The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 11, 1908, Page 3, Image 3
-'fn' I w f tlj. T f V J 1 - wr?f Tf' THE DAILY NEBRASKAN -1 " OLIVER THEATRE TODAY Mat. 2:30. TONIGHT 8:1$ FAUST Mat-50c A 25c. Eve, 75o to 25q THURSDAY NIGHT, NOV. 12 The Man prom Home Prlcei $1.50 to 60c. FRI., 8AT. & 8AT. MAT., NOV13-14. Two MerryiTrampt Mat.-J.50p A 25c. EMe 75o to 25o A Socialist clulj Is, being organized at Michigan. U alms tQ study theories, not to get votes. 1 ig open to every on,o In tho university. The freshman football team at Chi cago outwelghta tho 'varsity eight poundB to tho man. ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE THE FIVE COLUMBIANS In "A Bit of Dresden China." HALLEN AND1 FULLER In "My WNto'a Hero." HAWAIIAN QUINTETTE Vocalists and Instrumentalists. MI8S BE8SIE BROWNING The Charming Bntortainor. CLAD1U3 AND 8CARLET Tho Musical Past and Present. SEARLE8 AND GEORGE ALONZO QOX Matinees Tubs., Thur. and Sat. Pric 15c and 25c. Tho honor syBtoin at tho Unlvoraity of Mississippi prohibits drunkennesfl. Infringements of tho system nrovpun ishecl by class roprcBen.tatlycH. A now paper has been started at Iowa university. It is called the Iowa Athletic Journal. Its aim is to prosont tho athletic news of the stato in a, concise, rcadlblo form. A socialists club will bo organizaJ at Cornell. Illinois has l;02 mombors in lUrath letlc association. ' Tho enrollment at Columbia Is 4,471, according to rovjBod registration figures. Next Thanksgiving tho University of Toxnw celobrates its twenty-flfth anni versary. A now law 'building will bo dedicated at that time. Ames has it that it is hardly fuir (or the "A" sweater, given for high work in athlctlcB, to tako tho placo of tho (engagement ring. Nebraska is with Ames In this respect. The Pan Hellenic council at Iowa university has decided upon a whist tournament for tho winter months to take tho placo of the usual Indoor baseball tournamont. Professors at Minnesota must now deny themselves tho pleasure of smok ing on tho campus. Students have long been denied this privilege, but until lately it has been extended to tho faculty, o i? A committee of tho board of rogents of the agricultural col lego at Man hattan, Kaunas, has been making a tour of tho eastorn states looking for material for a possible president of the school. i A w II rno -Horary oi urown university naa a loaBo-lenf oncyclopodia which can al ways bo kept up to date. "His Fttthor," a farco by two stu dents in California, will bo presented by the JunlorNoiaBs. Forty BtudontsNtrtod out for tho dra matic club at Chicago this year.W whom fourteen made, good. A holiday was granted tho students of Missouri univorsity in order that .tho students and faculty might attond tho ceremony of laying tho corner Btono of tho now agricultural building. Several women students at Cali fornia aro in danger of oxpulsion be- causo of leap year-oven ing calls. Thoy blacked their facoB and dlBgulsud thomsolvcs in various ways and called In a body upon tho dlfforont fraternity hoUHOH. Say Girls V. i .V. u 'F VrM b " i - 1 1 4 I if WKWTMl -;:.. t...,. THE HOU8E COZY ytctk Conrunejiclng, Monday Night, November 6th Pi Great 8confo Production The Power of Truth Will Be Presented by ifie ,f KITON STOCK CO. - Ma.tinees-j-Wed. jjnd Sat Prices iGo and 25c. W stereoptican is being used to aid in stirring up enthusiasm at California mass meetings. Tho Kansas law school is now thirty years old. The sopohmores won the recent flag rush at Cornoll. At tho Univorsity of Washington it is now considered bad form for any 'varsity man to tako a co-od to a foot ball game. " i Both Whitman college and Univor sity of Washington will begin training for tho track at onco, add continuo tho work through tho winter months. Three trips arc lined out fors tho Kansas basket ball team this year. They run north, south and east. The Indiana Student was suspended Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week while tho staff hurried, home to vote. At a recent bonflro at Washington tho students pulled off a mock crema tion of the faculty and the new rules. A completely equtppod laboratory haB beon established at tho Univorsity of Colorado and a 200,000- pound and a 30,000-pound testing machine in stalled, together with tho necessary equipment to ascertain the properties of the large quantities of tho flro-killod timbers in that section. HOLEPROOF H65E For tho ilrst time in tho. history of tho school tho University of Utah will put an Intercollegiate basketball team in tho field. v Some qf tho agricultural students at Missouri took a hayrack rido recently, ELITE 1329 "O" 8treet. ELITE II 1330 "O" Street LATEST AND DEST Moving Pictures IN THE CITY. The Management extends a cordial Invitation of every, University of Nebraska student ADMISSION 5 CENT8. " Change of, Program Mori, and, Thur Mri J. HpRZQCy THEUmVEnSlTYHAM'STAlLOB Th'' finest work done andprices right, ' (foil at; onrlnow store 12B30 O St. I-nlpQp TYPEWRITERS Al! makes rented with start S3 Per Month. ' Bargains in Bstmilt Machines. LINCOLN TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AmtollW-BsUllilL 113 No. HI m Half Million Glasses of Soda Water sold, ana drank ;ftom,onr 80th Century Sanitary Soda Fountain season HH& AgopoynyleTTB,epnnthrs and Lown eys Chocolates and Bonbons. The Drug Cutter, JJ THE PEARLY GATES maynever stand ajar for the man who tries to palm off paste for pearls, or rhinestones for diamonds and they, ought not He can buy GEMS cheap enough if he trades at HAUETT, u Established 1871 ' 1143 0 Dean Reed of Michigan objects to fraternities. .. -.II ii 0 It 1b rumored that there will ho aJ faculty rooting club at Washington. Tho University of Chicago aiaguzlno has a competition for mdergraduato Btaff membors. Tho magazine has scholarships for tho staff members who earn thom. J. M. Barrio's cQmodyKlrama "Ad mirablo Crichtpn' Is to bo presented by tho Michigan Comedy club this year. "r By a repent rrqllpg of the faculty of, Washington, if two meij visit a sorority hapso, do,nce, an,d have qny thing to eat, tho visit cpunts as a so cial function. Tho girls must bp at homo at 10:15 on week days anil by 10:30 on Friday and Saturday even. ingB. Tho girls arp objecting siren- 'uously to ho rullpgs. - f " . Chancellor t)ay of Syracuse has loft' on a world tour. He will' return in Juno to ."lay tho corner stono of n greater university.'' - . Eighteen freshmen football men at California have boon awarded 'numerals. but tho road caved, into a crook and caused a wreck. Several were slight ly Injured and one girl Buffered n broken arm. Tho California law association Is en deavorlng to make arrangements whoreby graduates of tho law school In the .university may bp allowed to practlco without taking too bar exam Northwestern has an enrollment of 3,800 this year. Tho Northwestern got out1 a four page supplement Friday devoted to the songs and yells and to boosting the team. James Mills, a capitalist, has offer ed 100 as a' prize for an oratorical contest between Stanford' and' Cali fornia on "World Peace' Tho, Washington baseball team ,1s re turning from Japan., It lost three games on account of tJio men k being out of condition. Class politicians have disappeared from Michigan life. , Tho PresB cluty of Princeton has de vised a novel plan for advertising the university. Tho members write up news stories of college affairs and send thom out to alumni 'over tho "country, who get thpm put Into the 'papers , - - - . Fraternities have been 'forbidden1 in. the .Milwaukee 'high' schoo by the Tho engineers at loth rjakotn will furnish a rpst room. Northwestern organized' a band last Friday evening for Saturday's game. , Ny Poon. Chow, a Chinese editor will ap.pajc at Stanford on "Present Day China and Ita American Relations." You won't have to darn, for six months. We gtiar? antee six pair to wear six A months. A new pair free with every pair with a hole inside oi six months. MAYER BRQ$. i J' L O&O&OO0QOQO0OO0OO0OOOOO2OO00b00O o o 75c Let Us Send You the Daily Nebras kan till Feb. for 75c This Includes the Football Number. SUBSCRIBE NOW 75c " " u 0OtthXZK&(X&K a )oo&ooooooo$oooqcoooqoooooq66ooo6sooo Semi - Anthracite t : Best for Furnaces. Ho Clinker. No Soot. AU Hait. GREGORY'S I GREGORY, Be Coal Han I IWI t Bfel Bkh HAVU MUAUBAl v MM M St BmBimmaMmtm & LIIILCBLBH. . 10(11 mUHTS; IUM P ilflttl O 00KXI?OCK)OCOC COLLEGE TAILORS Vj. COLLEGE VIEW BEST TAILORING BEST PRICES t The Oratorio society at Ottawa nnl veraity 1b planning to brlrip Nordic to Ottawa. 'At present they are gell . t, -y r -y j t.ijm - v f mH. fc A t rt At ? L V . we want srcmt8tiffl& W can fire youth Uttyrftjfc, bfi:fliirjc. t Capital Grocery $PiM& $mgi &&& y ' m ! r school board. J ing 'tickets to -get the guarantee.