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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1908)
M THE DAILY NEBRASKAN MM cJlnv Way You Look at it WE SAVE YOU MONEY Shirts 60 tt lOo Cfllart 2 l-2 Guffs, Pair 60 Let Us Do Your Work MERCHANTS LAUNDRY fEARS KANSAS SPIES IOWA HEAR8 THAT IT8 TEAM 18 WATCHED;BY JAYHAWKER8. STUDENTS KEEP KEEN WATCH CINCINNATI Cut Price SHOE STORE AMD Eliotrlt Shu fltpalr Faotary Saves Vov TIME AND -HONEY 1220 O Strtfftt . di Half Million Glasses of Soda Water told and drank from oar 20th Contury Sanitary, Soda Fountain season 1008. Agonoy Huylorn, Qunthorn and Lown eys Ohocolatos and Bonbons. Tki n-it Pull Br In Case Any Sleuths Are Caught They Will Be Given Bath In Chilly ' Waten of the Iowa River. Th Dntf Cutttr. DANCE PROGRAMS--BANQUET MENUS CALLING CARDS SIMMONS, THE PRATER 3f7 SO. I3TH STREET Patronize Our Advertisers 1 IOWA CITY, la., Nov. 18r Receiv ing a tip In the Hhaiie df a telegram from friendly parties, wIiobo lfontity will not be revealed, tho Iowa athletic management linn boon warned I hat two Unlvorslty of Kunrius Mtudeuts wore In Iowa City thU wook In did gulHo to watch the secret pra-M(" on Iowa Held. Coach Catlln haH organized rolayH of HtudehtH to guard the points of vantage Hiirroundlng the field, and upon the appearance of uny parties unknown Immediately to Holze the men and hold them until proof was shown that they woro not from Kan Has. In oaHo any slouthB from the rlvul Institution are found, the Iowa river and Us chilly waters will form the means for punishing them. Careful watch by a number of uni versity students will bo malntnlned this week, so that the formations, changes In thu stylo of play, etc., will ho kept safely from the southern camp. Iowa's oloven, completely rearranged and with considerable now material In Us make-up. Btartod practice with plonty of Bnap and glngor tonight. Conch Catlln read tho "riot act" with a vengeance to a half dozen of tho men whoso work Saturday was especially off color, and one rumor was circu lated that two members of tho 'varsity, who have boon secrotaly breaking training rules, would not appear on the Iowa gridiron again this boohoii. Wisconsin. MADISON. Wis.. Nov. 18. Tho Wisconsin 'varBlty players showed up well In their defensive- work today. Try aB they might, tho strong froBh man backs, consisting of Captain An derson. Wilkinson and Hammersldy, could not gain consistently through tne 'varsity lino, and aftor an hour's scrimmage work the score stood six to a clean alato for tho 'varsity. Tho offeristvo work of the badgers was satisfactory to the coaches, who smiled when thoy saw tho 'varsity roll up six counts against Davidson's youngsters. Both Cunningham, right half back, and Moll, quarter back, woro used in calling signals and both dis played commendable headwork. Dutch Doyle was back In his position at left tackle. It in a significant fact that all of the touchdowns but two were made on the forward pass. At tho conclusion of tho scrlmmago "Kecklo" Moll wont back and tried a number of drop kicks from the twouty -live-yard line. He succeeded In getting the ball between the posts seven times otlt of twelve trials. Tho 'varBlty lino held well, the freshmen bejug able to block but one kick. It 1b probable that Sentuor La Toi lette will be one of the speakers at the muss meeting to bo held Thursday evening to arouse enthusiasm for tho gamo. Dackers of tho Chlcugo team havo s6nt considerable money horo with tho request Unit it bo put up at even money or 5 'to 4 on the maroonB. Wis consin backers are asking for oddB of 2 to 1. It is bolioved that most of the wagers will bo laid at odds of at least 2 to 1. Chicago. CHICAGO, Nov. 18. One more grid iron Invention for Coach A. Alonzo 3tagg'B string of football discoveries. Tho maroon director's last and what may provo his most offectivo achieve ment of tho soason is a brand new and unique plan of defense designed to nip Wisconsin's forward passes In the bud. Tho new defense, which the maroon players predict will turn tho tide at Madison Saturday,, whoh tho maroons and badgors ineot to decide tho west ern championship, wob oxploited in masterly fashion by tho Midway reg ulars in a long dofonslvo scrlmmago against the freshmen yesterday at Marshall field. It proved offoctlvo in stopping practically nil of tho fancy passes und opou plays attempted by tho "freshle" stars. Tho nntiro of Stngg's defense Is -jjwt'now the most zealously guarded socrot In the maroon camp, but the rooters have been vouchsafed tho In formation that something startling and ImprcsBlvo in In the. air. Stagg has based his pro-Wisconsin calculations all along on tho fact that Wisconsin and Chicago will play much tho same kind of game that both wjll rely on tho forward pass and pnsldo kick for tho great bulk of tho ground gaining. "If we are to win that game Sntur day wo have. got to havo a dofonBO td stop forward passes," said Stagg yes terday. "Well, we have something of the sort, and our chuncos probably will dopend on how well wo work It at Madison. Tho defeiiBo went (air ly woll today, but we are going to have another long scrimmage to-morrow. Hoavy scrimmage nt this stago of tho HeaBon may be risky, but It is too esentlal to pass up." Coach Stagg will superintend tho luHt hard practice of the season this afternoon at Marshall field. UNIVER8ITY BULLETIN. Yale. NEW HAVEN, Conn., Nov. It. Tho reorganization of the Yulo eleven for tho Harvard gamo of Saturday was taken up by Head Coach Digolow and for an hour the regulars woro sent through a signal drill In what Is olose to tho playing order likely against the crimson. DIglow lined up his men as follows: Loft end, -Logan; left tackle, Hobbs; left guard, Andrus; contor, Riddle; right guard, Qoobel; right tackle, Drldos; right end, Captuln Durch; quarter hack, Corey; left half back, Phllbln; right half back, Whea ton; full back, Co. In two places this is probably not the aamo as will bo sent against Har vard, ond a third Is doubtful. Kllpat rick Is almost certain to start tho gamo at left end, and td play part of tho first half. Daly, Instead of Whea ton, 1b probably llrat choice for right half back at tho start, as the conches favor keeping Wheaton for a drop kick which may bo necessary to decide the game. Cdroy was given the preference at quarter back to any, but ho and Ford Johnson will bo given a trial in tho position In tho scrimmaging which has been ordored tomorrow and Thursday, and It Is just about a toss up which of the pair will start tho gamo. Harvard. CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Nov. 17. The Harvard football team of 1908 this afternoon hnd Us last practice on tho Stadium, and 100 students who as sembled during the open portion of tho practice made one of the most enthusiastic demonstrations ever soen at Harvard. The first hair of the drill was absolutely secret. All the 'varsity players were on the Hold In uniform, and Captain Durr's arm waa unbaudaged for the first time since he Injured it nearly a month ago. Dob Kornan joined the coaching staff today to remain with the team until afier the Yale game Saturday. Tho team1 will leave at 2 o'clock to morrow afternoon for Farmlngton, Conn. Thursday It will go to Now Haven for practice on Yale field, then returning to Farmlngton, whero it will remain until Saturday mornlne. when It will gd to Now Haven, The following thlrty-ono players will make up tho Harvard squad that will be taken to Now Havon: O. Browne, R. Brown, Burr, Corbott, Crowley, Cutler, Cutting, Dunlop, Fish, Forscholmor, Galatt, Gray, Graydon, Hadden, Harding, Hoar, Houston Ken nard, Leslie, Long, McKay, Magulro, Nourse, Popp, Robinson, Smith, Sprague, West, Whito, Wlthington nnd Verwlebo. ' November. Thursday, 10 Men's B'aculty Club meets in room 204 Administration Building at 11:30. m ,, Social meeting of tho Cornhusker staff at 1118 H St, 'Acacia House. Senior Soclnl Committed mootB In U. 110. y Friday, 20 Dlvllty Club meets at Temple, 8 p. m. Saturday, 21 Komensky Club moots in tho Teniplo Music Hall. Saturday, 1 Hastlngs-Nobraska foot hall gamo. County Fair hi Armory. Tuesday, 24 Lecture to Engineering Society, Science Hall, Temple. i'rlday, 8 Junior Hop at Fraternity Hall. Wednesday, 25 Thanksgiving roceBB begins at C p. m. Thursday, 26 Wabash-Nebraska foot- bnll game December. Saturduy, 1 Friday, 8 Junior hop at Fraternity Hall. V,ednosday, 2 Nebraska-Carlisle foot ball game. Friday, 4 Officers' hop at Lincoln hotel. Sophomore Informal at Fraternity Hall. Saturday, C Freshman Hop at Lin coln Hotel. Friday, 11 Freshman law hop at Fra ternity hall. Saturday, 12 Engineering socloty hop at Fraternity hall. January. Saturday, 9 Sophomoro hop at Lin coln Hotel. Frldaq, 22 Senior prom at Lincoln Hotol Annox. February. Friday, 5 Junior Prom at Lincoln Hotol. TYPEWRITERS All makes rented, with aUa4 S3 Per Month. Eergalas la Rebuilt MseauMt LINCOLN TYPEWRITER EXCHANtl Aato lllt-BeU ilk . 1JB Hd. 11 lis wtdm Bo ys f Havo youi; dothos made for you. Wo will give you indi viduality stylo and exclusive pattorns. Our long suit is Dress Suits. UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET. YELLOW FRONT Yovr Patronage Solicited Business Directory Every Loyal University Student Is urged to patronize these Ne braskan advertisers, an 4 tlort the paper while doing to. iFy 1 flP -vi-feWsV 7 1 III I I I IV3y 1 "jm II I F 1 I 1 I I il I jE i I Ml 1 I i t .fPJ ii i ' i i i i i t I'M 1 1 aV Ml vi I nt I M A n II .t 1 m a nr! t' 3 tbWi'II 11 i vli Iml m BANKS Central National; First Trust and Savings.' BARBER SHOPS Green's Shops. BAKERIES Folsom. BATH HOUSE Chris', Eleventh and P. BOOK STORES Co-Op; Porter's; University. CIGARS Cole & McKonna; Wolfe & Co. CLEANERS Blumonthal; H. Smith; Weber. CLOTHING Baker Panta Co.; Magee & Dcomcr; Mayer Bros.; Palace Clothing Co.; Spoler &Slmon. COAL Gregory. DANCING ACADEMYS Pitts, Lin coln. DENTISTS J. R. Dayisj YoungbluL DRY GOODS Herpolshelmer; Milter & Paine. DRUGGISTS Rlggs. ENGRAVERS Cornoll. FLORISTS Chapln Bros.; 0. H. Froy. FURNISHINGS Budd Fxilkj Matfee & Doemor; Mayor Bros.; Palace! Clothing Co.; Spior & Simon; Corf. HATTERS Budd; Pulk; TJnland. JEWELERS Hallett; Tucker. LUNCHEONETTES FOlBOHU LAUNDRIES Evans; Merchants. OPTICIANS Shean. PRINTERS doorge tiros.; Simmons. RESTAURANTS Boston Lunch; Cameron's. SHOES Bookman Bros.; Braith- walto; Budd; Cinoinnatl Shoe Store; Sanderson. SKIRTS The Skirt 8tor. TAILORS Elliott Bros. J riertogf Lud wlg; Marx; H. Smith. THEATERS Lyrio; Majestic; OHter; Elite. TYPEWRITERS Lincoln . Typewriter Exchange. PATRONIZE YOUR FRIENDS---OUR ADVERTISERS Missouri Alpha chapter of the Phi Kappa PsI fraternity is to bo To-established at the university. The local Zota Chi fraternity haB been notified by the executive council of Phi Kappa Psl of tho granting to them of a char tor. Tho installation will taka place oarly in December. Want-Ads ELLIOTT BROS. TAILORS 142 South 12th Lincoln "We Make Those Tasty Togs" All students should see that they have their correct address and tele phone number on the registrar's list not later than Friday. Thla will en able the Y. W. and Y. M, to get put a complete and correct student directory. THE LINCOLN DANCING ACADEMY will havo social dancoB oh Monday and Friday oyenlng. By invitation. The beginners' tJlasB on Wednesday even ing. Frlvato lessons will be given from 9 a. m. to 5 p m. each day of tho wook. RROF. E. L, RICHARDSON, INSTRUCTOR. PHONE 3803 AUTO, Advertisements for the want ad column should bo left at the business office, basement Administration Bldg, between 10 a. m. and 12 m., or be tween 2 p. m. and 6 p. m. Cash must accompany all orders for want ads, at tho rate of 10 cents per lnsortion for every fifteen words or fraction hereof for the first Inser tion; throe in8ortlohB 2 cents; five insertions 40 cents. L08Ti Lost No. 12 solf-fllllng Waterhian pen. Return to Nebraskan office. ' ,3t-42 8 BOARD AND ROOM. Wanted Eight boardors and room ers. 1429 R St. $-41-14 j r -. . -U. ' - I. 13 M. .