The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 19, 1908, Image 2
THE DAILY NEBRASKAN i i -, i " " " Sbe Palls ffiebrasftan Tula PROPERTY OF THIS UNIVERSITY OP NEBRASKA. Lincoln, Nebraska' . v 1 - ; ' PUBLISHED EVERY DAY ,E)(CEPI SUHDAT AH0, MONDAY nv TiTtn nTimTON'PTrtl. no Attn. l Publication Olflce, 126 No. 141b St. EDITORIAL 8TAFF. "Itor Clyde E. Elliott, '09 K.Annolna Editor, ..Horbort W. Pottor, '10 lawi Editor Lynn Lloyd, '11 AMOctnto Editor Victor Smith,- "11 DU8INE88 8TAFF. 'Manager qeargo M. Wallace, MQ Circulation J. Roy Smith, '09 t. Manager Earl Campbell, '10 Editorial and Dutlnei Offices BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Pottofflco, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, 2.00 PER YEAR s Payable In Advance . ., Single Coplet, 6 Cents Eacli. Telephone: Auto 1888, .i i ' ' . INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charged for tit tlio rato of 10 cents par lnhortlon for ovory fifteen words or fraction theroof. Faculty notices itnfl University bullotlns will giadly bo published frcoi Entered at tho postofllco at Lincoln, Nebraska, as Bocond-class mall matter under thu Act of Congrosa of March 3, 1870. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER l!, 1908. BRYArJ COLLEGE PRESIDENT? "Mr. Brynn to succeed Chnncollor Aiulrows as head of the Unlvorslty of NohrnHka? That Ib an interesting BUggeation. But, aCtor all, Mr. Bryan 1b absolutely an amatour In education, whore an Important Btato unlvorBlty needs a professional. And it necdB a skilled administrator who Is a good Judgo of men, and It Ib questioned If Mr. Bryan Is elthor. His renown and his norsonnl attractlvonoss ' would have a value to a unlvorslty, but for IiIh own Bako It would bo profitable for him to go whero ho could loarn us well aB teach, and there Is no placo whero he would bo bo likely to Imblbo profitable instruction as in the Hen ate." Tlarpor's Weekly, November 14, 1908. tho hopB to continuo to be mnnagod ns 'thoy aro this fall. TOO MANY DANCES. A glanco at the university bulletin, published elsowhero In UiIb paper, will show any fair-minded person that tho month or December will contain too mnny dances for the students of this university to support. On Decembor 4 there aro two hops; tho following night there is another, and the next week there are two more, making in all flvo dances within ten dayB. Tho dancing fraternity of this Bchool will not glvo so many dances enough pat-, ronago to make them pay out finan cially. Tho studonts of Nebraska may be dance crazy, but thoy aro not yot - Rubbing ltln. " ! Tho following shots nro taken from iiho KanBaaplty Stnri .. ... There is much Borrow at Lincoln, but tho gloom isn't a clrcumstnnco to what it will bo whon tho Carllslo In dians got through with tho Corn buskers. Missouri piled up as big a Bcoro as possible against Washington unlvor: slty nnd now tho Jayhawkor coaches believe they know ovory thing tho Tlgjors have. Thoy'ro sly boyB, at Lawronce. "Tubby" Hoed, tho big guard, will not be in tho Kansas lineup against Iowa on account of tho three-year rule. ThlB rulo kept MJUor, Anderson and another Missouri star out of the Iowa gamo, but still tho Tigers won! The Jayhawkors probably flguro that thoy can repeat tho performance of (he Mlssourlans. Quarterback Cooke or Nebraska qulvored and shook with stago fright or gridiron scaro or something of tho sort when ho saw tho florco Kansas co horts charge into the Cornhusker line. Don't blame hlrii. Ho had a hunch that tho Nebraska gooso waB cooked. The Haskell Indians ovldontly bumped Into something awful when they tackled tho Louisiana football team. Thirty-two points is twenty seven more than the Indians wore de feated by Nebraska. But what Is Ne braska, anyway? Right now it seems that Kansas Ib ns confident of trimming Missouri ns Nebraska was of whipping Kansas. Maybe Tommy- Johnson, the Knutmu quar ter, returned kicks with great clover ness in tho gamo against Nebraska. He'll have a worthy opponent in this department when ho hooks up with littlo Doatherage of this city Thanks giving day. "King" Cole's "peek-a-boo" pl'ayB ought to show up well in this warm weather. I low many eligible freshmen who havo been niBhed by the fraternities have not yot been "spiked?" Before Nebraska will have confi dence in tho Missouri football team tho "Bhow-me" team will havo to show Kansas. If the stories of tho Kansas spying on tho Cornhuskers. lost week aro true, the Jayhawkors aro moro hawk than Jay. AS MAID Of ORLEANS ' ., U5 . S' PROFE880RALICE HOWELL' PRE- ' 8ENT8) JEANNE D'ARC. PORTRAYS STRANGE CIIUMCTER Dramatic Spirit of . McKayc's Poem. Weil Developed and Features of French Girl's Character Care fully 8hown. - Last evening at 8 o'clock In the Temple thcator Professor Alice How ell of tho elocution department pre sented,, the well known dramatlp poem, ".tennno- d'Arc'-Lnst March Professor Howell Interpreted tho same selection a.t the Temple principally for the stu dents Jn .nor department; thlB time, however, it was given for tho general public and under the auspices of the ladles of Holy Trinity church. Miss Howell thoroughly entertained the largo and appreciative audience as sembled, and fulfilled the highest ex pectations, even of those who were acquainted with her former commend able productions. Jennno d'Arc was first presented in October of 1900, by Mr. Southern and Miss Marlowe, and was one of tho leading numbers in their repertoire last season. "Mr. McKaye, the author, adheres more closely to history than (toes Schlllor in his "Maid of Orleans." He is true and historic in his por trayal of the spirit of courago and patriotism of the soldier shepardess. The Command. The first scene or the drnma is in the village ot Domremy, where tho simplicity of Jeanne's life is illumin ated by the visitation of her paints who, at tho end of the act, bid her go forth and raise the groat Beige of "737 leans and nave the Dauphin crowned. The command Is given undor tho "La dies' Tree," near Domremy; spring time, 1428, nnd follows: "Jennne d'Arc, thy Lord hath chosen thee To snvo'the land of France." "The voice of His archangel calleth from the battle Vivo la France! Vlctorle! La Franco sauveo!" "Daughter of God, go forth!" It is in tho second act, when at the castle of Chlum, Jeanne convinces tho Dauphin, LouIb VII., of the divine or igin of her mission, that tho love sit uation begins. Hero tho king's cousin, the Due D'Alencon, falls under the . IbBBBBBBbH tsBBBBBBsl isBBBsBiSBBBBBBBBBBB IbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbW I want to Sox every fellow in school at lie a Pair 6 Pair 45c H4I.O. TWO STOKES 1415. 0. 1 dn of them Black and Tan. all sizes so far gone that thoy aro going to encourage so great a number of dnnces in such a short time. Some of thorn may want to attend all these hops, but dear pator has not supplied thorn with enough coin to permit tho extrava gance, and so somo of theso func tions aro going to suffor unless their managers nro sagacious enough to postpone them. It' Is almost a certainty that one of the two dances Tjooked. for Friday, December 14, will suffer from- tho lack of financial support It may bo that they both will bo hurt by tho doublo schedule. The patronage for that night will probably be divided so that thero aro not enough students nt either hop to make it "pay. Not only, the doublo schedule threatons these two hops, though. Tho froshman hop the next night, December 15, promises to bo well attended, as all first year hops aro, andt will cut in on the attendance at the functions of tho previous evening. Thero seems to bo no way of ro-nrranging those danco dates now, though, but somo meanB ought to bo taken to prevent conflicts in tho future If tho student managers cannot plan their hops bo that thoy will not bo ''bunched" tho university faculty should stop in, dud guide tho young merif It Is tho height of iolly to allow The name of-a member of tho Car lisle Indian football team Ib "Cries-for-Three-Rnj8." After the gamo Do comber 2 ho may be crying for more than that. Missouri's new 'frat, "Tho Flunker's Society," extends a special invitation to all "ellglblo Nebraska students to join. Acceptance should bo mailed tq A. M. Canned, Columbia, Mo. Keepers of Lincoln rooming houses nro complaining about tho mld-semes-tor oxaminatlonB nt this university. Thoy say that they want them put off until Christmas, or later, so that so mnny students will not leavo their lodgings before tho end of the bc-moster. IVY The College Throwihoiit school days, college nays, business 01? professional career the Conklltf Pon will" servo you (faithfully and make .' writing a pleasure You donft havo. to coax It or fuss with it to ,gct It to wrHo. - Becauso of its won . dcrful feed- prlnclplo, ink responds instantly at tho first stroke add maintains an even, steady flow to tho last dot. Another great advantage of owning a CONMJN'S Kg PEN you'ro never without Ink. No matter whero yoti'may be-In your room, lecturo hall, at tho post office, tclcgrfapti office- or hotel, or on the train all you havo to do When your Conklln Pen begins to run dry is to dip it in any ink well, press tho Crcscent-Flllerand your pen lnstantly.flMa, Itself and is ready to write. Tho samo simple movemont ajso cleans it. No mussy dropper no spilling of iiik-ho interruption to your train of thought. Handsomo catalog direct from tho manufacturers, Tho Conklin Pen Cp.,,10 Manhattan Bldg., Toledo, Ohio, on request. fT -! BOLD IN LINCOLN. BY . ., E. FLEMING, 12H O STREET FRATERNITIES SORORITIES We Want Your -Coal Orders. Give Us a Trial Order t SATISFACTION GUARANTEED WH ITEBREAST CO. 1106 O Street Auto 3228 Bell 234 k zla " ORDER YOUR PUHCH AT FOLSOM'S (&&A s"1! - " TTf T.l,nn C:14. ' X SJ J.VV UUUUUU) m kjyuuiuitj . 'OOdX I - 2 Candies and loos. 1307 0 St. Phontss Auto 2214. Bill 456. i n OFFICERS' HOP Lincoln Hotel December 4th Admission $1.50 . The student's directory will soon be ready for distribution. Any student who has changed his address since reg istration see to it at once that the cor rect address and telephone number Is on the Registrar's list. Attend to this not later than Friday of this week. THE Y. M. & Y. W. EDITORS. Students in tho University of Indi ana will get crodlt this year in the courso Jn Journalism for their work on tho Daily Student. Editors and assistants will go two hours' credit and reporters will got ono hour. spell of her pure -and patriotic spirit and evontually, through hls faith In her, Is made to "pray, tremble and be lieve." She Is characterized as the "Maid of God." .Daughter of God, choose boldly" "I have, Indeed, A signbut not for you; it may be seen By ono alone, my Dauphin." Vive La France. During tho third net Jeanne Is wounded, apparently fatally, but In spired by her "Voices" and tho call of her soldiers for "Lescound," she turns tho retreat ordeVed by Dunais, tho French commander before Or leans, into an attack onto tho Jast stronghold of tho English, and the act ends with tho raising of tho Beige, and the exultant rejoicing of tho peo plo. "Daughter of God, bo strong." "Work, work and God will work! Follow tho llllos and shoot ypur ar rows straight!" Tho fourth act takes place, during the march of tho army to Rhelms, whero tho coronation will take plaqe, By aid of a vision Jeanne seeB through and frustrates tho designs of Seigneur Do La Tremoullle, tho king's favorite, who, for Belflsh reasons, wishes to keep Charles from being crowned. Jeanne narrowly escapes being tho victim of the plot. "Guard me, you dear and glorious voices!" To build and build on running sands How terrible It must bo to God!"' "Lord, I go; For Thou art bridegroom to tne 'Maid of God.'" The Victory, me last act is in the prison at Rouen, when, worn out" In body and mipd by the long trials and injustice of the inquisition, and forsaken by the "Voices," pale hallucinations como to Jeanne and she hears ever and anon the voice of tho judge's clerk crying the question in the justice hall. It is here that the Due D'Alencon, dis guised ob a monk, reached the wand ering mind of tho maid and brings her back to faith In her snlnts and her Voices. "Surely sho hears some volcos! Is. she so 111?" "Look down, St. MicHael; once again I wear Thine armour: Lord, I drend No more tho flames." 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Ijjnrra Trade Marks ' DESIGNS rADVBinirpo JLf Anyone sendtpir a sketch and description iny InYentlvin la probabljr natcntnhlo, Coramunloa- Bent free. Oraeat asrencr t or aecurfagtxaenta. Patenu taken tbrounh Munn A CoTrocelYO $pteua notkt, without charge, laths " Scientific American. UNN & Co.381Bror. New York branch Offloe, OS V Bt, WMhlnKto" AC. -ccesfc TOWN ANH COUNTRY SHIRTS 32SE5T1 FIND the pat tern you like r in a Cluett Shirt and you have found the shirt : you will like. r $1.50 and more. CIB-TTk PKAQQDY c .CO.. Troy, N. Y. Makcra of Arrow Collars