THE DAILY NEBRASKAN j. Campus Gleanings 0. H. Frcy, norlBt, J 133 0 Bt. p Chapln Bros, HorlBtu, 127 So. Thir teenth. Eat at John Wright's, 114 South Elovonth. Uookmun Bros. Flno Bhocs. 1107 O street. Dr. ChaB. Youngblut, dontlat, 202 Burr block. Grlnnoll hna Htarted Intor-claHB gnmo In baskot ball. Tho KanHaH fruHhmon have . bios Bonicil forth In black enns. Minnesota has purchased two blocks of land for a greater cainpuH. Have your clotnea pressed ai Weber's Sultorlum. Cor. 11th and O Why not tako your bath at ChrlB' bath houso, Elovonth and P streets? e Croon's bnrbor shops, Tho Club houso and Colo-McKonnn, 1132 O. That's all. Tho liberty at Michigan has a sot of seals from various universities as decoratlonB. Brown university Ib making nn of fort to protect students from tlckot Speculators. Mother's Dlnliig Hall. Good homo cooking. Prices -from one cent up. 303 So. Elovonth St. Unlvorslty dances are bolng held In university buildings at Syracuso for tho llrst time this year. & The professors of tho Unlvorslty of Mlnnosota have boon requested not to smoke on tho campus. An oxtenslvo course in Joiinuilisni will be added to the curriculum of the University of Utah next yoar. Students at 'New York university may write essays on moral or rellg- loiiH subjects Instead of attending loin cha pol. Grlnnoll' is planning to build a ce ment grandstand on the athletic ld $7 500 having been pledged for ( tho purpose Chicago instructors set their own limits on the number of cuts In their classes and decide punishment for exceeding it. Dr. Dun I way, former professor of history at Stanford university, has been olected president of the Univer sity of Mont nun. "Horsing" hns boon substituted fov hazing at Princeton. The freshmen must now march to meals In lock stop and aro not molested by the sophomores. TYPEWRITERS All makea ronUxl with stand $3 Per Month. Bargains In Kobullt Maohlnco. LINCOLN TYPEWRITER EXCHANQE Auto ll-Boli 1181. 122 No. Uth CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK 12th and 0 Streets P. L. HALL, Proaidont P. E. JOHNSON, VIco-Prosidont BUM AN 0. FOX. Cftahlor W. W. HACKNEY Jr., Aaat Caahlar Nebraska Rec 1832. Nrbnaku 10; Knnpa3, 12. Nebraska, 10; Iowa, 10. ?.IlS3ourl forfeited to Nobraska. 1993. Nobraska, 18; Missouri, 13. Nebraska, 0; K'insas, IS. Nobrnskn,20; Iowa, 18. Nebraska, 28; Do-mo, 0. Nobraska, 10; linker, 10. Nobraska, 4; Denver A. C. 4. Giime awarded to Nebraska. 1894. Nebraska, 30; Iowa, 0. Nebraska. 18; Missouri, 16. Nebraska, 1 1 ;' Kaimas. 0. Football ord j Nebraska, 6; Nobraska, 12; NcbniHka I; Nebraska, 0; Nebnihk'i, 8: Nebraska, 0; No'jrJBka, 42; Nebraska, 10; Nebraska, 0; Nt miskn, 10; Nebraska, 6; Nebraska, IB; Nebraska, 47; Nebraska, 18; Nebraska, 23; NebniBka, 70; Nebraska, 0; Nebraska, 1 1 ; Nebraska. 12; Nobraska, 24; Nebraska, B; Nebraska, B; Nebraska, 6; Nebraska, 0; Nebraska, 6; Nobraska, 0; Nebraska, 12; Nebraska, B; Nebraska, 20; Nebraska, 30; Nebraska, 8; Nebraska, 12. Nebraska, 33. Nebraska. 12. Nebraska, 12, Ne raska, .". Nebraska. 2!t; Nebraska, 17; Nebraska, 0; Nebraska, 0, Nobraska, 51; Nebraska, 2!; Nebraska, 18; Nebraska, 51 ; Nebraska, 10; Nebraska, 17; 1895. Iowa, 0. Missouri, 10. Kansas, 8. 1896. Iowa, 0. Missouri, 4 Kansas, 12 1897. Missouri, 0 Kansas, B. Ames, 10. Tarklo, 0. Iowa, 0. Wesloyan, B. 1898. Missouri, 6. Kansas, 0. Ames, 10. Hastings, 0. William .Jewel, 21. Denver A. C, 10. Colorado, 10. Tarklo 0. Drake. 6. Iowa, C. 1899. Lincoln H. S., 0. Ames, 33. K. C. Medics, C. K. C. Medics, '21. Drake, 0. South Dikntn, 6. Kansas, 30 1900. Ames, 0. Drake, 0. Missouri, 0. Grlnnoll 0. Kansas, 0 Minnesota, 20. 1901. Klrksvllle. . Doane, 0. Ames, 0 Wisconsin. 18. Minnesota, 10. Missouri. 0. Kansas, B. Haskell, 10. 1902. Doane 0. Colorado, 0. Grlnnell.O Nebraska, 0; Nobraska, 12; Nobraska, 28; Nebraska, 16; .NobraBka, 7; Nobrasla, 12; Nebraska, 04 ; Nebraska, 23; Nebraska, 10; Nebraska, 16; Nebraska, 31; Nebraska, 17; Nebraska, 33; Nobraska, 6; Nebraska, B2; Nebraska, 16; Nebraska, 72; Nebraska, 17; Nebraska, 46; Nebraska, 6; Nebraska, 39; Nebraska, 34 ; Nebraska, 12; Nebraska, 17; Nebraska, 6; Nebraska, Bl ; Nebraska, 16; Nobraska, 30; Nebraska, 20; Nebraska 42; Nebraska, 16; Nebraska, 0; Nebraska, 102 Nebraska, 21 ; Nebraska, 18; X"1 bra si-a, 0; Nebraska, 43; Nebraska, 24; Nebraska, B6; Nebraska, 4 ; Nobraska, 6; Nebraska, 2; NoTjraBka, 28; Nebraska, 0; Nebraska, 17; Nebraska, 6; Nebraska, 5; Nobraska, 4 1 ; Nebraska, 53; Nobraska, 30; Nebraska, 30; Neb task a, 5; Nebraska. 22; Nebraska, 10; Nebraska, 16; Nobraska, 63; Nebraska, 85; Nebraska, 0; Nebraska. 20; Nebraska, 43; Nebraska, 20; Nebraska, 0; Nebraska, 11 ; Nebraska, 23; Nebraska, 5; Nebraska, ?; Nobraska, ?; Minnesota, 0 .. Missouri, 0. Haskell Indians, 0. Kansas, 0. Knox, 0. Northwostorn, 0. 1903. Grand Island, 0. South Dakota, 0. Denver, 0. Haskell Indians, 0. Colorndo, 0. Iowa, 6. Knox, B. Kansas, 0. fiellevue, 0. Illinois, 0. 1904. Grand Island, 0. Lincoln H. S., 0. Grlnnell.O. Colorndo, 0. Crelghton, 0. Knox, 0. Minnesota, 16. Iowa, 6. Haskell Indians, 14. Bellevue, 0. Illinois, 10. 1905. Grnnd Island, 0. Lincoln H. S., 0. South Dakota, 6. Knox, 0. Michigan, 31. ; Crelghton, 0. Ames, 0. Colorndo, 0. Minnesota, 3B. Doane, 5. Illinois, 6. 1906. Grnnd Island, 0. South Dnkota, 0. Drake, 0. Ames, H. Doane, 0. Minnesota, 13., Crelghton, 0. Kansas, 8. Chicago, 38. Cincinnati, 0. 1907. Peru, 0. South Dakota, 0. Grlnnell, 4. Minnesota, 8. Colorado, S. Ames, 9. Kansas, 6. Denver, 0, Doane, 0. St. Louis, 31. 1908. Peru. 0. Doane, o. Grlnnell, 5. Minnesota, 0. Iowa, 8. Ames, 17. Kansas. 20. Wabash, ?. Carlisle Indians, ?. Tlhe Various Offenses With The Penalties Attached Loss of Two Yards. Time taken out at the request of a captain more titan three times in each half. Loss of Five Yards. Delay of game. Interference with snapper-back or bull before ball put In play. Snapper-back off-side second time In Bante down. Snapper-back or player opposlto touching ball before it has touched third player. Interference with opponents before ball is put in play. Player In motion wnen ball Is put In play. Illegal use of hands and nrtns by side not in possession of the ball. Passing or batting ball forward. Off-side In scrimmage. Tackling below the knees. Interference with piny by some act palpably unfair. Loss of Fifteen Yards. Failure of substitute to report to referees before engaging In play. Interfering with fair catch or throw ing catcher to the ground. Illegal running by man first receiv ing ball from snapper-back. Holding or Illegal use of hands or arms by team in possession of ball. Illegal use of hands or arms by a player who is off-side. Coaching; more than one ropreaon-1 tutive coming on hold In .case of ac cident; more than five mjm walking up and down side lines, etc. Piling up after the ball has been declared dead. Tripping. Tackling the runner when clearly out of bounds. Hurdling. Any outer acts or unnecessary , roughness not Involving suspension or disqualification. Forward pass touching ground bo fore being touched by player of either side on llrst or second down. Forward pasB over lino of scrim mage within live yards of point whore ball was snapped back on first or second down. Loss of Ball. When forward pass, according to last two paragraphs under tho fifteen yard penalty, Is made on the third down. Forward pass by side which did not put bnll In play. Failure to advanco ball 10 yards In three downs. Player when off-sldo touching ball. Player when off-sldo allowing kicked bnll to touch him. Kicked ball kicked "further or kicked at after striking the ground. Suspension. Unsportsmanlike conduct, Including tho uso of abusive or Insulting lan guage to opponents or officials. Disqualification and Loss of Half the Distance to the Goal Line. Striking with tho fist or elbows. Kneeing. Kicking. Meotlng with tho kneo or striking with tho locked hands by lino men when thoy aro breaking through. Striking In tho face with the heel of tho hand tho opponent who Is carrying tho ball. Running into tho player who has kicked the ball from behind tho line of Bcrlinmnge. Forfeiture of Game Attempting to Delay Game. Refusing to play within two min utes after having boon ordered to do so by tho referee. IV TKa College II PX. .Standard Throughout School days, colled days, business Or professional career tho Conklin Pen will servo you faithfully and make writing a pleasure. Yoti don't have to coax it or fuis with It to get It to write. Bccaupo of ita won derful feed principle Ink responds Instantly at tho first stroke and maintains nn even, steady flow to the last dot. Another great advantage of owning a CONKUN'S Kg PEN you're never without ldk. No matter where you may bo In your room, lecturo hallj at tho post office, telegraph office or hotel, or on tho train all you have to do when your Conklin Pen begins to run dry Is to dip It In any Ink well, press tho Crescent-Filler and your pen Instantly fills Itself and is ready to write. Tho samo simple movement also cleans it. No mussy dropper no spilling of ink no Interruption to your train of thought. Handsomo ooltalog direct from tho manufacturers, Tho Conklin Pen Co., 310 Manhattan Bldg., Toledo, Ohio, on request. SOLD IN LINCOLN BY E. FLEMING, 1211 O STREET Extra Oopie of j this FootBall Edition may be ob tained at Cole-McKenna's, Ed Young's or Daily Nebraskan office, room 7, Ad ministration Building, University. FOR ALL KINDS of staple, fancy and' faddish things in Gent's Furnishings, go to FULK'S :: 1325 O STREET COLLEGE TAILORS COLLEGE VIEW BEST TAILORING at the BEST PRICES Auto Phone 48 Roberson Travelogues With Motion Pictures PALESTINE Saturday Evening, November 28 SWEDEN & DENMARK Friday Evening December 4 HOLLAND (NORTH) Friday Evening December II HOLLAND (SOUTH) Friday Evening December 18 Those are all ontiroly now lectures gathered by Mr. Robot-son during tho pat yoar. Tho Motion-Picture Machino is also a now feature, and will add much to tho enjoyment and interest of tho Cotyso. LECTURES WILL BE GIVEN IN ST. PAUL'S CHURCH ON ABOVE DATES Tickots for Conrso (4 Lectures) including Reserved Seat, Sl.fiO. Single admission SO cents. First Lecturo is Saturday night. TICKETS ON SALE AT SANDERSON'S QUJ2J& TOWN AND COUNTRY SHIRTS THEREisinshirts bearing the label of a manufacturer of undoubted responsibility a value, in that it stands for so much experience in cloth-buying, m pattern draughting and in style designing. The Cluett mark assures correctness, exclusiveness, durability. $1.50 and more CLUETT. PEAnODY & CO.. Troy. N. Y. Maker of Arrow Collari "it M -P VMftiswiretxtofrMw.ifav)