The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 08, 1908, Image 1

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    TLhc Sath IFlebraefean
VoL VIII.- No. 54.
Price 5 Cent.
Other Colleges, State and Private,
East and West, Have Provided for
Physical Development of
the Students.
Something Hlightly leBs than $20,000
will be needed for the purchase of
ground north of the present campus
before the University of Nebraska can
begin the construction of an athletic
field worthy of the Cornhusker Insti
tution. An additional $20,000 will be
needed to fully equip the Held. for tho
work to which it will be dedicated,
although this amount need not all be
immediately available.
With these figures in mind, enthus
iastic supporters of athletics at Ne
braska seem still willing to Insist that
the C'ornhUBkor teams of next fall
will play on a field of their own. Tho
belief of these liien In their ability
to concumate the deal whereby Ne
brasku will become possessed of at
least an apology for a decent field
found expression at the recent Corn
hUBker banquet and it has slnco been
re-stated in private conversation.
Already Have Something.
Already tho regents and the athletic
board own a part of the ground where
It is proposed to lay out tho field.
These two bodies now own lots 7, 8,
0, 10 and part of 12 In block 11, which
Is just north of tho campus between
Tenth and Eleventh streets. Tho
other lots in the block when last sold
brought approximately $22,500. They
are now assessed at $25,000. It Beems
to be tho sentiment of those connected
with the purchase movement that they
could be bought by condemnation pro
ceedings for about $20,000. If any
thing, tho amount would likely be a
little less than that.
Lot 12, between Eloventh and
Twelfth Btreots, which It would bo the
intention of the owners of block 11
to purchase in the future, could not
be obtained for less than $30,000.
However, block 11 would be enough to
start tho field with.
After the land is purchased tho
block must be graded off, filled In, and
then equipped with grandstands, sod
ded gridiron, and other conveniences.
The amount which would be necessary
to complete those arrangements would
be about $20,000. For the first year
it would perhaps be possible to get
along with but part of this amount.
It would take this amount, however,
to put the field in condition fit for
use. Additional capital could be used
to excellent advantage and there is
almost no limit on the amount that
might bo spent in giving Nebraska
univorslty a good place for athletic
practice and contests.
In Other Schools.
There Is probably not another uni
versity or college in the country any
where near Nebraska's clous' which
has not a good athletic field. Almost
Invariably, too, the land has been pro
vided by tho university authorities
and in many case the same body
has fitted up the field.
Kansas university has nn old field
that is fairly good. It has good track
and baseball facilities, a -gridiron
about like that at Antelope park, and
poor seating arrangements. The re
gents of tho school have recently pur
chased land near the campus and the
work of grading up a new field is
going on rapidly. When tho present
plans are comploted Kansas will havo
a flno athletic playground. It is pos
sible that tho university will retain
tho old field and use both places.
Tho University of MIssourf has a
very nice field, paid for by the uni
versity regents. The athletic coadjes
in this Institution aro all paid by tho
regents and as regular members of
the faculty they maintain tholr resi
dence in Columbia for the entlro
school year. Thus tho teams may be
in practlco all (he tlmo.
Iowa Iuib u good turf gridiron and
trade on land owned by the unlvorBlty.
The university has Just begun at a
considerable cost the construction of
new qonereto grandstands which will
vastly better the seating facilities.
Northrop Field Great.
The University of Minnesota hos an
ideal field for an Institution of 11b size
which was largely subscribed for by
private subscription. The wall about
this field alone cost over $20,000. The
gridiron Is soddod and bo padded with
cinders and sand that the danger or
serious injury is reduced to a inln
I mum.
Tlu llarvi'i'd stadium is one of tho
host, it not the best, athletic fields In
the country. It has concrete seats for
10,000 spectators and is magnificently
equipped for every branch of athletics.
Yale lias a field not so well fitted out
but with room for two or three gritl
Irons, a couple of baseball fields, a
track or two, and numerous other con
veniences. The University of Cornell
Is planning to expend a totul of $450,
000 In equipping a field donated by
the trustees. The money will bo
raised largely by alumni subscription.
The following tables show what has
been done at some of the eastern
schools. In no case Is the cost of the
ground included in the figures given.
The amounts for Cornell do not Include
the extensive work" now being carried
out, but are t'oi the old field:
Area Cost
Field of
Acres. Field.
05 $410,000
38 100,000
12 1G0.000
30 150,000
30 150,000
0G 48,000
Total cost
Uni vanl
.Michigan ..
. . . 1,500
Princeton 1,500
Yale 3,000
Cornell 3,000
Cost of
Gymnasium. Equipment.
Harvard $130,000
Michigan 155,000
Pennsylvania . . 300,000
Princeton 300,000
Yale 235,000
Cornell 64,000
Selection of Successor to Chancellor
Andrews May Be Made.
Tho Nebraska board of regents will
meet in Omaha Friday afternoon. At
this time It Is probable that the selec
tion of a successor to Chancellor And
rews will be considered. It is not like
ly that any definite action will be
taken on this matter until a later
meeting. It Is possible, though, that
tho choice of a new chancellor may
bo made Friday.
Regents F. H. Abbott, V. G. Lyford,
W. G, Whitmore, C. B. Anderson and
George Copoland arrived in Lincoln
yesterday. They held a joint meeting
with tho state board of education last
night. During tho next threo days the
regents will probably discuss private
ly and informally tho possibilities for
the chancellorship that definite action
may be taken at tho Friday meeting
in Omaha if necessary.
A large section of seats in the front
of the hall have been resorved for the
faculty at tho debate next Friday
night. For tho convenience of tho fac
ulty' these seats have been placed in
the hands of tho registrar qnd can be
procured there. It is especially desired
by the management of tho debate that
the faculty secure the seats as soon
as possible in order that it may be
posslblo to provide seats for all that
wish to attend.
Lathrop Taylor, a prominont Ne
braska student of twenty years ago, is
flow editor of tho Colorado Agricul
tural News, a sheet published by tho
Univorslty of Colorado. It is a -sheet
filled with concise information for tho
ubo of tho press throughout tho state.
Flnfchlng Touches to Arguments Now
Being Given by Members of Two
Teams Who Will Represent
Nebraska Students.
On Monday morning tho reservation
of seats for the debate with Illinois
commenced at Porter's and will con
tinue increasing rapidly until the even
ing of the debate. A number of uni
versity students aro now spending part
or their time In disposing of tickets
and It Is expected that tho debate will
be one of the best attended of any
that bus been held at Nebraska. .
Various departments of the school
have already been canvassed by moir-
connected with the rhetoric depart
ment and tho result Is that a largo
amount of Interest has been displayed
among the student body over the com.
Ing contest. At the stnte farm last
Friday evening there was a large at
tendance at a meeting where the de
bate was referred to the literary so
cieties of the agricultural department
of the university voted to suspend
their regular meeting in order that all
might come to the debate in a body.
Keats will be reserved for the farm
students in a body and their repre
sentation will undoubtedly be a large
A Big Attraction.
At the home debate last year be
tween Nebraska and Iowa there was
an unusually large attendance. Tho
question argued at that time was gov
ernment ownership of railroads, and
the pcrtinance of the question
brought forth a largo audience. W. J.
Bryan presided and his personal popu
larity aided in drawing a crowd.
This year the question for debute
is one of equal Interest to the people.
It has to do with the commission form
of government, tho exact proposition
being, "Resolved, That American cities
should adopt the commission form of
government." This subject is one
which Is of Interest especially to resi
dents of Lincoln and other lnrge cities.
It was voted upon at the last Lincoln
city election and a proposal for a com
mission system of city government In
part was passed. To university stu
dents in generul tho matter should be
attractive inasmuch as the question of
proper municipal government is one
of tho greatest civic probloms with
which America has to deul with today.
James Bryce, the groat English states
man, has said that tho one conspicuous
failure of American government is its
municipal system.
Additional drawing power is given
the debate by tho fact that Governor
George L. Sheldon will preside. Gov
ernor Sheldon is an interesting man
to Nebraska people and his presence is
doubly to the point In view of tho fact
that he has. always taken a stand in
favor of progress in government, bo it
national, state or municipal. Governor
Sheldon is an alumnus of tho univer
sity, but his appearance Friday night
will be the first time in a long period
that ho has been before a university
Plan Biggest Ever.
With these facts in mind, tho man
agement of the debate anticipates the
largest audience that hub oven greeted
a Nebraska debating team at the home
contest. Tho capucity of the hall nec
essarily limits the crowd, and It is be
lieved that this limit will bo reached
Friday evening.
The six men who composo the speak
ing teams representing Nebraska are
hard at work putting tho finishing
touches on their arguments. Last week
the work was kept up incessantly and
the results nt the end of Uie week
were extremely ploaslng to tho Instruc
tors and others who were able to Judije
of tho progroBB made. This week Is
being devoted to tho final preparations.
Tho dlfferont debaters are polishing
their speeches and llxlnu upon tho
minor points and tactics which ,ihoy
shall pursue.
Proceedings 8tarted In Earnest Sat
urday Morning.
The first serious buslnoss-of the law
college pruettco courts was begun Sat
urday. A few cases had been taken
ui before! that date In the two Jus
tice courts, and n good deal of i
and brief work had taken place, but
the real proceedings were not started
until S:30 o'clock Saturday morning.
At that time continuances woro
granted In both of the justice courts.
In .Justice Taylor's court this action
was taken on the case of (lolnioro vs.
Muttoscon, and In Justice Ayles
worth's court on the case of Green
vs. Mut..
In the district court, presided over
by Judge Hoy Carlbery, un equity case
'entitled Preston vs. Stasonka. toils
taken up, but little Interest was dis
played In it on account of tho Jury
case which wus holding the attention
ol the students in the other district
The principal event or the day's
work was the case of Collins and
Ttoub s. Marconnet. This was the
first jury case or the year In the
practlco court. It was largely attend
ed and its proceedings faithfully cur
ried out. Arthur Bouton presided as
Judge. II. .1. CritOB was leading coun
sel lor the plaintiff and Attorney As
ton led for tho defense.
A large number of freshmen law
students were taken before the court
and after a few minutes of Interest
ing proceedings twelve unfortunato
first-year mon wero condemned to
serve for several hours In tho Jury
box. The Jury sitting in tho case re
turned a verdict at 3:tf0 o'clock Sat
urday afternoon finding in favor of
the plulntlff $70 and costs, a
The work of tho law courts wtfl bo
carried on rapidly from now until the
close of tho semester.
Will Be Second Annual Hop of First
Year Law Men.
The second annual freshman law
hop will be given by the freshmen of
the law college In Fraternity hall Fri
day evening, the night of tho annual
debate between Nobraska and Illinois
in Memorial hall. Last season tho
Initial law hop was a succoss In every
way and tho management of this
year's dance looks for the function to
be a repetition of the first ono. Tho
committee says that tho full number
of eighty tickets must be sold or elso
the dance will bo a "loser." Music
will be furnished by Abbott's full or
chestra. Tho price of tickets Is $1.
Only eighty tickets will be sold and
these may bo secured from any mem
ber of the hop committee. Tho mem
bers of this committee are Fred Mar
connett, Jake Wangorlen, D. D. Bell,
Guy Matteson, S. P. DobbB and S. G.
Be Given at Lincoln Hotel Ths
Tho faculty of the university will
give a dinner in honor of Chancellor
Andrews at C o'clock this evening at
the Lincoln hotel. About 200 invited
guests, including many people from
out in tho state, will bo present. Gov
ernor Sheldon will be ono of th6 speak
ers on tho toast list.
Pies liko mother tried to make.
Baked fresh overy day by an export
woman pie baker at The Boston Lunch.
Sophomores Will Nevertheless Make
the Third Attempt This Year to
Hold $1.25 Dance In the New
Lincoln Annex.
With both the froBhmon und tho
officers' hops financial failures, con
siderable discussion has arlBon as to
whether class dances can bo given nt
the Lincoln hotel without an Increase
In the -cost or tickets. Whllo outBldo
attractions 1 ended to a certain degree
to keep the attendance at Uiobo func
tions, yet It was apparent that under
the most favorable conditions tho
dances would have boon financially
The officers' hop, glvon ut tho Lin
coln on Friday ovonlng, was nttonded
by about sixty coupio. Tho doflclt 1b
reported to bo cloao to $30. TIiIh
amount the comniltteo who woro in
charge of the dance will havo to mako
good. The freshmen hop, although
more largely attended, Is Bald to bo al
most tiB badly in debt. Both of thesf
affairs wero $1.25 dances and It wa.
thought by Uiobo In charge that an
opportunity to attend a danco in tho
beautiful new hall of tho Lincoln
would result in a largo enough attend
ance to make tho ventures pay nt this
price. Such, however, proved not to
bo the case. Tho chalrmon of tho
dances sold with difficulty tho number
of tickets which woro actually dis
posed of.
Chairmen Work Hard.
A. F. Crltos, chlarman of tho officers'
hop .devoted much of his tlmo to
making tho dunce u financial success,
and it wuB duo ,to his offorts largely
that the dance proved to bo so on
Joyuble. Backed by nn able commit
tee, who made a thorough canvaBS
among those students in school who
aro in tho habit of attending. such uni
versity affalrB, it is a matter of much
comment that tho danco should not
make good from a monoy standpoint.
Fred Tigho, who was in charge of
the freBhmen dance, also spent much
In preparing for tho hop. This affair
is ordinarily ono of tho most popular
of all the dances glvon in tho course
of the university year and the fact
that it did not pay out goes a long
way towurd supporting the contentions
of tho students who arguo that a dance
at tho Lincoln cannot pay at the price
named for these two functions.
8ophB Will Try It.
Despite tho fact of these fuilures;
the sophomore class will attempt to
give a $1.25 dance at tho Lincoln Jan
uary 8. A committee of seven will
devote every effort to mako tho affair
a paying proposition as well as an
evening of enjoyment. Walter Weiss
is chairman of tho hop and with, his
experience in affairs of this nature, It
is hoped that the "hoodoo" which has
been pursuing univorslty functions bo
far this year will bo broken. If it b
not, then the class dances at the Lin
coln are a matter of history.
Sufficient developments havo come,
to light to prove to tho most skeptical
that tho dancing affairs of tho univor
slty have been scheduled too frooly.
With dances on every Friday and Sat
urday night clear up 'almost to tb.o
close of school next spring, chairman
of. these hops aro ribw facing tho prop
osition of conflicts and' consequent
loss. '
- The botany department has Vqcdlvod
a copy of a four volumno -work by
Johnstons and Croall on British' sea
weed. The feature of the Work is the
magnificent cuts which it contains' of
red,' brown "utaU green seaweed. iX ,