FffW' THE DAILY NEBRASKAN 4 t 4 OLIVER THEATRE The Time, The Place and The Girl PRICES---VI50to50c. WEDNE8DaVHtTdEC. 9 Mme. Nazimova IN IBSEN'S "A DOLL'8 HOUSE" PRICES $2.00 to 50c. FRI. & 8AT., DEC. 11-12 STETSON'S "Uncle Tom's Cabin" imai Week Commencing December 7, '08 THE FULTON STOCK CO. In the Military Comedy Drama In Four Acts THE BLUE AND THE GREY Doors Open at 7:30 P. M. Curtain at 8:15 Matinees Wednesdays and Saturdays at 2:30 Seats Reserved 1 Week in Advance Box Office Opens at 10 a. m. Prices Mat. & Eve. 15c and 25c. ELITE 1329 "O" Street. ELITE II 1330 "O" Street. LATEST AND BEST Moving Pictures IN THE CITY. The Management extends a cordial Invitation of every University of Nebraska student. ADMISSION 5 CENTS. Change of Program Mon. and Thur. THE UNI SMOKE HOUSE "Welcome nil Btudenta. fcl U I P I- S Inlaid Work o UNI SMOKE HOUSE 11B2 O Btrwot There are still a few copies of the FOOTBALL NUMBER left, which we will , sell for y as long as they last. We are selling them at a discount because we need the money. You should buy one because you want a souvenir of the Greatest Football Team Nebraska has had in years. On Sale at RAG OfflCE Room 7, Admin. Bldg. Campus I Gleanings W Oct n Mn jostle ticket tree. C. II. Prey, florist, 1133 O SL Dance music. Phono Bell G27. Auto 3002. Ctanpln Bros, florists, 127 So. Thir teenth. Eat at John Wright's, 114 South Eloventh. Beckman Bros. Fine shoes. 1107 O street. A free MajoBtlc ticket with each cash subscription. o Miss Eflle Shlnn of Broken Bow is spending the week at the Pi Beta Phi house. 00 Have your clothes pressed at Weber's Sultorlum. Cor. 11th and O. Kappa Kappa Gamma entertained at a dancing party at the Temple last Friday. The "Hag"' till February 1 and a free Majestic ticket for 50 cents. A meeting of the freshman hop com mittee will bo held In room IJ 111 at 2 p. m. today. Dr. Chas. Youngblut, dentist, 202 Burr block. M. V. Arnold, '11, will quit school some time this week and return to his home In Brady. Moth.er'8 Dining Hall. Good homo cooking. Prices from one cent up. 308 So. Eloventh St. Coach and Mrs. "King" Cole left for Toledo. Ohio, Friday afternoon. "King" will practice law in that city. Last evening Alpha Theta Chi enter tained at a smoker at their chapter house the Delta Tau Delta fraternity. Tuesday evening the University Men's ('lub will give a dinner to Chan cellor Andrews at the Lincoln Hotel. G. W. Squires of Cornell was a re cent caller at the university. Ho is graduate student there and was horo on business. A dinner at which 200 guests will bo present will be tendered to Chancellor CHRISTMAS' comes this month Better Get Busy. Good Fountain Pens $2.50 to $10 MONOGRAM STATIONERY Any monogram, any color. Kurd's Fino Linen Pnpor 80o to $2.fi0 per box. Engraved Calling Cards $1.5 to $r.0() por hundred, including plato. Established 1871 HALLETT, JEWELER 1143 O Andrewsat the Lincoln hotel this evening at o o ciocic. Professor Bessoy presented a large soil map of tho farm to Director Bur nett recently for his office. It was made from a recent government sur vey. Dr. Howard will speak Wednesday evening to tho engineering society on the subject of Industrial education. Tho meeting will be hold in Sclonco Hall of the Temple. Dr. Bessey nas recently received one of tho original copies of Mlerographlc by Robert Hooke, A. M., published in 1GG4. This work Is usually quoted as tho beginning of microscopic science. Sigma Chi has just granted a char tor to tho Bungalow club of tho Uni versity of North Dakota. This Is tho first national fraternity to establish a chapter at the Grand Forks institution. Co-incident with tho resignation of Chancellor Andrews of Nebraska comes the resignation of President Northrup of Minnesota. He Gas beon tho hejid of that university over twenty-five years. In the sixteenth "volurao of Mineral Industries of. tho United States aro two articles by Professor H. E. Barbour. Tho above work is published annually and keeps a record of tho minora! re sources of tho country. J. C. Stevens, '05, Is now nn on glncor of tho United States geological survey tn charge of tho investigation of wator roHources. Mr. Stovons 1h a member of tho Oregon conservation commission, and had a large, part In preparing the roport of tho commis sion. The University Girls' club will en tertain at a Christmas konslngton Sat urday, December 12, in Memorial hall, from 3 to 5 oclock. All freshmen girls aro Invited. Materials will bo provided ho that dvory girl will havo an opportunity to help mako a happy ChrlstniftH for the patlcntB at the Urthopedis hospital. The sophomore informal which was to havo been held last Friday, but which was postponed on account of a conflict with the ofllcors hop, Is now slated to take placo on January 29, at Fraternity hall. Abbott's orchestra will furnish the music. Tickets may be had from members of the commit tee or at tho Nebraskan ollice. Y. W. C. A. NOTE8. The month of Novomber was belter than any previous month. Reports from the different booths or County Fair show the Alpha Chi Ome gas having total roceplts of $'13.8r and of Ti;i-Deltas about $35. Others handed In large amounts but thus far these two are In tho lead. Noon meetings of special interest. Wednesday noon of last week the PraiBo Service was especially good. Hedwlg Jaeggi played beautifully, as she always does, and her violin seemed to know she loved It; Mrs. Carrie B. Raymond led us for a few minutes in singing the Chancell or's Song. The girls sang it with all their might because it was the Chan- cellor's song. ; The whole association, and especial ly the workers in the association, feel deep regret in losing Chancellor And rews. Myra Withers, state secretary and former general secretary at the Y. W. C. A., lias been a welcome guest of the association for the past few days, giving most strong and helpful mess ages. Miss Withers spoke Sunday at I 1). ilk. Her message was a real heart-starching one. The musical program as follows was most beautiful: Piano solo, Adorltlon Gaul's Holy City Louise Zumwlnkel. Violin solo, Humoresicc, Dvorak Bessie Manning. Vocal Grace Cutter. Violin, Legende, Bohtu Bessie Man- nlng. Vocal. Adrift With Me Grace Cut ter. , Tho program of noon meetings this week: Monday, Dec. 0 Leader, Myra With ers. Tuesday, Dec. 7 Valuo and Power of Missionary Information, Mr. J. ft, DorKinderen. Wednesday Pralso service, Anna Van Zandt (by proxy). Violin polo, Miss Shturleff. ' Vocal solo, Miss Cath- cart. Thursday Soul Winning, a Glorious Service, Mrs. F. ST.- Hall, state chair man. Friday God in the Christian's Heart, Laura Wallace, class '09. Friday, lit 5? Mr. Harry M. -White, 07, now . traveling secretary student volunteer movement, will speak to tho cabinet. Saturday evening, December 12, a real fun time In tho Temple union social fdr all students. ' This Is the last month of leap year, and it is an important ono you will acknowledge. The discussion in tho "Old Maids' Convention" may bo help ful. This convention Is in charge of Helen Day and Ann Watt, and will open promptly at 7:30 to be followed by an informal loap year social. The, most typical old maid and old bachelor will bo given special honor. The months of January and Feb ruary will be filled with good things. Say Fellows Get Your Christmas Gifts at Mayer Bros. i i Although this is a store for Men and we outfit the. Men from Heaid to Foot we have merchandise that will make excellent gifts for ; Mother, Fattier, Sister, Brother andthe Baby i i Umbrellas, Handkerchiefs, Trunks, Bags and Suit Cases. Shoes and Slippers. Hundreds of articles- something for everyone in the family. M ayer HEAD TO FOOT CLOTHIERS Mrs. T. P. A. Williams' accredited course on India has been unusual in interest. Anyone in tho class" will testify to this. It Is to bo ropoated next semester. There will be an en rollment of fifty at least. Will you be ono? WANTS MILLION DOLLARS. Minnesota University Will Ask for a Large Appropriation. Requests for appropriations exceed ing $800,000 will bo presented to the board of regents of the University of Minnesota at their regular quarterly meeting December 8. Chief among tho appropriations to be considered is the request of tho faculty of the. state agricultural college for approximately $r.r0,000 to be used- in the erection of new buildings at the midway campus. Departments of the university, crowd ed beyond their capacity by annually increasing enrollment, will mako up the rest of tho total. The collogo of education has secured endorsements of their petition from leading educators of' tho state and will ask for about $715,000 for tho erection of a school of education build ing on tho greater campus. One hundred thousand dollars will be asked to provide a building for the dental students who have heretoforo shared the limited facilities of tho medical building. Tho faculty of tho pharmacy department has petitioned for nearly $75,000 for tho pharmacy building, and the faculty of tho col lege of medicine, asserting that the insurance secured from tho present burned anatomy building is not suf ficient to mako tho repairs nocessary, will ask for about $50,000. aO$CC0&CCCCO$OOOO$OOCO&3COOO$OO$O I SENIOR PROM Lincoln Hotel Annex Waifs Full Orchestra. 0000000OQO0CO&000OQOOX50CO0000 Bros. HAVE THE EVANS . Do Your Washing TYPEWRITERS 'AH makes rented with otan4 $3 Per Month. JCaralDB (a Babnllt Machine. LINCOLN TYPEWRITER EXCHANfll Anto lUS-Boll ML 22 No. life L. J. HERZ0G THE UNIVERSITY MAN'S TAILOR The" finest work done an&pricos Fight Call at our now stor 122V30 o St. Utiooln DR. J, R.DAVIS DENTIST CHARGES REASONAILE 'STtr Ink of CMtm m ' GREAT MU8IC OFFER." Send us the names of three or mora performers on tljo Piano or Organ and twohty-fivo cents in silver or post age and we will mail you postpaid our latest Popular Music Roll, containing 20 pages full Sheet Music, consisting of popular Songs, Marches and Waltzes arranged for tho Piano or Organ. including Rud. Knauer's famous "Flight of tho Butterflies," "March Ma nila" and the latest popular ,song, ''ho Girl I've soon." POPULAR MUSIC PUBLISHING CO. Indianapolis, Ind. r, v f January 22, &9 v O 'W ( 4 $2.50 m mm 'H