jtVitiiwf'wA -iwf , 1 1 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN V tt .-. il 'fcvery Loyal University Student I 1 Is uhied to patronize thes Ne- I braskan'advertlsersrandtomen rfl Hon the paper while doing so. i J , J BANICS Control National; First Trust and Savings. DAKHRIES FolBom. 'BATH HOUSE Chris', Eloventh and . P. ' DOOK STORES Co-Op; Porter's; University. 'tCIOARS Colo & McKonnn. CLEANERS Mumcnthal. t CLOTHING Fnrquhnr; Mngeo & I, Dootnor; Mnyor BroB.; Pnlnco ' Clothing Co.; Spolor & Simon. COAL OroKory: Whltobroast. JrrkMi?i.VTirtMAn V T.lnonln P. n n il v , Kitchen. i.DANCINd A0ADEMY8 Pitts, Lin- ' coin. DENTISTS J. R. Davie; YoungbluL DRY GOODS Horpolaholmor; MUlor & Palno. DRUGGISTS RlggB. it j ENGRAVERS Cornoll. 'FLORISTS Chapln Bros.; C. H. j Froy. I iriiRNlflHINGS Budd: Fulk: Matree & Deomor; Mayor Bros.; Palace Clothing Co.; Splor & Simon. (GROCERIES Capltnl Grocery Co. 'HATTERS Bu.1d; Fulk; Untand. ,1CW CREAM Collins Ico Cream Co. j Cameron'B; John Wright's. 'JEWELERS Hallotl; Tucker. ' LUNCHEONETTES Folsom. LAUNDRIES Evans; Merchants. 'OPTIcrANS Shoan. ;PRINTERS Gcorgo Bros.; BImmons. 'RESTAURANTS Boston Lunch; i f Cnmoron's. I SHOES Bockmun Bros.: Brnnth- walto; budd; Cincinnati Shoo Storo; Sandersons; Rogers & Fcr 1 kins; Petty; Horoford. SKIRTS The Skirt Storo. TAILORS Elliott Bros.; Horzag; Lud- wig; Marx; Collogo Tnllors; Scotch Woolon Mills. ! THEATERS Lyric; Majestic; Oliver; ,' Ellto. ' TYPEWRITERS Lincoln Typewriter Exchange. FREE TICKET T0THE Majestic Theatre Let us send you the Dally Nebraskan till February 1st and give, you a Matinee ticket to the MAJESTIC THEATRE for 50c Boost Your College Paper SUBSCRIBE NOW! REMEMBER THE TICKET IS FREE MINI MAY PRO r EST I , 8CH0MMER LIKELY TO HAVE TROUBLE IN BASKETBALL. BE NO MINNESOTA-IOWA GAME Hawkcycs Refuse to Meet Gophers in Minneapolis and Negotiations for Contest Are Practically at an End. University Forum PATRONIZE YOUR FRIENDS- OUR ADVERTISERS ' BlsssssflHC r 1 dR Half Million Glasses of Soda Water old and drank from our 20th Century Sanitary Soda Fountain season 1008. Agency Huylors, Gunthora and Lown eye Chocolates and Bonbons. $& if OHtlngs Tht Drug Cutter. Hot Drinks are now iq season. Do you know any place where you can get as ..Quick Service.. as you can at our new store? No need of being crowded. Lincoln Candy KitchCn S. Warner There are still a few copies of the FOOTBALL NUMBER left, which we will sell for CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK 12th and 0 Streets P. L. HALL, President "F. E. JOHN80N, Vlco-Prasldont BKMAN 0. FOX, Caahlor W. VT. HACKNEY Jr., Asat CaahltT George Bros. Printing Engraving Embossing Fine Lln Pound and Box Stationery Fraternity B11k 18th & N Bta DANCE PR06RAMS--BANQUET MENUS j; CALLING CARDS 317 SO. I2TH'STREET; .. as long as they last. We are selling them at a discount because we need the money. You, should buy one because you want a souvenir of the Greatest Football team Nebraska has had in years. On Sale at ' RAO OfflCE Room 7, Admin. Bldg. ft DR. J, R.DAVIS DENTIST CHARGES REA80NAILE Our Ink it Cowhtci yTttv r ' ' -' w THE UNI SMOKE HOUSE Wolcomoa nil Student. w rv r C and Bllver Lttttor P Krx Inlaid Wpflc a -ernre assist ' UNI SMOKE HOUSE 1182 O Btraet I EARNED MY WAY THRU COL LEGE CORRESPONDING FOR NEW8PAPER8...ANY INTELLIGENT MAN OR1 WOMAN CAN DO THE 8AMEY FOLLOWING MY METH OD. KENNETH D. STEERE, 706 lMARUiTn-E BLDG., CHICAGO. '-t i2-8.tr CHAMPAIGN, 111., Dec. !). "Long John" Schonunor, tho ninroon buBkot bnll stnr, who wn mentioned ns conch for the Illinois quad, nmy bo protested by Illinois if ho Is played on the Chi cago live. Tho llllni, noting the protest of Wis consin regarding tho all around ath leto, uIbo found that he played basket ball during the first, six months he at tended Chicago, and It is believed that this will bar him from competition, as he has competed three years on the floor. It Is held that the "conference vuling last .luno did not allow him to compote four years In a sport recog nized as :i major one by tho confer ence "Pom" Siunock, Illinois' wonderful Utile qbnrtcrhnck, and Lyon Gardner, former football captain of the llllni, teammates for throe years in many a hard fought battle are now foes that Is, political foes as candidates for the presidency of the senior class. Illinois. lUtDANA, 111., Doc. 8. A not profit of $:S.r04 from tho football season Is reported by Ufo tTnTverslfy of Illinois Athletic association, which in addition received $2.7G0 from athletic associa tion meinbeFsTIlps and other sources. The biggest receipts from a football game were from the Chicago contest, which gave Illinois $4,787.20. In view of the exceptional record of the eleven. Coach Hall was voted a bonus of $400 in addition to his regular salary as head coach, and Assistant Coach Lind gren a bonus of $200. Iowa. IOWA CITY, Iowa, Dec. !). No game will be played" by Iowa with Minnesota next fall and negotiations have been practically ended, as the gophers Insist thnt the game bo played at Minneap olis. Manager Mark Catlln, In return ing from his father' ranch In Wis consin, had an interview with Dr. Wil liams which led to the opening of correspondence on a game. Columbia. NEW YORK. Dec. 9. All uncertain ty due to the shortage of tnnds having been dispelled Columbia's crow candi dates began the season's training to day. Tho' start of training Is lalo this year, but Coach Rice feels hopeful of whipping his men into condition in time. Last year's varsity has been weakened by the loss of only one man, Snevlly, who has been graduated. Wisconsin. MADISON, Wis., tTec' 9. Some ques tion has arisen whether Jack Wllce Is really captain-elect of the Wisconsin football team. Jimmle Dean was not present at the election, and it is claimed his proxy was misused by another athleto. That Osthoff might have been elected had Dean been present Is believed by some. A new election may be hold on Satur day, when all the members will meet to have their plcturctaken. Wllce had nothing to do with the alleged misused proxy. The past football season will net tho athletic association $11,000. Re ports just received from the Minnesota game show Wisconsin received $6,817, which is more than flic badger share from the maroon game. Athletic Di rector Hutch ins has beon authorized by the athletic council to arrange an aquatic meet at Madison. Negotiations will be opened at once with the ma roons. Amhurst. A.M1IUUST, Mass., Dec. 9. Alfred L. Atwood, '10, of Norwood, Mass., was elected captain of the Amherst foot ball team for next Benson tonight. Ho has played fullback on tho Amherst team for the last three seasons, and 1b one of - tho most reliable and con sistent players In tho line-up. Ho pro pared for Amherst at tho Norwood high school, where ho played football three yeorB. Law Hop and the Debate. Tho commltteo In chnrgo of the freshnufn law hop urges everyone In terested In debate to attend the Nebraska-Illinois debate Friday evening. But anyone npt Interested in debate need not nocesBarily spend the evening in their cheerleBB rooms. Tho law hop offers a pleasant diversion after a hard week's study. Tho management has spared no oxponso in providing for this dance. Tho hall, music, programs and refreshments nro the best thnt enn bo securod for the money. The laBt three muBlc, program and refresh ments aro Just as good or better than tho kind served up at more expensive dances. G. H. M. " asBssssssw .KfLrm ' IsbbbbbbbbbV afm T A K raiM LMr4ssBBsr No fci e No More PIO Less 133 So. 13th St, Lincoln, Neb. 8ENIOR LAW8 ON A STRIKE. Embryo Attorneys Declare They Won't 8tand for Pneumonia. Senior law students at Washington have gone on strike. No more of the "pneumonia factory, they say, and until heat is InBtnllod In the auditor ium, vacation is in vogue. The war cry has been sent among the law embryos In the following pe tition: "We, tho undersigned, realizing the dangers to health resulting from tho chill nnd gaseous atmosphere of the class rooms in tho now auditorium building, and already on the verge of nervous prostration, and physical col lapse from the inhalation of mephltlc gaseous odors, emlnating from tho non-caloric producing gas stoves, nnd many of us affected with, headaches and nausea produced In the manner aforesaid, and at dlvors times nearly asphyxjated in the close confines of the class room, whose windows had tp be closed to exclude the pneumonln breeding germs brought in on the chill morning breeze; "Horoby resolve to vote a protracted holiday, or vacation, to continue until suitable and effective apparatuses are Installed In tho said auditorium." CHINE8E ARE TO STUDY HERE. Several Orientals To Be Educated in This Country. According to tho Associated Press a party of young Chinese students from patrician families will soon bo regis tered at the University of Wushlngton, being tho advance guard of an annual delegation who aro to be educated In America at the expense of their gov ernment, lteglstrar H. T. Condon and other university authorities have not yet received verifications of tho report. One week ago Tang Shao Yi, a dis tinguished Chinaman, with one of tho most brilliant retinues over sent to a foreign nation by tho Chinese govern ment, arrived at San Francisco en route to Washington, D. C, where he goes to convoy Xne gratitude of his government for tho remittance of the Boxer indemnity. With this diplomat, the press ad vices say, camos members of. the royal family, eminent statesmen of the em pire, and seventeen students seeking admission to American institutions of learning. Tho students are to be di vided,' the tologram states, between tho Universities of New York and Washington. A student's club has been organized at Pennsylvania. Tho club building contains a reading room, bowling al ley, i)ool and billiard parlor, lunch room and co-operative book store. Tho membership is open to all students and professors, tho mombershlp fee being $10 a year. Yale students lost $100,060 on tht-Yale-Harvard gamo this year. They lost on a single kick by. a St. Loul-i boy. Missouri has always stood at the head of the list In raising kicking animalB. Her mules are unsurpassed Missouri Independent. Lord Northcliffe, owner of several English nowspapcrs and magazines, says tho American stylo of football is out of dato. Ho says it is tho old Rugby discarded years ago in Eng land, and that It is a game ot weight and no science. Professor Starr, of Chicago, says tho American government is lavishing millions- on so-called improvements In the Philippines, while tho poor, heavily taxed Filipinos aro starving. itu IW&7Z - una, 242JS ittfc5 AND OA jiTO 96 HMlrt ITONE vsr UNIVERSITY' JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET. YELLOW FRONT Your Patronage Solicited 1 CINCINNATI Cut Price SHOE STORE AND Eliotrlo Shu ftipalr Faotory Saves You TIHE-AND-MONEY 1220 O Street oAnv Way You Look at it WE SAVE YOU MONEY Shirts 6t tt lOo Ctllirt 2 l-2t Cuffs, Pair 5o Let Us Do Your Wotk MERCHANTS LAUHDRY THE FIRST TRUST & SAVINGS BANK Ownotl by tho Stockholders of tho First National Bank Interest Paid at 4 Per Cent First National Dank booms, Tenth & O PITTS' DANCING SCHOOL SOCIAL EVENINOS Mondays and Fridays Beginner's Classes Wed. & Sat. Private Lessons by Appointment 1124 N Street Auto 40 lp Want-Ads Advertisements for tho want ad column should be loft at the buslnesB ofilco, basement Administration Bldg,, between 10 a. m. and 12 m., or be tween 2 p. m. and G p. m. Cash must accompany all orders for want ads, at the rate ot 10 cents per Insertion for ovory fifteen words or fraction thereof for the first inser tion; thrco insertions 25 cents; flvo Insertions 40 cents. LOST. LOST-r-tn room 10 Nebraska lulU. Monday, ring with largo opal sot. Re turn to NobrasUan ofilco. Reward. . 3t-50-21 ' i'riai,mciiaitt)iinwuiiiHfi;im'nmMJvmi)ujj;,ui aawwcgiww ifrm iiifmawwawwMww tHawtMjHiwinawsjqiisaMsw 3lMBJBMWIiiWI'ltMffl1Sir3S""i ' " T" i -T -'-' r--i &BiMemtowtrBJWK j XjA