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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1908)
p THE DAILY NEBRASKAN A i !l M w 2 gbe Balls Iflebraeftnri I'nlfl PROPEIltY 6f THE UNIVEnSWY Of NEBRASKA. Llnoohi, Nebraska f : PUBLISHEO EVERT DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY AND MONDAY BY THE STUDENT PUB. BOARD. Publication Olflci, 126 No. 14th St. KDITORlAlT STAFF. Itbr .-........ ...... Glyda E. Elliott, '09 ..anaolng Editor... Herbert W. Potter, '10 Neyva Editor...., Lynn Lloyd, Ml Aaioolata Editor Victor Smith, '11 BUSINESS STAFF. Manager aeorgo M. Wallace, '10 Circulation J. Roy Smith, '09 ,iat. "Manager Earl Campbell, '10 Editorial and builneis Office t BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION QLDQ. Poatofflco, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, 2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Single Copies, 6 Cents Each. TJ T.. i . ' ' Telephone: Auto 1888. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES wlli bo charged for at -the rato of 10 oorits per Inaortlon for ovory flftoon wordB or fraction thoroof. Faculty iiotldos and Unlvoralty bullotlna will Kindly bo published froo. EhVcrcu at tho poatomco at Lincoln, Nebraska, no socond-claBH mall matter under tho Act of ConRrcnB of March 3, 1879", -. " r ' . piIDAY, N0VI9Mft$Il 13. 1008. THE 8TAKE. Nebraska can beeomo tho undisputed ohttHHons of tho MlHsourl valley by (iirorldng 'KahtinB In tho annual gamo toTiiorrow nftornoon. It will then bo tho only tetihl In tho "Big Sovon" that lirfu Hot bowod Ub hoad In defeat this stfason'f It will have dofoatod throo of'ttto four Btrongost olovons In tho MlBBanrl -valley. JjibraBka and KanBUB aro tho only teams iw tho loaguo tjiat have not loat a gtinio. NobraBka ban played two con foronco gnmpa and won both; Kansas blH played H0 conferoncp gamo and bap, wqn IL Missouri dofoatod Iowa, W- JpflJ; t. AW108- Am0B tfcqn WB ?' foafejl by NobraBka. Qrako and WaBbV llJgtflnV ...Uf9. Qty01' two chfprpncp teniB, Jppt b Missouri and Kansas re- ppctJx?V' If KanBas. Bhoujd win froni Nobraaka tpmorrow tho cbfmiplpnshlD problem wpljf BtVjj rpniain unsettled. It would then be posipio for throo teams to bo come ''claimants for hb promlor hon orB. Kansas after playing tho Corn huBkors haB yot to meet Missouri and tKi? "snow'-mb1 piayorB, by defeating ttfo' JawhawHorB would put 'thomaolVfea, Nebr&ska alitl KatlbaB on Pqual ground. Nebraska tyduidh"aVehumblod tnd con (jueVdB of KatlfiaSj'KanBas would Itavo defeated' NobraBka, and In turn Mis 6url "would havo crushed tho conquer ors of tho Gornhuskors. Thi 1$ tho situation that 1b likely ' Shoe bgaineBB increasing by leaps B ftl.HH KH fellow paying the . V 'VPf V prices and my shoes iwii. fi iO(f n . "Ink re'ajly suit SETTER.. No old stock. 1141, ,0. Two Stools I4I&0. to develop ir Nebraska loses out to morrow." " It' hardly aoemB ljkoly, that "King" Colo'B VpVoratiB of four grueling games will Iob6 t:o tho men from the sunflow er state. Td tho Nobraslta rooters It seems1 practically impossible that such a thing should 'occur. Tho Cornhusk ers look ad though thoy coufd defoat any team In tbo west, and they aro vory confident that thoy can take tho moasuro of Coach Kennedy's honorablo uunch pf "Rockchalk" players. But It Is Just this spirit of confidence that often proyps fata) to a .strong foqtball team, and p mjgbt be tnp case Jn tho Kansas gamo. T,e ponfldopce of Ne braska mlgt b.o the cn,uso of its bojng defeated, for Jt Is po different from any other pfovpn. In tbo Harvard-Carlisle game last Saturday, it wop that ovpr-pqnfldont spirit which Jp4 to jtho dpwnfall of tho injef)ty Indians. It was the same feeljng. thai brouglit grlof to to Jo)ya pesi9. (a4 f&py'vp ot tho to1 W& !! $p w.Bft, Ib poaspn) won they playecj that HUe p(i$f) of . Cor nell. TJiey 'thought thoy had a "cinch," bHTHVaa''walic little "Cornell" that ha tho gamo "cllnchpd." K VKIng', ,Coo and his nupljs spuld guard' against this 'fataF over-fconfl- 5'pApo.lo-1 meeting the ixayhawkors. Thoy noyer send a weak teUm against NobraBka. No matter how poorly they may play at tho boginning of the sea non. thoy always Wlo to NobraBka with n frong bunch ty matorlal. Thla is Ijio pajo jhls Bpnijon. For a full month Coaches Kennedy and Mobbq havo been pointing (no Jay hawkei'H for tnlB great gnmo tomorrow. Thoy havo not cared about other en counters. This game with NobraBka Is tho ono that thoy want to win, ahd tho one they fool that thoy are going to win. Coach Kennody haB watched tho CornlnfflkorH In notion In tho last three gnmoH In wnich thoy havo plnyod and ho known ovoi'y play that wan Hprung at MlnncHotu, Iowa, and Amen. No team could bo bettor prepared for Nebraska than Kansas when It walks out on tho gridiron at Antelope pur' tomorrow. BoHldos i.nvlng tho Nebraska playB "down pat," It will also havo a large roportolro of new plays to uso on tho offenso against tho Cornhuskors. It win bo ready to tako advantago nt any weaknoBB that tho ('ornhuskorB havo shown this season and will bo able to play tho ..anient kind of n game. Somo llttlo slip or fumble on tho part of tho Cornhuskors 'may loso the gnmo. Tho only way to bo suro of dofeating Kansas is for tho Cornhuskors to go Into tho game tomorrow prepared to light Just as hard as It did at Omana last week. Kansas' Is not going to bo oaay to dofcat. Nobrnska will havo to play the best kind of a game In order to win. Junior Infprmal Report. Tio following report under the date of Qctober 24, 1)08, was made by Chairman V. II. nurlcjgh pf tho Junior Informal part committee was nuidp to Prof. Grove B. Barber, chair man of the students' organization committee. It was approved: Receipts. Twonty-Bovon tlckots, nt 75 cents $20.25 Paid at door 16.00 Total receJptB $35.25 Expensos. Music $10.00 Rent of hall 8.00 Programs and tlckots 6.50 Doorkeopor 1.00 Total expenses $34 . 50 Turned 'over to 'clhsB treasurer. .75 $35,25 W. H. HURLEIQH, Approved: Chairman. GROVE K. BARBER, Chairman Students Organiza tion Committee,.' LIVING "H" AT KAN8A8 GAME. Rooters Will Wear Hats and Gowns To Delineate- Letter. The living "N" which made such a hit in the rooting section at tho Ames gamo last season will bo formed by rooters at tho Kansas gamo tomorrow. Caps and gowns will be worn as last year. Jt will be nocoesary tp have bx ty students wear those gowns and the management of the affair dpslrps that a sUfllclont number or rooters be se cured before tomorrow. Tho gowns and caps will be distributed at tho Dally Nobraskan olllce ot pup o'clock Saturday afternoon. Students who will wear tho gowns con got them at that tlmo. That the management mav know how many men can bo depended uppp to tako part jn making up this "N" It is urged that pudpnta who ip tehd to wear gown a leave their names at the Dally Ndhraskan ofllco today. THE 8ENIOR PROM JANUARY 22 Will Be Held In the New Annex of. the .Lincoln Hotel. The date pf ffio Senior Prom had been pot for January 2i, 1909. 'It will tako place In the new annex of thy JMncoJo hotel. It will be formal this seaBOn ahd nn effort will bo put forth to the best fpurth.year done j oypreld At'NoaB. " Tlio nqw' annpje lwji pe pxtepslypjy decorated,. Abbot's augnpntod or- uivpnu ui iivu' uuaiiiuiiui nieces win furnish ho 'music: v MM NEAR LECTURE V1R. HAJ-L ILLUSTRATED TALK TH 8TEREOPTICAN YJPW8, t PRAISES NEBRASKA E0RESTERS DI8CU8BCB the Wonderful Increase In Use of Minerals and the Need of Care for Their Pres ervation. In tho Tomple last evening Mr. Hall of tho United Statos forost service spoke to a large audience on .the sub ject "Conservation of Natural Re sources." The Tomplo music room was 1)1 led to ovortlow and gave Mr. Hall the closest attention possible under the circumstances. Mr. Hall illustrat ed his lecture with stercoptlcan vIowb, showing as fully as possible the result of careless uso of our nntural re sources. Mr. Hnll spoke In pnrt ns follows: "Bofore I commence the talk which has beon announced for this evening I wIbIi to say a word about the for esters from tho University df Nebras ka with vhom I have como In contact. Your school of forestry has not beon organized vory long, and not many foroators havo gone into active wprk, but tjdso who have have made gooc). I havo worked with thorn and they are' as good as the forostors from any of the eastern schools. Makes Great Inventory. "Tho United States forest service is now engaged In making the greatest IpvOnlory of property wbjph baa eyor' bpop made. II Is, a work of great magnltuiQ tp discover thp.valup of ho natural resources of tfio Unjled Spates, "In recent years tporp Ijas been a mnrvclous Increase In to pumper pf materials taken from tfte carta. It was pot very long ago In tho history of mankind whon only a very HtUo Irpp was used pach year, at most not more than a fpw popnds a year. Now we use over GOO pounds every year Por person. Tho consumption of coal has Increased twenty times per person during the last Hfty ypars. Development of Power. "The greatest change In the lapt foW years was made possible when to Iron and coal waB addod the Intellect of man. This made possible tho won derful development of power which p )ajt few -years, have witnessed "Vltjj ojjr tromdqdpus doypjopnient' )g8 pomp the exhaustion of qur mptal puppjy, and we can see tbo time fip prbnphlpg wpn our materials can only obtained at greater expense and then only a poorer quality. 'Vpod is the piost common material used by man, and also the cheapest. Fpr this reason It has been rapidly used and wasted. The great forest llres which have occurred recently have destroyed a million dollars worth bf fbrestB a day. "Foists are not only valuable for tho wood, bdt thoy aro Important in the regulation of streams. Forests act as a blanket on tie 'watershed and overcome the conditions which mako for rapid flow. Since tho forests fmve been cut off there has been a great increase in the number of floods and the soil has bepn wnshed frOm the bare bill sides." PI PHI HOU.8E WAB ROBBED. Burglars Make Off With 8ilverware and Watches. Sometime during tho night, Wed 5P8fe rppbpra pnjered the PI phi houBp and secured a quantity 9 pilyer "waro and a gold Tyatch. E3vidently the robber Bcorned'jelry antl'otho'r val uablos, Blnco all' that war taken was 8P99RB, P.nPi?. te Pn? Pft e populnr co-eds of tho sorority. At an early hour in 'tho morning pno of the girls ws awakened, by a masculine trgad. Sho promptly rgavo 1 tno oiurm but-tip-robber fvapiabod 1 no iupiuiiyup appearaqcc cluo'nlthcj pughbe'P9liP aro-wdrklng ase. -1 '- bn the, case MQEY & Of? course, if you' have mon- ey to burn, burn it ' .i But if money is an object to you buy your Winter Suit and Overcoat here. i $15, $18 or $20 BUYS THE BEST i 11 opeier cfe oimon We Save You Money NORTHEAST CORNER TENTH AND O STREETS READY FOR OLYMPICS. (Continued from Page 1) McCutcheon, Jt. H. Murphy, IS. C. John son, Cole. Boutpn, "BUI" Johnson, Campbell, Meyer. Baker, Wangorln, Hpgp, Nelson, Howard, Bigger, J. R. Smltji, Weller, McCnlli Greepsllt. and will be a tola) of nlnety-nlno points, bo that there is no possibility of a tie, divided as follows: Wrestlipg nIuj boxing. 5 points "for each event; Maiathon race, 10, 5, 3 and 1, four places counting; tug of war, 15 points; battle royal. 36 point The duties of the ofllclals are as fol lows: The entire contest is tp bo left in tbe hands of the upper classmen. The ofllclal tjmokeeper. shall be a member of the faculty All ofllclajs except IJpeBmen Bnnll report berore 9 a. m., and all linesmen not later than 10 a. m. Linesmen will be distributed equally, half junlorB and half senlprs, behind each Mnb and will seothat every man" pulled across the line Is takep tp the rear and kept out ol tha fight till each ten minutes 1b up. The chef umpire of each side will see that every man contesting will wear colors, Bcarlet for the sophs and cream for the freshmen, and will see that when the pistol is tired at the end of each bput that 'no more mon ure carried back, and shall also make a careful count of those behind the line and 'report Ihe same to hoad ref eree and Judge. J"l - ' - - - - ', - j, - Gun Metal Calf - n ' ' i " " Prictss $MP mi HPb T v I' " I w"Jfi &,l 1; 1 , , I Vmmmmm TO 3VRN tba No iv x .Tl I Tl i more y uess 133 So. 13lhSU Lincoln, Neb. TYPEWRITERS AH Pstca rented wlt' Htfflrt $3 Per wjpnth, '., , Carnlos In Bsbullt Uaoolae. LINCOLN TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AntolU-BolJllBl. 122No.flik PITTS' DUNGING SCHOOL SOCIAL EVENINGS " ' ' '"; ' Mondays and Frjdjfcy Beginner' Classes' Wed. k 0ty Private Lstons by Appolapt l?4 N Strept Aup 4OJ9 THE UN) SMOKE HOUSE WolcomoH tell Bfadonta. d o fifr,C and Bilvor Latter BBB PIPES fflg UM SMOKE HOlSE - rrn p-TrrrnH")?".'!!'' ."r!lr"flJyTy,J The Leather tht! warmer More Servicable and; U)l I II- .11111 , , sajtisfactpy Jn noro waya than any other loatnef put in shoos for wear $his time of year, Very sty lish too. Our newest ' and most up to date shoes arc made of Qnn Metal Calf Soft and PJiabJ' See the new styles we recelyed Ihfr week gxglMfijy llteftj gljQes, ) pff-' :T?lwf!3K A r BiWvr: MC No mt ...... -,..-- M f'iimnni)iaiimaiiniiiiwjiii)i.ijiiij J rftfK&atoUfc .&SV