The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 18, 1908, Image 1

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.. tAwnwrMa j
j.'SMWls mebraehan
Vol VIHk No. 42.-
TTVJ- fl I 1 - r 'fr-
j&ommlttee In Charge Plans t6 Have
Thfi Year's Feast the ! pest? Yet
Tendered a Nebraska Foot
ball Team.
j Tho anniinl Cornhusker Jbanauet to
thd Nebraska football tend will bo
given -at tho Lindell hotel Wednesday
ovonlng, Dooombcr 2. This 1b tho date
Of tho football game with tho famous
CarUslo, Indians and ws sfriectpd ob
'the host and most appropriate tlmo for
.feasting Nebraska's great football war
riors. Tho,prlcc of tickets to tho bnn-
one dolfaK 'These tlckcttrWo how bo
Ing sold by the committee In charge
of the feed, and canbe secured from1
Various studeii&'qn the campus, or at
!tho editorial rboirisf tho Dally Ne
braskan. t
"l The Best Banquet -
f ijhajj banlannod ijytthoBib paving
jn fahargo'tho arrangements' for' the
Ibanquct to mako this season's feast
the. bjest that has even boon Rendered
'a Cornnuslter football team. Tno inenu
has been made out and surpasses any-'
..thing glvon at the previous feeds.
"Manager Hoover of the Lindell hotel,
in accepting the contract for getting
.up the annual banquet, said ho did not
iwant to make any profit himself thiB
Jail and would put tho entho sum paid
him into food and service. This, b'o
3ald, will assure the boBt banquet any
Nebraska team has been given nt Ills'
or any of tho other hotels.
Large Toast List.
fr A large and select toast list is bo
ding prepared. One of the prominent
(men pn the list will be Governor
George Sheldon. Besides having tho
best "vyit in tho university represented
on the toast list, tho committee has
arranged to havo several "outsiders,"
who Hvo in Lincoln and' who have
taken a keen interest in Nebraska
football,' deliver short talks.
Tho Cornhuskor banquet has been
an annual event for many years and
Is always looked forward to by tho
football playors and their friends ns
one of tho most pleasant occasions of
the gridiron season. At these feeds
many of the playors comoA together at
a function for the InBt time. JEt is
the?cIosing event of the. football sea
son, and marks tho separation of the
coach, and playors for at least several
months. '
- Cole To Be There;
This year Iho feast will havo an
added Interest to the playors, "for both
Coachj "King" Cole and A$dBtant
Coach CharleB Borg will bo present.
Tho commltteo on arrangements
have1 limited J$6cnumbor pf tlckdts for
tho banquet this fall and want to get
them, sold as soon as oBslbto so
that flnai plans can bo madqjfor tho
feast. They aro urging students who
intend to go to tho banquets to get
tickets at once that nono of thorn will
bo disappointed. Thoy' wanted it plain
ly understood" that thoy'aro not say
ing tho tJgkets arp limited in- order
to sell them They Bay they havo
Issued onljr a certain number nnd that
aftor, those tare sold, no Sabre,' cari bo'
obtained? f " "r '.,.
"Tellurites j and Tellurium, 4n thp(
Assay of Ores for Gold and"Silyor,'"Ifl
rthe subject :6fmn address, to bo glvon
by. Profes8orBorrowmanat tho -next
meeting of thochemlstry club.w-Tho
.meeting- will ""be hold' inthe lecture
room of Chomiatry .hall ionJgntl
J J'
t You; car fare would pay fof , a nice
" t0i&'
juncn,- at xne lioatoa- LtUK; '
go tymiQ?
Will Be Scarlet and Cream With Un.
verslty Letters.
At tho mooting of the KomonBky
Club Saturday ovonlng, Novothbor 14,
the program was baBed on tho Hfo
of Rubes, a Bohemian humorist Tho
program, which was glvon In tho Bo
hoinian language throughout, Is as
President's Installation address.
vMr. Rubes' Biographical Sketch-
Jos. Vbtava."
Declamation . of Rubes' pooni, "A
Maiden's Choice'' Anna, KoBtohryz.
"A Youth's Cholco"-rA. A. Tonopor.
"A Hundred Years From Today"
William Provaznlk.
Music, Natipnal Hyjnu of Bohemia
ChqrUB. t-'-w w ' '
Poem, "A Cqch". Sylvoster Sonka.
The. next meeting of tho club will
tako ,place sm Saturday ovonlng at 8
p clock In tho Music hall of tho Tom-
Lplo. The subjects for discussion will
be "Mlcha," tho .Bohemian poof;;
"Muchn" a; Bohemian artist, and "Pl
blch," a Uohumlan musician.
Tho Komensky club nas ordorod
pennants, wlilfch will 'bo of tho"sanio
color as thyftobraskXpenunnts owing
to tho fact that tho Bohemian national
colors nre Bcarlot.nnd cream. Tho
pennant will havo aYrlanglp In tho
corner together with tho letters "U.
N." ..Tho pennants will bo made to
Move Started to .Organize a Baseball
At a meeting of tho university ath
letic board hold in Dr. Clapp's offlco
yesterday arternoon tho innttejgfeof or
feaniBtocaMiBsouri .vallov baseball
league was favorably considefrod.- it
was the opinion of the members that
some such 6rgahIzatloh should bo per
fected and It Is probable lhat tho plan
will bo taken up by the other schools
In tho conference. "
It waB decided that tho MJnnosota,
Iowa, Ames, Kausas and Carlisle
games should bo the "N" games this
Beason. Football, men who, at tho
close of tho season, hav.0 played one
half or any of those five games will
be granted n football- "N."
The board decided to send Man
ager Earl O., Eager to tho western coh
feroiifco at' Chicago next week, Clyde
E. Elliott -waB olectod to succeed Ben
Cherrington, resigned, as student
member of tho bonrd.
String Quartet With Organ Wl- Give
New World Symphony.
Thursday morning at convocation a
program will be given "by-tho string
quartet together with tho organ. Tho
program will consist of tho "Now
World Symphony," by Dooralc This
symphony 1b in four movements,
Adagio Allogro molto.
Largo. ,,
Schorzo. .''.'",''.' l
' -Thisjjiogi'am is oxpected to bo ono
of tho best that will bo given this
year and a largo attendance Is ox
pocted. As tho program-has beqn arranged
it will take more, than tho regular
time allotted to convocation, but an
opportunity' will bo glvon those who
have 11:30 classes to loavo at, tho
clpse of tho thlrd movement. , All
arp urged to be, prompt In arriving. " ''
The game scheduled forFrlday be
tween tho seniorsrand tho! so'phomorea
for tho classr championship has "been1
postponed and tho contest wlllnow
probably -TaTcb- place on" Tuesday of
next week:" This" "gainblir dotormlno
Mvii1asv. QhaWpJoosfp, ;since tho
sophfe fwon frbmlhounldriiModayi
Sb:pild,' the aomprg.wtauthoyv will havo
to cpmpoiOvWJUi,uie'3unlor8, ,Sh6uld
tho j,hs winJ mlMJMftttia'til
- -. .,, ,. -.,-,...,..... .- ., ,. . ,T" '"I-
P1888 cnampioBJihip;-
The Football Team Has Rested Since
Last Saturday and Will Not Play
Again Until Wabash Game
Now that the Kansas game is over
and tho rosult 1b bo unfnvorablo to
Nebraska tho loyal supportors nre be
ginning to conjecturo upon what tho
remainder of tho season holds In store
for us.
According to the original schedule
for this season as mado out by Man
ager Eager the Cornhuskors wore to
lino up against the HnBtlngs college
team next Saturday, November 21.
ThlB gamo, howovor, has been called
off last weok by tho Hastings col
legians, who preferred not to risk In
juring somo of their star players by
putting them up against "King"
Colo's machine. They figured that any
advantage they might obtain from a
game with tho Cornhuskors In tho way
of added exporlorico or knowledgo of
tho fino points of tho ganlo would bo
moro than offset by tho danger of In
juring some of their players so as to
Incapacitate them for their Thanks-,
giving day contest.
Alumni Game Off.
When It was first learned that Hast
ings had asked for tho cancellation
of noxt Saturday's gamo considerable
agitation was started for a game bo
tweon tho Cornhuskers and a team
fobraska alumni stars to take Ub
pJace1C:Voulu' hnvceejiosslblo
to get together a very formidable teani
composod of alumni, every .member of
which would bo an ex-star.
Tho personnel suggested for this
team was as follows: For ends, "Bill"
Johnson and "Hap" Little; for tackles,
ex-Captain Westovor and Mason; for
guards, Dean Ringer and Fred Hunter;
for cenlor, Charlos Borg. Tho back
Jleld suggoBted was Barwlck fpr quar
tor, "Dog" Eager and Asst. Conch
Elliott for halvos, and Glonn Mason,
for fullback.
These men would doubtless have
been willing to get out and allow the
'varsity to rough thom up for the good
of the cause if it had bedh demanded
of thorn, bIiico thoy have not yet lost
the good old Nebraska spirit. But
with such a formidable array 'as tho
all-star cast vouldpresent tho advis
ability of -sending tho 'varsity up
against them was questioned, so tho
deal has fallen through entirely.
Rest for the Team.
In a way tho cancellation of tho
Hastings gamo has turned out to bo
a fortunate affair since the Cornhuskers
will now bo ablo to onjoy a twelve day
rest between tho Kansas game and
Thanksgiving day, when thoy aro
billed to meet tho Little Giants from
Wabash, Indiana.
Last Saturday's gamo proved beyond
a doubt that what tho Cornhuskors
needed moro than anything elso was a
good rest, and now thoy will bo ablo
to reallzo this boforo lining up against
tho husky Wabash collegians on Tur
key day.
On Friday "King" Cole will leavo
for Minneapolis where ho will witness
tho gamo between Minnesota and; tho
Carlisle Indians noxt Saturday. Tho
coach Intends to adopt tho tactics
which havo been employed against him
so frequently this season and on Sat
urday ho wlfl endeavor to get a good
Hne'onHho' Indians' play so 'that ho
may como back 'and sot to work at
perfecting a dofenBo for It
There has not yet been any regular
practice snco ;the Kansas 'contest, but
today "tho,8qua.d will again don the'lr
suits and begin another stretch 'of
hard work In preparing for, Wabash
I and .Carlisle,
-- -
Will Be On 8ae Thanksgiving Morn-
Ing at University and Wabash Game.
Practically all tho Bpoclal 'artlclos
for tho football numbor or tho Dally
NebraBkan. which Ih tn lw tuuunri
Thanksgiving Day, haVo boon written
"" "" i"0 1IUUIU1 promiHOH lO 00
tho boat gridiron number ovor pub
lished nt Nebraska. This year's paper
will contain speclnl artlclos by Waltor
H. Eckorsnll, Chancellor Androws,
Pfof. Condra, Dr. Clapp, Captain
Workizor, Coach "King" Colo, Asst.
Coach Charles Borg, Manager Earl O.
Eagor, Prof. Barbour, Fred Cornoll nnd
many other wrltors.
In uddltlon to tho many excellent
nrtlcleB dealing with footbnll there
will be a largo number of half tones
of tho plnyers and cuts of football
Bconos taken during tho games this
soason. This Isbuo of tho Dally No
brnskan will bo tho host Illustrated
edition or the papor that has ever boon
put out nt this Bchool.
Among tho many speclnl features
or tho paper will bo tho. Dally No
braskan's selection or an all-Missouri
valley football olovon with cuts of
tho men composing tho team. Import
ant facts about tho season and tho
players will also bo printed.
Thoro will bo no oxtra copies of tho
Issuo of tho Nobraskan printed, no
It will be necessary to ordor spoclal
copies at the Nobraskan ofllco befdro
tho paper goeB to pross. Tho price of
tho football edition will bo fifteen
Horticultural Society, With Seventeen
Members, Formed.
The students nt tho Btato farm havo
organized a Horticultural society. Mon
day ovonlng seventeen members of tho
the socloty, tho purpose of which is to
promote the study of. scientific horti
culture. During the evening talkB woro glvon
by the various mombers regarding tho
organization and purposo of tho club.
At the close of tho meeting light re
freshments wero served.
Another meotlng of tho club will be
held Monday evening, Novonibor 23,
for the purposo of electing offlcors.
Tho membership of tho club will prob
ably bo enlarged at this meotlng. .
Evening In French.
Monsieur C. Borard of Franco has
consented 'to glvo an evening, in
French for studentB, to which all citi
zens Interested In tho French language
are Invited. Wednesday, Novombor
18, 1908, nt 8 p. m. University Tomplo
Music Hall.
The Yale alumni of Nebraska mot ro
cently in tho Omaha Club building and
organized a Yale Alumni association
of Nebraska. This organization will
bo entitled to ono representative on
the Ynlo alumni board. Tho smoker In
tho afternoon was followed by a ban
quet with plates for about fifty gueBta
in tho dining1 room of ,the clubv. Dr.
Anson Phelps Stokes, secretary 6t tho
Yalo unlvorslty, was tho guest of
honor. Tho speakers of tho evoning
wero Dr. G. L. MacLean, president of
the University of Iowa and former
chancellor of Nebraska; Professor E.
H. Barbour, of tho University of Ne
braska; President Perry, of Doa&o
college; Mr. Guernsey, tho stroke oar
of tho class 6f 1881, and Dr. Stokes.
The .Nebraska organization elected
Prof. E. H. Barbour president.
ino universities or Wisconsin and
Iowa havo chosen three lurteon tnr thA
Tho Universities of Wisconsin and
lnter-celleglato dobato to bo held on
iouwuiuwr- xiin,-irom tno faculty of
this university. They are Professors
uqorgo is. Howard, W;.Q. L. Taylor
UM .uiiii, nnuwR, 44si, year'iowa
and Illinois teho8o, from tho, Nebraska
faculty professors Howard and Ayers,
and Judge Frost .to act aa liidraa Bt
thojnterolleglate debate, held atlow
- - - ?T?7!9i"aiMnwMia
Price 5 Cent
All Sorts of 8chemes to Interest tho
Publle to Have a Place at the Y.
W. c. A. Entertainment .
Saturday Evening.
Tho county fair tho placo whoro
ovorybody moots ovorybody olso and
oil havo a good tlmo Is coming 'soon.
The ditto Is Saturday and tho place
Ib tho unlvorslty armory. ''
Tho annual Btunt of tho unlvorslty
Y. W. C. A. will this yonr bo flnor
than ever according to tho prophosloa
of those in chargo of tho ontorpriso.
The glrlB In tho association aro work
ing with a will to mako tho affair a
success in overy way -and tho soror
Itlos, according to custom, aro londlng
a helping hand. ,
All sorts of stunts will havo a placo
at tho fair. Maud, the miile, will bo
thoro in all hor glory and W guar
anteed to offor somo thrills Gntlroly
new to county fairs whorovor hold.
Maud will nppoar on tho plko, In com
pany with many othor distinguished
colebrltlOB. Sho will bo but a part
of tho big bill-of exciting fun.
Thoro will bo a band, a gopd band,
so its momborfl sny.' This vonturo Is
something of a plungo for tho man
agers of tho fair, but thoy bolloyo that
the returns will justify tho oxponso
incurred In Importing tno musicians
for tho occasion.
The Penny Arcade.
There will bo a wondorland of de
slp, somowhat similar to tho famllar
penny nrcado.. ThoJUJ TownWbll
will also bo a feature.. Jt iTUmx-
pectatlon that tho sight of "tho olil woll
will call up many fond momorlos In
tho hearts of thp.studonta "who 'como .
from small tqwns" and tnat ltjwljl be
ono of the contors of attraction-
Tho fortuno hunters will not be loft..
unsatlBfled, for arrangements, iiayo
boon comploted for tho prosenco of one
of tho most oxneriencod pf the wso
ones who look Into tho futiim. Thin
oraclo will toll, tho askor-nany things
muw u puuuiu kiiuw una tno iair dl
xoctors feel gratified at .securing such
an attraction. . '
Thoro will be a bulletin booth and
a post-card booth. Ono very pretty
placo will bo tho ico croam booth.
prills countqr is said to bo ono of tho
most taBty of tho exhibit,' and hero
cooling refreshments1 will bo dispensed
to all who .apply.
Ono booth will bo devoted .to. tho
studonts In domestic science at -tho
stato farm. These young ladlos will
sorvo hot '-cakes prepared by'thom
solvcs as ovldonco bf tho results fof-ttio
unlveVsity course.. Thoy(doclarothat
thoy aro perfectly capable cooksnand
that no ono need .fear, to, oat J their
f li'Htlu
Many Sorority Stunt's.
The sororities 'will, as usual, spare
J no pains to havo original 'and striking
.ideas carried out In, thelriboothg.Erac
tically all havo planned somothlng'i"a
llttlo bettor than tho others,", and .none
of thomr.wlll bo poor.- z . J
Tho 'Alpha Chl'Omogas will, present
a stunt Jn c which, Chlng-Loo Is, the
central flguro. .Chlng-Loo' possesses a
surprising personality. Ho will bo aided
by Sis Hopkins and tho two boys, Ann-
f6118 fn? "uscn. f
.- Alpha OmrlconPl has not vt. A-
We'd Just what it "will present The
vi.fuuurH Pj'uo Borpruy sy, however,
th?t they, havo a few .plana in miiid,
any ono or which will holptpkoop
."f "6 v uio imr,
Alpha Phi will this . year have
charge .of. the candy, -aad, pojoro
booth' The alrls stata tbat ait .ihi
"took 'wUl',be,homelmade ,aa4 there-
.1 I,!.'"
. t -
iCOBtlBIMd an .Viva A v
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