The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 11, 1908, Image 1

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VoL VIII. No. 37.
Pride 5 Cent
I, V
" .
From the Interest Taken by the Men
the Battle Royal Will Draw
Three THundred Students
In the Fight.
Last night representative from the
Hophomoro and freshman cIu'osgb held
a meeting In Dr. Condra'B office to
complete final arrangements for tho
p.nuual clash hotweon tho two classes.
Prom tho Interest manifested at the
mooting it wad assured that tho
"Olympics" are a go, and will draw a
big crowd to Antelopo park on Satur
day mdrnlng when thL fight takes
Tho question of eligibility of tho
fresliman lawB was again taken up
and discussed, no definite decision
having been arrived at By a previous
ruling or tho eligibility commlttoo,
thoBO memhers of tho freshman law
class who had advanced work-were
allowed to participate with the sopho
mores, while all of tho rest were In
cluded In the, ranks of tho freshmen.
Tho sophomores Insisted that this was
an Injustice since tho freshman class
outnumbered the sophomoreB greatly.
Tho question will bo decided today,
A Big Rally.
Friday night at 5 o'clock, providing
there. Is no conflict with tho football
rally, tho sophomores are planning
upon a big rally to bo held in .Mo
moVlal hall. At tho meeting spoeoheB
will be made. Tho sophomore -try-outa
will be held tonight at tho gym
nasium, and all men who expect to
participate In tho wrestling, boxing
and cross country evonta must'roport.
Tho tug-of-war team Is being picked
from tho heavy -men of the class.
Albert Poole has been appointed cap
tain of this toam, whllo some Of tho
other members aro 'Curtis, Collins,
Stunner, HaBcall,' Pattlson, TIndall,
Bllott and Sadlleck. In tho cross
country team, Reed, Dlnsmore, Mol
llck, Drake, Ratcliff, and Graham
have been showing up prominently.
Thq- croBs-country team for tho Mara
thon race will comprise five members
from each class. Elliott, Sadllolok,
Collins and aeveral othors havo been
training for the wrestling match and
promlBO to make It Interesting for
tho freshman who chanco to oppose
thorn. In boxing, not many have en
tered and-tho list Is still incomplete.
Tho closing event, Vtlio battle royal,"
Is sure to bring out almost every
sophomore and freshman In the two
classes, and a good climax to tho
games s certain. In preparing for
, thp last event, students aro especially
warned to wear old Clothing. The
committee has decided that any rough
play will result in a foul, and a pos
sible award to tho. opposing side By
rough play, however, tho commlttoo
moans kicking, alugglngor any other
similar unsportsmanlike fighting.
Wrestling and pushing are encouraged
and. the" rougher tho battle can be
without poriouB injuries to tho par
ticipants the more successful the clash
wijl' bo. The committee .desire1 above'
alii things that it he understood that'
tho' fight Ib to bo no tamo- affair, but
rather a healthy college" contest such
asv'bno finds carried on in tho eastern
outs will bo held tho latter -part of
the weok. Tho freshmon havo a num
ber of boofy men, all of whom should
bo able to rojider a good account of
themselves in tho class fight In
point of numbers they havo a big ad
vantage over tho sophomores,' but tho
latter hopo to dofoat this by a su
perior organization.
It is very probablo that a rooting
squad will bo organized among tho
girls of tho sophomore class, , who" will
attend the fight in a body and lend to
tho Class spirit by songs and yells.
Tho fight Is now well undor way,
and except forftomo unforeseen ovent
nothing can prevent it from boing n
big success. Every sophomorO and
every freshman owes It to his class
to get out and do -what ho can at
least to tako part In tho "battlo
royal." The quostlon as to whether
Nebraska students can havo their his
toric class fights is up boforo tho stu
dents and their action of Saturday
will decide It
The Jayhawkers Are 8ald to Excel in
the Use of the Forward Pass
The Qame Promises to Be a
Very Spectacular Contest.
Quiet Meeting Held In Memorial Hall
The freshman class held a "har
mony" meeting In Momorlal hall yes
torday morning at 11:30 o'clock and
finished the election of officers. Presi
dent Kerspachor called tho mooting
to order and announced- tho business
to come before tho class. A good
sized crowd was present on this sec
ond occasion of tho coming togothor
of tho students of '12. The following
officers wero chosen: Vice presidont,
Miss Bovine; secretary, Miss Blanche
Woodworth; treasurer, Mungor; sor-geant-at-arms,
'The freshman hop will tako plnco
at the Llnocln hotel December C. Tho
number of ticktits will bo limited tc
125. The price of tickets will bo
Unusually Unique Entertainment To
j Be Provided.
Preparations for tho county fair are
now in full Bwlng. Everything points
to tho largest, tho most attractivo and
tho most novel fair ever given. Not
only will all tho host things of former
yenrs be repeated ngalnsl this year,
but a large number of unique features
are being prepared.
Nellie M. Suddon, '08, has general
supervision of all arrangements, and
is being assisted by Mattle Wood
worth, Florenco Whlttlor, Marian
Hart, Ethel Perkins, Anna Watt,
Amanda Clements, Grace Kimmoll,
Verno Hydon and Elizabeth Kiewit,
'.08. Romember the date of the big
fair, Nbvombor 21, in-tho armory.
Freshmen Not Idle.
Realizing what a victory over; the
sophomores means, tho freshmen have
Karl Heinrich Rehearsal.
Act I of the Karl Holnrich rehearsal
today will tako placo at 4:30 p. m. in
room 112, University hall.
Tho act calls for the appearance of:
Karl Heinrich, Mr. Krlger; Stoats
minlster, Mr. Richoy; Hofmarchall,
Mr. Mills; Icholermann, ,Mr. Taylor;
Dr. Juttnbr, Dr. Icnnay; Lutz, Mr.
Batis; Glanz, Mr. Juhl.
8ophomores Notice.
Al bona fide contestants in tho try
outs for places as sophomore wrest
lers, boxers, or runners, to be held
this afternoon at. 5 o'clock will bo
excused from drill. All second year
men be at the armory promptly at 6.
Tho Cornhuskor band of warriors
was in poor enough condition when
thoy wont Into tho Ames gamo, but
they aro ovon worse now. Howovor,
there Is no ono who 1b seriously in
jured and it is hoped that tho Ne
braska toam will put up a hotter front
against tho Jayimwkors noxt Satur
day than thoy havo been able to ipro
Bent slnco before tho Iowa gamo.
Tho contest with tho Amos Aggies
wbb ono of tho florcost over played
on a western gridiron, yet both teams
came out of it without any serious
injuries. Nearly overy ono was protty
stiff, howovor, aftor that awful strug
gle and several of tho playors have
failed to put in an appearance at
practice oven yet. Bill Chaloupka
was pretty badly battered up boforo
the end of tho contest and ho has not
recovered sufficiently yet to don a
suit and got out for practice, but it
Is expected that ho will be able to
show up today or tomorrow at tho
latest Throughout tho gamo Satur
day "Big Bill" was continually pulling
oft spectacular plays and It is not sur
prising, that ho should havo con-
. r
'traded -a few bumps and bruises.
Little Heavy Work.
In all probability vory llttlo heavy
work will bo indulgod In by tho 'var
sity this weok. ThlB is the time of
the season when playors are apt to
go stalo and it Is the intention of
Coach Cole to avoid if possible any
such catastrophe. Tho Cornhuskors'
schedule this season is tho hardest
ono -which has ever boon nrrangod for
a Nebraska team and this fact makes
tho tusk of keeping tho players in
condition an extra hazardous ono.
The schedule this year called for
oloven games, .six of which, Minne
sota, Iowa, Ames, Kansas, Wabash,
and Carlisle, aro about as hard con
tests as could bo arranged for any
team. Two of tho othor flvo, Haskoll
and Grinnoll, wero anything but prac
tice games, while ho remainder, only
threo In numbor, Peru, Doano and
Hastings, aro all that can be regarded
as pasyk contests for Nebraska.
Considering" the limited number of
players of university caliber who aro
at "King" Colo's disposal for this dis
couraging array of contests, it is no
wonder that the coach is inclined
periodically to bo pessimistic over tho
ultimato outcome of the season.
Success Is Assured.
Tho excellent showing of tho Corn
huBkers so far. this season has been
something of a 'surprise when one
stops to consider the, difficulties which
have confronted Coach Cole and his
pupils. The fact that tho Univorslty
has no flold has done much to Injuro
the CornhuBkor prospects by cutting
to UBk If ho has Buccoodod so fof and
it boglns to look as If success for tho
remainder of tho season was assured.
Tho Juyhawkors will como to Lin
coin next Saturday couchod to defend
tho various stylos of play which tho
Cornhuskors havo oxhlblted this year,
and thoy aro hopoful of showing
KIng" Colo's pupils up. -.
The Kansas backs aro said lo ho
particularly adept in tho ubo of tho
forward pasn and as tho Cornhuskors
also excel in this .department, Satur
days game is oxpoctcd to bo Just as
spectacular, if such a thing is possi
ble, as waB tho AmcB contest in
In Resignation Dr. AnifreysJExprtSMri
Gratitude te Regents for Kind
nesa In Connection With
His Work.
Be 8ecured by 8tudenti at
Treasurer's Office.
Somo students havo mado tho mis-
tako of gottlng thoir tlckota rosorvod
nt Harry Porter's store and not at tho
university treasurer's office. It costs
twonty-flvo cents moro for students to
havo their Boats reserved at Portor'B
than nt tho treasurer's ofllce. At tho
formor placo tho prlco of tho tickets
is fifty cents and at tho lattor twenty
flvo cents.
Students may socuro scats at the
treasurer's ofllco until tomorrow night
for twonty-flvo cents. Aftor that tlmo
thoy will havo to go to Harry Por
tor'B, whoro tho prlco 1b fifty conts
for tho reserved seats.
-Dr. E,
Will Be Held In Memorial Hall for
Kansas Game.
A grand rally to stir up enthusiasm
for Nebraska's. honorablQ.jrlv.Rl, JKan-J
saB, will be new in Aicsaoriai nau at
5 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. It is
planned to mako this tho biggest rally
of tho year. It will probably be tho
final one.
Tho band and team will bo' on hand,
and in addition, there will bo two or
three good- spoakors. Songs especially
composed for tho coming gamo will bo
Tho special football number of tho
Dally Ncbraakan will bo issued on
Thanksgiving day; Only a .limited
numbor of copies will bo printed and
students deBlrlng oxtra numbers, will
havo to order them boforo the pap or
is printed. .Extra copies will .cost 15
cents each;
For Several yoarslt has been evi
dont to thoso whoso work brings them
In closo contact with the chancellor"
that tho statp of his health has been
far from what it should be, The opin
ions of two prominent physicians
which havo boon recently made cubVi'c
show that It is of vital importance
that tho chancellor should atToflcQ,bq
relieved of all work and responsibility:
Tho opinions aro as 'follows: ' ' '
From Dr. Coulter.
1 ; .
Omaha, Nob., Oct. 19, 1908.
Bonjamln Andrews, Lincoin,
uear jur. Anurows: Aftor a
Investigation of your past history and
a thorough examination of your pres
ent condition, taking fully isto account
your provlous active and: energetic
life, and fully appreciating tho im
portant dutios that aro now dopendent
upon you, I can arrive at but ono con
clusion, if you dosiro to avoid a most
probablo sorlous if not fatal break
in your career; namoly, that you
should at tho earliest possible mo
ment, relinquish your present arduous
duties, and tako a comploto rost for
at least a year. You should spend
this 'Hlfnoin-somovqnlet placet where
an even climate may bo onjoyod. Foi
lowing this rost and vacation, oaly a
limited amount of work-por day should,
be indulgod in for somo years, and
perhaps the remainder of your life;.
I fully realize that the educational in
terests, of Nebraska, will suffer, much
by your making soak a move, but your,
nresent condition dumanda thnnhnnrn
In order to avoid results that may; bo
most disastrous to your futu'ro career.
"I' remain, yours very, truly;
A comet is now observable to the,
naked eyo in the western sky in tho
early pvoning. It is getting brighter
and approaching tho sun. A recont
photograph of the comot, taken at
tho Harvard bbsorvatory, shows a
faint tail, nine degroes In length.
A class in legislation in tho law col
lege, under A. E. Sheldon and Dean
Costigan, will begin work noxt week.
The first lecture will bo given Novem
ber 17. This class is to givo tho stu
dents a general instruction in Ne
braska jaw-making, and will do a good
Tho manufacture of sulphuric acid
is tho subject for discussion at tho
mooting of tho chemistry olub tonight
Tho mooting, which will bo conducted
by Mr. Hadlock, will convono In the
library of Chemistry hall at 8 o'clock.
Fred Hunter, '05, .and a member of
tho '04 football team, was in tho city
attending the state teachers' conven
tion last week.. He .wltnossed tho Omaha also.
Professor F. D. Barker, Will .address
down thp attendanco of playors at the midweek meotlngjof tho univorslty
pf heen idle and are -well prepared , doa, of' contfemporary work ltn
IOr .me wmiuB uuuu- uu, P. atatQ legislaturo ma wnton
.qpunitry runners, the boxers and the, . .
wrestlers - havo , been practicing for Baked bake(J
some tlmo1 and, will be In good' trim and-served hot .with delicious Vrowii
for the.'. fight' on" -Saturday; The try bread; "lOc, at The' Boston', Lunch
practice; also tho fact that practice
has beea held all year either at, An
telopo park 0r tho State Farm has
bean responsible for the fact that the
sudents have not attended practice.
Witjh a flold oh or near tho campus
tho students would be .inclined to at
tend football practice every day, and
it is easy Jo boo, that a football ( en
thusiasm, could not help- but result,'
Without enthusiasm to support, him
In his work and without, an abundance
of material from which to chooso his
team, no coach can hope to succeed,
yet thoso. were the conditions which
confronted "King" Cole at the begin
ning of the season. It is" unnecessary
Y. M. C. A. from 6:60 to 7 tonight.
His topic wll,b$ "Capturing and Oc
cupying StrpnghQldB.
Arthur Nelson, law '09, has gono
Dale Stough, law' '11, returned yes
terday from a' trip to his .home at
Creston, Iowa, after the (Omaha game.
Somo powerful kicker of tho Junior
football squad landed theVballon top
of Brace hall last'ovenlng? ,V
'M J
Ex-Congressman R. D. lutherlana .of
Nelson is visiting at 'the5 lialVersity.
on a business trip .to hir home at.
Shlckley,- - Vr
RecemmeiHls Quiet LKtv
' , Lincoln,. Neb., Oct. M. Dr. "M. Bon
jamin Andrews, university of Netyras-i
. '' ' ' ' ' 'I
amlaatlon shows tho ' presence. ( of;
noryous lesion in such form, thatva
continuation of your prosont activities;
as chancollor of the University of Ne-J
braska will soon lead to vory serious
results. ,
"My advice Mtl that you should
(from nowlead a ye'ry quiet Hfe-rdo-ing
only a limited amount of work
every day, Before taking up any form
of work what800yor' you should take
a long "ro8tbnoryear at least--In
some mild climate. -The rest must be
absolute as possiblo and you should
bo freed . from all responsibility, at
,bnco. l
"Regretting that my advice must be
1 radical 1 'am sir, 4 ! ' - "
"J. M. MAYHEW,': .
Letter of Resignation. -
In his resignation which! was ac
cepted by tho board of regeatsDr.'
Andrews took occasion to express his
gratitude " for tho ' unuorm, v kindness
which has been shown him by. tho re
gents. His resignation la as follows:
Llncdlfl, Neb., Nov: 6, 1908. Hoa.. C.
S. - Allen, President' oY the; Board of
Regents, University 6f Ne.oraska.
"My Dear Sir: Being "assqrtld by able
medical advisers that I "cannot con
tinue at the head of the; wiversUy
without graye and. immediate daager
to my hflAMh, permit me to teider to
.the retenu my resignation 'of the
chascellprshlp, 6 take-elfecf at the
end v,oft December, 1908. , J
f"! s tWe eccaelba toexpsss fry
K (C6Uaue4 Page 4)
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