The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 12, 1908, Page 4, Image 4
t THE DAILY NEBRASKA 4 -i- v WILL PUY ALL MEN 4 n'nsylvania pays no atten tion TO MICHIGAN PROTESTS. - ( MICHIGAN LOSES ITS fUUBACK a Father JkWatfclns t HlkJBon to Pfay In '. ' . Inn-Irk Refute to Allow the Big Game at Ann 'Arbor Sat- ' urday. PFJlLA.DEr.PHIA, Pa., Nov. 11. Five thousand Pennsylvania Btudonts and Bympathltora cheored tho Ponn fcotball toaini today as It dopartod for Ann 'Arbpr, Mlch.,.whcro it will moot the Michigan football tcaua on Satur- day. Ponn will Ignore tho uwerouB pro testa from Dotrolt and Ann Arbor and will play Capt. Hollonbock and Drapor, tho' bfg taoklo. The, standing of both of thoao play ura baa boon qut&tlonod Homl-orflelaHy by Michigan, but tho.Quakor collogo does not bollovo that olthor man Is In eligible ' ' ' Michigan. AfclN ARBOR, Mich., Nov. 10. Tho Hatlsfactlon qauspd by tho improvo ment of tho 'varsity during tho lost fow wooks rQColved.a sovdro jolt this nfterrioon In tho battlo with tho HcrubB. In a sorlmmogo of forty-five minutes tho roaotvoB rolled up 24 points to IZ. n) tho flrBt toam. TJio coaches- art, reticent regarding the. dqfont of the rogulars, bntitSs re norte'd that tho working of" Pennsyl vania 'formations, by tho scrubs cauaod tho varsity's ombarrasaraont. Ben brook and Casey wore tho principal offqndprs in allowing tho scrubs gains. Yost said tonight the scrubs showod L Business Directory Every Loyal University Student la urged to patronize these Ne- braskan. advertisers, and U -mention-the. paper while-siting so. BANKS Central N'aUonol; First Trust and Savings. BARBER SHOPS roon's Shops. BAKERIES Folsonu BATH HOUSE-:-ChrfB Eloventh and P. " BOOK STt)RESr Co-Op; Porter's; University.- '. .. CIGARS Colo ft McKonnaJ Wolfe & Co. It CLEANERS Blumoatlial; H. Smith; Wobor . v " 'V C1.0THHiia4-Balcor Paata Co.;' Magee & Deomor; Mayor Bros.; Palace Clothing Co.; Spoler ftSlmon. COAL Gregory. DANCING. AC ADEMYS Pitts, Lin coln. . 1JBNTI8T8 J. R. Davis; Youmgblut DRY QOODS-rHerpolshelmer; Millar & Palno. ' DRUGGISTS Rlggs. '" ' RNGRAVErtS-MJorBell.. FL0RIST8Chp Bros.; ,C. H. Froy. ..,, ; KUUNISHINGS Budd; Fulk; Magee & Deetuer; Mayer 'Bros.; Palace Clothing Co.; Spier & SimpnJ Corf. HATTERS Budd; Fulk; Unland. RWELERS Hallett; Tucker. LUNCHEONETTES FoUopj. LAUNDRIES EvanB; Merchants. OPTICIANS Shean. PRINTERS George Bros.; Simmons. RESTAURANTS Boston Lunch; Cameron's. SHOES Beckman Bros.; Bra'lth walto; Budd; Cincinnati Shoe Store; Sanderson. SKIRTS The Skirt Store. TAlLORS-.-EUloti Bros.; He nog; Lud wig; Marx; H. Smith. THEATERS-;Lyrlc; MaJesUc; Oliver; Elite. ,' " TYPEVVRItERS Uncola Typewriter Exchange. "' fl PATRONIZE YOUR I FRIENDS-OUR 1 ADVERTISERS up. stronger than over beforo, and it looks to him llko An oven break this afternoon. ! ; It was Ih tho first part of play that the scrubs scored easily. Later the vnrsit'y line sMffoncd, allowing ho gains." Oh tho offonstvo tho old stand ard was maintained, Another sotback rocolvod today was the final rofuual olfMr. Watklns, fath or or tho 'varslty fullback, to allow his son's participation lb tho game. Ifor this roason Davison will bo rotalncd nt full and JRannoy at right end. Tho men played to Yost's satisfaction Is tho now positions. Chicago. . CHICAGO, Nov. 11. Poor physical condition on tho part of tho maroons may turn tho tldo of b'attlo against the Midway toam In Saturday's Cor noll-tfhtcago, game at Marshall field, according to Coach A. A. Stngg. Tho coach's latost "gloom" was caused yos torday by the injury of Elliott, tho maroon loft guard, and the Indisposition:-"of three othor mombcrs of the toamr . 'Elliott, who was fiiatod to appear at loft guard against tho Ithacans, spralnod his right shoulder in making a vIcIoub tacklo at a momber of the freshman toam In defensive scrim mage. It was thought ho had broken his collar bono, but Dr. Raycroft re ported after an examination that no bones had boon fractured. Tho lino- man, howovor, will bo laid up for tho rest of tho week, nnd Is not oxpectcd to recover In tlmo lor the gamo. The other mombers of the hospital squad wero Cautaln Stoffou. Pago and Schommor. Stoffon's klcklnjr lesr falled to Improvo, whllo tho maroon onds both showed up with Incipient cases of "grlppo." Whllo tho trio of rogulars will bo In tho gamo, Stagg bo lloves their work will bo slowed up considerably by their poor shape. Cornell. ITHACA, N. Y Nov. 11. Dripping with water and covorcd with mud from hoad to foot, tho Cornell 'varsity and scrubs 'Scrimmaged for thlrty-flvo minutes out ofna threo. hour practice this afternoon under tho worst condi tions of tho year. Tho team played snappy ball, how over, nnd tho now plays wore run well. Tho scrubs fought stubbornly and they knew the 'varsity plays, but the heavy attack of tho back' flold coupled with tho nowly inspired lines was alto gether too much for thorn. Captain Waldor crashed through tot ono touch down, whllo Mowo broke loose'and-got a clear flold on a now formation for tho second. Tho lino was drilled an hour, whllo tho onds wero glvon caroful instruc tions in dofenslve formations doslgned to break up Chicago's open play. It was learnod today that Coach Larkln was tho man who coached the Car lisle Indian onds to break up Chicago's offonso In the Indian game last year, and the Cornoll men took heart at this news, Thoro will bo no changos in the line up against Chicago. Caldwell, Hoff man and Shoror wero In tho gamo to, day, but they aro being carefully groomod for the contest with tho ma ropns. Tho lino, howover, was reg ular. Notre Dame. NOTRE DAME, Ind.. Nov. 11. Do Ian returned from Richmond today without Capt. Mlllor, bringing back word that tho captain's arm is in such bad shapo that ho will bo unable to appear In Friday's contest with Wa bash. Lynch also will be out becauBO of an injury to his oyo. McDonald Ib the tlllrd crlpplo, tho speedy back having strained tho muscles in his loft leg abovo the knoo In scrimmage this afternoon. Palno. has quit the team. The, result of the scrimmage was a blank score. Collins, Sullivan ind Phllbrook showed romarkablo form in tho line for tho seconds and they were placed on tho regular team In tho signal practice tnat followed. Tho Marquette gamo has boon sched uled for Milwaukee on Thanksgiving day. Purdue. LAFAYETTE, Ind., Nov. 11. "Got Slnnock" is the war cry at Purdtfo. Tho fobtball men werd put through i vigorous workout this afternoon. Coach Spelk, expressed satisfaction it the manner in which tho 'varsity went through' the signals and later put up a flerco game against the scrubs. Purdue fours Slnnock 'and ovory man will bo Instructed to kpop hla eyes on tho Illlnl back noxt Satur day. Wyaht, who was hurtfat,&brth.;. wostorn, will bo out of tho gamo. Sponcor will roplacc him. Rochford and Sparks will play on Saturday, Coach Spolk will uso a now sot of plays against Illinois. Princeton. PRINCETON, N. J., Nov. 11. A hordo of coachos watched tho tigers got thoir fill ot strenuous work today. Among their number woro Captain John D.pwltt, '03; Captain Waltor. Foulko, '06; Bill Church, '07, and Philip King, '03. Tho two twonty-mln-uto Bcrlmmagos woro dosppratoly fought, and for tho first tlmo this soa- son tho 'varsity showed scoring powor, piling up flvo touchdowns on tho scrims. Tho offonso was workod con tinually. Tho first toam kept possession of tho ball In splto of tho strong scrub cloven, which opposed it. On tho scrub woro Eddlo Hnrt, tho froshman star, and McCrohan,. tho big full back, who was rologatod to tho scrub from tho 'varsity yostorday. Tho latter played a good dofonslvo gamo, but tho 'var sity backs and a great many wero tried out woro unusually nlmblo In picking their openings. Bard and Pfolffer mado several long runs. Tho formor was a quarter back for ono period and at half back tho othor. Ho gavo a flno exhibition of open flold running and llko tho other bacTTfiold candidates has an oxcollent chnnco tor got in against Yale. With the oxcoptipn of" tho backfleid, tho team is solocted. Tlgbott and Road rested, up today, Cunningham, DawsonT Pfolffer, Bard, 'longenBpann and Coxo doing all tho backflold ulay. A LECTURE ON VENETIAN ART. Dr. Powers Concludes His 8erles In Temple With Good Talk. Dr. Powers gavo tho last of his ser ies of lectures nt the Toraplo last night, taking ns bis subject "Vonotlan Art." In Introduction be rovlowod, briefly, Its history. Early Venetian art, ho said, was confined to panel paint ings, whoso flat figures against a gold en background expressed, not boauty and character of facial oxproBslon, but rnthor tho boauty of gorgeous color ing. During tho early Renasslanco tho flatness gradually disappeared, and tho flguros becamo moro human, though gorgoousness of color . and magic use of light and, shadow, still predominated. i John Bellini, Titian's toachor, was the first Vonotlan artist to put tho breath of life Into his figures. Ho was tho painter of Madonnas as ox pressing, In their quiet, beautiful faces, tho spiritual elements of Christianity. Glorgione, a follow pupil with Titian under John Bolllnl, but later his hated rival, alonp of all Vonotlan artists had that profound,' sympathetic lovo of haturo which makes his landscapes pulse with life, and stamp them as im mortal. Titian, his contemporary, showed, especially. In his earlier work, tho in fluence of both John Bellini and Qior glono, though his Madonnas express not so much a spiritual as a strong, majestic, splendid typo of worldly womanhood, and his landscapos, 'though beautiful, are somowhat con ventional nnd subordinate always to human flguros. Titian oxcellod, howovor, in por traiture Ho was probably the great est paitttor of men's faces that the world has ever produced. As different artists Invariably see in thoir modols something of their own personality; be it tho man as scholar, as prlost, as artisan so Titian saw always in man that predominating elomont oi his own being the master. Whether state official or personal friend, Ti tian's portraits always reveal man, tho master. Dr. Powers is a scholarly man with a complete and extended knowledge of his subject, and tho ability to pro sent It in an interesting and compre hensive manner. It Is only to bo re gretted that so few of tho studonts took advantage of this opportunity to hear him. ' May Get Uniforms. Uniforms may t bo secured: Saturday between 1 and 2 p.'m. Deposits will bo forfeited on all-uniforms not taken -n or bbforo above dato. & A.Mahoo'd I Chairman' TJrilforDaConamlttoo. - - TRVOiTS - ARC r h i v t.) ',": .. HELD v. ! H SOPHOMORE; HAVE GOOD REPRE. 8ENTATION POh THE GAMES. CLEVER BOXERS AND WRESTLERS A List of the Rule Which Have Been Adopted by the Committee to Govern the "Olympic" Con tests on Saturday. A rousing mass meeting of tho soph omores has been called for Friday night at 5 o'ciock at Memorial hall. Tho objoct of tho meeting is to arouso entnusiasm In the intorclass gamos botweon tho freshles and tho sophs at Antolope park Saturday morning at 0 o clock. Speoches will lso mado by mombers of the class and tho repre sentatives for tho boxing and wrest ling matches havo been announcod. Tryouts Held. Preliminary tryouts for tho sopho-. mores woro' held -last night at Me morial hall. In the cross-country or Marathon race there woro clgnt en tries, the men finishing in tho ordor nnmed: Monlck, Ashbury, Cussack, Dlnsmoro and Drako. These mon will compose tho sophomore team. A large number have entered the boxing and wrestling matches and some vory good work was pulled off. " Woavorllng boxed "Reed, Sadillck boxod Kdapp, nnd. Mathewson had a go with ndor son. Neither tho boxing nor wrestling preliminaries wero comploted and will bo hold again today and tomorrow. Tho tug-of-war toam is captalnod by Albert Poolo and comprises such huskies as Collins, Sturmor, Elliott, Hnscall, 'Sadillck, Knnpp and Tindali. iq Indications aro that nearly every sophomoro will be in tho llno-up for tno battle royal. Rules Adopted. Tho following is a brief summary of the rules adopted by tho committee from both classes. Tho "Olympics" 'shall ba hold at Antelopo park on No vember 14. Tho management of tho games Is in the hands of the uppor classmon, who will appoint commit tees to look after the raattor. Tho sophomores aro to woar a scarlet band on their ankle and the froshmon a whlto band. The order of events fol low, the first one being called at 9 o'clock: 1. Lightweight boxing and wrestling. 2. Finish of Marathon race. 3. Middle-weight boxing and 'wrest ling. 4. Tug of wnr. 0. Hqavy-wolght boxing and wrost ling. 6. "Battlo royal." In scqrfng, tho "battle royal" will count 35 points, the tug-of-war 15, tho Marathon 10, 5, 3 and 1; each class in tho boxing and wrestling 5 points. In boxing very heavy glovos (12 ouncoaro to be used, so no ono can bo sorlously hurt. Wrestling -will bo catch-as-catch-can, threo bouts of seven minutes each. Tho Marathon. raco starts at Fairvlow with the finish at the park, a distance of threo miles, tho course to bo announced later. Four places will count. In the tug ot war thoro win be ten men on a side and a flvo minute pulh Tho officials are as follows: Road reforee D. F. McDonald. Umpires W. W. WalBh and H. Perry. Tlmokooper Dr. Condra. Scorors H. O. Bell and F. o. o. Wheolock. Announcer S. P. Dobbs. JudgQs of boxing "iving" Cole and Jack cost Judge of wrestling Georgo Plnneo Fifteen linesmen and. ton guards of Juniors and seniors for each sldo dur ing tho battlo royal. fifteet Tonight. Tonight In Dr Condra's ofllco iho final meeting of tho committee from all of tho classes will bo held. Tho question of tho ollgibjlity of thtk feh man laws is still giving some trouble. Final action will be takou tonight. Utah, agricultural collogo has insti tuted student control with marked success Onco a week the chapel hour la glvon -pyor to the Btudont body for business 'meetings. ., . J f . . - This year Harvard will glvo a" de iteo of Mastdr of BualndsS Admin istration. t. . . - DH.J.B. DENTIST. , CHAROESREAtOfiaiU THE UNI SMOKE HOUSE WofcoraeM tJl'btBdenta. " m m mrfcr'C ad Hllvelr Latter V PIPES .B UNI SMOKE HOUSE liae o atrwet HAVE THE EVANS Do Your Washing TYPEWRITERS All makes rented with aUsrl $3 Per Month. EargalBS la 8ta!lt Machine. LINCOLN TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE Auto U6-Bll 1UL 123 No. 11 tk oAnv Way You Look at it WE SAVE YOU MONEY ,p " - Shirts 6o tt lOo Gfllirt l-2t Cuffs, Pair 5i i Let Us Do Your Wditi CINCINNATI Cut Price SHOE STORE AND tl Elsotrlt SkM Riptlr Fioitry Svrts Yw TIME-IND-MONEY 1220 O Stmt UNIVERSITY" JEWELER k OPTICIAN 1 i' !. C. A. Tucker JEWELER S. S. Shean -v nTiiu-i,"t 1123 0 STREET. YELLOW FROJit YowK,P4u-ohaie. .Solicited "H -nrr 1A a ifi if V & is Advertisements- fortae .wajilad column should be left at the bdsraessj office, basement Administration Bids.,, between 10 a. m. and 12' m.J or be-' tween 2 p. m. and 8 p, m. CasH i 'm'uttv accompany "all orders for want ads, at tho rate ..of. 10 cents, per Insertion for eyory fifteen-words' or traction thereof for,: the flrst'.'ifaser tiqn; three insertions 25 cents; live insertions 40 cents;- . . tV BOARD AND ROOM. i. StrlqtJy modern; room -ror ;iwbbr threes students. Board, homo cooking; Reasonable.-, 1106 to St Y v '3W8-10 LOST. I yffis MERCHANTS LAUNDRY Kappa Sigma pin, star and creceht shaped. Reward-for return. 191D St. Auto .265. "'"';',";'.3t6-S " Lost An initial cuff .buttorirvPieasd ' -eturn to; NebraSkan. office.j it.38-ll ' Fpund--Jeweled,, clasp :r.p'fnv)r Owner cani have It 'by paying for ad. V38-tf-9 ,' JM i" FOR SALE; , IJpr SaltfDreM ' suit,' out tor'.the ordinary. H. R. Douehtv. s34ttn. frrh . J Auto, 4W0, rr , k i: - - 26 (1-3) if . iAV JKr4yM"