The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 12, 1908, Page 3, Image 3
i - T iiriiTniri umiimjiiIii iHWJi " "Vt" J-11 -t ' , i. .. .-. w. y3IEv,PAI3Wy? NBgEAS&AN 4tt - w H i ,' , 4 ;Jf - - ---'7-v?;;yrtyprpiftTf "atTarrWTrf Rf TTONIQHt AT 8:15 The Man From Home , 1 il !". & $"i.50, to SOe; . pi i -K RUMl? ?AT MTv NOV.. 18-14. UX Merry Tramps iat 50c A 25c. Eve. 75c to 25c TUESDAY NJQHT, NpV. 17 The MMn of the Hour ?v Prices 41.50. to 50c ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE THE FIVE COLUMBIANS Ip PH of Dresden China." HALLEN AND FULLER ..... i In "My. Wife's Hero." . HAWAIIAN QUINTETTE Vocalists and Instrumentalists. MI8S BESSIE BROWNING The Charming Entertainer. CLAD1U8 AND 8CARLET The Musical- Past and Present. 8EARLES AND GEORGE ALONZO COX Matinees Tues., Thur. arid, 8at Price 15jc and' 25c. ! THE HOUSE COZY Week Commencing Monday Night, November 9th AGreat Scenic Production. The Power of Truth Wt Be Pretended, by tile ram stock m p Matinees Wed. and Sat . t f Prices 15c and 25c. .r-WW . 132 t'faf" Street. ELITE II 13306' Street. LATE8T AND DE8T Moving Pictures IN THE CITY. The Management extends a cordlaj i f InvlUtion pf every. University of 'r ADM ui ntumiM Biuusiii. Change of Program . nrTT""!iH'c SJ'M:-r-six: on, and Thur ,' v 3vj;-HI -U.. TM MMIVERSITY MAM'S TAiLOrt bB'flnwtwprk'anoondPldoes.ri t.) v-Calbatcur now store -' 1 i1. 1330 O Si. ' " '" lUlhcojn 'I'll' " ' - '- " "f '' ' rt'-iAtf-Ji". vJl b& m! AND" 'P'pf.' t? B M C.. t-SttS. -MR"r,."-T?TW"V"V jjjffy Gleanings j . 0. H. Frey, florist, 1133 O 8L , Roller Hkatlng nt the Auitorium. . Eat V John Wright's, 14 South Eleventh. Neil Crouin, '04, Is practicing law in Minneapolis. .... Dr. Chas. Youngblut, dontiat, 202 Durr block; - G. A. Pearson, 1906, Is now in the forest Bervlce at Flagstaff, Artel Chapih Bros, florists, 127 So. Thir teenth... E. D. Ball, director of the Utah ex perimont station, was a cainnus visitor yesterday. Have your clothes pressed, at Weber's Suitorlum. Cor. lltb and O. President Hamilton of the .Montana agricultural college, was on tho cam pus yesterday afternoon. ' ' Becknlan, Bros. Fine shoes.' 1107 O Btreet. fV Those desiring to take part in tho "Pike", at the county fair should sea Miss Walt apd make arrangements, at oncd. Green's barber sbbps, Tke Club bpuse and, Colo-McKonna, 1132.. O. That's all. ' The social committee of the sopior class will moot at 11:30 in Memorial hall. It will como together just be fore the- cllasB meeting tochiy. Mother's Dining Hall. Good ,homo cooking. Prices from pne cent up. 30$ go. Eleventh St E. M. Sutherland, '07, who was ed itor 'of the Dally Nebrasknn for tho first 'semester in 1906, visited at 'Hie Alpha Thtita Chi house Sunday. QOQO&OQOZQW&Z vy e csjh, show you an up - to and Earl and Wilson Shirts. stiff bosoms $1.50 to $3.50. FULK, OQOQOttftK20?i&0$ Captain Jack Crawford will speak nt the men's meeting In the Oliver theater Sunday afternoon. Admission will be free. The doors will open ni 3:30 o'clo6k. : . Tfie Mathematical Seminary will meet on' Friday, November 13, at 4:30 p. ta. ta''ropm M 302. The program wlli be': "The International Matho(-maticbl-'Congress at itomo," by Dr. E. W. Davis. " : , - Several "Ndbraska raen have 'r& poived invitations to' attend4 th'o one hundredth anniversary celebration of the birth' of Charles Darwin, to1 b'q held irhdeV the auspices of the New York Academy of Sciences. . Dr. H:' Hosselbrlnfe of the Cuba ex periment station has written the unf verslty asking that a competent foro&ter W recommended for a posi tion in Cuba carrying a salary of l,500t to '$1,800. Two university graduates Jiave.boon recommended for the place. ; Members of tho. cross-country team, accompanied by Director Clapp, will leave ffor. . Cblcagq this evening, Tho western lifter-collegiate,, crpss-country ruu yjm . to,Hf? placq there j Saturday mprr(ng. .Wlfijconsln, Perdue, Chicago, morning, . Wisconsin,. Purdue, .Chicago, entered in the race. . ,,, , ' " Ar.chie.E; Palea, '07,. is at,-tbe pres cnt time i stationed at Paslg, 'about ten mllesft'o'in' Manila, and' is as'slstant-to one of the district tepgineers of the Philippines. HgTwas a trIen4,of Mr. IlusbiiiifhowaB, killed fecently in a typhoon off the Island of Sorsogan. hi -.--T .--" '- ,'.- At the meeting of , tho American Association for (he Advancement of Science In Baltimore, Doconibor 28 to January 2, Dr. Bessoy will deliver an ndilrCHH ,on "Tho Phylotlq fdoa in Taxonomy." Dr. Bessey is chairmah of section (G of the association and therefore ono of lis vice-presidents. H. J. Weber, 1889, who is now pro fessor of plant breeding at Cornell, has permanently presented tho uni versity with his collection of Nebras ka plants. The botanical herbarium has had this collection for some timo as u temporary gift, but Mr. Weber now makes the bequest permanont. It was oU these plants that tho cata logue of Nebraska plants issued by tho department some time ago was based. Tho department of botany yesterday received several books from the library of the Missouri Botanical Gar den. The shipment is ono of a num ber which have been made, under an arrangement between tho Missouri in stitution and Dr. Bessoy. Whonovor any student wants to use a book not in the Nebraska Jlbrnry, tho MiBBourl library is called upon and sends the books. Tho arrangoraept is tho re sult of nn old friendship botween Dr. Bessoy and the head of tho gardens. The Missouri library is unusually large and complete. In London J. M. Barrio has been de manding that the run of "What Ev ory Woman Knows" shall bo inter rupted to permit a revival of his fav orite of favorites, "Peter Pan," CJiarles Frohman objects. The Shuberts are again threatening to break away from tho syndicate, and to indicate their strength they hayc issued a statement that at tho present time they control twenty stars and twenty-six theaters. Tho stars are E. H. Sothern, Mary Manneripg, - date line of Manhattan All kinds of pleated and 1335 O a. Jpbn Mason, Do Wolf, Hooper, Nazi movo, Maxlno Elliott, Louise Gunning Eddie Foy, Lewis Fields, Sam Bernr ard, James T. Powers, Emma Carus, James Young, Marguerite CJark nnd--and bIx others. WilHom NOrrls, following he fall ue qt If is latest play,. "Father and Son," has succeeded R. C. Herz in "The oul..Kiss," Herz retiring on accbunfc of illness. This may br(ng, Nbrris. to the Colonial later, in tho season. ' . - - Henry Woodruff, formerly oi "Brown of harvard," madq hia. vpudovie, dp but last, week in oije of jthp Now Yprk theators managed by WHHam. Morris. The tout1 of the Rogers brothers company with Max Rogers was re sumed lak week" a't York, Pa. iJosoph Kane, tho actor who took Gus Rogers' place previous tp his fatal illness, will play opposite Max. The order I, grow- the more I am convinced that happiness is to. be got ten one, way, and that by being ablo. to contribute to the happiness of oth ers;" declares Rose Stahl. - J An (ubucntial nlaygoer lr N.ewfYbrk sent i young woman to Julian Mitchell and as'ked that she, be 'iven a. place in Anna Hold's chorus. Mitchell 'had the girl' at rehearsal, looked' her .oyer, and decided she wouldn't d- I'Sho jias a tooth missing n iJrpnt'V, "Yes," said hlB friend, ruefully, "but aside, from that she's a perfectly good girl,' 'isn't' allot '' ; ' ' ' ' ' ,('' r . -v . . .,' ,1 1 4- , ii f , Another,' addition to vaudeville, Is j Thomas E. Sheathe to j present ;n. Houses JxL II J. -11 Z$mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm wmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmJSS ; I at , . IKS. I i "FT Wear' H0LEPKCi I I "PS? BS ,., You won't have to c-Ioulsix months. Wc uar antee six pair to wear six months. A new pair free with every pair with a hole inside oi MAYER o$ Let the .". 75c This Includes the Football Number: SUBSCRIBE NOW O o 00Z&X&$O8O&ZZZ m FRATERNITIES SORORITIES ISi 4aMMv A..M ri Aa-fL.ii"". - '''(' twv ffiaui iuui vuai viuoioi- Give SATISFACTION WHITE BR , n 1106 O Street Auto 32?S, t Bell 23 act versidbs of "The Bolls'v arid "The1 Great Adventurer," a charming Pob lock melodrama. A No. 2 "Thief" company, Including Herbert Kolcey, Efflo Shannon, and Chnrles Dalton, is playing through tho southwest. Mary Maunering has acceptefd a newspapor man's play, callod "Every woman."4 The idea, the author vsays, was suggested to him by, tlio old morality play, "Evoryman;"' but- the play Is modorpi one of- the scenes be ing wew icars mgni on uroaaway. t; t ,'t Iea Kohlmar, the j ongaging i young, German, of La, Salle .theater -stock company, xpecis ip uq. Biarreq noxt o; ?;ft P.fw, play cji;.he, is part; author, , . , ..i ' i Tberq are. still- several copied pt Tuesday's i'pink , issub wplcli icnV be, tyt t))ft .NPbraskaB pfnee. ,V . : . ' .'.'..'it y darn ;; . ..Hi I . I II (v.-i ' t'l, six months. )m. ill .in ; U:r , i t ; "Ot''- M." ;j .'. ti.niM l ').. fiii, -i 1 iiiiti v -: "H ju'i'it j vtni i k. r " - - If 'I WWi ' t ' i A I i ' I K 0. r -0v i, I Us Send Tbu Daily Neb JsTMii.'' .x:''t 'i'i.f(Ti-.;' '.. '.TQr,iL.DC Y' K'J r ii :j ui . u(ii..'Wr.i ' 'i. 'f Us a Trial Order. s. Q U A R A NTEED E S It O P'l W f c it mi. j- - ' .'.i; . : '4 A-re&i 'iF'-riV Vt'UiVk" -..." - " 'itflMIMj. W1i IBIX" UuflX M t0 tiUFeb la lip .v baring Theft or CHfe'lMtilMtirtf " -hmo ChlcagerCrn.el, Qam '.' y A 'darln tbaft- af- ticktsijforrUkc; ; Cornell game was perpetrated- when Blxty-ttv.0 cardjjpards a$.i3ace.jw)rc ;. tolqn,', rpQjckcofe BartT, lett hall, University of Chipago.tfrhe Uilef accomnlished his. nuonosQ .b'v . sticking hlB fingers through the cage. grauuaiiy unin iney ieu on, tno noor. 'ThenV','whenf,,ttiot W&fo' xiwno.tM ' nicked tip ho pasteboards aBd made aiwaHd'.'l'tte tfctfi'was ripH:fojjw qwV un'til the business -waB over for 'the dWfliiS5aS!5P,',- ATVm "" t ?Vel-Hra,iWi?Tor,t y JS!aK8S3sr ?Slr& t V.. " - I, i '