THE DAILY NEBRASKAN 8 9 w I fc MISSOURI VALLEY TITLE NOW IN SIGHT Kansas Must Be Defeated Will Have a Clear Championship and Then Nebraska Claim To All Honors OTHER SCHOOLS OUT Of THE RACE Cornhuskers and Jayhawkers Meet Next Saturday and former Are favored to Win from Their Honorable Rivals in fast and Hard fought Game Which Will Settle Question return to Lawronco with the ahort'erid of tho score. Nebraska Is becoming one of tho greatest teams' in the west in the open stylo of play, and 1b having great suc cess with the forward paBS, as the Ames gamo showed. In that struggle tho Cornhuskers mado 160 yards to 27 for their opponents on the pass. Unless KaneuB Improves wonderfully during tho week Nebraska will proo ubly repeat its performance of last Saturday. 8eat Reservation. Manager Eager announced yester day tlmt students could reserve seats for tho Kansas gamo at tho treasur- KansxiB now Is tho only team stand ing between Nobraska and a clear title to tho 1908 football championship of tho Missouri valloy. Next Satur day tho Jayhawkers will bo mot In Lincoln nnd tho question Bottled. It lookB as though the Cornhuskers should have llttlo trouble In taking Coach Kennedy's men Into camp thte season, but the "dope" sometimes goes wrong, and next Saturday may bo ono of thoso occasions. Amos, MiBBOurl, Iowa and Wash burn have boon put out of tho run ning for tho Missouri Valloy tltlo and Kansas is tho only rival of tho Corn boskerB that has not suffered defeat so far this fall. Iowa lost to Missouri and Nobraska, and Missouri loBt to Ames. Last Saturday Amos, by sue cumbjlng to tho Cornhuskors, and Washburn, by losing to Kansas, fell out of the race. Kansas made such a good showing against thoWaBhbum team that tho Jayhawker stock has gone up several points since Satur day. At First Were Weak. Early In tho season and up until a fow weeks ago tho Jayhawkers looked to be real weak and did not loom up ns possible claimants for the championship. Coach Kennedy and his assistants, howovor, worked hard with their" men and put thom in good have a good lino on many of tho No-' iiruska plays, for their coaches have ' watched tho CornhuskorB at work In three hard games and are woll ac- uil v ." ' w L . i' ViV '. '-'J'tf'A .ftPfln ; W It, j Bfitf-i '.., i r.-' r iebbbbbl-i .-ivti a. !PPPPPPPPPPPEBBBL 'ppppppppppppppppppppppB. 'PmV" PebbbbbbbVlebbV L ' lpppphbw , ApHieeee? ' beseem YebbbbbTi , i (pjpjpjf pfpjpja M bbW "PsS i bbbbw i H'B.- - pjtpxte EBY . TBr V" l' . . ' 1 ' bbbfw ' "vppt , - lr pbbpbbpbbpbbpbbpbbpV npbbpbbB ''.pppppH 'ppBpPM"' "PPPPPPB" PPPPPJPPPPP- pppppp? pppp PM' 'PpT ' " 'r'1 ',v -.pIppW ppppppppppMpppppppppppB MYERS. Kansas, Halfback. er's ofllce In the administration build ing to-day, Wodnesday and Thursday. Thursday night the seats will be taken off sale and it will be Impossible to any longer resorve them for twenty flvo cents. It 1b probable that a rally for th Kansas gamo will bo held Thursday. At that time yells and songs will be practiced for tho game. Reserve Seats. Seats for tho Kansas gamo may be reserved at the treasurer's office in the Administration building today, Wednesday and Thursday. Thursday night thayseats will bo taken off sale STEELE, Kansas, Quarterback. form. They have played good ball during the last three weeks, and now appear to be Btronger than last sea son. Next Saturday tho mon from1 the Sunflower state will como to Lincoln pointed for tho game with tho Corn huBkers and hopeful of winning. Thay CALDWELL, Kansas, Right Tackle. ouainted with many of "King" Colo's tactics. For three weeks they have been drilled In special plays to use against Nobraska on the offense and In forma tions calculated to stop tho Corn huskers on the offense. The Haskell Indians, who mot Nobraska three weeks ago, have worked with tho Jay hawkers using Nebraska plays and formations. -Tho Kansas coaches bo llevo the lino they have secured on Nebraska and the drill their men have had will enable Kansas to sur prise tho Cornhuskers Saturday. "King" Colo, however, Is not sleep ing on the job. Ho realizes that the jayhawkers may show unexpected strength and ho 1s going to bo pre pared for a hard fight., This week he ' sending the CornhuskerB through eomo plays deviBed and Saved up es pecially for Coach Kennedy's merry Land from Lawrence. 4 No Open Game Play. KnnBas In all its games so far this Beason has seomed to have been com pletely outclassed in" the open gamo style of play, and in this weakness "Kln" Colo sees a good chance for tho Cornhuskers to win. Against Washburn Saturday the Jayhawker did not use tho forward pass, while their opponents employed It several times for good gains. This shows lhat tho Kansas players woro "not coached up to Btop break up the for ward pass plays. If this Is their con dition when they come up to Lincoln next Saturday they will bo sure to rr p ppBpTi ' JPPPPPPPP'i. HT ppT tfpppppplpm ppm , ''ppPPPPpT.PPM ' PPL'i' 'PPPPPPPJ - PPB T PPSl tt PPPPPPH "PH lPP: ? PPPPPPM "PM : QhppB "m ,. ' pjjppLHM -rppBpW' v- ppppVPf ' - pppppK ' r PPPPPPPPV - ppB. ppppl.'' ' vpppppH pppppppppppppppppS ppppppppppppppm pppppppppH ' pppppppppH 1 ppppppppppV i ppVppFr 'ppVTppW ' ' -.fpW'' ' ,Bpm:: 1 'ppBPPPPPPPPHk V'W' Bt' f'w '' CARLSON, Kansas, Center. and no more reservations at twenty five cents will bo made. Have your clothes pressed at Weber's Sultorlum. Cor. 11th and O. .Green's barber shops, Th Club house and Cole-McKenna, 1132 O. That's all. Kept Off Of 0 Street lw63!w M$mM v. nv Kan IP pbto mtf WmJmH Ml aA WMiSSL Mml feld ww'' MM i Ft mm m - if r Ajm&am ii jSyCUT r M SNOWON By my competitor. Afraid of me; would not let me be a neighbor, also wanted my ads kept out of Col lege papers or he would not advertise. I wanted part of the Sterling Clothing building and offered my money for rent and was refused, all because the shoe store in that block, between twelfth and thirteenth, south side, did not want competition. My competitor can keep me off O Street in that block but be can not keep me from giving the people shoes at the following prices: (I hate to do this at this season of the year, but I am compelled to.) Biggest Shoe Bargains in the His tory of Lincoln $7.00, $6.50 and $6.00 Shoes for - - $4.95 $5.50 and $5.00 Shoes for - - - - $3.95 $4.50 and $4.00 Shoes for ... $3.45 This is no old Junk, but all this season's fresh goods HEREFORD Shoe Fitter to Men 133 Squth 13th Street The man who made it possible for you to buy shoes at legitimate prdfits '-a FRATERNITIES SORORITIES We Want Your Coal Orders. Give Us a Trial Order. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED WHITEBREAST CO. 1106 O Street Auto 3228 Ball 234 m I o J.