The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 18, 1908, Image 2
THE DAILY NEBRASKAN TB PJUJPTTkp)V ; , TUB UNIVERSITY fV NHBRABfcA.' Llnool). Netoraaki i 11 fHUIHEl REM IM EXCEPT 'IIIMY all MHDAT BY THE STUDENT PUB. BOAIID. j EDITORIAL STAFF. litor, Clyde C, Klllott, '09 (.anaglntf idltbr..; Herbert W. Potter, MO Hewa.Eter.i,...o.....f-ynn Lley, m Aaeeflate Kdlter, ;...,.. Victor Smith, ,'11 ' BUSINESS STAFF. Manager Oorfa M. Wallaee, '10 VsstV Manager. .;...-... atari 'Campbell, MO editorial and Business Office i BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Poefcfflce, Station A, Lincoln,, pea., SUBSCRIPTION pHICK, S2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Slntla Csptee, f, P"tf Eaeh. Tih9ns At 1HW. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will be chatgea for at the rate of 10 centy per Insertion for ovory nfteoH words or f notion thereof. Faoulty notices Anfl University bulletins will giadly be published free. Entered at the postofllcfc at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second-clase mall matter under the Act of Contrrew of March S, 1871. WBDNK8DAY, NOVEMBER 18,' 1008. ui ' . ,. JHE ANNUAU DEBATES. Thb members' or tho two teams which will dobato with Illinois and Wisconsin have boon announced and In four weeks tho biggest forensic contest of tho year will bo at band. Tho art of debating hats reached 'a high1 tlogroo of perfection both at Illi nois' and Wisconsin, and both of thoso debates will bo blttorly fought with victory uncertain until tho Inst mo mem). Debating Is an Intellectual sport, and tp bq succ.oBSful It donmnds tho united effort of tho student body just Ab much us does football. Dobatlng requires long and careful preparation, and when tho representatives pf tho school fool that they have bbhlnd them tho onthUBlastic support of ovory studont It givos the man encourngomont that Is. worth everything. Tho good nnmo of Nebrnskn do mands that her representatives ncqult thomsotvos creditably on tho night of Pocember 11th. School spirit demands that thq studonts' contribute every thing, to tho successful outcome of thosp debates that they can. Tho membors of tho tcamB may labor to bring victory to Nebraska, but tho debates will not bo truly successful unless tho efforts of the debaters aro given ttio enthusiastic support of overy student. f ft bbBBBBBB - BBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBft BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBM BBBBBBBbTbB BBBal BBBflBBal BBBbTbBBbI 1141,0. TWO STOKES I4IS.O. 100 down of them Not a Bad Guess. Ono would think from tho Dally No braskan that Nebraska was a school qf IndlanB, Aftpr every Important gamp tho above mentlonod paper comes put in some .guady color,' sonio times a deep rod and again in vivid pink. Will tho Nebraskan containing a report of the Kansas gamo bo on a black sheet? Missouri Independent. The student's directory will eooh be ready for distribution. Any student who has changed his address since reg istration 'see to-It at once that the cor rect address and telephone number If on the Registrar's list. Attend to this not later than Friday of this week. THE Y. M. A Y. W. EDITORS. Several of the eastern colleges have gun cmbs and hold shoots with each btner as a 'regular intercoliogiate event' Among those having such clubs nro -Harvard, 'Yalo and Pennsylvania. ld'en nay attend 4 tho 'girl's basket bajl gamep;at:MIchlgan when Invited. ' ;WjJo'Wb a smajl nro l& tho tittoni oHf mte at dePkuw-Irocbb'tly. , f ynjij . rjr ' i ThemterWaiig rt8kvet.'ball 'seaso hasppened at Lehigh.' WORK GOES RAPIDLY - WAL 1)!g,n1eJngIbU,ld 0 .V' INC. 'R IS FAST. i MILD WEATHER NOW MOPED FOB -i? Failure to,:Oet.,th.,ulldlng Inclosed. Before Winter Sett In May Pre vent Its Being Finished 8h time. By thoso in charge pf the work on tho engineering building, tho mild weather of the last fow days Is consid er ell to bo one Pf tho most fortunnto things that pould have occurred. If it is possible for .work to continue without lnterrupton until tho first of Jariunry it is bollovod that by that tlmo .he walls will be llnishcd and the building can bo roofed over. For tho first tlmo since the building was started, work is now going for ward smoothly and rapidly and tho lack of material Is causng no delay. Enotigh mntorlal is now on tho ground to practically coipploto the work. A large1 forca of masons aro on tho job and as a result tho walls aro going Up rapidly. Heioht of Walls. At tho present time tho brick work has Just reached tho second story level. Heavy Irpn Jlntpls havo been usod ovor the largo first floor win dows nnd several iron workers are busy putting in placq the hoavy Iron girders of tho second floor. Torra cotta Is bong used, largqly in tho construc tion of tho building and among othor things Is being used to face the iron llnto's. Professor, Richards declares that un less the contractors aro ablo tp finish tho walls without sorlous delay It may bo impossible, to get tho bulldingTfiT ished in time for tho opening of school noxt fall. This will, cnuso much dif ficulty as It would bo vory hard to movo tho mechanical engineering de partment during tho course of tho school year. Effect of Cold Weather. It Is generally contended by on-i glnoers that it is porfectly proper to lay up brick work in froozlng weather. Tho damago does not como to tho mor tar whllo It is frozen but when it is freezing and thawing. If tho mortar freezes up solid, nnd itays frozon until it Is dry then no 'damago is dono, but If it thaws beforo it is dry its strength may bo destroyed. Tho danger In this I want to Sox every 7ic a Pair climate is that It Is liable to thaw at any time. Nearly all tho contracts . for tho building havo been let, but the contract for tho roofing is still open and will probably bo lot at tho Decombor moot ing of tho board of regentB. It .was intended to lot this at tho last meeting but tho matter cotilt not bo gotton ready in time. Whqn copiploted tho t engineering building will bo ono of Iho mtfst'subr stantial as woll as ono of tho most' serviceable buildings on tho campus. It Is ono of tho fow buildings that aro completely fireproof. Bosldos this It will bo ono of tho most attractive ap pearing bulldlngB on tho outside. Great caro has been takon that tho color of tho torra cotta Bhall be In harmony with tho color of the prossod brick. Besides this, red ti'lb wlirbo usod for tho roof, which will give an added tono to the building. , Tho Utah girls aro practicing cross country running. . . , T Tho Oborlin l debato 'teams hata beon are't6 haVo four.' deb' htes chosen." They this" yean ' f s l, rA oVoitV, tbv 'dlrebt Ihb wbm'bfi'a politics has been organized at Missouri. A8 SEEN THROUGH AQQIE EYES.j It"- md I. 8. C.; Student Gives It Credit - Credit Is Due. . j 'Eolo'w -'aro' published several ex tracts taken from the account of tho Nebraska-Ames game printed in I. S. X$. Stiiileht, jho 'official paper at Ames' college: . Tho Nebraska- attltttdo was a grand tribute to tho red and .yhito. Alter tho game nothing but ?gbod wJH and fellowship was heard from tho uni versity people, Friendly oxchanges of slcoyp banls and. pennants wprp mado and none of tho rowdylsh scrappingwaB seen which often follows tho gnmo In other clllee. ' Besides being impressed with tho cyclones., nnd their great duplication of tho sdorps, thq Nebraska jeoplo were well impressed with Die flashy rooting of tho Ames fans. Nothing llko It was over heard In Omaha. Out numbered flvo to ono, the I. O. C. R. drowned out overy unlvorsity yell, rinrd luck, or good, tho Ames rpqting was florco, Bharp a.nd bearty. A ninn wlth a big black bottle and a wonderful ihfluenco with tho Corn huBkers. What wonderful elixir tho said bottlo contnlnedr-whother water frpm tho Fountain of Youth, or a pri vate concoction patented by King Cole nobody seemed to kpow, but it had a wonderful Influence when a few drops wore allowed to gitrglo down an eager Nebraska tbroa't. Our 'varsity had thoni far bested on condition, tak ing out time onco for every ten times Nebraska called for recess. Nebraska had much hotter success with tho forward pobs than Ames, and used It more frequently. When Heggon tried to' pass, ho was' almost always surrounded by Nebraska men before ho find a chance to throw, and oven When ho did get tho play off tho 'catcher would bo woll covored. The weight was greatly In Nebras ka's favor and they pounded tho Amps line to tho limit of tho cyclones' strength. This, with their splendid In terference and excellent uso of tho delayed pass, gavo them the victory. The winning score was made by Cooke. Coach colo Is vory fortunato In haying two splendid quarterbacks. Whon his first man had played him self out and all tho playors on both sides wore thoroughly tired out by tho fierce work, Colo sont in Cooke as his last hopo for vlotory, and tho old-time star dodged and sprinted ahead of his defense to a touchdown in tho last fow minutes of the game. Ames mado no substitutions, every man fighting to tho last second. Ne braska sent in at leaBt four fresh men. fellow in school at 6 Pair 45c Black and Tan-all sizes Thq "peek-a-boo" was played twito tho .first for a fumble and the second timo for eight yards. Tho Nebraska interference outclassed that of Ames, four men usually playing advanco fcunrd for ovory rup, Tho Nebraska onds lived up to their reputation as stars In the(r position, but they wore not superior to tho Ames ends. -Kansas unlvorBity-is"maklna stroi? ioW doniand for atrqot car. service. Tho underclassmen at Amherst hold each year a cider track niept. The winning team get a fifty gallon bar rol of cldor which Is opened on tho field. . Vacuum cleaners arq tp be Installed in several of, the Wisconsin buildings including tlje men' gymnasium At tho Now Mexco agricultural college, tho 'bdskqtbajl, learns practicq on. tho' main floor of tye administration building the fall Cariiegfo regatta at Princot ton; botweeu'tho class; fourd apd bights Is'tb'bp'tieid NOVtimborls' ' ' . w .vti: Tft' nV-t,o 'VW- WJ iJWC'J-'J Union buildings are to be pubrfshod soon Popular tor fi " Two for TWO SEASONS TM 26c Imitated In shape, but tho " Pat ented Lock Front" which avoids collar spreading, can be had ealy in zyidnlollars MUl 6UIIT COLUi C0.,(Hskm)Jrer.N.Y, Half Million Glasses of Soda Water old and drank from onr 90th Century Sanitary Soda 'Fountain season 1008. Agency Hnylbra, Gnnthors rind Lown ys Chocolates and Bonbona. The Dru Cutter. aBF The Drug Cutttr. THE UNI SMOKE HOUSE Welooaaett all Btadeata, m m TiiriCC and Bllrer .Letter V PIPES gas UNI SMOKE HbUSC 110O Street PITTS' DAHGIHG SCHOOL SOCIAL EVENINOS Mondays and Fridays BegtaRer'a CUtscs Wed. A St, Private Lessons by Appolntwcat 1124 N Street Auto 40 1 9 George Bros. Printing Engraving Embossing PJne Lino Pound and Box Stationery Fraternity BMg. lOtli & N Bte DANCE PRO GRAMS--BANQUET MENUS CALLIJSG CARDS SIMMONS, TIJC PRINTER SAAAAMMsVAAAAAVAAyVVAA 31 CT SO. I2.TH STREET 90P9offi9oooooBo GREGORY'S Best for Furnaces. Ho Clinker. Ho Soot. All Heat. GREGORY. The Coal Wan LITTLE ILDfi. I0TH PHONES. 00 0000Oe03XXBO0000S"Kaoar STUDENTS CLUB 1 Suits Cltaned and Pressed Only $1,50 Per Month -W make a specialty of new 5iiits-?ado rjghl Jiere in. our own shop $2Q and up H:-Svll'r,Hi PQopgooQoogooffioooc6ocoo COLLEGE TAILORS COLLEGE VIEW n .i i WE WN1T YOUR FRAT TRADES Wccmn fire you the betpncIt ocida, betticrVe Capital Grocery ' $1V&- 1435 M !St THE MffCOLSYDANCINQ AQADEMV will hay social dances on Monday and Frijay-vonins;. By. invitation. Tho boginnqrs' class on Wednesday even lngv Pjrivaitb lessons will bo givon from 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. each day of. tho weok. 'FHOF. E. L. RICHARDSON. INSTRUCTOR. --.PHONE 3503 AUTO. MMMHVMMMMMSaMSM " : t 1 t ' 1 '.. 1 i Patronize Our Advertisers li . 1 ) Somi Anthracite $7.50 1044 0 STREET o o 11 -wimmmmmmmmmmamummmimmm TAIL.QR I I '.""' BEST TAILORING at th BET PRICK . , Auto Phonsj 4k 1 .iias