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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1908)
.rt apTff--- -. THE DAILY NEBRASKAN .- (Cbc ails flelbraaftan ' lUiM PROPERTY OP THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. Lincoln,. Nebraska ffHISiEl EVERT IAT EXCEP SMXfAY Al MHAt BY THE STUDENT. PUB. BOARD. tolwMHIfta, 1ilN.'i4tiSt. KDITORIAL STAFF. Itor. Clyde K. Ellloit, '00 managing Kdltor...Htrbort W. Potter, '10 NtWa Editor. ..'..! Lynn Lloyd, Ml Associate .Miter ...Victor Smith, Ml BU8INB6B 8TAFF. , M.Bit.... '.,.,;. aior, M. VVslfaoe, MO circulation. . i . . . . . . ?. . .J. Roy Smith, '0 ttt. Manager Karl Campbell, MO Editorial and Butlneas Office. EASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Poktefflee, .Station' A, LlncolnV Nob. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, 12.00 PER YEAR Payable, In Adyanee Single, Copies,' & Cent Baeh. Telephone: Auto 1888. INDIVIDUAL NOTICBlin)TcTiaricr foe at tho rate of 10. conta per insertion for ovory (If toon words or fraction thoroof. Faculty notices and Unlvoraity bulletlni will ffiadly bo published froo. Entored at iho poatofllco at Lincoln, Nobraaka, as socond-olasa mall mattor under the! Act,' of ConBTOsa of March 3, 1879, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1908. 'NEBRASKA. OLYMPICS. Saturaax morning tho froBhmon and sophomorqs will spttlo tho supremacy pE tho lowor classps In an athletic contest which hRB boon given tho name. "Olympics.' Tho clasB winning tho most points In this mooting will bo ontitled to claim a higher Btandlng In tho unlvoraity than tho othor. This is tho first tlmo In tho history of tho unlvoraity that a movomont Intended to sottlo amicably tho affairs bo two on tho first and second year ' mon has been started and it Is hoped that both classes will abldo by tho outcome of tho o'vonts. If tho freshmon triumph ovor tholr honorable rivals thoy will dqservo to havo certain special prlvllogcB In tho university and tho sophomoros should not attempt to provent or tako away any Of those On tho ether hand, should tho sophomores provo the stronger thoy Bhould bo considered tho loaders of tho two lowor classes and tho freshmen should show thorn the rospect duo conquering clnssmon. Tho Olympics Saturday will bo In charge of good mon and undoubtedly will bo run Oft In successfully. Thcso men havo taken hold of this Innova tion wtih tho Idea of giving tho unl- vorsity a custom that may bo handed down from yoar to year and bocomo permanently established as a Nobras ka Institution. In order for their plans to work out tho lower clasuos this yoar WORK fOR CORNELL COACH INQ 8TAQQ COINS PREPAR FOR GAME SATURDAY. ITIIACANS IN HARD SCRIMMAGE Though Battered and Bruised From the Amherst Fight Men Are Con fldent of Taking Chicago's Measure 'This Week. CHICAGO, Nov. 10. Coach A. A. Stagg's "gallant nine" substitutes, tho solo rpsorvo strongth of tho maroon football forces, got their promlsod try out yestorday a,t Marshall. Hold in tho shnpo of a merciless drubbing from tho Midway froshmen. The lossor lum inaries!: failed to uhlno 1n tho rofloctcd glory of tho championship contenders at nny stngo, and tho coach's "sub" problom for next Saturday's Cornoll Chicago gamp Is still unsolved. . With tho smallost bunch of scrubs ho over had at this time of tho season and one position on tho team still opon, Conch Stagg must whip tho mod locro players into shnpo to go up against a, powerful elovon on Satur day. Tho long dcfeuslvo drill brought out no sensations In tho way of un oxpectcd "sub" class, the "freshlos" putting the 'bull ovor for seven touchdowns. Tho socond line-up. Including four of tho regulars, was not given a chuimo to uso Its plays, Stagg wishing to dovoto his wholo tlmo to his do fenso. Tho dofenso Is bollovod by Stagg tho leading consideration for both tho Cornell and Wisconsin games, and tho weakness of this department in scrlmmago, consequently kept his championship smile In ecllpso. Schommor at left end was tho only regular In the lino, Smith and Eliot plnylng tneklers, with Hirschl and Meigs at tho guards and Grills at con tor. Folk, Worthwlno and Schott woro tho othor defcnslvo mon used, -the reg ulars dispensing with a defensive quar ter back. Coach Stngi? inndo one constructive advance in deciding to -usu both Schott and Worthwlno uh rogular full backs Saturday. Schottte work In tho early games entitled him to a placo among the rogulars, despite his long enforced ahsonco bocauso of his Injury, whllo Worthwlno's classy play against Illi nois and Minnesota places him at loast on n par with his prodoeesfcor Captain Stoffcn took light signal work with -tho rogulnr backs. Ho Is fooling tho effects of a hard bump on elovon prdbably to represent Yalol against Princeton noxt Saturday: Left ond, Haines; left tackle, LUIoy; loft guard, Andrus; contor, BIddle; rlgtit guard, Qoebol; right tackle, Brides;' right ond, Coy; quarter back, Johnson; left half back, Philbln; right half back, Daly; full back, Field. TJho rcl ogating of Ilobbs to tho substitute list nnd taking Field Cap. C6y from full back and giving him an end. position were tho biggest sensations of tho shakcup. Hobhs' play against Brown was slow Coy's punt mulling caused tho coaches t,o romovc him from tho back Hold, and tho quartor back in giving signals hereafter practically will act as field captain. Yale's tacklo positions wore plnyod worst of any on tho, team on Saturday. Taking Brides from half back and -playing hlmnt rlghtlackla ioday was not wholly, a success and ho may bo sent to guard nnd Qoebol moved out to tacklo. Formor Capt. Tom 8hovlin nnd Ralph' Bloomer roported today to holp solvo tho tacklo problem. Iowa. Iowa City, Iowa, Nov. 10. With tho team In as good condition as any tlmo this season tho Iowa sqttnd today started preparations for the Drako gaino hero noxt Saturday. Drako has a good football machine, carefully coached by Griffith, and tho student body foars tho team more than at the first of tho season. Tho undergrad uates are anxious for tho old gold to defeat Drako by a declslvo score, how ever, so as to hotter tlo team's stand ing In stato circles. The hawkoyo cloven arrived from Urbana yesterday afternoon. "Sim nock" Is tho ono word which explains the defeat, according to tho members of tho team. Without tho wonderful llttlo 130-pound quarter back the Illlnl would havo been "plckln's" for Iowa, so tho rootors say. Iowa students who went to tho game state that tho scoro doeB not repre-. sent tho relative inorltb of tho teams. Iowa mndo a harder fight than tho Bcoro indicator, so It is claimed. Par ticular praise is given Seidel and GroHs for tholr stnr work In tho Iowa iino. Captain Van Hook left the game in tho middle of tho second half, while "SI" stuck through to tho vory end, dosplte tho hnrd battle with tho 111! nolH captain. Michigan. Ann Arbpr, Mich., Nov. 10. Was mund, quarter back on tho Michigan olovon, was unable to report for prac tice this aftornoon. While his Illnoss' Is not considered serious and tho play or probably will bo In later scrim ,- B bbI I Rptter Skating I BBS ' H An orderly crowd, a corteous I ' H management, a perfect floor, '.' H a delightful evening. I EfS ,BBE I AUDITORIUM I Afternoon 3 tol50 EyeningJj30 to 10 I Admission, Gents 10c Ladies Eve, 5c ""' H Ladies FREE Afternoons B 0CCO000000CObCO0000 STUDENTS CLUB Suits Cleantd and Pressed Only $1.50 Per Month We make a specialty of new suits made fight here in our own shop $20 and up H. SMITH, TAILOR I5S1S O Auto 5228 O$OOQ02OQOOOQOQQOOt2Q SUMMARY OF THE GAME. In Yards; Punts. Amos .r. 615 'Nebraska '497 Average of Punts. Klckoffs. 31 294 28 105 Avorago Return ot Forward of Klckoffs. Pass. Punts. 49 27 235 35 160 175 Av. Rot. Qt. Ptfl.-K'ffs 20 i3Vj r KV H B H H B BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr JBBBBBBBBBBBBr BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr v BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT bbbIbbIK !BFk bbbbbbbbbbb Ibbbbbbbbbbbb U4l,tO. TwqStqkils 14150. My Big Glove Specials are the $1.00 Undressed Kids mine now; yours for the asking and my Genuine Rus sian Kassan Stook at $1.25 the other fellow's price is $1.50 to $2.00. must glvo them truo Biipport and follow but- tho ordors of tholr super iors. - . " ILLINOIS lyjEN, H.AYS A BIG. TIME. Riotous. Proceedings Mark Celebration , ) V-ct9,ry. t As result .pj: thq student demon Btration &i Illinois n. honor of tho big football victory ovor tho hawkoyesl the Boltrcon;trqlVof Mayor Blalno, tho cranium "of Streot Superintendent Morton and; tq.plato glass In. tho door of tho Walker opera houso woro all badly Bhatterod,' and two student mom hers of tho groat Jones family, namo ly, Robert T., and tho irrepressible "JocWi hour In Champaign's city bastllo. ' Tho boys wanted to seo tho show f io.- Mariagor Sam Kahl failed to seo any .profit' In the admission prlco offered., A row of Champaign's atud diest, ,bravest "cops" backed up SanTa conception of tho proposition. While tho "cops',: glared' throatonihgly at the studonts.. and tho students in turn Jeered contemptuously 4it the cops, and cor.Uln peacemakers : poured tho oil of ontroatloa and adjuraUons upon tho troubled water of. rising spirits; some nerson throwawbrlck' which shattnroii tha plate glass l,n qno gf'tho dobrs at tho entrance .to tho nnnrn. hmian Tn th6 m'Hcup tilat followed several heads I to tho suhstltuto list; and Head Coach his right '4eg, sustained last week, and Stagg .was afraid to uso him in scrim mage. Cornell. Ithaca, N. Y Nov 10. For three hours thlfl afternoon the 'varsity play Qrs prommolod each othor Jn Bcrlm mngo: and charging- tacticB, and for morq than rin .hour tho ends and backs .drilled at Goach Larklp's dofonso for Cnicago'a forwAi'd paBs and onBldo klpk formations. . Though bruisod and batterod by tho Amherst game, ovory man Was out on tho flold, und for tho first time this year practice began at 2:30. Cald WoH played qharter for tho first time l two woeks, and Hurloy was shifted f,ronj: sprub end to scrub quartor. Hoff man was out but hlB log Is bad yet. Dan Rped, '00, ono of? tho greatest guards tiiat ovor woro tho "C," will bo here, toraonorw. Ho coached the Cor nell team of iy02," with groat success. Hurry calls havo been sent out for Elmer Unompson to coma back nnd coach tho lino tomorrow. Yale, Now Haven, .Conn., .Nov. lp.Sqven of Yajo's football eleven wore giyen a razzia dazzfp this aprtnoon. 'All ps;cept thq centpr! trip and. Halt Back Phillips woro shifted or drqppod Wereethumppd. mages, his inability Is regarded as un fortunate ot this tlmo, as every day of practice is Important before tho big "game. Yost gave the mon signal proc tico this afternoon, lotting them off from scrlmmugo work. According to Director Balrd 10;000 tickets already havo boon sold from tho Penh game on Saturday. Tho Ponn team will ar rlvo in Detroit on Wednesday, coining to Ann Arbor on Friday. ' ' Illinois. Urbana, 111., Nov. 10. Illinois reg ulars woro in good enough shape today for a hard workout If necessary, but the coachos wont oasy on them. Tho Illlnl are in tho pink of condition, and It is not desired to work them -too hard for fear some of tho players will go stale. It is going to bo liard to kep up tho eleven for 'the Purdue and Northwestern games. Added efficiency to tho olovon Is promised by tho addition of Lyon Gardiner, whb will bo available Satur day 'for a Imck position, although he Will hardly start In fhb game, anlosa ho should round Into better condition. Rltchoy may bo ablo to resumo nlnw 'lngbiit it Is improbabloytbat ho would 4)0 able, to claim his placo at lofthalf hack in view of Watson's brilliant playing against tho hawk'oyes. Blgejow set on the, field tho following w OH.-Frey, flqrlBt, 1133 6 St Soma Missouri Btudents recently got Into a street fight at Moberly, Mis souri. Ono of them was arrested. Chicago Is again trying a gleo club project. Two others organized thero have failed. Five Stanford studontB woro recent ly put on probation, and another "re quested to withdraw." The Tech, studont paper at BoBton Tech, got out an extra edition on tho occasion of Taft's' visit thero last wepk. . Rooting by tho alumni Is a new feature. A club Is being, organized among the alumni at Washington for the purpose. Wright's,- 114 South Eat at John Eleventh. Professor Gough of DoPauw advises students to stand whllo studying. Why not tako your bath, at Chris' bath house, Elovonth and P streets? Some prohistorlc fossils have been secured by Michigan. Havo your clothes pressed at Weber's Sultorlum. Cor. 11th and O. Minnesota girls complain that thoro is too much polso and too llttlo room In tho girl's study room. It seems to havo becomo a social, rather than an intellectual, centor. Mother's Dining' Hall. Good homo cooking. Prices from one cent up. 308 So. Elovonth St Professor Taylor of Michigan at tho Educational club says that "toachers will not recelvp larger wages ono hun dred years Jrom now than they do, now," , Green's barber shopB, The Club housp and. Colo-MqKonna, 1132 O. That's all. English grammar, spelling, Idioms, aud punctuation will count on tho en trance examinations for tho aendomlq departmpntof Yale. Beckman Bros; Fine, shoes. 1107 Indiana University is threatened with a wator famine. "Unless' the drought thero is. broken soon .the school iuay t'ayo to ,close indpflnftofy. Th,qro is a.b.out a two weeks' supply iq tho city reservoirs. At The Play Houses Majestic. Tho Majestic 1b offoring a program of exceptional merit this week, r.tfd should bo of special Interest to play, goerB. Tho program follows: Tho Five Columbians, In ''A Bit. or Dresden China;" Hallon and Fuller, in "My Wifo's Hero;". Hawaiian Quin tette, vocalists and instrumentalists; Miss BobbIo Browning, tho charming entertalnerr Clndlus and Scarlet, tho muBlcal past and present; Sparlos and" George; Alonzo Cox. Three of tho sororities of K. U. and a largo number of tho girls In rooming housos havo pledged thoir honor to abolish "dates" and social engage ments on study ovonings. From n6w on Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights will bo tho"favored evenings. ft DR.J.R.DIV1S DENTIST . CHARGES REASONABLE -- - - J OYir luk of CoMtrti Jfl VHBSfl IfflKlHC ZlS'i MEB. CA iuwww,;".iTstrr; ll lllf III! I . f Y S7TO' P6 Ml(4 TONE irttr ' Ua T rx .AND ' -ft" r 1 i 4 . I .1 if- ti&U . k. P i.'t'Si