The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 11, 1908, Image 3
THE DAILY NEBRASKAN .. . V A OLIVER THEAIRE TODAY Mat. 2:30. TONIGHT 8:15 STETSON'S "Uncle Tom's Cabin" Mat 25c to 10c. Eve 50c, 30c, 20c, 10c MONDAY NIGHT, DEC. 14 Williams & Walker IN "THE BANDANNA LAND" TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15 Tempest and Sunshine ROWING fdlt MICHIGAN AQUATIC SPORT LIKELY TO BE TAKEN ON BY WOLVERINES. NEW VAULTER P0R MAROONS Stagg Gets Young Man From KanfiaB City, to Enter Chicago Next Month Has Record of 11 Feet, 3 Inches. Campus I Gleanings jf (it a Majestic ticket ftvo. C. H. Prey, llorlst. 113:5 O St. mwmw ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE WEEK OF DECEMBER SEVENTH CHARLES WAYNE Assisted by GERTRUDE DES ROCHE & CO. TRANS-ATLANTIC FOUR DORSCH & RUSSELL "The Musical Railroaders." MANING TWINS Songs and Acrobatic Dances MISS MURIEL WINDOM The Charming Little Prima Donna YORKE & CRAWFORD HARRISON BROS. CUPID'S PRANKS. MAJESTIC ORCHESTRA. MATS. 2:15 Tues., Thur. and Sat. Prices 15c and 25c. Eve. 8:15 Prices 15c, 25c and 50c. Danco mimic. :t0(2. Phono Hell (527. Auto I Week Commencing December 7, '08 THE FULTON STOCK CO. In the Military Comedy Drama In Four Acts THE BLUE AND THE GREY Doors Open at 7:30 P. M. Curtain at 8:15 Matinees Wednesdays and Saturdays at 2:30 Seats Reserved 1 Week in Advance Box Office Opens at 10 a. m. Prices Mat. & Eve. 15c and 25c. ANN AllHOU. .71ch... Dec. UK Next spring the University of Michigan probably will add rowing to ItH lint of athletic sports. This "bug" is .germin ated through the damming of the Huron river, affording the stretch ol smooth water for training. Already plans tor a clubhouse have been drawn hy Architect l-orcli, negotiations nave been begun for shells and other ne cessary paraphernalia, and lines are out for a coach. The mutter will be submitted to the board of regents at its next meeting Chicago. , CHICAGO. Dec. l(t. A new pole ! vaulting star will enter the University jot Chicago next month, lie is Vincent ! Andrus of the Kaiusas City manual j training school. He won the cham- fpionsh'ip at the Missouri allej Inter- .scholastic meet witli a record of ll feet '.' inches to his event. He is also a last high hurdler. Swarthmore. PHILADELPHIA. Pa., Dec. 1U. Inter-collegiate football will be resumed at Swarthmore college -next fall. This agreement was reached at a joint meeting of the committees, alumni, faculty and board of managers this afternoon. Immediate steps will be taken 'to arrange a schedule conllned to eight games. Notre Dame. NOTRE DAME. Ind.. Dec. ID. Man ager Wood has arranged two home games for the local live to be played this week. Marlon club of Indian apolis comes lure tomorrow night and Rochester college team Saturday night. Simpson. IXDIANOLA, Iowa. .Dec. 10. Simp son college will have a new gymnas ium, according to Indications shown by the number of subscriptions made by students, faculty, alumni and townspeople. Eat at Eleventh. LSeckmun O street. John Wright's, 114 South lima. I'Ine shoes 1107 A free Majestic cash subscription. ticket with each The "Rag" free Majestic till February 1 and a tlckot for HO cents. Max Meglitol, law MO, Is serving on the Jurj in the law court this week. Have Weber's your clothes Suitorlum. Cor. pressed 11th and ai O Mother's Dining Hall. Good home cooking. Prices from one cent up. 308 So. Eleventh St. The schedule for practice fn girls' class basket ball which was started this- week is as follows: Monday, juniors; i uesday, freshmen; Wednes day, seniors; Friday, sophomores. Classes meet at 1 o'clock on Tuesdays, (ilrls who cannot practice on the day set lor their class aro requested t report at 1 o clock on one of tl other difys. TO BE SUCCESSFUL, ' Lie i GO ,MAD. ' is Cause j ELITE 1329 "O" 8treet. ELITE II 1330 "O" 8treet. LATE8T AND BE8T Moving Pictures IN THE CITY. The Management extends a cordial Invitation of every University of Nebraska student. ADMI88ION 5 CENT8. Change of Program Mon. and Thur. Chicago Man Alleges Insanity of Success A mild form of InsanltywaB glvon as a recipe for success 111 life by the Rev. Frank Crane In his address at the University of Chicago. Music and all kinds of high act were declared classf d as kinds of Insanity by the speaker. "To be truly successful In life, you must go insaneon some one topic," he said. "Concentration of mind on any one subject Is what is scientifically termed as insanity. You can be a fair ly successful business man or a poli tician by oeing sane, but you cannot really achieve success unless you de vote yinirself to one thing to the ex- and depend entirely on speed next cluslori of others, or In other words, year. go tohiporarlly mad. Coach Cochems of St. Louis univer sity says he will give up heavy teams PRACTICAL GIFTS Hat Pirrs 50c to $5.00 Veil Pins 50c to 3.50 Cuff Buttons 50c to 50.00 Tnt, Imnie HALLET 1b only on Collar Buttons 25c to 1.50 . ... it . , . Studs 25c to 100.00 eood BirtH nothing else, and you, Beauty piiis. ........ .25c to 300 llH others, will appreciate receiving Brooches 50c to 100.00 them. Hallett, Jeweler Established 1871 1143 O L. J. HERZOG THE UH1VEBSITY MAN'S TAILOR The finest work done and prices right Call at our new store 12B30 O St. Lincoln Y ." TYPEWRITERS All makes rent! with stand $3 Per Month. Dargalna in fesbullt Machines. LINCOLN TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE Auto llfi&-BU 1181. 122 No. 11th HAVE THE EVANS Do Your Washing REGENTS ACT TODAY (Continued from Page 1) action on the recommendation of fhe chancellor and the athletic hoard until the proposed plan Is made plain to nil members of the university. "We believe: "First That athletics In their na ture are something which should bo controlled by the students and yet be subject to faculty regulation. Ought To Be Heard. "Second That the proposed change should be presented to the student body before final action is taken on it by the board of regents. "Third That the centralizing of the control under. one man, as a director of athletics, would not bo for the best Interests of the university spofts as a whole. "Fourth That the Hew method hus been carefully worked out and secret ly planned by faculty members of the athletic board without the consent or knowledge of the student members of that body, and that the recommen dation has been 'railroaded' through contrary to the' wishes of tho student" M Indlaria, Ohio and Illinois will de bate in tho latter part of March, tho Indiana negative team coming here. The question 1b, "Resolved, That con gress should Immediately provide for tho strengthening of the navy." "Paul, Elijah, Hosea and many other VBIhllcal characters, were on many oc casions declared Insane, nnd perhaps they were. But tnls is no reflection on their characters. It simply meant that they devoted themselves to re ligion and neglected everything else. In the same way you can call every famous painter, every famous music ian, and every famous poet, mad. In fact, genius is no more or less than madness. I once heard the celebrated Blind Tom play the piano and I have nevor since heard a musical selection so beautifully and soulfully given. And It Is generally known that Blind Tom was. a blank Idiot. "Tho question can be resolved Into a mathematical proposition, thus: As sanity is to madness, so is enthusiasm to so-called respectability. And tho man wno becomes tne greatest man is the one with the most enthusiasm. "I do not 'doubt that all of you have great ambition. I have no uso for a boy who in the depths of his heart does not aspire to become president of the United States or foreman of tho grand jury on Judgment Day. Tho best advice I can give you on how to light, to strive, for your goal is to con centrate yourself on one kind of ac tivity, or in other words, go mad." H. R. Cross, right tackle, has bqen elected captain of tho Iowa team. BULL DOG CAP AT 50 Cents The PoPvlar College Can of the Season a New Assortment iust received. A HE PRICE EACH 50c M aver Bros. HEAD TO FOOT CLOTHIERS Tickets $1.00 Absolutely limit 80 Engineering Society Hop WALT'S ORCHESTRA Fraternity Hall December 12th Joint Y. M. C. A.-Y. W. C. A. Social OLD MAIDS CONVENTION - AT TEMPLE FREE TO ALL UNIVERSITY STUDENTS Saturday, Dec. 12th 7:45 P. M. JUNIOR INFORMAL Fraternity Hall January 8th Walt's Orchestra - OGIOQO000000000000000OQO000( y. Lincoln Hotel Annex January 22, '09 SENIORPROlVl Walt's Full Orchestra $2.50 I do 00X)0OS)00000000000000p000 o J