The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 18, 1908, Image 4

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I :. .
.iYVABASH NOTfcl) fun no vnniEu
x 4
Chosen for the All-Indiana Football
. Eleven Because of Ability to Ex
"acute Nays In Faultless
(Special to tho Dally Nobrasknn.)
-When Wabash collogo, of CrawfordB-
lllo, Ind., moots the great Unlvorsiiy
of NobraHka footbull toani in Lincoln
n Thanksgiving DaV tho football fans
Jvlll Beo ono of tho groatOBt football
'battles over waged In tho west Tho
fwabash olovon, bas tho roputntlon i.f
Jjtoolng ono of tho mdBt carofully drilled,
ftho mout nggrosslvo and moHt re
sourceful olovonB that over playoff tho
tronuous gamo. and tho tonm Is com-
Ing to Nebraska dotorm.nod lo dmuon-
Btraio what a wonderful aggregation it
really ls For tho paBt half dozen
'years WabaBh athletic tennis havo bo-
fporao famous as tho ''Littlo Giants."
Thoy havo boon known aB tho Littlo
follnnts because invariably tho elevens
Ihnvo beon light. Thon, too, thoy have
boon choaon from a little school. Wn
ibaah has loBs than 300 studontB and
fyot her toams havo boon competing
successfully for several years with
itoamB cnosen from schoolB having
many times as many Btudonts.
ft Best Team Ever.
Tho Littlo Giants' olovon this your
lB tho host that has ovor rppresontod
Iho scarlot on tho, gridiron. It is
coached by Coach Ralphv JonoB, who
Mh now in his first your-, at Wabash
fbut who nas mado good with a von-
goanco. Ho has a wondorfully drilled
team, which plays stubbornly on tho
'.dofense' and moBt nggroalvoly on tho
offensive Sit all timoB, As an Instanoo
or "the team's groat dofonBivo ability,
It may lo nianllptiftTthnt In tho game
1 tf 1th thVstrong NOtro "Damo unlvorslty
at CrawfqrdBvlllo last Fridny Notre
Damo t had tho ball-on Wabash's 1-yard
lino, pn Qra down and yot failed to
score a touchdown. Tho Notro Damo
olbvon, which is champion of Indiana
nnd -which scored a touchdown against
'.tho Unlvoraitjvpt aflcnlgan Iwojvooks
Pugo at Ann Arbor, won tho,gaine,,how-
'ovcr, 8 to 4, Bocurlng two Icicles from
,12th and O Streets
P. L. nALL.Proslilont
P. 15. JOHNSON, Vloo-Prosiaent
DCMXN O. FOX, Onahler
W. W. HACKNEY Jr.. Aaet Cahlt
Hot Drinks
are now In season. Do you- know
any place where, you can get as
..Quick Service;.
as you can, at our new store? -No
" jneed of being crowded, k
Lincoln Candy
Kitchen S. W: Corner
Advertisements for the want ad
column .should, bo left gt thobuBlnosa
' office, basement Administration Bide.,
between 10 a. m. and 12 jn., or be
tween 2 p. m. and 5 mm.
Cash mutt accompany all orders for
want ads,' at the. rate of 10 cents per
Insertion for every fifteen words or
fraction thereof for the first inser
tion; three insertions 25 conta; five
insertions 40 v cents.
l Lost No, 12 so)f-filling Waterman
pen. ltoturn'to wobraskan ofiico.
3t-42 8
"- .
Fjpuqd-iJbweled claBp pin. Owner
can havoIt by paying for ad, 38-tf-9
Wanted Eight 'boarders and room
ers. 1429 It St, 5t-4M4
M ,i'V'trirr,
plu'conTont fo we'ur'op tllbKtWhVdd by
Waba'shT "' ' i " ",
Anothor groat tonni which Wabash
provontod trom flooring a touchdown
,thlHr yijaiv waV 'St. .touju university,
which ..Won' to OA1 lW year tho
Llttlu GlantH defoatod tho MisBourlanH
12 to tL n, that gamo Wabash was
outweighed ktwbrftyflv pounda to tho
man, but what tho team lackod in beef
and brawn, it moro, than made up in
norvcnud spcod and flk'lll and fight
ing BpMrlt. l :'' ?
Mas Fighting 8plrit.
Tho tonm this year possesses tho
fighting spirit to a romnrkablo degrde.
In six gamos played tills year, but
throo touchdowns have boon mado
against the team. Not ono of these,
howdvor, camo' by means of strnlght
football. Ono was tho result of "a
blocked punt which resulted whonAu
substitute was playing center rush;
another camo from a' fako punt forma
tlon and tho third from a delayed for
ward pass on which u subBtituto end
rush was successfully boxed. V
A fcaturo of tho playing of Wabash
is her llorco tackling and Lincoln fntjs
who wltnesa tho Thanksgiving contoflt
will boo tho host exhibition of taekllng
concelvublo. But Wabash hna some
thing besides a hard tackling team.
She haa a atonowall dofonao nndgn
vurlod and aggrosslvo offonso. Hbr
quartor back, littlo Jack Hurgruve,
who wolghs loas than 1H0 pounds, who
was choeon alMndlnpa upd by every
footbull critic In the slnto lust year,
la ono of tho 'ernftioat field gonorals
In the middle wost and tho team
which he will direct ut Lincoln
against Nobrasltu will oxecute his
pluys In faultloss stylo. , A great guitio
1b promised.
IOWA CITY, In., Nov. 10. Tho 1owa
olovon begun work tonight for tho
Knnans gamo on Saturday libro. 7
'jilowa wua astonished and , yot, in ,11
sense, dollghtqd i)y 'tho, Kansus-Ne-bruBku
score, n Tho huwkoyoa suppoaod
U10 dofont bj- Druko would end ovory
hopo of tho rionBon hore, but now that
Kunsus, BUpposod to bo poor, has
shown such strength agalnatNobraskn,
and tukon nuik- in tho Missouri vul
loy donferenco, Iowa has two things
to anticipate a ronlly hnrd guine, und
the possibility of winning lost lnurols
In tho Inst buttle of the your.
Ton yours ugo, in the winter of
1808, Iowa, aftor bolng bonten by
Druko nnd about ovory other eleven
In the atuto-rsuddenly rounded into
form undor Knlpe's trulnlng und dot
fouted Nebruska C to 0 when it wns
u;o.nornlly bQlloYedNebrnskn would
.win ousily .,,
Cutlln eoiiteninluteH u tremcndouB
shift In tho .ilnOiip tho current week,
and nn almost new tenm will
ANN AltUOIt, Mich., Nov. 10. All
hopo of trimming tho Syracuse team
vanished nt tho 'nnnouncomont that
Capt. Schulz will bo unublo to iluy In
Saturday's game.
The big center 1b suffering from a
serious brulso and torn sldo muscle,
making his slightest move painful. The
loss of Allordlco nocqssltntes the
brouking In of a, now puntor. It will
probably bo Davison, who looks the
best for this work of the remaining
playors. t
"iWe'irdo our best against the MeUi
odIsts,"8aid Coach1 Yost this after
noon, "but undor tho present condi
tions we enn hardly look for victory.
Tho best wo'canmnko of' itja a low
Jf '- i ,, ,' J T
MADISON. "Wis.. -NOV. 1C
Barry sprang tho sensation of tho sea
son today by ranking threo important
changes in the 'varsity, lineup, oriily
five dayp before the 'Chicago gamer
Boylo an,d Culyor, tho principal vic
tims of tho coach's dlsploaBuro, wore
put on tho socondr olovon In scrfov
mace. Culvor was -renlacod at left
half back by Bunker, Ahes former Mor
gan Park star, who showed wonderful
spood and tackling ability. Droutzor,
tho old navy guard, went intpvBoylja's
jplaco at loft tacklb. He stopped al
most every play thatcame his way.
Boll, a prpmlslng substitute, ,provpd an
eillclont right guard fin rDreutzor'a
place. Cunningham's v nnido fa -'still
weak and, after .ho had mado the
first touchdown, ho was -replaced by
Noyoa, whorplaye(T,! brilliant and
.speedy,. game,.. , , ' ,
Although throo new mon were In
thb1 ilrib-up, the 'vafalCy playbdwltirunJ
proccdontod vigor against the strong
est' scrub aggregation It has mot.
Great Improvement was noticeable in1
tackling and tho uso of tho forward
Pusb and six touchdowns wore scored.
Ostlioff, whoBe work has boon ragged
lately, hold his own against Boyle,
who was pitted against him on tho
scrubs. Culver mado a gamo fight for
tho reinstatement of tho 'varsity and
scored the only touchdown mado by
tho Bocond toam. Tho seat salo for
Saturday's gamo opened today and
?t i
ovor 3,000 tickets wore sold.
Hugh O'Neill 8ays 8crubs Are Martyrs
of the Game.
American football as played today
Js, perhapB, ono of tho finest gtunon
ever designed, both ns a Bpoctaclo nnd
11 means of physical discipline. It
lucka tho uaolcss brutality of tho older
game. It calls, for moro mental alert
ness and swift organization than either
tho college or profeBslonnl football of
England, nnd its increasing popularity
In tho west Is a further lndorsomont
of its merits. Five yoars ago wostern
colloges seldom took enough money
nt the gate to pay for tho expenses of
tne mooting, und tho contributions of
tho students had to pny the deficiency
and Support the mnnagoment of tho
tennl. Today tho receipts seem suf
ficient for ull purposes, nnd tho work
bf the squad la Increasing In pro
ficiency. Tho game botwoen Denver
university and the school of mines n
week ugo wns inspiring In Its courago
and vigor, and the gamo to be played
noxt Saturday botweon Denvor and
tho state university will bo woll worth
going to Bouldor to see. But for our
part wo confess to never soolng a stiff
gridiron battlo without a profound ad-
miration for the unsung "scrubs,"
who liavo submitted to being kicked
ubout, trumpod upon, hummored und
bnttored in practice games for tho
bettorment of tho eleven. ' Thoso
scruba Bcldbm "make tho squad." Thoy
play Indifferently well but nover show
fii-Ht class form. No man bus ever
yet designed u "yott" to chant their
pralscB. Their pnrt is slloncc nnd
their pluce oblivion. They arc tho
sturdy martyra of the college spirit,
and their only rcqulom the momory
of muiiy bruises. But "thoy also
servoHf and wo submit tliin acknowl
edgement in modest- admiration of the"
indosponsublo "scrubs." Hugh' O'Neill,
editorial writor In Denver Post.
Wednesday, 18 Professor Bessey on
"Botany und Its Relation to Med
icine," N. 8.
Wednesday. 18 "Joanne d'Arc"
Tempi'' Theater.
M Id-Week Y. M. C. A. mooting.
Friday, 20 Dlvilty Club meets
Temple, 8 p. m.
Saturday, 21 Komonsky Club meets
In tho Tomple MubIc Hall.
Saturday 1 Hastlngs-Nebraskn foot
ball gnirte.
County Fair In Armory.
Wednesday, 25 Thanksgiving recess
begins at C p. m.
Thursday, 2G AVabash-Nobrnsku foot
ball gamo.,
Saturday, 1
Fridny, 8 Junior hop at Fraternity
Wednesday,- 2Nobrasku-Garllsle- foot
hall game.
Friday, I Officora' hop at Lincoln
Sophomore Informal ut Fraternity
Saturday, fj FreBhmun Hop nt;., Lin
coln Hotel,
Friday, 11 Freshman, law hop atJFra-
lornlty hall. -y
Snturday7 12 Engineering "society 'hop
nt Fraternity hall.
January. s
Suturduy, 9 Sophomore hop tat Lln-
' coin ' Hotel. ' , Vs J ( 1
FrWq 22 Senior prom h at? Lincoln
Hotel Annex.
Thd journalism departments of "Wis
consin unlvorslty is publishing a daily
newspaper of tho 'same dress and plan
no ihn 4rittno1lof Anil A or A .f9 "MiaafMl
Tho papers covers local and telegraph
fr 1
.m. MBA, w
The Majestic. .,,.,,;.
Anothor good bill Is offered at tho
iaJoatic this wook. Tho iBottomly,
troupo, In a very sonsaiionalgy'mnias
tic act, aro tho hoadllnbrs, and RW
suVoly are making a hit. Thoy wind,
up their act with one of tho,mo8t
dnrlng stunts soon on the vaudovillo
stage thjs season. , ,
A novolty Btunt Ib glvop bytho Mo
znrts', the snow shoe dnncprs. Toy(
navo a decidedly new creation Eva
Mozurt does a ropo dnnco thut is npt
only difficult but clover.
"In Afrlcn, an acrobtlq. , comply
diversion by tho Four Iliunos! reminds
ono of tho Dov1'b Auction It anovol
nnd far abovo tho average vauoyille
nttractlon. '
Other numbers on the, bill whlqh
pleases nrc Miskol, Hunt andirMHlor
In songB and dances; tho,' "Harrison
West Trio with Mnator Potlito; and
William Floraon and Laura toth, two
English comedians.
The Lyric.
The' Fulton Stock company- lb pre
sentlng tho- popular melodrama; '"Tho
Ranger." at tho Lyric this week. Mon
day and last night they playod to
overflow houses. Tho plceo this weoW
Is acted oven bettor than tho' 'play
which made such a hit 'last wook.
. M
Writes truthful Walter Eaton in thd
Sun or Now York: "Of courBo It Is
true that the public 'unrortuniil'ely
sometlmos fails to patronize fine plays,
such us 'Tho Molluso' und 'Mater,' and
flocks to Bee unworthy drnmn; but In
the long run the public Is ns aenslblo
nB ft la moral'1-which 1b Bonslblo, lh?
deed. In the long run tho saving ml1
norlty becomoS tlio majority nnd mor
It wins tho dny. What aro' the suc
cesses of recent seasons? 'The Great
Divide,' 'The Servant In tho House,'
'Peter Pan,' 'The Witching Hour,' 'Tho
Thief,' 'Tho MubIc Muster," 'Tho Morry
Widow' (n rcnl operottu where u co-.
horent story wns flouted on u strenm
of melody, where music wns wedded
to tho moodB of the pluy). "Who nro
the successful nctors? Not tho stars
mado while you wnlt; theBO havo tholr
brief hour und sot nguln. Thoy nro
tho pluyers of long training, high pur
pose, and wide oqulpinont-rMlJlor,
Sothern, Skinner, Warflold" (who
trained, himself undor tho most trying
of adverse circumstances), Mrs. FlBke,
Miss Marlowe, Miss Adams, Miss An
glln. to nnmo the moro prominent."
(Continued from Page 1)
fore, exceedingly toothsome. They
plan to havo a prettily decorated
Chi Omega will present Madume
Brown in her fortuno-tolllngr specialty.
This sorority wIsIiob it to bo distinctly
understood 'that tholr attraction is
"the" only real and genulno Madame r
Brown, tho samo ono who la already
famous for hor readings of the fu
ture. -
Ladles4 Home Journal.
The girls of Delta Delta Delta havo
a novolty in the form of a very late
edition of Uio Ladles' jHomo JTournal.
The magazine will bo fully lilustratod
and it will all bo at tho fair, from
frontispiece to back page advertise
ments. Dolta Gamma will havo a dwarf
show and other stunts, tho naturo of
which is to bo secret until Saturday
Kappa Alpha Theta Is keeping Its
plans secret and Kappa Kappa Gamma
has not yet decided what it will do.
Tho PI Beta Phis will, havo a novoj
and striking stunt wtV musical foa
turoa. v ,
The managers pf tho falrdflBlro that
all who attend , come . sjrty bo that
they may have all "the fun there is
before closing time. 'Hi. doors will
open' at 7; 30 and all so'wa will start
at mat nour.
V i.
Annual, .competitive drill is to be
Brn Sr
Largest Manufa'ctUrers' In the World
of, Oflfclalj Athletic Suepiles.
Foot Ball .Basket' Bail
'Official Implement for lV Track
Uniforms for, all .Athletic 8prts.
catalogueof all sports contains
. "numerous juggestlons. Sent
free anywhere.
BostoH .1 KAnsAs City if 1,
xiiuiuio uincmnau
Syraouse . Detroit
WasHlngton Moritrb&L Can.
Chicago San Francosco
fPhiIadelnhia ' - Mlnhoanolla'
h Pittsburg Now Orloana
Baltimore Clovoland
SL Louis , .LondonMEng.
. y tu .
. Lalea'andMen'sCTothwiploaneb
Ereasod and ropairea. Hals cleaned,
looked 4hd retrlmed.
t 11 1 1 j 1 1 .I
Ono Block South of Unl
I q f, . .. A
All makes wnUd vrlth ., -1
3r Month.l: tU
Cargalu laJMaaUt Msowtsea.
AatollSS-lllL UfNaUsB
Bisiness Dirtitery
Every Upyal Univsrslty Studtnt
Is urged to patronize these Ne
braskan advertisers, and t men-,
tlon the papei1' while'" doing so.
fUltl. y (
BANKS Central National; ' Flrat
Trust and Savings.
BARBER, SOPS-fGrea'Btfops.
BAKBRD3S Folsom.
BATH HOUSE ChriB'. Eloventh, and
P. , ' l
BOOK STORESo-Op; Poiler'a';
University. j
CIGARS iColo & McKonna; Wolfe &
Co. ' j
CLEANERS BlumonChal; H;i Smith;
Weber. ' ' """ ' 5
CLOTHING Bakor PantaCo.;"Magee
& Deomor; Mayor, Bros.; Palace
Clothing Co.; Spolor &SImon.
COAL Gregory. - v
coln. DENTISTS J. R. Davie; YoungbluL
DRY GOODS HorpolBbelmer; Mlllor
& Palno. ' ,a4T'4?'
FLbRISTS Chapln . Bro,;,,.C., H.
FURNISHINGS Budflr Fnlk; Magee
& Deomor; ' Mayer Broa.; J Palace
Clothing Co.; SpIor.&, Simon ;aqorf.
HATTERS-Budd jPulkjUnland.
JEWELERS Hallett; ,Trickerl !
LAUNDRIES Evans;' Merdharita.
OPTICIANS Shoan.- '--'
PRINTERS George Bros.; Simmona.
r Cameron's. -. " c4e, (y
SHOES-Becknmn , Bros.; '. Bralth-
nwi,uuu,,yiuUUu OUUH OLOra;
SKIRTS The. Skirt Stow. . ' ) ,
TAILOtS-r-milott Broi.;1(Hoc;Lhd.
V " . , T'."' . j.
THBATERSx-Lyric; MaJe'sUo; OUver;
111 l,U. '- !
TYPBWRITER.S-7-Lincoim j Typewriter
Bxchange. '. t i 1 i ;
hv1ii nlifl
sat ,
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1 ' ."',
1. Awu.v.ui