THE DAILY NEBRASKAN V OLIVER THEATRE FRI. & SAT., DEC. 11-12 TWO MATINEE8 & TWO NIGHTS STETSONS "Uncle Tom's Cabin" Mat 25c to 10c. Eve 50c, 30c, 20c, 10c MoTTDYTJlGlrfTErH Williams & Walker in "the bandanna land" tjieyTdecebri Tempest and Sunshine ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE WEEK OF DECEMBER SEVENTH CHARLES WAYNE Assisted by GERTRUDE DE8 ROCHE & CO. TRANSATLANTIC FOUR DOR8CH & RU88ELL "The Musical VtallroadettJ." MANING TWINS Songs and Acrobatic Dances MI88 MURIEL WINDOM The Charming Little Prima Donna YORKE & CRAWFORD HARRI80N BR08. CUPID'S PRANKS. MAJESTIC ORCHE8TRA MATS. 2:15 Tues., Thur. and Sat. Prices 15c and 25c. Eve. 8:15 Prices 15c, 25c and 50c. wmz4 Week Commencing December 7, '08 THE FULTON STOCK CO. In the Military Comedy Drama In Four Acts THE BLUE AND THE GREY Doors Open at 7:30 P. M. Curtain at 8:15 Matinees Wednesdays and Saturdays at 2:30 Seats Reserved 1 Week in Advance Box Office Opens at 10 a. m. Prices Mat. & Eve. 15c and 25c. ELITE 1329 "O" Street. ELITE II 1830 "O" Street LATE8T AND BE8T Moving Pictures IN THE ClfY. The Management extends a cordial Invitation of evlry University of Nebraska student. ADMI88ION 6 CENT8. Change of Program Mon. and Thur'. L. J. HERZOO THE UIHVErltlTV MAM'S TAILOR The finest vrk done &d prices right Call at our new store 1E30 O St. Unooln TYPEWRITERS All makes rented with etnl $3 Per Month. DsxgslBB la 'Rebuilt Machines. .LINCOLN TYPEWRITER EXCHANQI atollii-BaUlUL lMNo.ll HAVE THE EVANS Dolour Washing PROGRAMS ARE MADE 8IGMA XI ANNOUNCE8 MEETINGS . FOR THE YEAR. WILL BE POPULAR IN NATURE Profersor Arthur Webster of Clark University Will Be Present and Will Give Three Addresses to the 8oc!ety. The complete program of the pub lic meetings of Sigma Xi to be bold during tho year nan been unnouixoud. Four meetings havo boon scheduled for the year at which both local and outside men prominent In tho scioru tlflc world will make addresses. TheBc meetings are aimed to be of such a nature that they will be of value to the average well educated man and not simply to technical scientists. In this work Sigma XI Is making the effect of its work broaded than the mere lines of its society and Is aiding tho gcnoral progress of scien tific Information In tho university. Sigma XI membership Is considered as oiie of the highest honors which can bo obtained In the university, as admission can only be obtained as a result of a demonstration of scientific ability of a high order. Program of Meetings. The programs for the meetings are as follows: Friday, Decombor 11, 1908 Pro feasor Lawrence Brunor, subject, "Tho Introduction of Some ' insdct 'Posts," with lantern slides; Professor C. It. Richards, subject, "A New Entropy Temperatue Diagram," with lantern Blides. Friday, January 15, 1909 Dr. H. D. Ward, subject, "The Life and Works of Darwin," celebrating tho 100th an niversary of Darwin's birth and the 50th anniversary of tho publication of his "Origin of Species;" Professor R. A. Emerson, subject, "The Inheritance of Color In Plants and Animals." Three addresses on April 11, 12 and 13 by Dr. Arthur J. Webster, head professor of physics in Clark univer sity. Friday, April 2, 1909 Professor Samuel Avery, subject, "Tho Testi mony and Properties of Asphalt and Its Adaptability as a" Paving Material." Professor George Chatburn, subject, "The Testing and Properties of Pav ing Materials." Webster Will Speak. Tho most Important lectures of tho Bath Robes, Sweaters, Reefers, Neckwear, Suit Cases, Collar Bass and Men's Jewelry are our Xmaa Specialties. Good selection for Father & Brother FULK'S :: 1325 O STREET series will be those by Professor Webster. While two of these will bo so technical as to bo of little interest to the average student it is hoped that ho will give one popular lecture which everyone can attend. Profossor Webster graduated from Harvard in 1885 and studied for tho next four years in Berlin, Paris and Stockholm. He was awarded the Thompson prize in 1895 for experimental research on tho period of electrical oscillations. Ho is the author of a mathematical treatiso on tho "Theory of Electricity and Magnetism;" "Dynamics of Par ticles and of Rigid, Elastic Fluid Bod ies;" "Lowell Institute Lectures on Electricity and Ether," and many pa pers on physics. The program which has been ar ranged for April 2nd is of especial im portance to Lincoln people as it is a practical discussion of paving prob lems. An attempt will bo made to make It as practical and easily com prehensible as possible. Chicago is in danger ot-loslrfj the Field MiiBeum, which waB provided for in tho will of the late MarsuoTl Field. The gift aggregated $8,000,000, and was conditioned upon a sito being so cured within six years. If this condi tion is not mot, (the amount reverts hack to the estate, and not only yill Chicago suffer a great Iobs, but the -whole country, &b 'such a museum would be ot great benefit to all. Campus wi Gleanings Got a Majestic ticket froo. C. H. Froy, florist, 1133 O BL Dance music. Phono Doll G27. Auto 3002. ft Chapin Bros, florists, 127 So. Thir teenth. Eat at John Wright's, 114 South Elovonth. Bockman Brua. Fine shoos. 1107 O Btreot. A froo Majestic tlckot with each cash subscription. Tho "Rag" till February 1 and a froc Majestic tlckot for GO conte. Dr. Chas. Youngblut, dontlst, 202 Burr block. Havo your clothes pressed at Weber's Sultorlum. Cor. 11th and O. m Why not take your bath at Chris bath house, Elovonth and P stroots? Tho Union Literary society will not moot Friday evening, owing to the lnter-collogiate debate. Mother's Dining Hall. Good homo cooking. Prices from one cent up. 308 So. Eleventh St J. E. Carrol, law Ml, is In Minne apolis on a visit. He will leave for New York this week, where ho will engage in the engraving business. e Lydu S. Rick, law '10, who was re cently married, received the congratu lations of the laws yesterday and passed around thb cigars in honor of the occasion. . Tho membership committee of tho Y. M. C. A. met Tuesday evening and decided to make a canvass for fifty new mombers before tho holidays. Tho membership of the committee will ulso be Increased. All students who wish to attend tho corn show at Omaha on Friday will be excused from their classes that day. There will bo no special rates. A train will leave the Burlington depot at 10:30 a. m. tomorrow. Tho mathematical seminary will meet Friday, Decembor 11, at 4:30 p? m.r in M. 302. The program will be: "Conditions for Imaginary Rook in a Typo of Biquadratic Equations," Prof. A. L. Candy; "A Note on tho Differen tiation of Definite Integrals," H. T. Johnson. The now pianola which tho Y. M. C. A. have boon contemplating pur chasing was bought and delivered yes torday. It is a Stuyvesant piano and piano-player combined. It is an Instru ment of fine quality and has been placed in tho Y. M. O. A. rooms free to the use of all students. It can not bo played, Ivowover, without first re celvlng instructions as to its use, nor while classes are being held in the Temple high school,' which is situated immediately beneath tho Y. M. C. A. rooms. Walter Eckersall, the former Chi cago university star quarterback, may coach the' Wabash squad next season. Basket ball is occupying tho atten tion of the Chicago athletes since tho close pf the foot ball reason. Owing to a recent conference ruling; Chicago is enabled to use her old captain and contor, "Long John" Schoramor, for another season. I BULL DOG CAN 'AT 50 Cents The PoPvlar College Cap of the Season, a New Assortment just received. C THEPRICEEACH C Hi Ml I I, li aaaaal aaaaa aaaaaV Mayer Bros. HEAD TO FOOT CLOTHIERS Tickets $1.00 Engineering Society Hop WALT'S ORCHESTRA fraternity Hall December 12th -Joint Y.-MvG. A OLD MAIDS AT Saturday, Dec. 12th ORDER Hot Lunchea a Speoialtj. " m. IMMJt. COLLEGE TAILORS COLLEGE VIEW BOoosoooooooooaoo& S f 1 U-a.l A ' W Lancoin nuif;i nnnex SENIOR RROM; Waif Full Orchestra ' o$ooo$oopoooooowoowojwojowuau m umr, - - i r Absolutely Limit 80 3 A, W,C A. Social . fJ; CONVENTION TEMPLE '" r v';' . $', 7:4 P. M. Y0IR PIWOH IT FHSOim 1 r' I . r -Candies and Iom. . . Kmti Ant 2214, lill 461. e BEST TAILORING at th . BEST PRICES Auto IHiaaa 4S .'.. 0003000000094 . o ,ivA X ! January .&t u?, a , L K v ' ' k- t s x- c $L. r m mf vssgw x'SfPtT.w 'i i i ? i '1 s i :! pr -A. : V -Will 1 L I' - ' - ' '