I5&3&& SLSStl JUL ML 3V 33s --i Jf--s-stpKl- XNJSJB. a.- " f i; - -. v -jr- 7.---r- (- -" T f.K r TttlS Fi ai IJ.A'W Ik V iJ !'. V P" OLIVER ; THEATRE TONIGHT," 8AT. & 8AT MAT, "Honeymoon Trail" Mat $1.00 td'50c.INldht-4l.50 to 50c. TUE8DAY-' NIGHT, NOV. 24 "45 Minutes Froih B'way" Prices $1.50 to 50c WEDNESDAY NIGHT, NOV. 25" "Girls" ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE AN ALL FEATURE PROGRAM THE FOUR RIAN08 The 'World's Greatest Aerlallsts. THE BQTTOMLY TROUP Big Spectacular 8cenlc Production. THE MOZART8 WM. FLEMEN AND LAURA ROTH Society Entertlners, A Dainty Novelty Act MI8KEL, HUNT AND MILLER HARRI80N WEST TRIO Introducing Matter Petltte, the Toy Comedian VIA8COPE. 1,000 8eats Every Night at 15c and 15c. -rt ILV4UH Week Commencing Monday Nfght, November 16. The Big Western Military Comedy Drama the Ranger Will Be Presented THE FULTON 8T0CK COMPANY Matinees Wednesday and Saturday Prices 15c and 25c. Thanksgiving Week Attraction "OUT OF THE FOLD" Tickets Now On Sale Special Matinee Thursday, Nov. 26 ELITE 1329 "O" Street. ELITE II 1830 "O" 8treet. LATE8T AND BE8T Moving Pictures IN THE CITY. The Management extends a cordial Invitation of every University of Nebraska student. ADMI88ION 5 CENT8. ' Change of Program Mon. and Thur. L. J.- HERZOG THE UNIVERSITY MAW'S TAlLOn The finest work done and'pricea right 6airat our now" store 15230 O St. Llnooln fiw0HiMy j) Campus) M Gleanings M MZSZS3BSSSBBS3BS3aJ9iW3liHIIHDE3CMSi It'8 December 2. The Cornhusker bnnquet. TicketH coat only $1.00. See the "Eternal Question." C. II. Frey, florist, 1133 O St. Dnlly Nebrnskan Thanksgiving day, 15 centB. o Eat at John Wright's, 114 South Eleventh. H. A. Ilobblns, law '08, was on the campuB Tuesday. 0 Beckman Dtob. Pine shoes. 1107 O Btreet, Tickets for tho Cornhusker bnnquet cost only one dollar. It won't be an "Eternal Question" after Sunday evening. 0 Have your clothes pressed at Weber's Sultorlum. Cor. 11th and O. William J. Bryan, Jr., haB been pledged to the Sigma Chi fraternity. Green's barber shops, The Club house and Colo-McKonnn, 1182 O. That's all. Football numbor of tho Dally No braskan out Thanksgiving day. Price 15 centB. Soe the congress of fair women at the county fair in the Armory Satur day evening. The Vikings will give the first of a series of parties Saturday evening at Fraternity hall. Cornhusker banquet, December 2, at the LlndeH hotel. Remember the date. It's December 2. o Mother's Dining Hall. Goo kom cooking. Prices from one cent up. 308 So. Eleventh SL T SAY BOYS New Process Gillette's Bludos make nhaving a pleasure got tho old stylo beat a mile Dollar a dozon BrA"iS5V HALLETT, JEWELER "t3 The Nebraska football team will be treated to a box party at the Oliver tonight by the athletic management. M V Jack Best has a good shoe which was left, in the locker room. Tho owner may have the same by applying to Jack. t This Is the last day for students to get seats reserved' for the Wabasb game at twentyve cents apiece. Call at registrar's office. Over forty illustrations will appear tho football number of the Daily Nobraskan. It will bo out Thanks giving day.' Price 15 cents. ' Anyone interested in discussion of "The Problem of Christian Theology Today" may hear Dr. French tonight at the Temple in Music hall. A meeting of the inter-fraternity council, will bo hold in the; office fof Mr. E, H. Barbour in the university museum at 7:30 this evening. . . Dr. "Si" Reynolds, a former uni versity student, was married to Miss Burkott Wednesday, and will be at home in Lincoln after December 1. Tho student body of Fulton threaten to strike unless eight upper classmen are reinstated. They were expelled for attempting to prevent freshmen from attending a reception. At a, recont' oratorical contest at Blooming ton between Illinois colleges, Knox won first. Tho representative bf Illinois college was ruled out on account of plagarism. a j e it ',.?' 1 1' ' ' rn y ? At The Play Houses 'The Matinee. Tho four Rlanos, . presenting "Jn Africa," a comedy acrobatic act, at tho Majestic, are occasioning Lin coln's theater-goers considerable amusement. "Two of tho Rlnnos imi tate a pair of monkeys with much cleverness. The Lyric. "Tho Ranger" Is the bill at the Lyric this week. It is a popular western drama, and has boon drawing large crowds to tho Houbo Cozy. What might properly bo termed a "grand opera war" began TueBday night when Oscar Hammerstein opened his now Philadelphia opera house with a performance of "Car men," and the Metropolitan opera company began Its season with "La Bohcme." Each season Is to cover a period of twent weeks. "Each house was packed to tho doors tonight, nnd thousands 'were turned away. Hammerstein'B opera bourse is said to be the most beautiful structure of the sort In the world. Society gnvo the now enterprise tho stamp of Its undoubted npproval, and the rest of Philadelphia Bwarmcd to tho doors of the new house and clamored for ad mission. Four thousand four hundred persons heard Countess Labia and a great cast in "Carmon" at tho new houso last night. This was tho first appearance In America of the great soprano in this role. At the academy of muBlc Ca ruso, Mme. Sembrich and Scottl charmed an audience that jammed the big building, by their rendition of "La Boheme." Hammerstein brought over from New York special trains carrying newspaper men, opera singers- and dis tinguished men to help add to tho eclat of the Philadelphia opening, while the Metropolitan company di rectors came over from Now York With SIg. Gattl-Casazza and Mr. Dip- SAY GIRLS Buy him a Gillotto Razor for Christmas. $5.00 to $10.00. pel, the managers of their company, to see that there was nothing lacking In their performance. CHICAGO 8ET8 A NEW RECORD. Correspondence Courses 8how Big In creased Enrollment. Tho Correspondence School of tho University of Chicago Is expanding with phenomenal strides. Its growth as a department Is without precedent In tno annals of Chicago's history. Tho report of tho correspondence study department for 1907-190g shows an increase of 18 per cent lri tho number of students enrolled over that of last year, which was. a banner year itself. The total enrollment at present Is exactly 2,200, which Is 20 per cent of tho total number of students ma triculated in the university. In the. department there are 231 Instructors, giving 421 courses. Four now courses havo been arranged for, since tho last circulars were printed. These are all of a practical nature, two being in tended for teachers and school prin cipals. These deal with the problems of school supervision and class man agement. Superintendent Chancellor, who Is in charge of the courses, re ports loO teachers already enrolled. Tho University of California is try ing to admit "its law graduates to tho bar without a! state , "examination. rr i r .Booker T, Washington Is, trying to double tho endowment fof TuskegeeV Columbia university, received a visit from tho Chinese minister who 1b sent to this country to study 'educational mmmmmmmmtmmm gm2sW 1 9 ) BIG SPECIAL FOR Young Men r'AND: Young Men's Holeproof Sox, Six pair guaranteed for six months, 1 at, a pair 25c Women's Holeproof Hose, Six pair guaranteed for six months, at, a pair 33c Maycr Bros. Head to Foot Clothers methods with a view to adapting thm to his own country. Coach Finger is booming athletics at. Cornell. Another outward evidence Is the building of a gymnnHlum at n cost of $75,000. The third purity banquot between Chicago and Minnesota was hold tho night preceding the big gamo Satur day. Toasts wero given by tho conches, captains and managers of athletics. Typographical errors somotlmes change the moaning. A glowing re port on a fdbtball outlook ends up "Everybody booze." More than 225 men belong to tho Walking club at the University of, Pennsylvania. Walking clubs aro be coming popular In many of the large colleges. The men meet about onco a, week and Indulge In long cross country jaunts. Freshman Hop Lincoln Hotel $1.25 jm.iluh.jl" , u . ' " ' QO000000000000000000000000 ' 75c w . L.et the kan T-y- This Includes the Football Number. o - . . 0000OSO000000000OSO0000000$00 ,r i t Ladies . . THE UNI SMOKE HOUSE Weloomeu all Students. B BB pipes Tsgfigr UNI SMOKE HOUSE 1183 O Street HAVE THE EVANS t Do Your Washing DR. J. B. PHIS DENTIST CHARGES REASONABLE Onr liik of Cmmtn December 5th Walt's Orchestra 'I i' i A t n i r o' ys send i ou Daily Nebras- till Feb. for . 75c