The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 19, 1908, Image 3
(Jf -.'jJJj TtjifeSMH- THE, DAM:' NEBRASKAN - K iOLIER THEAr RE TONIGHT AT 8:15 ,The Right of Way PRICE $1.50 to 50c. FRI., 8AT. & SAT. MAT., NOV. 20-21. "Honeymoon Trail" "45 Minutes From B'way" Prlctp.$f.5D to ,50c i-l . 5 i , W -,. 'r ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE AN ALL FEATURE PROGRAM THE FOUR RIAN08 'The World's Greatest Aerlallsts. THE BOTTOMLY TROUP Big Spectacular Scenic Production. THE MOZART8 WM, FLEMEN AND LAURA ROTH Society Enter tin era. . -, s A Dainty Novelty Act MI8KEL, HUNT AND MILLER "HARRISON WEST TRIO .Introducing Master Petitte, the Toy Comedian ' ' VIASCOPE. 1Q00 Seats Every Night at 15c and 15c. wmz4 Week Commencing Monday Nf'ght, '" ' November 16. The' Big Western Military Comedy Drama The Ranger! WIII'Be Presented THE FULTON 8TOCK COMPANY Matinees Wednesday and Saturday ' -' Prfcis 15c and 25c. Thanksgiving Week Attraction "OUT OF THE FOLD" Tickets Now On Sale Special Matinee Thursday, Nov. 26 ELITE 1329 "O" 8treet. ELITE II "" 1330 "O" 8tret wj. - . LATE8T AND BE8T Moving Pictures IN THE CITY. The Management extends a cordial Invitation of every University v,-..-of Nebraska studdhL ADMI88ION 5 CENTS. Change of Program Mon. and Thur. .'' il. J, HERZOG THE UNIVERSITY MAN'S TAILOR The finest work done and prices right Call at our new store ' f r 1330 ., Unooln 1S6 uSBmS Ti iVfc. -WW" 96 I H Campus Gleanings i x C H. Prey, florlBt, 1133 O SL Eut nt John Wright's, 114 South Eleventh. The German club will meet Thurs day evening, November 19, with Miss Jeffries. 1527 South Thirteenth street. Ueckman Bros. Fine Bhoes. 1107 O Btreot. At the meeting of the pharme ceutlcal club last evening Dr. Bcssey spoke on "The Relation of Botany to Medicine." Dr. Chas, Youngblut, dontlBt 202 Burr block. The unlverBlty senate will meet In the near future to consider what ac tion It shall take In reference to the resignation of Chancellor Andrews. Resolutions will probably be adopted, and further form of expressing their opinion of the executive may be car riod out by the faculty members. Chapin Bros, florists, 127 8o. Tblr tconth. Have your clothes pressed at Weber's Sultorlum. Cor. 11th and O. Dean lloscoc Pound of Northwest ern law school, former dean of the Nebraska la"w college, will be in Lin coln next Tuesday for the purpose of addressing the state bar associa tion. In the afternoon he will prob ably be a guest of Sem. Bot. at n special meeting In his honor. Donn Pound was one of tho founders of Sem. Bot., ho being an export bot anist In addition to his capabilities as a law school head. . Green's barber shops, The Club house and Colo-McKenna. 1132 O. That's all. ") 0 Tickets are now on salo for the freshman law hop at $1.00 each. The hop will bo given December 11 at Fraternity hall. Abbotts orchestra Is l O 0000000000000CSO00000000 o ., SIX PAIRS COST $1.50. GUARANTEED TO WEAR 8IX M0NTH8 WITHOUT MENDING. BLACK, NAVY, GREY OR TAN. Probably most people spend more than $1.50 for hosiery in six months, regardless of whether they wear the kind costing 15c or 50c a pair. But, when you buy "Notahol" hosiery, you know the cost is Just $1.50 for six months. You get ah .-Insurance Policy with the hosiery. Will you try six pairs of "Notahol" insured hosiery? r J 1 JT . O0000000000000000000000000 to furnish the' music and everything possible has been done to make the affair a .grand succoss. This Is the second year that the freshmen laws have attempted hops and it Is the intention to make it an annual affair. The committee, under .the chairman ship of F. P. Marconnit with S. P. Dobbs as master of ceremonies, ex pect an attendance of at least eighty couples. .!. Mother's Dining Rail. Good home cooking. Prices from one cent up. 308 So. .Eleventh SL, ' i r This morning at convocation a pro gram will bo given by be string quar tet together with tho organ. The program will consist of the "New World Symphony," by Dooraw. This symphony 1b in four movements, namely : Adagio Allegro molto. Largo. Scharzo. Finale. This program is expected to be one of the best that wlft be given this year and a large attendance is ex pected. Ab the program has been arranged it will take -moro than the regular time allotted to convocation, but an opportunity will bo given those who have 11:30 classes to leuve at (he closo of tho third movomont. All are urged to be prompt in arriving. ; r The athletic council of "Williams col lege has appropriated the sum of $2, 000 toward -the fund for a on Weston Held. "FRAT8" INTELLECTUAL HOBOES. Dean Deed of Michigan 8cores College 8ecret Orders. Dean Deed of the literary dopart mont of tho University of Michigan made an nttack on college fraternities before the Stnto Teachers' association Saturday. His spooch was entitled "Intellectual Hoboes." "Musical organizations and athletic clubs arc foci for dissolute and disor derly hangers-on," said tho dean; ""while tho fraternity organizations might bo one of tho most powerful Instruments for good Influence nnd scholarly work, yet, as they exist at present, t,helr Inlluenco is all thrown in the direction of Interests which are not academic. "I have sufficient proof of this. Lust February twenty-three men from tho literary department and soven from the department of engineering were dismissed from the university for In competence. Of these Bovon wore still in Ann Arbpr, most of thorn living In fraternity Iioubob as late as tho month of May, ProiiUnent members of bqiiio of the fraternities came and Implored me to help rid them of this clasB of fellows. "Not only this, but two or three fra ternities had men boarding in their houseB who made no protonso of at tending classes, and who had not even registered In tho university. Those conditions I have found existing In every university I have visited. Tho only way to get rid of tueso Intellec tual hoboes Ib summary dismissal. My statements can alt be definitely sub stantiated." TO MOVE MI880URI MEDIC8. Kansas City Offers Improved Clinical Facilities. The board of curatoiB of the Uni versity of Missouri will moot In Kan sas City next Tuesday to consider tho removal of tho last two years of tho medical course to Kansas City. A proposition haB been made to the board of the UnlverBlty medical col lego of Kansas City for tho removal of the Benlor and Junior years of the medical course to that school. This will be considered at the Kansas City meeting, but it 1b probable that no final action will be taken at that time. Columbia does not afford proper ,. . o 1 9 1 o -3 r g clinical facilities for the advanced medical students, and tho curators have been contemplating the change for a number of years. The University of California has a new song book which it calls the bleacher song book. It is made up of songs to be sung at tho football gameB. The total registration at Yale in all Its departments Is 3,448, as compared with 3.30G last year. ThlB is tho larg est registration in the history of the university. Esperanto haB recently been added to the curlculum of tho Massachusetts School of Technology, as haB already been done by tho University of Chi cago, Northwestern University and the University of Wisconsin. Fraternity men of the University of Missouri are backing a plan to induco one of , tho steamboat, companies of St. Louis to run a boat excursion on the Missouri river to tho Thanksgiving day football game at Kansas City. A movoment is on foot to start an advertising club at Illinois. The ob ject of the club will be to stimulate students to tak'o up advertising as a profession ana to ontain tno co-opera-; uou ot me Associaiea Aaverusmg f Clubs of America, for the benefit of those students interested. " r Fifteen hundred acres of timber BIG SPECIAL FOR Young Men AND: Young Men's Holeproof Sox, ,Six pair guaranteed for six months, at, a pair 25c Women's Holeproof Hose,' Six pair guaranteed for six months, at, a pair 33c - Mayer Bros. Head to Foot Clothers land In Cheboygan county have been given to tho University of Michigan for a summer camp to bo called Bo gardus engineering camp. It is planned to make this reservation a resort for summer students In botany, forestry, biology and civil engineering. PITTS' DANCING SCHOOL , u SOCIAL EVENINGS Mondays and Fridays Beginner's CUsaet Wed. A Sat. Private Lessons by Appointment 1 1124 N Street Auto 4Qip George Bros. Printing . Engraving Embossing Flno Lino Pound and Box Stationery Fraternity Blda. UJth & N Btj Freshman Hop Lincoln Hotel $1.25 JUHUB.'U'JW- 3 O 30000000000000CX300000000000SO 0 75c Let the kan This Includes the Football Number; I SUBSCRIBE . o 0000000000000(KQe9Q09000090090 Ladies . '. : "i t ; ' . s THE UNI SMOKE HOUSE Wolcoroeu all Htudonta. n n ninpr and Bllvor Letter V PIPES ffi UNI SMOKE HOUSE 110 O Btreot HAVE THE EVANS Do Your Washing DB.J.R.DMIS DENTIST CHARGES REASONABLE tnr ink tf Cmmcm ' . ' ,.i I! , i ,. December 5th ITT"" ESfc W' M Walt's Orchestra i i Us Send You I Daily Nebras- till Feb. for 75c 1 'i NOW ! - i UK flfl m h h i o fc. ' J$