The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 12, 1908, Page 2, Image 2
" THE DAILY NEBRASKAN T. A, ft be Pallg 1Rcbraol;au 1 Hi .PROPERTY OP 4 TUB UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. I, LlnoolnNobraakj, f rilUINEI EVEM BAT RCEPf '1HHT'A. MfjHAY BY THE HTUpNtf,PUlQAIlp. Nktiutlu Itflct, 1 H N. 141UU ' EDITORIAL STAFF. t9r,,.v.MM..j.fC.lyjle R. Wlatt, '0j ,.,snsBmfl Editor... Herbsrt W. Potter, MO Ntyts Bdltdp. j..... ...... Lynn Lloyd, Ml Atsoolate Editor Victor Smith, Ml BUSINESS STAFF. Mnwrf...4....0iqrs M. Wallaoft 1Q Circulation..,, ......j. J. Roy Smith. 'Q Yut. Mansgar Earl Campbell, MO , Editorial and Bualneaa. Offlcei ASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Postofflce, Station A Lincoln, Nab. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Slnolo Cofea; I Centa Each. Telephones Auto 1888. INDIVIDUAL NOTIOE8 wllf bo charged for at tho rate vf 10-cents por Insortjon for ovory flf toon worda or fraction thoroof. Paoulty notlccTand University bullotins will ffiadly bo publlnhod froo. Entered at iho poitofllco at Lincoln, Nebraska, ns Becond-ctaea mall matter under the Act of Congrpaa of March 3, 1879. . . THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1908. GAIN IN COLLEGE MEN. Six loading enBt Harvard, unlvoraltloH of Yule, Columbia, tho Cor- vlous of tho progress mado by tho olhor, olthpr Agriculturally or physc ally. y Educationally, each 'Btato b'oaBta of Its' bother b'llc "school system and boHbrnlvVrflity hnt, othjsr hlghor in atitutlOHB , of .learnlugs agrlclturuljy. each botiHtB of Its Buporlor lands and crop production; physically, KnnsnB has tha ilold to horaclf, If football In tho past g n, criterion. KiuiHnB and Missouri hnvo mot on tho athloticj flold and matched their strength and skill lh hard, fought foot ball gamoB for tho past Bcvonteoh yoare. Tho tlgora ahd Jayhnwkers mot for tho first tlmo on tho football field at Kansas City on Thanksgiving Day In 1801. Out of Bovontcen consocutlve contests MlsBOiirl has won only three. KanBOB has been victorious In twelvo gnmes and twlco notther could claim a victory. ClmracterlBtio of tlgorflr -courage novor falls. Each year Mlsaourl on to, s tho field of battlo enthusiastically. ThlB year thoro uro reasons for ho llo vlng that Kansas will go down in dofeal and Missouri will shout: "Wa hnvo mot tho enemy nnd ours " Tho Mlssourlan. they WORK AT STATE f ARM P ( 7"? A7V Sh -- THt VAMIYENGAGES IN SHOflT QRIMfAQE YESTERDAY. .! i h '.. M J"' ' ', &J V .V ! AN ALUMNI GAME IS PROPOSED it la Proposed to Substitute for the" Hastings Game a Contest With an Alumni Term of Star Nebraska Players. ' noL Princeton nnd Pennsylvania tiro holdlrig their own, both In tho North Atlantic section and elBowhorq. ThlB Is tho conclusion of Rudolph Tombo, Jr., reglBtrnr of Columbia, who haB compiled a census of tho cologe men of Amorlcu. Ho finds, too, that they arc making their greatest galna In the Nortlj Central stales, whoro cordpo tttlon of state unlvorslties Is closest. Eastern students, liowovor, nro com ing In Increasing numbers to tho colleges. further woBt; Michignn show ing a gain of 116 alnco last yoar. Harvard and Columbia are ah'-md In tho eastern stateB, but none of tho bIx draw aB -many na two-hlrds of their students from tholr homo stateB, ex cept Pennsylvania, which hns 67 por cent. Tho percentage In the middle woat la much largor, reaching 93 por cent In Illinois nnd Missouri and 91 per cent Irr Ohio. Columbia It at tracting a rapidly growing body of students from tho South, whllo Har vard's greatest gains last year wero in Missouri. Next, to fhplr own universities, Ar kansas4 and Oklahoma .send most stu agents to the Uniyeraity of Missouri. Kansas send most to Michigan, thou Missouri , Prom Missouri tho great est nunibers go to Michigan, Ynlo, Hnryurd, Illinois and Coluinbla. Tho P08TER THIEVE8. Manager Eager is experiencing a grout deal of troublo In keeping foot ball posters on tho fonco near tho gates, and ho is "laying" for tho cul prits who aro causing thorn to dis appear. Ho has about come to tho conclusion that the peoplo who are stealing theso bannors aro freshmon, and ho la going to boo that they aro caught. Ho 1mB dovised a scheme by which ho thinks they can bo captured, and ho has Just put It in operation. Ho wants to warn tho peoplo who hnvo been connected with the acts of stealing to bo on the lookout: "Somo thing is liable to drop." FORM A BASKET BALL LEAGUE. Teams, of Missouri Valley Organize at Kansas City Tuesday. At a meeting of roprosontatlvcs from Nebraska. Missouri, Kansas, Washington, Drake, nnd Amos hold at tho CoatOB hotel In Kansas City Tuob day morning a Missouri valloy basket ball leaguo was organized, with pro fessor Ewerhadt as prosldent and Dr. Clapp of Nebraska as secretary. Tho Intor-colloglnte rules wero adoptod and n schodulo arrnngod. Tho schools wore dlvldod Into two sections a southorn and u northern. In the former Missouri, Kunaas and Washington will bo Included. Ne braska, Ames and Drnko will compose The Cornhusker braves worked at the Stato farm last night and did aomo scrimmago work for the first time since they roughed it with tho r Ames aggregation in Omaha last Sat urday Tho stiffening effects of that exhausting struggle are growing loss and lead apparent. YeBterday only three of the fifteen players who par ticipated in tho Ames game failed to show up at practice. Those who did put in an appearance got into signal practice with a vim and they are rap- aro idly maBtorlnc tho now formations which Coach Colo has Invented for the Kansas gamo. Tho three Corn huakers who nro not yot roportlng for practice aro Chaloupka, Beltzor nnd Tomple. "Big Bill" was used none too gently by the Iowa farmers and ns a natural consequence ho is nursing a protty 3tiff knee. Evidently they didn't ap prove of tho manner In which BUI car ried the ball through their lino as heartily as did the Nebraska rooters, and they adopted vigorous means with which to put a atop to it. Howevor, William ulun t stop until the gamo did, but he hub a painful reminder of his brilliant work in tho shape of his Injured leg. Other Injuries. Other members of tho team are also suffering from injuries which were contracted either at Omaha or at games played earlier in tho Benson. Harry Minor 1b troubled with a pain ul side caused by being kneed during tho Iowa .game. His Injury was mend ing splendidly until tho Ames gamo, when nnpther knock In tho same place made It worse than evor. A harness Is being made for him now so that If his condition pormlts ho may par ticipate in tho Kansas game without fear of further Injury. Temple received a badly strained arm in Saturday's game and ho has been unablo to play this week, but expects to bo In shapo by Saturday so that If occasion demands It he will bo able to participate in tho game. HVlaS RvSEJ D 1 ThaCetfege Ik I StandaVi Hijft Throughout school days colletftj days, business or prof M&mal career the Conklia'Pen will awryo you faithfully and xnaka writing a 'pleasure. YjBtit donft have, to coax it or fowl with it to get it tcv write. ', Bccatiso of its won dorful feed, principle! iak responds instantly at the first stroke aid maintains ah even, steady flow to tho last dot. Another great advantage of owning a CONKUN'S -Sfc rPW -yaw's evr vrlthevt lnlu No matter whereyo may ' bein your room, lecture hall, at the pos office, telegraph office or hotel, or on the trfdnrrall yot have to do when your Cpnklln Pen begins to run dry ia to in any ink well, press the Crcscenfc-Flller and your pen iaataatly filial ltaelf and Is ready to write. The ia'trie slmplo movement also cleans it No mussy Cropper no apilling of iqk-r-no interruption to your train of thought. Handsomo catalog direct from the manufacturers, Tho Conklln Pen Co., 310 Manhattan Bldg., Toled9, Ohio, qn request SOLD IN LINCOLN BY E. FLEMING, J2J1 O STREET y BaaaaeBaa-a--------- ORDER YOUR PUHCH AT FOLSOM'S Hot Lunches a Speoialty. Caudios and Iobd. 1307 0 St. Phintti Autt 2214, Ball 456. H4ltQ ttyo&roniLS 1415,0. Shoe business Increasing by leaps and bounds. 8ucb satisfaction In a fellow paying $3.50 Instead of the old $4.00 and 95.00 prices and my shoes really suit BETTER. No old stock. "Bill" Johnson and "Hop" Little, ends; "Cy" Mason nnd John West over, tackles; Fred Hunter and Dean Ringer, guards; Borg, center; Bar wlck, quarter; "Dog" Eager and Itay Elliott, halves, and Glenn Mason, full back. Such a game would doubtless be a great drawing card and It 1b very possible that such an aggregation of stars would bo able to make a good showing against the so far undefented Cornhuskers. Howevor, the Nebraska schedule Is already tho hardest one Which has been arranged In years and It 18 hnrd ly probable that Coach Cole would stand for tho aubstitution of ao hard a game as tills for a contest as easy as the Hastings game promised to be. It is thought that the chances of in juring some of his players so soon before tho Wabash and Carlisle games would prejudice Coach Cole against tho idea. At present the mattor Is undecided. "FLUNKER8' CLUB TO INITIATE. UNIVER8ITY BULLETIN. Me- north central states, including Mia souri, sent. 2,282 students to the alx eastern universities last year. Mich igan leads In Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, South Da kota and tho far west, whoro Harvnrd is second. Therd Is a remarkable Increase In tho foreign students In American col leges. Except Great Britain, few como from Europe, tho majority being from South America and Asln. Out of 1,206 at fifteen leading universities, In cluding the alx In tho east and Missouri, Canada sent 210, Japan 112, China 139, Mexico 90, Cuba 67, Great Britain nnd Ireland CO, Argentine GG, and India 54. "Harvard has most from North America, Columbia from Great Britain and Missouri from Moxlco. MISSOURI VS. KANSA8. Tho rivalry between Missouri and Kanaas over football la, in some degree a survival of- tho border warfare be tween tho two states during tho time previous to tho civil war. In 1854, when the race, for Kansas between tljp anti-slavery and tho pro slavery parties was made, Mlsaourl was, yorx active, on the aide of tho pro-afavery party. This jealoua 'spirit between the "Border -Ruffians" and thQy'Bickllemjbllcans" has, '-not on tiroyj subsided,; fo each state Is en- the other dj vision. Ench team in onch division will play four games with evory other team in Ita section. Th'o toam winning typ most games In its section will play tlxo wlnnors of tHo othor scctfpn for tho champion ship of tho Missouri valloy confer ence., Nebraska's tentative schedule Is ns follows: Ames at Lincoln, January 1546. Drako at Lincoln, January "22-23. Drake at DeB Moines, February 10-11. Ames nt Ames, February 12-13. The above schedule will includo the games in tho championship soiios. Other games will bo played and tho Nebraska schodulo as "now arranged will include the following contests: . Kansas at Lincoln, January 8-9. Kansas at Lawrence, January 29-30. Missouri at Lincoln, February 1-2. Minnesota at Lincoln, February 5-6. Minnesota at Minneapolis, February 18-19. . Missouri has a, freshman this year who flve'.yeaVa ao didn't knovf a pro noun from ' ari ana'pestlc-' foot. He has educated himself In the Interlni Tho newspaper department of 'tho state historical aoclety has just, re ceived 'from Judge M, B. Ddyls.'of Ne braska City, his flies of the Beatrice T !." Anns. ...! 1 jiupuuicun irpm lopu to lovt. 4 1 , rhe scrimmage last evening was of only a few minutes duration and It wns something of a disappointment. Only ono more day remains before the Jnyhawkers como- nnd this- week's will not have boon a very satisfactory preparation for them unlosa consider able ia done today and tomorrow. "King" Colo wns sorely disappoint ed yesterday at tho failure of the freshmen to show up for prnctico. Up until four thirty only seven members of the freshman team had appeared, apd when enough finally did material ize to mako up a full toam thoro was not enough time left for satisfactory scrimmago work. Without opposltipu tlio 'varsity can not hope to dqvolopo a strong defense or to perfect now playa for tho- re maining gnmes of tho season. Conse quently It ia Just as essential to tho success of "King" Cole nnd the team that the freshmen turn out for prac tice as It Is for tho 'varsity men them-' selvos to put in a regular appearance. Game VVIth Alumni. - Considerable interest has, grown up in football circles within tho last day or two over the announcement that instead of mooting Hastings college a week from Saturday tho 'varsity would plash with a teajn mado "up' ot star; alumni. s The proposed line , up, of tliis,' alumni team is! as follows:? r - 1 v . - . 'NoNember. Thursday, 12 Serilora meet. morlal hall, 11:30 a. m. Convocation, Dean H. B. Ward, "The Plague." Kansas rally at Memorial hall, o'clock. Saturday, 14 Kansas-Nebraska foot ball game. Freshman-Sophomore Olympics. Sunday, 15 Captain Jack Crowford at Men's Meeting, Oliver, 3:30. Tuesday, 17 Convocation, Mrs. Bur- ress-Funke,. song recital Thursday. 19 Dvorak's New World Symphony. String quartet and organ. Saturday, 21 Hastlngs-NebraBka foot ball game. County Fair in the Armory. Wednesday, 25 Thanksgiving receas begins at G p. m. Thuisday, 26 Wabash-Nobraska foot ball game. December. Weduesday, 2 Nebraska-Carlisle foot ball game. Friday, 4 Officers' hop at Lincoln hotel. Washington and Missouri Men Plan the 8tunt. Members of tho , Kappa Be(a Phi, tho fraternity of "flunks" of Washing ton university of St. Louis, wJU come to Columbia- with the football . team , next Saturday JLo Initiate the. Missouri university "flunks" and "failures? The Kappa Beta. Phi, according to press dispatches, will soon- -branch out and be a. national fraternity.. Sim- -liar organizations have been prmed. nt the United States naval academy, at Annapolis and. Tufts coTlogp hi Massachusetts, It will be the aim of the founders of tho movement to combine nil these, with the chapter nt Missouri university of men who have hod trouble with the discipline, committee, Into one national body. Tho Missouri university crowd, news dispatches say. offered such good proofB'of tlieir lack of scholastic standing that tho Washington unlver-r slty crowd.. qgreod to give them mem-, berehip. Alf, Qf the Kappa Beta, Phh? ' of St Louis' will "Cut" claaaoa to go" with the' team, as no member Is al--' owed to miss a chanco to-aklp Or class. Tho Mlsspur!an.irt , CARLI8LE TEAjTRICKY BUNCH Redskin Jersey "atint" of FeA Years Ago q Recalled. The Carlisle Indian, 4s thq real thing in football puzzles You. never know what surprise he's going to spring till vou get on. tho field with him. And this year ho .has concocted a scheme that is about as unique as anything over devised on tho gridiron. Evory one of thp Carliple backs and end3 tho players who un with tho4 ball rhns a largo brown football knit In the jersey he weirs. so that tho opposing players have to keep their eyes peeled or they. may be going ifter the wrong man. and tackling somebody else while tho man with the 1 ball keeps roorrljy on toward, tJto goal. This trick recalls tho gamo whbre the Carlisle redskins tacked iho ball' under tho sweater 'oh ono. 'of1 their nqmber and ho ran down t,ho field unr moleCpd to a touchdoyw against Har vard, almply because tho crimson play ers didn't know wherbUhoxDall Was. " Then tho rules committee got togothor " and,amonded football legislation ap- . that it, is no longer permuted ,to com . ceal thd ball. ' v TOPfft AND COUNTRT SHIRTS j f YOU can pick llt frArvA of shirt you like and be' sure you willlike it, if the nare,''Cluett" is on it. ,s: :m9mdSoh.2m'. -CLUETTnKABODY t 'CO Troy? N.Y. , 1 ' f(; Hi?'8 olYutovr Collars. ; iJi ' ' . L t J - I ' yA ' U -1 i t' U V i j C L t 5 M