The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 10, 1908, Page 6, Image 6

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    NwfatMWa .w
tnlk borore an association of agrlcul
turallata or boforo a gathering of his
torians with oqual lnfluenco, for all
clnssoB of hoarorB roallzo that ho Is
devoting hlB groat a tore of learning
for tho timo bolng with a doflnlto pur
poso of Bhowlng them something about
tholr own subject which they hnd not
thought of before.
Chancellor Andrews has not con
flnod IiIb activity to university affairs
alone. His lecturoB and writings on
subjects of practical Interest havo at
various times attracted tho attention
of tho reading public. Especially wan
ho boforo the public during tho con
troversy over bl-motalllsm, whon as
tormB and later wont to Wesloyait
academy at Wllbraham, Mass., for an
othor term. Ho ihon entered Brown
university, graduating In 1870 after a
four year course. Immediately aftor
his graduation from Drown the futuro
chancellor ontored tho Newton The
ological seminary, from which ho grad
uated In 1874. Ho waB In the moan
Mmo principal of tho Connecticut Lit
erary somlnary at which ho had stud
ied boforo going to Brown. In 1874
Mr. Andrews was pastor of tho FlrBt
Baptist church at Beverly, MaBB., re
signing this work In 1876 to bocomo
prosldont of Donlson university at.
Granville, Ohio. Ho romalnod hero
m BeeeeY Beeee 1
1 lT.SUK riVfKHJ 1 W-T '
n ' "
JOHNSON, Nebraaka Left End
an appointee of President Harrison ho
represented tho United States at the
International conference at Brussels.
At tho prosont time the chancellor is
a member of various oducatlonal and
humane boards, among those bolng the
simplified spelling. Ho Is also a trus
tee of Brown university.
A short tlino ago whon Prosldont
Harpor of tho Unlvorsity of Chicago
died, Chancellor Andrews was prom
inently mentioned to succeed him. It
Is not known whother or not a tender
of tho position was made, but It was
the opinion of many educators' at the
timo that tho Nebraska ohancollor
would make a fitting successor to
President Harpor. Earlier In the per
iod of his connection with Nebraska
tho chancellor was offered the presi
dency of tho University of WlBCon;
sin, but thlB ho declined In order that
he might finish his work at Nobru
The Chancellor's CartieY.
Chancellor Andrews was born Jan
uary 10, 1844, at Hinsdale, N. H He
came of a family of ministers, both his
father and grandfather having served
in tho Baptist church. HIb father, In
addition to hlB theological activities,
was a lecturer of considerable repute
four yours, at which time he resigned
in order to accept tho chair of home
lotlcs at Newton theological somlnary.
President of Brown.
In 1882 Professor Andrews resigned
from tho theological school and wont
to Europo, whore ho Btudlod political
economy and hlBtory at tho univer
sities of Berlin and Munich, this being
done In preparation for assuming tho
professorship of history and political
economy at Brown. Ho flllod this po
sition until 1888, when ho becamo pro
fessor of political economy and
finance at Cornell university. In 1899,
ono year after his acceptance of the
Cornell professorship, ho returned to
Brown university as president and pro
fessor of moral and Intellectual phll-
The Daily Nebraskan
Out Thanksgiving Day
The brilljmc
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ff?J! J?e J 91 gjjjl f? Jhe woiof our
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on 8k
and was sufflclonUy"fntorestod In tho
affair of hliatlmo as to hold a seat
in tho Massachusetts legislature for
some, years. Chancellor Andrews re
ceived his first education at a district
school in Montague, Franklin county,
Mass. He hogan his preparation for
college Immediately after finishing his
elementary studies. He had scarcely
begun his advanced work In tho Con
netlcut literary Institute at Sufllold
when the civil war broke out. Young
Andrews left school and enlisted as
u private in a Connecticut regiment
he then being only seventeen years of
age. He served In this regiment, later
known as the FirBt Connecticutt ar
tillery, for 'throe years, being pro
moted through the various grades to
that of .second lloutenant. Ho was
severely wounded at Petersburg on
August 24, 1864, and as a re-suit lost
tho sight of one eye. Ho was mustxjred
out October 30, 1864.
Following his servico In tho army,
Mr. Andrews attended Powers Insti
tute. Beroardstown, Mass., for two
Nebraska, Quarterback.
osophy. In 1892 ho served, by Presi
dent Harrison's appointment, as. one
of the members of the International
Monterey conference ut Brussels, Dur
ing his presidency of Brown univer
sity ho attracted conslde-ablo atten
tion throughout the country by his
speeches and articles on public ques
tions, particularly on monetary mat
ters. Ho left Brown In 1898 and was
for two yearB superintendent of the
Chicago city schools. This position ho
filled with honor, leaving It In 1900 to
becomo chancellor of tho University
of Nebraska.
Chancellor Andrews la a member of
t,he Grand Army of the Republic, of
the Loyal Loglon and of Delta Upsllon
fraternity. He bears several degrees
from different Institutions. Ho re
ceived the degree of D. D. 1884 from
Colby and ho has taken tho LL. D. de
gree from tho University of Nebraska,
irom Brown university and from tho
University of Chicago. Ho has pub
lished an immense number of maga
zine articles, addresses and lectures,
anda 'largo number of Important vol
umes; ' Tho principal ones of these
are: ''Brief Institutes of Constitu
tional History English andAmerlcan,"
1886; Brief Institutes qf General His
tory," 1887; "Institutes of Economics,"
1889; "The Duty of a Public Spirit,"
1892; "Droyson's Outlines of the Prin
ciples of History (translation)," 1893;
"Wealth and tho Moral Law," 1894;
"An Honest Dollar With Seven Other
Essays on Bimetallism," 1894; "His
tory of the United States" (2 vols.),
1894; "History of tho United States
In tho Last Quarter Century" (2
voIb.), 1896, and "Tho Problem of Cos
mology,"' 1891.
Nebraska's Chancellor.
With the resignation of Chancellor
AndrewB, one of the most roseate
periods In the history of the Univer
sity of Nebraska Is brought to mind
In reviewing the course of the uni
versity under hl-o administration. Yet
It does not dlBnonor tho memory of
former chancellors of tho university
to say that the past eight years havo
been years of .unexampled progress.
Rather it adds to tho honor of Chan
celjor Andrews that he has been num
bored In such a company of progres
sive and successful educators.
Throughout Its history, covering a per
iod of thirty-seven years, tho univer
sity has been under the direction of
earnest, capable men.
Founded in 1869, the first year of
genuine academic work was done In
1871, this marking the real beginning
of the pchool. From this time until
1876 Allen R. Benton was chancellor
of the University. Mr. Benton Ib still
living and resides at Indianapolis. He
has retired from active work save
bome little lecturing and devotes most
of h)s time to taking care of his per
bonal Interests. It was under Chan
cellor Benton that the first formatlvo
steps were laid uuon which has been
raised the great university which now
graces the commonwealth.
From 1876 to 1882 the affairs of the
school were under the direction of
Edmund B. Fairfield. Ho was suc
ceeded by Henry E. Hitchcock as act
ing chancellor from 1882 to 1884. Both
Chancellors Fairfield and Hitchcock
are now dead, they being tho only
ones of the men who havo directed
the university's course who are not
fctlll at work In the Interests of edu
cation. In Later Years.
Chancellor Hitchcock was followed
by Irving J. Manatt, who conducted
the affairs of the university until 1888.
Since leaving Nebraska Chancellor
Manatt has continued Jn educational
work and ho is now professor of
Greek at Brown university. Ho was
fcuccoedod by Charles E. Bessey as
acting chancellor until 1891. It was
understood at the timo that Dean Bes
sey could have been chancellor had
ho desired to accopt the position but
he preferred to remain as professor of
botany, which place he still holdB.
In' 1891 James H. Canfleld became
head of the university, remaining In
that position until 1896. Chancellor
Canfiold did a valuable work In con
ducting the Bchool through a period of
expansion. Ho is now librarian of Co
lumbia university. He was succeeded
by George Ewlng Mclean, who also'
held the office four years, resigning in
1899 to enter other fields. He Ib now
preBldonl of tho University of Iowa.
During the Interim between the res
ignation of Chancellor Maclean and
.the coming of Chancellor Andrews,
Dean Bessey acted as chancellor.
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