THE DAILY NEBRASKAN T bfr . , AG. SPALDING 1 & BROS. - Largest Manufacturers In the World of Official Athletic Supplies. Foot Ball Baket Ball Ice Skates Hockey Golf Official Implements for all Track , and -Field 8pbrts. Uniforms for all Athletic Sports. GYMNASIUM APPARATU8 Spauldlng's handsomely Illustrated catalogue of all sports contains numerous sugoestldns. Sent free anywhere. ,, Aj Q. 8PAULDINQ A BROS. Nowf York Donvor Boston Kiuibiih City Buffalo Cincinnati Syracuso Dotrolt Washington Montron), Cun. Chicago Snn Frnncosco Phllndolphla Minneapolis ! Pjttsburg ..Now Orleans Baltimoro Clovoland St. Louis London. Eng. ; i t Hot Prinks a re now In season. Do you know any place vftxe you, can get as ..Quick jService.. as you dan at our new xtore? No need of being crowded. Lincoln Candy Kitchen S. W?Comer Business Directory Kr-r Every Loyal University Student Is urged to patronize these Ne braskan advortlasrs, and to .men tion the paper while doing so. BANKS Central NaUonal; First Trust And Savings. TIARBBR SHOPS Greon's Shops, UAKBRIES Folsom. BATH HOUSE-yChris', Eloventh and P.; . v . f , UOOK STORES Co-Op; Porter's; University. . ', , ,r ' CIGARS Cole '& Mckonria; "v7ol'fe & Co. CLEANERS Blumonthai; & Smith; Wobor. ' CLOTHING Baker Pants Co.; Mageo v& Doomor; Mayor Bros.; Palace Clothing Co.; Spolor fcSlmon. COAV- Grogory. DAN.CING ACADEMYS Pitts, Lin coin. r DENTISTS J. R. Davis; Youngblut DRY GOODS Herpolaheltfieri Mlllor & Paine. - DRUGGISTS Riggs. ENGRAVERS Cornell. FLORISTS Chapln - Bros?; C. H. " bye?' i ' ' , FURNISHINGS Budd; Pulk; Magee & Doomor; Mayer Bros.; Palace Clothing Co.; Spier & Blmon; Cerf. HATTERS Budd; Fulk; Unland. JEWELERS Hallett; Tucker. LUNCHEONETTES Folsom. LAUNDRIES-Evans; Merchants. OPTlCIANS-hoan. PRINTERS--Ctoorge Bros.; -Simmons, RESTAURANTS Boston Lunch; Cameron's. SHOES Beckman Bros.; Bralth walte; Budd; Cincinnati Shoe Storo; Sanderson. - SKIRTS The Skirt Store. TAILORS Elliott' Bros.; Herzog; Lud . wig; Marx; H. Smith. THEATERS Lyric; Majestic; Oliver; Elite. s TYPEWRITERS Lincoln Typewriter Exchange. I PATRONIZE YOUR I FRIENDS-OUR I ; ADVERTISERS ART LECTURER SPEAKS i DR. POWER8 ADDRE88E8 8TU- i DENT8 AT CONVOCATION. TELLS VALUE Of EXPERIENCE Declares That Fine 8ystem of Theory Is of No Value When Not Backed Up by Experience and Knowledge. At convocation yesturduy morning ProfoHHor Poworfl, head of tho Unl vorHlty Board of Travel, spoke to tho studonts on tho subjoct, "Practice and Thoory." Dr. Powers Is a brilliant locturor, uh IiIh oxtcnslvo travels and vnBt fund of knowledge make an In oxhauBtible Htoro from which ho can draw apt illustrations and Btriklng opl grama. Dr. PoworH Is at tho proaent time making an oxtondod lecture tour which will concludo on tho Pacific const. He Bpeaktf in Lincoln 'undor the aiiBpicoB of tho NobraBka Art assoclu tlon. Dr. PoworH mado his roputatlon largoly as an art locturor but hts wldo oxporlonco has fitted him to spoak with authority on a largo rango of Intellectual questions. In dlBCUBBing tho quoBtion of "Tho ory nnd Prnctlco" at convocation, Dr. Powers doclnrod that ho had bocome satisfied that conviction is largoly do termlned by practice. Wo may build up a vory4Vflnc systom of thoory but flnoly dovelopcd theorioB apart from oxporlonco usually go up in smoke. Tho reason for this Ib that It Is lm poBBlblo to forotoll all the circum stances that may arise, and until wo know tho clrcumstnncoB wo cannot tell how wo will act. Value of Experience. It is not possible to accomplish any thing if our theories' are not backed up by oxporlonco; it is not evon pos sible to becomo proBldont of tho Unit ed Status. Of course it Is not possi ble to put a rock foundation under all our theories, but tho stop from theory to experience must bo vory short, indeed. Wo may build up vory flno theories, but It la tho habits which wo have formed out of concrote ox porlonco that .determine our actions. Wo may all bo In favor of a squaro deal but on the nthlotlc Hold would wo not bo willing to applaud a llttlo slugging when it would moan a victory for our toam. Dr.vPowors spoke at tho University last spring nnd his lectures proved so pqpular that it was decided to bring him to Lincoln again this full. Tho sbrlos of lecturos laBt spring dealt with tho art of Michel Angolo, but this year dlfforeut Hubjecta will be diBCUBBcd by Professor Powors. NEED3 PERFECT RE8T (Contlnuod from Pago 1) the regents present and past with whom I havo served and to my os- teomed colloagu in tho touching force, my gratitudo for tho uniform kindness they have shown mo and tho pleasuro I havo had in working with thorn for tho advancement of tho university. "Yours with deep esteem, "E. BENJ. ANDREWS, "Chancellor." UNIVER8ITY BULLETIN. November. Thursday, 12 Seniors meot. Me morial hall, 11:30 a. m. Kansas rally at Memorial hall, 5 o'clock. Saturday, 14 KansaB-Nobraska foot ball gamo. SatjUrday, 1 Hastings-Nebraska foot hall game. County Fair In tho Armory. Wednesday, 25 Thanksgiving recess begins at G p. m. Thursday, 2G Wabosh-Nobraska foot ball gamo. December. Wednesday, 2 Nebraska-Carlisle foot ball game. Friday, 4 OfTlcers' hop at Lincoln hotel. R. E. Spoor, Prlncoton '89, gave a .ark on "Greatness in Obscurity" bo foro one of tho Prlncoton lltorary so cieties. He said; "A man's after llfo .'s merely a corolllng of his llfo during .he years of preparation." 80NQ8 FOR THE KANSAS GAME. Some Wanted That May Be Used Sat urday Afternoon. Sonio now songs havo boon received as contributions Tor use at tho Kansas game Saturday. Soveral good ones aro wanted to stir things up against tho .fuyhawkors and anybody with a llttlo composing ability may porhaps got up n good ono. If sent to tho Dally No braskan thoso -songs will bo pub lished. Below aro thoso that woro re ceived yesterday: (Tuno: "Pook-a-Boo.") When our toam plays tho "Pook-a-Boo," Then our All-Stars play tho gamo: Pip Cooke takoB tho ball for fifty yards, With a run that wins him fame Then tho .Tayhawkers thoy will gap, For they'll bo ad in a Btew, And "King" Colo will smllo -And -smoke awhllOi- When tho tonm plays his "Pcck-a-Boo." Mendelssohn. (Tuno: "I'm Afrnid to Go Homo In tho Dark.) Kansas U., we'll toll you truo, You had bottor go homo aftor dark For today, tho papors Bay, Thoro's a gamo at Antolopo Pork. But you cannot roach our G-O-A-L, Though you're playing Just llko a shark. Thoro 1b no placo llko home, ' And you'd bottor go ' home after dark. (Tuno: "Walt Till thc-Sun Shlnos, , Nolly.") Wnlt till tho game is over, And they're counting up tho scoro Then's when tho boys from Knnsas Will fool Boro. Back homo to doar old Lawrenco Thoy will Badly go, Because, to beat Nebraska, They're too slow. (Tune: "College Life.") Nebraska's speedy football pluyorB aro on tho field again, To fight nnd win this game for tholr collego, the good old U. of N. They'll novor beat tho Cornhusker tonm Truo to their colors, the Scnrlot and Croam So. rootors. all yoll For Nobrnska's fust team. Captain Harvoy leads thorn on to vic tory, Piling up an enormous score. Watch tho score-board all you rootors, then, nnd seo Why tho visitors aro soro. All supporters of tho Scarlet and tho Cream, Root for good old Nebraska's mou, For our King Colo's Cornhusker team Brings victory to the U. of N. Chorus: I lore's to the follows that win tho games King Colo's toum, Thoy'ro a bunch of pretty husky football men. HOO RAY! (Yoll this.) Marching to victory beneath their flag The Scarlot and tho Croam, For our college truo, tho good old U. of N. (Tuno: "Dreaming.") Droaming, dreaming,- Kansas, you must havo boon dreaming. If you expected, to boat our team, truo to thoir colors, tho Scarlot and Cream. Screaming, screaming, hear how pur rooters aro screaming, For thoy know that you novor will beat our team, And you're dreaming. (Tune: "If tho Man In tho Moon Were a Coon.") What makes you so soro, Kansas? Did you think you'd boat Nebraska's team? Colo's men aro surely football players For tho Scarlot nnd Cream. You're sore because you can't heat us, But wo would not glvo tho gamo to you. You thought that you would suro de feat us, But that's something you can't do. Chorus: Did you come hero nnd think you'd boat King Cole's CornhUBkorS, Kansas U.? We'll Inform you right now that that Is something you will never do. They'll smash a hole clear through your line; Thoy'll reach your goal-posts ovory tlmo You will nover beat Colo's Cornhusk ers, Kansas U. (Tuno: "Cherry.") Kansas U., What did you oxpoct that you would do? Did you think you'd beat Nebras ka, too? Cole's Cornhusker team will meet you, They'll defoat you. Watch that scoro; Oh, thoso Kansas boys aro feeling sore. Wo don't think you'll come horo any more, Oh, Kansas U. (Tuno: "Insanity.")' O, Kansas U., What will you do? Do you think that you can pluy; Beat Nebraska hero today? O, Kansas U., That you'll never do. Your team Is fair, But It don't compare WHIT Cole's Cornhuskers, truo. Tho memorial church at Stanford Is being trim down in preparation for a, new ono. Of fifteen games to bo played by tho Boston Tech. basket ball toam, only two are homo gamoB. John F. Hayford 1b mudo director of tho new school of engineering at Northwestern. On election day tho Japanoso stu dents nt Missouri held a celobrntlon of the Mikado's birthday. A Socialist club is bolng organized nt Chicago. Tho Wabash basket ball team will pluy this year according to tho big eight rules. About half tho studonts nt Iowa were sick one day last week, on ac count of drinking water. Tho faculty ordored that all drinking wator bo boiled- for tnlrty minutes. Athletic reform at Michigan has been sot back a notch. Murray Won dall, socretary of tho committeo that had chargo of tho revisions In tho regulations, has refused to present tho report of tho committee's work. R. B. Swift of Chicago, an Ames grnduato, has given a valuable paint ing to the Y. M. C. A. nt Amos. Dean L. H. ji alloy of Cornell, tho chairman of tho committee to investi gate country llfo in America, has started on. his work. Tho committeo will travol over tho country. Prof. Shoroy of Chlcugo defends tho study of Greek. He claims that all tho objections. against It apply equally to most other collego coursos. Tho junior prom committee hns just been nnnouncod at Kansas. Two prlzos of $50 oach have hoon offered, ono fev a university song, tho other for a tuno, at Northwestern. Both may go to ono person. Four thousand Ave hundred dollars has been, appropriated to a fund for a field housti. to bo built on tho athletic field -of WllllamB. Tho observatory at Michigan is be ing rebuilt and a now tolescopo is bolng installed. , A now tolescopo tower forty feet In diameter and sixty feet high Is being added to tho build ing. The Syracuso freshmen will hold tholr annual banquet shortly before Thanksgiving. Too toast list Is being withhold from tho sophomores. A murder case recently held tho Princeton moot court for two days. Evon then tho court adjourned before completing tho trial. Tho women at Chicago held an elec tion of tholr own last Tuesday, -and also oloctod W. Howard. . Two for ' '28c It's reversible. Made with " Easy tic-sliding Space " and " Patented Lock Front.'1 4-ply, Quarter Sizes. ionwjatt UrtlTED SUIET 4 COLLAR CO.,(Mikert).Troy,N.Y. George Bros. Printing Engraving Pino Line Pound and Box i Stationery Embossing "; DANCE PR06RAMS-BAM CALLING CARDS SIMMONS; THE PRINTER 317 SO. iSfcTH STREET CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK 12th and 0 Streets P. L. HALL, President P. 15. JOHNSON, Vlco-Pro3tdeat BEMAN Or FOX, Catblor W. W. HAOKNEY Jr., Aast Oaahlsr THE UNI SMOKE HOUSE Welcome idl Btadonta. d r ninrc and Bllvor LSiter BBB PIPES nft UNI SMOKE HOUSE llOB O Bt-rwet HAVE THE EVANS Do Your Washing TaHored Suits $20 and up mado right in the shop. WORK GUARANTEED Cleaning and Pressing a specialty. MARX The Tailor, 122 No.. 12ihT Ladies' and Men's Olothes cleaned, Eres-sed and repaired, Hats cleaned, lockod and retrimed. BLUMENTHAL 227 No. Ilth Auto 4876 Ono Block South of Uni PITTS' DANCING SCHOOL SOCIAL LVEN1NQS Mondays and Fridays Bcgtnner'a CUlscs Wed. A Sat. Private Lumm by Appointment 1124 N Street' Auto 401o Want-Ads Advertisements for tho want ad Column Should hn Inffc nt tho himlnnaa office, basoment Administration Bldg., notweon 10 a. m. and 12 m., or be tween 2 p. m. and 5 p. m. Caah must accompany all orders for want ads, at tho rate of 10 cents per Insertion for every fifteen words or fraction thereof for the first .Inser tion; thrco Insertions 25 cents J five Insertions 40 cents. LOST. LOST On Monday, envelopo con taining fifo. 2 Brownlo films and pic tures. WJ1J the finder please return to Nebrasjian pfflco. LOSTTJntYQr8ity Note Book: Notes on ".Bad. Qovornmont.': Address card to Q. tylTOei 1447"Q,'st-' Rowar.d. Kappa Sigma pin, star and crescent shaped. Reward for return. 1919 D' St. Auto .2665. . 3fXJ6-8 FOR SALE. For Salo-rDrosB suit, out of the ,ordnary. H. R. Doughty. 634. So. 17th. lAuto-. 490O. 9(tt1i9tt The Season's Only NEW CREATION 9 i A , t w