tw. THE DAILY NEBRASKAN k r . 0 A V A OLIVER THE A IRE TomQHTATTl5 THE DEVIL Ore, $1.50. Bal., $1 & 75c. Gal., 50c. WEDNE8DAY MAT. AND NIGHT The Night of the Play MATIN E Ore, 50c; Bal., 25c. NIGHT $1.00, 75c, 50c and 25c. THUR8., FRf., 8AT. and 8AT. MAT., December 3-5 The Merry Maidens Lincoln's Cozy Stock Theater. Week Beginning Monday Night, November 30 The Beautiful Costumed Spanish Mltary Production CARMEN Will Be Presented by the fULTON STOCK CO. Matinees Wednesday & Saturday Prices 15c and 25c ELITE 1329 "O" Street. ELITE II 1330 "O" 8treet. LATE8T AND BEST Moving Pictures IN THE CITY. The Management extends a cordial Invitation of every University of Nebraska student. ADMISSION 5 CENTS. Change of Program Mon. and Thur. TYPEWRITERS All miikcft rontod with utand $3 Per Month. Dor Rains tu Kabuilt Machines. LINCOLN TYPEWRITER EXCHANQE An to tl!to-Boll 1181. 123 No. 11 th CINCINNATI Cut Price SHOE STORE AND Electric Shoe Repair Faotory Saves Vov TIME-AM-MONEY 1220 O Street I UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN v 1123 0 STREET. YELLOW FRONT Yovr Patronnie Solicited IREKiHO k2 2r -TtAnA- . sriro' 96 ssart i uric Campus ii yjl Gleanings Tickets arc only $1. C. H. Frcy, florist, 1133 O SL Cornhusker banquet tomorrow. Cliapln BroB, florists, 127 So. Thir teenth. Dance music. i Phone Bell 627. Auto 3002. Eat at John Wright's, 114 South Eleventh. Cornhusker banquet tomorrow oven ing. Tickets . Beckmnn Bros. Fine shoes. 1107 O street. W. V. Kenner spent the Thanks giving vacation in Columbia, Mo. Dr. Chas. Youngblut, dentist, 202 Burr block. Havo your clothes pressed at Weber's Sultorlum. Cor. 11th and O. William Dowllng, ex-'OG, of Madison, Neb was recently admitted to tho bar. Have you bought your ticket for tho Cornhusker banquet? It only costs" $1.00. Green'B barber shops, Tho Club house and ColCrMcKenna, 1132 O. That's all. Delta Upsilon will hold their an nual dance Friday evening at the Lin coln hotel. A. R. Wilson, '07, is now with the Pueblo Bridge company of. Pueblo, Colorado. A. H. Lundin, '06, was elected assist ant prosecuting attorney in Seattle at tho recent election. Mother's Dining Hall. Good homo cooking. Prices from one cent up. 30S So. Eleventh. St. Mildred Klngsley of Grand Island is visiting with her sorority sister at the Delta Delta Delta houso. FOR ALL KINDS 2t faddish things in Gent's Furnishings, go to I FULK'S :: 1325 O STREET Keo Currio of Fairbury and Elsie Venters of Syracuse spent Thanksgiv ing at the Trl Delta house. Professor Alice Howell will presont "Tho Lion and tho Mouse," at Peru normal December tho first. Moss Kiramel, '08, is now teaching in tho Pawnee City high school and was in Lincoln on Thanksgiving. OteB Hossler, '08, who is teaching at Wood River, Neb., was in Lincoln during tho Thanksgiving holidays. Governor Sheldon and "King" Colo will bo at tho Cornhusker banquet to morrow night at tho Lindoll hotol. Tho Zoological club of tho Univer sity of Nebraska will meet Tuesday ovonlng in Nebraska hall, room 210. A special examination in contracts will bo given to tho first-year law men by Dean Costlgah, Wednesday morn- ing. Dean Ward 'Of tho medical school was tho principal speaker at tho Tub orculosis meeting, in Fremont last week. . ' . Got your Cornh'usiier banquet Cickot today. Pried, $X( Tho feast takeB placo at tho Lindoll tiotef iomonrow evening. Tho Daily NebraSkan 1b fifty conts for .tho rost of tho somostor. This prlco includes a ticket to a Majostlc matineo. The engravings in tho football odi Hon of tho Dally Nobraskan woro mado by Cornell Engraving Co., Lin-. coin, Neb. Delta Dolta Dolta held their annual banquet at the LIndoll hotol on Thanksgiving ovonlng. Many of tho alumni mombors woro back. Alpha Tliota Chi hold their annual party Thanksgiving ovo at tho Lin coln hotel. Fifty couples woro in at tondanco. Walt's orchestra furnished the music. Subscribe for tho Dally Nobraskan today and got a matineo ticket to tho Majestic theater. Tho paper costs you but fifty cents for tho remainder of tho semester. Professor Stout of the engineering department has received word that good positions aro open for a drafts man and two structural draftsmen for brldgo work designing. Symposium on tho "Mammalian Lymphatic System," by Huntington and others. Revlowed by R. II. Wol cott. "Freshwater Jellyfish," by Bou longer; reviewed by E. B. Newton. Mr. Hadloch will lead tho discus sion at the next meeting of tho Chom Istry club. Wednesday evening, at 8 o'clock. Tho topic for tho mooting will be the manufacture of "Sulphuric Acid." 0 ft Dances come along In rapid succes sion from now on. On Friday evening the officers' hop takes placo at tho Lincoln and tho following night tho freshman hop Is held at the same place. The Kappas and the Trl Delts will also hold house parties on theso even ings. Tho following Friday and Sat urday nights of the next week tho engineering and freshman law hops aro held. i Noil Crouin, '06, oflwlnneapolls, was In the city yesterday for a short visit. Ho was a member of tho Nebraska dobate teams for two years. At pres ent he Is a member of a prominent Minneapolis legal firm. Tho A. I. E. E. will meet tonight at of staple, fancy and their roomB. Following Is tho pro gram to bo given: "Folk from Exper ience," Clarence Johnson; "Electriza tion of Steam Railroads," I. F. Boker; "Alternating Current of Feeder Regu lators," C. E. Bennett.. Arthur and Kenneth Wharry aud Paul Flory, prospective varsity mon of Pawnee City, were in Lincoln several days last week. They visited tho campus and witnessed tho Wabash game, practicing varsity yells in prep aration for their ontranco hero. Dr. Green of Melbourn univorslty, Australia, who has been spending his vacation in America, visited the chem istry department of Nebraska univer sity yesterday. Ho has been investi gating the various methods employed in this country in agricultural chem istry and for this purpose has spont some time in all of the principal uni versities of tho United States. It is his intention to apply much of what ho gains In this country in improving tho agricultural chemistry in Austra lia. Tickets Aro $1.00. Tickets for tho Cornhusker banquet to bo given at tho Lindoll hotel to-J morrow evening aro $1.00. A laboratory in forestry has boon offered to Michigan by tho United States government. Here you are girls, one of the season's best novelties. The new London Smoke Cloth Top Patent Leather boot. The stylish Knob Toe on a new last, button style, at a pair, $3.50. Mayer Bros. Head to Foot Clothers i y Houses JxL I1 A 1 The Majestic. Frederick V. Bowles & company are tho hcadllners at tho Majestic this wcok. They present a one-act mu sical farco entitled, ''College Days." It has a collogo atlriosphero and is a groat attraction for students. Bowers, himself, Is good. He retains all tho qualities which caused him to make a hit In the "Ham Troo." Other members on tho bill this week aro Smor, Westbrook & Smor, eccen tric dancers; Henry Cllvo and Mai Walker, clover entertainers; Willie Hale & company, in "Parlor Pastimes;'-' tho musical I lodges ;a and Hathaway and Siegei, singers and dancers. The Lyric. "Carmen" is tho play at the Lyric this week. Ttio Fultons maintain thoir. high standard of endeavors in acting this pleco. "A Girl at thti Helm." "A Girl at tho Helm," tho HVely mu sical show now in its fourth month at tho La Sallo theater, Chicago, has been so successful that Manager Mort H. Singer is organizing a company to appoar In tho' pleco on the road. The road company will begin Its season on Christmas day at Jollet, 111-., and will make an.oxtcnded tour of tho central west. A thrilling motor hoat race, more exciting than the famous ch'arlot race of Bon Hur, ia onp of the features of "A Girl at tho Heini." WItfi a unique uso of tho moving plcturo, two of -trio loading characters aro seen at the wheels of two plunging motor crafts, churning thd water of Long Island sound with engines spitting and throb bing, and objects along tho river bank flying by at forty knots an Sour. Tho race' sceno has boon ono of tho sen sations of (ho scaBon in Chicago and U A m novor falls to rouse the audionco fron their Beats. An exceptional strong compariy hut boon onguged to appear in tho pleco. Tho principals includo tho well-knowi lilly Clifford, Maudo Lambert and. Countess ojga von Hatzfeldt. Clifford1 will play tho part taken nt $0 La Sallo by Cecil Lean. Florence JMartlij will succeed Florence Holbrook as thd daughter of n millionaire whose hancj Is awarded to tho winner of the thrill! Ing motor boat race. Othors 'engaged by Manager Singer for tho company aro Robert Pitkin, Bernard Nibmoyor and Edward Beck. A company of Bixty will appear III tho piece, Including tho famous La Sallo brollors, .with original fcaturi stunts devised by tho master mind of Ned Wayburn. j pClvll 8ervlce Examination. ' Tho United States civil service com mission announces an examination 01 December 29-30, at Omaha and Linl coin, to till a largo inumbev of vacan cies In tho positions of cferk ana teachers in tho Philippine service. En' tranco salary ranges from $1,200 ti $3,000 per annum for men and $90(ji and up for women. Tho examination will bo over tho following subjects" Thrco hundred word thesis, ponmanl ship, arithmetic, geography, physiolf ogy, grammar, history and cfyicsj na ture study and drawing, sclonco' 'of teaching, and experience, tf'Alhing' finq genoral fitness. In addition to thft above there aro many optional sub jects which may bo a'rfdecf i)f por' mission. ) Seidef, Iowa's guard, recently agreed' not to shave bofore tho ond o'f tho year if Drake beat Iowa. Drakd won1: and ho is raising his crop. j Basketball practice f ocerftly started j a Princeton' with nlrieteen! meia outlj , '' """ t ' " Indiana will havo an athletic car,- nival next irtonthi ; Fivo thousand ono' huri&rotF and! oighty-oignc students 'are registered at! Michigan this Voar. i u AjJ Charles M. Schwab, will a'ddrdife tha udontf? at Leland Stanford Ihjis win studon tor. 1,