WHESBATLW NEBRASKAN T- y A. G. SPALDING & BROS. Largest Manufacturers In the World of Official Athletic Supplies. Foot Ball Basket Ball Ice Skates Hockey Golf Official Implements for all Track and Field Sports. Uniforms for all Athletic 8ports. GYMNASIUM APPARATU8 8paulding'8 handsomely illustrated catalogue of all sports contains numerous suggestions. Sent free anywhere. A. Q. 8PAULDING & BR08. New York BoBton Buffalo Syracuse Washington Chicago Philadelphia Pittsburg Baltimoro St. Louis Donvor Kansas City Cincinnati Detroit Montreal, Can. Snn Francosco Mlnneapolis Now OrloanB Cleveland London, Eng. OlhfR TllfAlHt TODAY MAT. 2:30. TONIGHT 8:15 Kathryn Osterman IN The Night of the Play MAT 50c and 25c. NIGHT $1 to 25c THUR8., FRI.f 8AT. and 8AT. MAT., December 3-5 The Merry Maidens BURLESQUfc CO. WITH SAM RICE NIGHT $1 to 25c. MAT 50c. & 25c. MONDAY, DECEMBER 7 Devil's Auction IkVJUl Lincoln's Cozy 8tock Theater. Week Beginning Monday Night, November 30 The Beautiful Costumed Spanish Mltary Production CARMEN Will Be Presented by the PULTON STOCK CO. Matinees Wednesday & Saturday Prices 15c and 25c ELITE 1329 "O" 8treet. ELITE II 1330 "O" 8treet. LATE8T AND DE8T Moving Pictures IN THE CITY. The Management extends a cordial Invitation of every University of Nebraska student. ADMISSION 5 CENT8. Change of Program Mon. and Thur. TYPEWRITERS 11 mnkea rentvd with nUn-l $3 Per Month. DrgluB la Rebuilt Machine LINCOLN TYPEWRITER' EXCHANGE Auto llUtBn l$L 122 No. 11th MIUKSSiTONE fl ft nlfeW,,i TEAM GOES TO CHICAGO THREE REPRESENTATIVES 8TOCK JUDGING CONTE8T. IN NATIONAL STOCK SHOW PRIZES Many Valuable Trophies and Cups for Both Team Work and for Indi vidual Judging Are Tend ered by the Committee. The national stock show which Is to convene for the entire weok In Chi cago Is of more than ordinary Interest to university students this year. Inas much as new features pertaining to collogo work especially in agricultural schools, have been Introduced. 13y startlng what is known as the stock judging contost for American colleges, the committee In charge of tho show have takon a big step In recognltlng tho Importance of collegiate training In modern Btock raising and dairying. Providing as It does for teams from aft of tho more Important agricultural schools of tho country, It 1b a rer.oK nltlon of the fact that scientific stock raising and dairying has come to stay. Among some of the moro Important schools entering the contest are Ames, Missouri, Mlrlcsota, Wisconsin and Nebraska. Tho contest provides for both individual and team competition. Tho Individual work will be for spe cial prizes. Each team consisting of three members Is to judgo six kinds of standard dairy stock, and the team carrying off the first Honors in tend ered tho grand prize, a beautiful cup valued at $200, and donated by tho Na tional Btock show. Tho individual prizes, for first, second and third, com prise Bilver cups valued at from $G0 to $25. In all several hundred dollars Is offered for the winning teams and for individual prizes. The Nebraska Team. Professor A. L. Haesker of the Btato experiment station and a judging team of three students left last evening for Chicago. The members of tho team are: J. H. Gramllch, of South Omaha; V. S. Culver, of South Omaha; K. Ull mann, of Lincoln. All three have had considerable experience in animal hus bandry and wll bo credible representa tives for tho university. It Is tho Intention of the team to return to Lin coln with Just as many trophies as possible. In tho judging of tho cattle, two tuings will bo observed the quantity of milk given, and tho amount of but- CHRISTMAS comes this month Better Gt Bi sy. Good Fountain Pc m $2.50 to $10 MONOGRAM STATION "RY A ny monogram, nny color. Hnrd's Fino Linen Pa-pur 80c to fri.M) Kjr box. Engraved Calling Ciirdn $l.s5 to 15.10 per hundred, including pi it. Established 1871 HALLETT, JEWELER 1143 O tor fat which oach variety produces. Tho amount of feed required (or oach variety, and tho market value will also ho taken Into consideration. Tho Ne braska team expect strong competition from tho Ames team, as tho Iowa agri cultural schools ranks abovo all iu respect to equipment and (acuity. Adds New Feature. It is thought that the executive com mittee of the show made a wise stop in securing tho stock Judging contest. It will be tho means of securing the co-operation of a largo class who here tofore nave been practically uninter ested in tho Bhow. By enlisting the support of the students through tho contest tho show promises to be 4 still bigger event each year. This !b the first year of the contest and thirteen universities have entered teams. It is expected tnat by next year all Of the large universities and agricultural colleges of the country will send teams to Chicago to take part in the show. THE ME88IAH. All students who have-sung In the MeBslnh In previous years aro urged to assist in the coming rendition of tho work which wjll take, -place on Thursday, December 17. Rehearsals aro held in tho Tomplo Music hall .(second floor) on Tuesday, Wednes day and Thursday at 5 p. m. ' 12-2-1 w W- Gleanings W I Plates cost only $1. Cornhusker banquet tonight. C. H. Frey, florlBt, 1133 O SL Tho game starts at 2:30 this after noon. Dance music. 3002. Phone Boll 627. Auto Eat at John Wrlght'B, 114 South Eloventh. Beckmun J street. Bros. Fine shoos. 1107 All classes will bo dismissed ufter 2 o'clock this afternoon. Have your clothes pressed at Weber's Sultorlum. Cor. 11th and O Why not tako your bath at Chris' bath houso, Eleventh and P streets? John Rico, Law '10, of McCook, and E. L. Arnold, Law '10, of Tobias, re turned from visits home. Mother's Dining Hall. Good home cooking. Prices from ono cent up. 308 So. Eleventh St. At tho Wednesday evening Y. M. C. A. meeting from 6:50 tAk7.:30 o'clock in tho Y. M. C. A. rooms.'t F. Baker will load In a recognition mooting. E. E. Richards, Law '10, spent tho holidays In Oregon, Mo., and there talked over 1908days with Don Hunt, ex-Law'09, who Is attondlng Missouri state university this year. Tho university student and faculty directory goes to press this morning. Notice will appear when the book is ready for distribution, which will prob ably bo about the first of January. Judgo Fawcett, one of tho four new ly appointed supreme court Judges, was for nine years a lecturer In the law college of tho university. Ho will bo remembered by ull the old Ne braska men. Eight rollglous brotherhoods of tho various churches havo combined with tho Y. M. C. A. this week to hold a weok of prayer. The brotherhoods are national associations and tho week of prayer is a national event. The meet ings are being held every evening this weok In tho service hall of the Tenv ple. Tho Friday meeting is open to both men and women. A Joint class meeting of juniors and senior law classes was held yesterday forenoon to consider the matter of holding a law school hop. After some discussion It was decided on account of the grea,t numbor of hops already planned and tho lack of necessity of such a social occasion on tho part 01 tho law department, not to attempt to glvo a hop this year. PU.UUE PRE8ENT8 NEW FIQURE8 Engineering School Has Enrollment of Over 1,700. Twentyrtwo of tho University of Pur duo's students claim foreign countries (or their homes. Four come from tho .Philippine islands while China, Cuba, and Japan aro each represented by throe, Tho official statoment of tho present enrollment, including post graduates and specials, is 1,704, sixty moro than wore enrolled' last year. OI this num ber 1,287 are taking tho engineering courses, 148 aro taking agriculture, 118 scionco, 07 pharmacy, 80 post-graduato work and 39 special work in ono of the poverol courses. Cravcnettes and 0'coats $15 Up arc the Dressy Kind WE HAVE OVERCOATS PRICED AS LOW AS $5.00 CRAVENETTES. The sensible garment of tho season, made of Priestly and other cloths. Worst eds and Cheviots in numerous stylos, shapes .and lengths. A lightweight Overcoat suitable for wot or dry weather, waterproof and yet dressy; in fact very handy tho year round for theatro or dress occasions. "THE CLOSENECK." Overcoats and Cravcnettes are the novelty of the season, tho only proper gar ment for stormy and windy days. Mayer Bros. Head to Foot Clothers THEY NEED PLENTY OF MONEY. Education of Freshman Calls for High Class Instructors. Of Interest in connection with tho efforts of several universities to in crease tho interest In problems of undcrgraduato instruction is an artlcio written for tho Now York Evening Post by Professor Robert J. Aley of tho University of Indiana. In the courso of his article, Professor Aley says: "In tho treatment of frcBhmon the upper school has much to learn from those below it. When tho university ?ives tho same careful thought to the care of its beginners as Is now given by tho two schools below it to theirs, the lot of tho frcBhman will be greatly Improved, and tho whole student life enriched. "Money is an essential element In the care of freshmen. If thoro Is not money enough to provide for research and teaching, there should bo no hesi tancy In devoting the fund to tho lat ter cauBO. Of courso, ample means should bo secured for both purposes. Money should bo spent freely for teachers. In the equipment of a de partment it is not enough to havo n great scholar and a superior teacher at tho head. All who glvo instruction In tho department should be scholars and inspiring teachers. Such men cost money. Secondary schools already recognize their value, and are picking them up at salaries much larger than tho universities have been accustomed to pay. Tho pleasant fiction that thoro Is greater honor in teaching in a col- lego than in a high school Is rapidly passing. It win soon bo impossible to get college teachers of first-rato ability, except upon the .payment of first-rato salaries. Tho work," of a department can not bo of superior grade unless the teaching force has. considerable permanency. Experlonce glvos a point of vanta'go thai the now man must gain at tho expense of tho students. There must be something moro tangible than "sentiment or loy alty to produce this desirod perraan once; Salaries muBt bo increased. Tho distance between tho salary of tho head' of tho department and that of the teachers in tho department must po lessoned. Flyo 'thousand dollars to tho head and. o, more pittance to tho teachers in tho department not only! produces dissatisfaction, but also rc-1 suits in Inferior work." FRATERNITY WHI8T SCHEDULE. Iowa Greeks flan Card Contest for the Winter. Fraternities in tho Universty of Iowa will play a series of duplicate whist games from December 3 tq February 25 acoefding to a schedule' which' ban been drawn up and approved by tho Pun Hellenic council. The series will start at tho Phi Kappa PsI houso and continuo at tho other chapter .houses in- tho order of their founding in tho university. TRIED BY JURY OF 8TUDENT8. Michigan Man Sentenced .by Feilowo for Cribbing. Tried and found guilty of "cribbing" by a Jury of his peers, was tho method pursued at tho University of Michigan to rid tho school of a student who had transgressed tho moral boundaries at an examination held last spring. This is the first tlmo that ij student, has been tried by his fellow "students, at Ann Arbor,-but itwasithoirghtwtht' whatever action might be takon would ho subject to less criticism. Tho de fendant was sentenced to leave col lege for the rest of tho year. MICHIGANTO HAVE DORMITORIES University Mon Will Run Bia Strife ture on Co-op Plan. Michigan is to havo a college dor- mltory and a college commons, and' the protracted dreams of thq Ann, Aif bor students aro at last to bo realized. Tho buildings will bo erected .jn hp near future by Deauo & Deane,' tho . 'Chicago' firm which , planned- and ..su perintended tho bulldlngs'of the Mia- way dormtorjes and commons. Tho dormitory1' will b& a. sjx-story structure, with most olaboralo and up. todato conveniences, and rooms to ac commodate 300 students. 9. co$W mons is to ho ono-stqry hgh, 'v,' about an aero of ground and afford a seatlnficapaclty o trorn'odd tg,$QK " Tho. system will bo under ui'opt, ian) agoment, restricted at first 'cpnjplato control bolng . promised '. tho JstWonta ' as tliey show themselves , capahlo -of ' assuming' it l ' ." t yywiwiiMiKngimi umjnmi y