The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 20, 1908, Image 1

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Vol VIII. No. 44.
Backer of New Plan Claim ThatvFra-
ternlty Council 8hould Ask No
Higher Scholarship Than
University Itself.
A prppqs,ed chango In tho rushing
rules of tho intor-fratornlty council
of tho unlvorslty providing for a light
er scholastic requirement than now
exists will probably he considered by
the council at a mooting this evening.
The rovlslon of tho rules as con
tpmplatod b,y men of different fra
ternities is radical. If accopted by
the council tonight it will moan that,
instead of having to innko a passing
grade in aU the work for which ho
has registered, the first-year student
may pledge a fraternity If ho has
passed -In" only jtwelvo hours. Thlsis
basis OfVthjD Jflght of participation
In athletics -'and ulf pther forms ipf
university activities. It moans that
If a man can paBs in twolvo hours. h6
is .worthy pt admittance to a fratern
it. no matter how many hours he has
failed in
. WhaMt Means.
The supporters of tho chango bo-
lleve that it 1b wrong to exact a higher
requirement from fraternity pledges
tpan from participators in athletics.
. dgbatlng, publications and like activ
ities. It is further their contention
that the first year man often has ex
cellent reasons for fnilng in a jmrj of
his work. It 'is frequently the case
that a freshman entofing the univer
sity has ns wrong idea of tho amount
of work which the different courses
represent nnd of his own ability. He
mSM ?J fftl-. !6MeU Jiff?
course, often including a gooa propor
tion of laboratory work, when such a
heavy courso 1b combined with ac
tivity in ,atlpJcs or class polltljcs, the
freshmen frequently faces a failure
at the mid-semostor tests. Ho may
be a porfeptly good man, his only
fault lying in his lack of judgment
aB to tho quantity or work which ho
Hhould attempt, say tho frut men. On
the other hand it is possible, by a
judicious selection of courses and by
registering for the scant twolvo hours
required for standing in thp-unlvor-slty,
for a comparatively poor man
to show a passing grade in all studies
at the mid-semesters. This man may
be pledged but tho good man" must
be left over till the end of the se
mester. Letting alone the injustice
of making a high comparative qtqnd
ard for frat pledges, the would-be
revisionists think that this other ele
ment of unfairness hould he of suf
ficient woight to bring about a ohangp
in the rule.
Should the propospd- change bo
made tonight and should it ho effec
tive a, onco, .many men whq are npt
uow eligible for pledging tomorrow
-would bo in a position to put on the
ribbons, Tnere aro probably seventy
five men In tho university who will
, be asked to join one of the olpyqn
fratornitles in case their grades meet
the requirements of tho council, Quito
a considerable number of these havo
been flunked or conditioned In part
of their work. A largo number haye
fallen down in rhetoric I. This Is a
two hour course nnd hero ho fratj
nen point out the injustice of keep
ing a man out of a fraternity because
he has failed to carry so small a part
of a- schedule that Is perhaps entirely
too heavy. - .
Rushing About Over.
Wl$ tqniprrqw , noqn as -ftp,4lq
when tho flrst-yoar students may, first
tbp, plodged, tnq fraternities are mark
ing the closing days, of tho rushing
season by especially actlvo efforts.
Sovoral parties, will ho hold tonight
and theso with other engagements at
practically all hours of tho day will
give (he particular fratornitles each
a chance to got in tho last strokes
at the prospective membor. Somo
of tho rushces will hayo practically
no time unoccuplod by classes or
rushing sttlnts from now until noon
Tho rushing this year has In many
Instances ueon unsually hard. Thoro
are sevoral casos when one man has
been made, the objoct qf constant and
continuous attontion by throe fratorn
itles with a few more taking dates on
tho side. Tho competition has been
Keen all along tho lino and with some
men the result of tho work will not
be known until time 1b up tomorrow.
Then the rushoo will havo to come
out nnd tell the frat men what ho
intends to do about it In a few in
stances where a man has already
made up his mind ho has cancelled
his dates with tho fratornitles which
he has decided to turn down. By
.. Is moans ho is enabled to give the
fortunate organization a pretty good
idea of what ho s going to do tomor
row gpcjn, aqd YQt $0. , rutos of tho
council liirp npt violated. J
Offer Has Been Made to Students for
- u " A Dramatic Sketch. ',
Two prizes of $5.00 each havo been
offered 'fo , tho students qf-this imUl-tujio-n
for tho two bos,t twpnty-mlriute.
sketchos to conform with tho follow
ing requirements: The sketch 1b tq
be played by one lady and two men;
tho lady is light and (1$ mpn, Tpno
dark and 0110 light They sing soi
piano, baritone and tenor. Tho selec
tion is to allow a plnco for a duqt by
the men fpllowcd by a soprano solo
and ending with a trio. The sta'gq
3fitUfg JSv to be Strictly, up -to, date
bacholor quarters. A lively plot and
general mix-up Is desired. Tho tlrao
limit Is twenty minutes. Communica
tions -sno'ufd'e niaoVto - Professor
Football Number of Daily Nebraskan
to Contain Fine; Cuts.
The football number of tho Dally
Nebraskan, which will bo placed on
snip Thanksgiving day, will cpntain
over thirty fine coppor engravings of
football players and scones. The cut:?
are new and will be printed on fine,
hoayy hook paper. The pictures of
football men will bo printed on sup
plements that will make a nlco decor
ation for oy student's room.
The special issue will also have
many novel features among which
will be a selection of an all-Missouri
yaliey fqptbair elovpp.. Reasons for
the individual BoJpcticW will bo given.
Edwin D. Crites, '06, was elected
county attorney of Dawes county at
the recent election by a majority of
110 votes. Ho ran on the democratic
people's independent1 ticket Judge
Taft carried this county by a majority
of 109 votes. E. C. Bishop on tho
republican ticket carried the county
by 171 votes. Mr". Crltos, during his
senior year In tho university, was
major of the cadet battalion.
On December 1 the senior play couv
mlttoo will commence the collection,,
of a $2.00 assessment from every
member of tho senior class. This as
sessment is for tho purpose, of provid
ing the commltieo with necessary
funds 'with which to carry on their
work.- In return oach member will
receive, a number of tickets tq the
play, which will ho assigned In tlio
order or tho paying of be assess
ment. . ' 1
Tho fnmoucqngre'ga 01 loir- women
will be hofoVat tho ppjinty fair Satur
day evening.
8econd and Third Year Men Will
Clash at 1:30 at Antelope Park
Game May Decide Inter
Class Title.
Almost tho ontlro. football squad
appeared at Antelopo park again last
ovening for tho second regular prac
tice since tho K. U. game. Tho phys
ical condition of almost every player
is first class and it Ib belloved that
the team will present the moBt form
idable appoarance against the LttMe
Giants 'from' Wabash college on
Thanksgiving day that it has shown
this fall. Every day since tho Grlnnoll
gnmo there has boon sqmoone, and
often soveral of tho men, who was
nursing bruisos or strains of one sort
or another, nnd in no contest slnco
that ono has everyone entered tho
gnmo without somo moro or loss ser
ious injury jtp bpthor hlnj.
Coaph Colp has been devoting cori
stderable atttmtlon to drilling his pu
pils In tackling. The dummy has been
knocked about almost continuously
tho laBt ovening or twp and "Ku.g''
Cole is hoping that thp weakness in
this department which wqs manifested
In the Ames and Kansas gamos will
soon be overcome.
Poor. Tackling Costly.
In previous? fcontests this fall 'ho
failure op tho part of the Cornhusk
ers to do effective tackling has been
very costly. In tho Ames gamo, for
instance, although the Nobraska in
terference was doubtless better than
that put up by tho Ames bunch, yet
Ames mndo fully as much distance re
turning punts and circling, onds as did
the NebraskanB simply on account of
tho latter's weakness In tackling. Tho
low diving tackle which the Aggle3
omploycd and which is said to be
used so effectively by the Wabash
aggregation, Is without n doubt the
most satisfactory and with this feat
mo mastered the Cornhusker dofonBO
would doubtless bo vastly Improved.
Class Game.
At 1:U0 today tho seniors and soph
omoreH will clash at Antelope park
In a game which may determino tho
lnler-class championship.
Last Monday the sophomores de
feated tho juniors in a hard fought
game by a score of 6 to 5. This gamo
was protested by tho juntors on ac
count of the alleged ineligibility qf
Musson, who played fullback for tho
sophomores. Howovor, tho Inter-class
board decided yesterday that Musson
was eligible so the pcorc will bp al
lowed to stand.
The expert doppstprs are Inclined to
believe that the seniors have the gamo
cinched but none of tho sophomores
nro of this opinion. Tho seniors plalm
to havq in tholr favqr n well-balanced
and beefy lino with a swift backfleld.
Thpy defeated the Crete Y. M. p. a.
team last Friday by a score of 9 to C.
About half of tho senior team, are ox
porlonce'd players, haying played "op
cnss teams .earlier In thejr mlvqrBty
Tho sophomores on the pther hand
are confident of making a gpod shqw
ing. If they win today's gamo. the
lntor-clusB championship 'will go o
them, but If-thqy lose (o the spnlbrs'
another game umBt ho played between
tho seniors and juniors ho for 9 tlje
title can bp settled. Should sucl a
game bo played t(nd the unprs spring
n surprise 'by winning fy 'matter's
would' be beautifully cpmpllcated.
Pies like mother "tried tp make.
Baked freBh overy day bv an oxnArt
Jwp.imjn pq baker. atTko Boston L'unch.
Plans for Great Time at County Fair
Tomorrow Night.
Preparations for tho great annual
county fair go morrlly on and It cer
tainly looks Hko a big night for to
morrow. Tho plans alroady mndo
show that tho event will bo mado n
greater ono than that of last year.
Tho number of side shows nnd high
clnsB porformerH has boon Increased
this fall.
Somo now stunts havo boon plannod
by tho sororities and thp lino of
booths will offer many kindB of amuse
niont for tho pleasuro Bookers.
A now addition waB made to tho list
of attractions yesterday whon It was
onnounced that a congress of fair
women will bo hold. This meeting is
expected to attract groat numbers of
Dainty littlo Ching-Loo wns scon
yestorday by some frat man nnd an
nounced that he would bo on hand
nnd foot at the big doings.
Tho two assistants of Ohlng-Loo,
Annheuser and BubcIi, left St. Louis
last evening and will nrrlvo somo
time tomorrow morning. Thoy had
expected to meot tholr brother Schlttz
of Mllwaukco at Nebraska City, but ho
wont off on "Honoymoon Trail" and
will not bo with them.
Thanksgiving Day Game Will Keep'
Many In Mncpln-
Owing to tho Wabash-NobraBka
football gaine n L4ncqlp on Thanks
giving day a largo nuinber of unlvor-
isty .Btudonte wilL-remaln in tho city
durng the two days' vacation. This
cqnditlon is always true of years when
thpre is a gaipq plqyed hy the Corn
huskprs on the homo field. Last
year the Nebraska team, wont to St.
Louis and consequently a large num
ber of students who lived in tho east
ern part of the state took, advnntago
of the rpcess (or a homo yisit. But
this year the number wb,o d,o so wU
bo comparatively few.
If thp Ideal woathor .contjuuos (or
another week tho Thanksgiving day
contest will be played under unusually
fine circumstances. With good weath
er thoro will bo a largo turnout of
Lincoln. .poope who ordinqrlly have
no time for football. Many old uni
versity men plan to come back to
see this game and their presoncewlll
help to swell the crowd at Antelopo
ThlB Is the last day students can
make reservations of seats for tho
Wabash same pn Thanksgiving day.
The reserved spat tickets may be had
at tho registrar's office. The price Is
twenty-fivo cents.
James Brown, who held down a po
sition at tho headquarters of tho re
publican national committee in Chi
cago this fall, haB returned to tho uni
versity to take up work in the law
college. ., r ... . .
A dark room is now being fitted up
in the basement of Nebraska hall by
Mr. R. J. Pool of tho botany depart
ment. This will make possible the
developing of plates for the depart
J ,-,
Chancollor Andrews returned today
from Washington D. C, wher6 ho has
boon attending a meeting of tho
American Association of Agricultural
Colleges and Experiment Stations."
, Tow" Cotton, a former Nebraska
football star, was recently married In
Denver. He will reside In Salt Lake
City, where he Is connected with a
mining company.
Coach 'King" Cole will 16avo this
ovening for Minneapolis, where he
will witness the' Minnesota-Carlisle
Indian 'game Saturday afternoon.
..sum ir.mi.Uii urn 'J jj'j"
Price $ Cent
Chancellor Andrews Will Address
Conference Meetings Publlo to
All Those Interested in
the Wqrk.
Friday cvonlng and Saturday a ppn
forenco of Bible study lendors, faculty
men, secretaries and Blblo lcadors
will bo hold undor tho ausptcda of
the unlvorBlty Y. M. C. A. in tho Tem
ple. Reprosontatlvos will bo prosent
from Wosloyan, Cotnor, Doano, Bollo
vuo, tho state farm and tho city Y. M.
O. A. and will consider tho practical
probloms which aro encountered by
those engaged In Blblo Btudy work.
A conforonco of this naturo Is
rather an Innovation In Y. M. O, A.
work, but it is almod to raako tho
work at tho Y. M. C. A. more effective.
Thoao in chargo of the work wish
to spread tho information whtoh was
obtained at tho Columbus pqnforonco.
Work To Be Practical.
Tho questions to bo consldorod at
tho conforonco will bo ontlrely prac
tical in tholr nature. It Is folt that
littlo if any good Ib dono by dlscuBBlng
questions that are puroly thoorotical
and tochnicnl. Tho addresses havo
been arranged to give tho most pos
sible good in solving hard questions
.that aro presenting themselves. "
The published program of tho meet
ings schedhlos Chancellor Andrews
for an address on tho meaning and
value of such a conference. The chan
cellor has been In tho east for seVoral
days, but it Is reported that ho wilt
bo homo today. If ho arrives In tlmo
the address will bo given according
to the announced program.
Have 8ocia Gathering.
Tpgothor with the strictly bqsluoss
side of tho cpnferenco an attempt will
bo made to iqake tho affair pleasant
as a social gathering. It has boon
planned for all the delegations to
take supper together on Friday and
dinner tpgothor qn Saturday. No
meetings ,wll be held Saturday ovon
Ing'n order that all? raaAttoud tuo
county fair.
' All meetings 'of the conference wlfl
ua puuuc anu an wno aro interested
in this lino pf work aro Invited to be
present. No offort has been made,
however, to secure a largo attendance
as depth of discussion rather than
popularity is most doslred.
Bible Classes Start,
Reports from all over the country
shqw that Increased interest Is being
taken In Bible 'study work. At the
'state farm classes start this week
with an enrollment of 100, and It Is
expected that by the end qf Iho year,
at least ISO will bo enrolled. Throe
hundrod mon-aro enrolled in -the uni
versity and hero; too, "a big Increase
is expected1 bytho end of the yoaft '
In many of tho eastern colleges at
the present time Bible 'classes o 'l',000
havo been 'formed At' West Point,"
where the students ' have r only forty
five minutes leisure a'day, 250 out
of a total of 400 are ' taking Bible
A mooting of th'o Intor-fratornlty
council will bo .held la the office of
Mr. B. H. Barbour, university mu
soum, at 7:30, p. m. Friday, Novem
bpr 20,. 190S. " .
The foptball number of f the Dally,
Nebraskan" ' will bo. placed on'jiaia
Thanksgiving day, Orders' fer oxtra
qm "JHft ty Kf? t tyq edi
torial rqoms, qf thfe paparihpfqrp Tups
day ovening. Price of single 'cqples
116 cents. - . ' ,
-v- -. '
..' ,f ', 1 M, ,