THE DAILY NEBRASKAN ABOUT THE CAPTAINCY FREE TICKET TO THE MAJESTIC THEATRE ELECTION OF FOOTBALL LEADER AROU8ING INTEREST. OUTCOME IS YET UNCERTAIN The University Athletic Board Will Meet One Week From Today When They Will Award "N's" to This Year's Players. ''4, The Daily Nebraskan till Feb. 1st and a FREE Matinee Ticket to the Majestic for 50c SUBSCRIBE NOW! n Business Directory t Every Loyal University 8tudent Is urged to patronize thes Ne braskan advertisers, and to men tion the paper while doing so. tiANKS Central National; First ' Trust and Savlnps. BAKERIES Folsom. BATH HOUSE Chris', Eleventh and P. BOOK STORES Co-Op; Portor's; University. CIGARS Colo & McKenna. CLEANERS Blumenthal. CLOTHING Farquhar; Magoo & Dcomor; Mayor Bros.; Palace Clothing Co.; Spolor & .Simon. COAL Grogory; Whltobroast. CONFECTIONARY Lincoln Candy Kltchon. DANCING ACADEMYS Pitts, Lin coln. DENTISTS J. R. Davis; YoungbluL DRY GOODS Horpolshelmer; Miller & Paine. DRUGGISTS RlggB. ENGRAVERS Cornell. FLORISTS Chapln Bros.; C. H. Frey. FURNISHINGS Budd; Fulk; Magee & Deeraer; Mayer Bros.; Palace Clothing Co.; Spier & Simon. GROCERIES Capital Grocery Co. HATTERS Budd; Fulk; Unland. ICE CREAM Collins Ico Cream Co. Cameron's; John Wright's. JEWELERS Hallett; Tucker. LUNCHEONETTES Folsom. LAUNDRIES Evans; Merchants. OPTICIANS Shean. PRINTERS Goorgo Bros.; Simmons. IlESTAURANTS Boston Lunch; Cameron's. SHOES Beclcman Bros.; Branth- waito; budd; Cincinnati Shoo Stqro; Sandersons; Rogers & Por- lUns; Petty; Hereford. SKIRTS Tho Skirt Store. TAILORS Elliott Bros.; Herzog; Lud wig;" Marx; College Tailors; Scotch Woolen Mills. THEATERS Lyric; Majestic; Oliver; Elite. TYPEWRITERS Lincoln Typewriter Exchange. PATRONIZE YOUR FRIENDS- OUR ADVERTISERS "H" (MM I EARNED MY WAY THRU COL LEGE CORRESPONDING FOR NEWSPAPERS. ANY INTELLIGENT MAN OR WOMAN CAN DO THE SAME feY FOLLOWING MY METH OD. KENNETH D. STEERE, 706 MARQUETTE BLDG., CHICAGO. iu-s-tr UNIVERSITY BULLETIN. December. Tui'sduj, 8 Convocation in honor of Chancellor Andrews Faculty Men's Club Dinner at Lin coln Hotel. Freshman Hop Committee meeting In N ill at 2 p. m. Y. W. and Y. M. C. A. Joint social. Temple 7: 4i. Frldny, 11 Ficshman law hop at Fra ternity hall. Friday, 11. Nebraska-Illinois Debate, 8:00 p. in., Momorlal Hall. Gov ernor Sholdon will preBldo and give address. . Nebraska-Wisconsin dobato at Mad ison. Saturday, 12 Engjnoorlng society hop at Fraternity hall. Tuesday, 15 Prof. H. W. Caldwell. "Tho President's. Message." Friday, 18 Christmas vacation begins at G p. m. January. Monday, 4 Christmas vacation onds at 8 p. m. Friday, 8 Junior hop at Fratornlty Hall. Saturday, 9 Sophomore hop at Lin coln Hotel. Friday, 15 Non-Com Hop at Fratorn lty Hall. Meeting of tho Graduate Club. Frldnq, 22 Senior prom at Lincoln Friday, 29 Sophomore Informal at J Fraternity Hall. Saturday, HO Inter-Frat Indoor Meet In Memorial Hall. February. Friday, 5 Junior Prom at Lincoln Hotel. Want-Adsi Advertisements for tho want ad column should bo loft at tho business ofllco, basement Administration Bldg., between 10 a. m. and 12 m., or be tween 2 p. m. and 5 p. m. Cash must accompany all orders for want ads, at tho ro,to of 10 cente per Insortlon for every fifteen words or fraction thereof for. the first inser- 'tlon; three insertions 25 cedts; five insertions 40 cents. LOST. LOST Ladies' gold watch and fob, between University and city Y. W. C. A. Return to Nebraskan ofllco. Re ward. 54-U-20 LOST Last Wednesday, a green covered nqte-book 'containing chemis try notes. Please leave nt Nobras kan office. lt-64-19 FOR SALE. Tho "Rag" till February 1 and a froe Majestic ticket for 50 cents. ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE WEEK OF DECEMBER SEVENTH CHARLES WAYNE Assisted by GERTRUDE DES ROCHE & CO. TRAN8-ATLANTIC FOUR DORSCH & RUSSELL "The Musical Railroaders." MANING TWINS 8ongs and Acrobatic Dances MISS MURIEL WINDOM The Charming Little Prima Donna YORKE & CRAWFORD HARRISON BROS. CUPID'S PRANKS. MAJESTIC ORCHESTRA. MATS. 2:15 Tues., Thur. and Sat. Prices 15c and 25c. Eve. 8:15 Prices 15c, 25c and 50c. It - it i At A i rn l-J- U y Bt Houses Jj& I1 A I The Majestic. A pK-asing quartet bearing the name "Trans Mlnnlie Four" are the head lines at the Majestic Their singing is fine but their efforts to be funny are dismal failures. Outshining the quarti t Tor real en tertainment are Charles Wayne and Company In a novelty act entitled "The .Morning After." it Is something now to "Lincoln audiences" and deserves much more applause than it received Inst evening. Other numbers on the bill are: The Harrison Brothers comedy entertain ers; Muriel Wlndom. a young prima dona who pleases; the Petite Mailing Twins, dancing and acrobatic girls; Yorke and Crawford, clean mlnistrel comedians; Dorsch and Russell. "The Musical Railroaders." The Lyric. "The Blue and Grey, a war melo drama, is the Lyric bill for this week. The Oliver. The popular play. "The Time, the Place and tht Girl." will be seen for the second time within two years at the Oliver lor this evening only TO ABOLISH THE FRATERNITIES. Kansas Legislator Will Soon Introduce a Bill. Roprusunuitlve-elect Ravonscrnft, of Clark county, hns prepared a bill which he will introduce at the coming session of the legislature which has for its object the abolition of fratern ities at all the state schools. The need of such a measure for the statutes of Kansas, says the author of the bill, is that tho college fraternlltes are undemocratic, un American, and a breeding place of extravagance -and evil habits. The K. V. Kansan remarks that the author of tho blU probably has a son In one of the schools who Is a member of a frat, and whose bills he Is obliged to pay. THE MESSIAH. All students who have sung in tho Messiah In provious years are urged to assist In tho coming rendition of tho work which will take placo on ThurHday, Docemhor 17. Rehearsals aro hold in the Temple Music hall (second floor) on Tuesday, Wednes day and Thursday at 6 p. m. 12-2-3 w Considerable Interest hns been aroused about school over the Impend ing election of the captain of the 1909 football team. Every day the question is heard on the enmpus, "When are they going to elect the captain?" or "Hns the team taken any action on the election of next year's captain yet?" There arc several reasons wh there has boen no action taken on this mat ter yet. In tho first place the captain of the football team will be chosen at a meeting of all the men who have won their "N's" this season, and the letters hnvc not yet been awarded. The athletic board will meet one week from today and at that time the are expected to award the letters so that the election of next year's captain may be looked for soon after that time Delay Last Season. Last year the election of Captain Harvey did not take place until long after the holidays but it is hoped that tnis delay will not be necessarj this year. Acocrding to the rules adopted by the athletic board a player Is not elig ible to receive a letter until he shall have played one lull half In one or more of the live so-called "N" games or the football schedule. The "N" games of this year's schedule were as follows: Minnesota, Iowa, Ames, Kan sas and Carlisle. This ear for the first time the athletic board will be called upon to interpret explicltelj a question which has nevqr before con fronted them on the matter of awai cl ing letters. The question is this: Shall v man who has played a part of each half in one of the "N" games, the aggregate time of his participation in the game being greater than the length of either half, be considered as en titled to a letter? On a basis of time the question admits of easy solution, since the mnn over whom the question arises played abouty thirty-seven min utes during the Iown game, while the Hrst of the two halves was only thlrty fle minutes and the other was but thirty minutes In length. Must Pay Board. Still another requirement with which the football men must comply before they can hope to be awarded a letter is that they pay up In full the amount they owo for bfiard at the training table. There have been one or two cases In the history of the Cornhusker training table where men were denied their "N's" on this ground, but It Is not anticipated that anyone will lose out on that account this season. At the table tho men are expected to pay the same amount for board that they payed before coming to tho table and the balance, if there is a deficit, will be mot by the athletic board. How ever, It Is provided In tho constitution of the Missouri Valley Athletic associ ation that the total amount expended by any school for a training table shall not exceed four hundred dollars, which provision makes it necessnry for the board to chargo a reasonable amount for meals at the table and to Insist upon its being payed. At the next moelng of thetboard an appropriation will doubtless be made for the purchaso of sweaters for the varsity squad and the scrubs. It is hinted that the regulars may be given two sweaters this year, a custom which Ib observed at many other schools. CONVOCATION FOR CHANCELLOR. Special ExerclecB' In Honor of the Great Man. Convocation this morning will bo devoted to special exercises In honor of Chancellor E. B. Andrews, who will retire from his ofllco January 1. Ad dresses will ho made by Regents Whit more, Dean C. B. BesBoy and S. P, Dul llon. A song written by the chancellor several years ago will be sung. rVl Wtro' W inig-TONE UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET. YELLOW FRONT Your Patronage Solicited I CINCINNATI Cut Price SHOE STORE AND Electric Shot Repair Factory Saves Yov TIME-AMD- MONEY 1220 O Street 7H. No -i e No Mpre tpliJ Less 133 So. 13th St, Lincoln, Neb. cAny Way You Look at it WE SAVE YOU MONEY Shirts So to lOo Collars 2 l-2o Cuffs, Pair 60 ) Let Us Do Your Wozk MERCHANTS LAUNDRY THE FIRST TRUST & SAVINGS BANK Owned by the Stockholders of tho Pint National Bank Interest Paid at 4 Per Cent PlrHt National Bank hoomp, Tenth & O CARLTON I An Arro close meeter that will try neither tie, thumb nor temper Ific S for 25c. Clnett, I'nabody & Co., Troy, JfowTorU m ww rt.o BOB J -.- .. mmm r . ftjlflifr m -rf"T Y 1- -...., ...-.1r.rT11L1()rtI A'