA8 8TAMP ON 8ALE. PA0CEEDS GO TO CHARITY FUND History of An Interesting Movement of Raising Funds for Charity Which Originated In the Unit ed 8tates. With view of promoting charity, and especially of assisting In tho campaign against tuberculosis In Nebraska and In the United States the Red Cross so ciety have lsBUod a special Btamp for the uso of Btudents nnd others in tho mailing of ChrlstmnB, guilds, cards and letters to friends. The cost of tho stamps will bo a cent a ploco, and thoy will be placed on sale at tho university Hook Storo, also at the t.-o-op. Tho stamps are u neat dcBlgn, nbout an inch and n quarter squaro and in red and green colors. Around tho bor der is tho inscription "Amoricnn Na tional Hod Corss, 1908." Insldo Is a wreath roproBontlng holly, surround ing tho emblem of tho Hed Cross so ciety, the cross with tho Inscription In red, "Merry ChrlBtmaB nnd Happy Now Year." Tho stamps have a sticky back, so that a letter, or a package can bo neatly and offeeilvoly sealed. First Charity Stamps. Tho history of tho "Charity Stamp" movement Is Intensely Interesting, starting In America In 1803, shortly after the war of the rebellion had ap parently resulted in a Confederate success for tho preceding yenr, and during a time when tho North waB plunged In deepest gloom by tho suc cess of tho Southern arms. From America the movomont has spread to Europe, until today nearly all of tho civilised nations of tho globo havo what is known as tho "Charity stamp.' In Sweden, the success of tho stamp was remarkable nnd nearly threo mil lions of dollars has been raised by this country in a comparatively short tlmo through tho use of stamps to bo de voted to charitable purposes. Eng land, France, Gormany, Russia, Den mark and Spain annually contribute large sums of money to charity to bo used principally in the establishment of hospitals, through the medium of tho charity stamp. Originating in Amorica, the movement spread like wild fire all over the world, and has resulted In an inestimable amount of good to the human race. Tho money secured from tho stamps at Boston during tho war of the rebel- Hon was used by tho Red Cross In caring for tho wounded soldiers who fell fighting for -their country. Stev eral thousand dollars were annually realized from the sale of tho stamps. The llttlo stato of Delaware alono raised threo thousand dollars in ono yenr, enough to start a hospital for consumptives. Since the success in Boston and Delaware the charity stamp has been Introduced by the Red Cross society into nearly every stato In tho union, tho sales of tho stamps are enormous, running Into tho thou sands of dollars. The amount of good which this has accomplished cannot be dyefc8tlmated. Hospitals havo been established, further research along scientific lines in the fight against tho "white plague" is made possible. Students Should Patronize. In sealing their lettors and packages for Christmas the students of the university should remember the Red Cross stamp. For all practical pur poses the stamp is as near a seal as any Christmas design that can. bo obtained, anywhere, and In addition by patronizing the students aro assist-Ihg-ni a noble and important work, tho campaign against consumption For (Continued on Pago 4) tnt V 01 V - jff" t r yz